Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 15

The last few hours had been nothing but pure torture. Ever sing 1 found on aloin that order, I had spent all my energy and resources in tracking slowen Anastasia.

After five years of searching for her abmlessly, Ilund found her. She had turned me lo a laughing stock in the werewolf society by runing away and evading me for not ons but live yous.

She was smart enough to not even tell her family of her wherealjouts, something she knew I would bank upon. But at last, I

look found her.

My warriors easily traced her address and found out all they coil about her.


She ran a small event management company and even land is dghter. The fact that she not only left me when I never rejected her hot went on to find some guy to start a family with ade me mad as huck,

I was the one who had wooed her, pursued her, built a pack wither and given her responsibilities as well as glory. And she len all that without giving me a chance to make amends or everying to find out how I was doing.

“Alpha, you might want to ser this”


My beja, Victor, asked me to follow him to the office. They had brought in a few tech experts who were good at computers, and let them work on their computers.

We werewolves were adapting to the human technology, but we were not techies. We loved nature more than gadgeti though they had also become an inseparable part of our lives.

I entered the office and Victor pointed at a grainy image of a woman and a girl seated in a cafe.

The picture was zoomed out and grainy, but there was no doubt it was her…

She was smiling at the little girl and having brownies with her. A mix of emotions rose within me and my woll roared in my head upon seeing her.

Anastasia still looked beautiful and her smile still made my heart flutter, However, the girl sitting opposite her turned my smile into a scowl. The girl had her back on the screen but I knew that she had to be her daughter.

I kept staring at the grainy picture for a long, slowly raising my hand and placing it on the screen to trace the outlines of her


“It is her”

I spoke and my voice sounded strained to my own cars.

Victor informed, “The cell phone was switched off shortly after you spoke to her, but these guys were able to trace the last place it was active. The cafe she was sitting in is just a few kilometers away from that place.”

I nodded with a grim face.

“Any leads to who the girl’s father is?” I asked, though that question made me want to rip my tongue out.

Victor looked away, growing suddenly interested in the floor below.

“Not sure. But they found a guy sitting with them.”

I gritted my teeth. “Show me”


“Maybe; let them find out more details before

Liegerated in a hom voke,

Hot! They

Vitor gave a thon how and asked the computer geek to pull up the image

The guy looked a few years younger than me, righly around her age. They were smiling together and having coffee

Could he be the father of that girl! The mere thought of somebody else touching her made white hot jealousy course through my veins tristead of blood

1 kept staring at the picture of the woman who loved me and the abandoned me. What kind of spell did she have on me? Why did I miss her so inch and why did she not care about me at all?

Suddenly, jealousy was overwhelmed by the anger that con me. I wanted to make her feel how miserable I had felt all these days and make her realize what a big mistake she did to leave me.

Then I would drag her to my bed and her sweet moans would fill the bedroom, just like when we were happily married. Just the thought made my wolf feel euphoric, and I had to cross my legs to hide the obvious bulge in my pants.

It was around morning that the computer geeks got her exact address and her office address.

Michael came to me with the address scribbled on a paper and spoke.

“I know you are angry with her and I won’t say it is wrong. But remember, you have to try to win her heart back, not drive her further away.”

My warriors knew how my tongue was sharper than any blade and my words would tear someone into shreds.

I nodded, taking the address from him.

Victor suggested, “Maybe, me or Michael can come with you. That way, we handle the situation if it escalates.”

But I cut them off. “I am not a kid who needs monitoring. I am the alpha, for Goddess‘ sake. So just sit here and continue digging while I got to have a chat with my wife.”

I said and got into the car. The city was a few hours’ drive from any pack, but it did not matter. I would drive to the end of the earth if she was there.

Within a few hours, I was outside her office. My wolf picked her scent casily, and he rejoiced in my head. He simply wanted. to tear the door open and pull her into his embrace.

But I stopped him from doing so. We were meeting after five long years.

Who knew what she thought of me and how she would react to seeing me? Plus, Michael’s words rang in my head.

We had to pacify her and bring her home.

But then a car stopped outside the office, and a man stepped out of it. He grabbed his bag and headed straight towards the front door of the office I had been staring at for the past five minutes.

I immediately sprang up and was beside him in a moment.

“Come in.” I heard Anastasia’s voice and the sweetness in it and I could not control myself. I wanted to see her.

So I muttered, “Fuck off, sleazy git” and stormed inside the office



Thriver 15

And there I found Anrumia,oming on her office chate, wearing knee length skirt and a blouse. Her face looked as angelic


Art her tips parted slightly when she saw me. Time seemed to five stopped as I took in the sight of her.

she got up from her seat and I was greeted with the view of hering, slender legs and took my time savoring her beauty. She still had the curves and was in a perity good shape. My eyes ared as they kept traveling up and settled on her lips.

1 I was delusional is think she would be happy to see me, or shove some hint about our past love. But she only glared at me and began treating me like some done hehag

I could not helps as I went near her and hail her body caged in between me and the wall. The urge to capture those lips in mine and kiss her was to intense, but I somehow managed to keep control.

She was being very stole and professional, so I forer myself to do the same and gave her an offer I thought she would not

However, I already had Plan I.

It was hand to drive away from her after giving her the 24 hour time as my eyes still wanted to look at her, my heart wanted to see the way she smiled and her angelic voice.

So I stood by her window and looked at her some more, telling myself it would be enough to survive for the rest of the day.

She caught me staring at her, and I had to leave after reminding her that time was ticking. I had to pay a lot, make a lot of promises and take favors, but in the end, it seemed to work.

Anastasia would have no other choice but to work for me. And then I would get ample days to talk to her, sort out our issue and win her back.

My plan was going to work. It had to,

And as I saw the clock strike 9 am, I got up with a smile.

‘Anastasia, you are mine.”

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