Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 37


“Lea!! How many times have I said not to blurt out such nonsense in front of others?”

Her face fell.

“You say no to everybody. First Nick, then Julian, and now Sean too.”

She grumbled and Sean threw me a questioning look while I picked Lea from the swing and took her with me inside.

“I have to feed and bathe her”

Sean wanted to ask me more about whatever she had blabbered but I steered her in the direction of home and took her inside.

Sean did not follow me inside and went his own way while I spent the next few hours feeding Lea and getting her back into studies.

She was still not happy that I pulled her away from the playground or that I ignored her request to bring someone to pose as her father.

“Lea, finish your breakfast first. Then you have to complete this drawing and write down the tables. I spoke to your teacher and she gave me all the homework you have to complete while you are here.”

Lea pushed the peas on her plate with her fork grumpily. Her glass of milk was untouched as well.

“Sweetie, you have to finish that glass or I am not letting you have any sweets today.”

“Grandma, look at your daughter!!” Lea stared at me angrily and called out to my mother who was seated on the chair opposite me.

Mom chuckled while. I could only stare at Lea.

“What is the matter princess? Is my daughter troubling you?”

Lea nodded, “She won’t let me play, won’t let me make friends, and won’t let me take anybody to my school’s PTA.”

Mom placed her chin on her palm and asked curiously.

“What is a PTA?”

Lea explained, “Parents‘ teachers‘ meeting. Everybody else brings their mother and father to the


Chapter 37

meeting. Only I am the one who does not get her father. Then the kids in my school tease me that I am. I am…not born out of a proper way.”

My mother’s eyes went wide and she looked at me.

“How do you let her study in that school with such people around her? If you send her to a school in our world, nobody would dare say such nasty things to a little child.”

I squirmed in my seat as Lea frowned.

“It is not like that Mom. Kids often’say things they don’t understand. They might have overheard their parents whispering things and just blurted out in front of Lea.”

“Lea, honey. Can you finish your food here quietly? I will take your mom to the other room for a discussion.”

Lea looked up at my mom and grinned.

“Scold her, granny.”

I could not believe my own daughter was being so tactful against me. “Lea, you finish the food. And you still have to complete your homework if you want me to attend the PTA.”

Saying so, I got up from my seat and went behind Mom who locked the door behind me of a spare

guest room.

“When were you going to tell me that Lea was already questioning about her father?”

I scratched the back of my neck nervously. “I didn’t know she would start again with Sean.”

“Sean? What about him?” Mom asked sharply.

I told her whatever Lea had said to Sean earlier.

“Sean…Victor’s son right? He returned home just a few days ago. You met him?”

Mom enquired.

“Yes Mom, he came to pick me up yesterday night from Silvermoon pack as well.”

Mom placed both her hands on my shoulders and added, “He did? That is good. I only knew your dad had sent some driver and then he told me you had returned home safely. I had been worried that Julian might try something again but your father told me about the blood oath so I was not too worried about you.”

Inodded, “It went fine Mom. He just wanted me to meet Vivian.”

“Is she really that sick or was it just a trap Julian created to lure


in again?”




Vivian is sick moins. She could not even speak much without her breathing getting shallow.”

Mom sighed but then gave my hand a squeeze.

“You did a good thing by visiting her. She was nice to you as far as I remember. So I don’t have any issues with her. Her son on the other hand though…

She took a long pause and continued when I did not reply.

“You did not listen to me or your father when we warned you to not fall for him. He is a very selfish and cunning person who only used you to prosper his pack, Ana. The moment he found his fated mate, he ditched you.”

I studied the floor guiltily.

“I know, mom. But I was blinded by love.”

Mom gave me a look of understanding, “At least, you know now that it was all a trap. You are still young, Ana. Your father still holds a prominent position and in the last few years that you were not here, your father worked hard and we are a highly respected pack just like before.”

“That is great, Mom” I supplied.

“Look at me, Ana,” She said, placing a hand under my chin to force me to look at her.

“We cannot change the past but we can change the future. Life has given you another chance, ana. And you would be a fool to not take it.”

I feigned ignorance.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, om.”

“Of course, you do.”

“Please Mom, I am not in the mood for this discussion.”

But mom insisted, “LEa is only four but soon she will grow. She is already noticing things and asking questions. Don’t you want her to be prepared and have all the answers with her? Or would you like to see her return home crying when somebody in her class calls her a bastard child?”

I gave Mom a horrified look.

“That would break my little girl”

Mom reached for my head and gently patted it. “I know, honey. That is why I am saying that you should really think hard about meeting new people again. If not for yourself, at least do it for Lea.”

I bit my lower lip nervously.

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Mom, all the men tum behind a fated mate. I never found one and I doubt I ever will. Plus, you are forgetting that I am a divorced woman with a child I doubt anybody would want me when there are so many eligible women with no mates and even omegas that the men can take in if they wish.”

Mom nodded. “I agree on it but you are forgetting you still have alpha blood in you. That puts you high above most mateless omegas. Plus, you divorced a chosen mate, not a fated mate, so you still might find someone in the next mating ball.”

I shook my head. All this talk of mate was making me feel nauseous. I had only said it out of anger to Julian that he should get a taste of his medicine but the thought of anybody coming close to me made my skin crawl. I only wanted him to believe that I was happy to look for someone else but in reality, I only wanted my own company.

“I don’t want anybody, Mom. I am fine with you, Dad, and Lea.”

Mom gave my hand a squeeze again and replied, “Me and your father are old already. We do not have a son. Who do you think this pack will go to if not for your partner? Do you want some reckless and arrogant alpha to take over our pack and destroy everything your father built?”

I clutched at my chest.

“Please Mom, don’t hold me responsible for the pack members. Dad can choose a worthy successor based on his liking. I don’t have any objection against it.”

Mom said in a final voice.

“But I do. You wasted your past few years doing whatever you wanted so now you will listen to me. Lea and all the other pack members need a worthy successor and I also want to see my daughter with a loving partner. Do you have any idea what it feels like to see you looking after Lea all by yourself?”

I opened my mouth to argue but Mom shook her head and raised both her hands.

“I am not listening to anything. You are going to start meeting new people soon or then I will not be able to stop your father if he suddenly finds a match for you and announces your marriage.”

I gasped.

“He cannot do that”

“He does not want to do that, trust me. He wants your happiness just like any other father. Think about it hard, Ana. This decision might turn out to be the best decision of your life.”

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