Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 13


Nick looked very concerned as he looked up at me.

“What is the issue?

Nick replied, “I don’t know what is going on. I spoke to the managers of three to four hotels in our city. Somehow nobody wants to deal with us.”

I furrowed my eyebrows,

“What do you mean!”

Nick shrugged, “I spoke to Hotel Daffodil’s manager, and he said that they would not want to deal with anybody who has not. worked with a high profile client before and disconnected the call”

I nodded. “Some people think lesser known people cannot do the job well. That is okay. We cannot change how they think.”

Nick replied. “I thought that too and decided to dial the next number. Hotel Saffron’s manager said the same thing. In fact. every single manager that I spoke to gave the same reply. Not a word out of place.”

That was weird.

How many people did you speak to?” I asked, grabbing my chair and sitting beside him. He had a list open on his notepad and was adding a cross mark over the names. So far, there were five.

I turned to my laptop and did a search for all the hotels in our city. Surely, the smaller hotels would not have such a weind


“Hand over the phone to me. I will try to talk.”

Nick dialed a number, and 1 introduced myself.

“Hello, could I speak to Mr. Harris?” I asked the receptionist.

She asked me who I was, and I introduced myself.

“My name is Anastasia and I run a small event management company and I was..”

I began, but she cut me abruptly.

“Sorry mam, we only work with event management companies that have worked with reputed clients.”


I stared at the phone for a second before trying to persuade her again.

“Listen, Miss, whoever you are, could you please connect me to Mr. Harris?”

She replied politely.

“I am sorry, Miss Anastasia. I have strict orders from Mr. Harris to not entertain you.

“What?” I blurted out.

“Why is that the case? I have not even met Mr. Harris yet.” I argued.


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Chapter 13

She seemed to have onced her ship of tongue because the hastily corrected herself.

“I am sorry. Mrs Anastasia, but that is the final answer.

Saying so, she hung up, leaving me even more bewildered than before.

Nick looked at me hopefully but I answered. “They don’t want to work with us.”

Even he was confused

“But why We have never breached any contracts. There are no customers wanting to sue us for any mishap occurred at their event, so why would people not want to give us work?”

“I don’t know I began, and then it hit me.

“No way I whispered, more to myself than to Nick.

“What did you figure out?” Nick asked, but I only fell back in my chair.

Was all this Julian’s doing! He had barely stepped back into my life a few hours ago and he was already cutting off my

revenue stream..

How could he stoop so low?

“I am not sure.” I mumbled. “Maybe some big event management company snatched up all the clients before we a cur throat competition after all.”

could. It is

My mind was reeling with the information it had just processed. I recalled how Julian had said that I only had twenty four hours before I changed my mind of not wanting him as a client

Could he go to such lengths to ensure I worked for him?

The answer was yes. I knew how he was. When he set his eyes on something, he would leave no stone unturned to ensure he achieved his goal.

But why this obsession with making me miserable when he already had angelica and most probably kids as well?

I did not even ask anything about his personal life nor I tried to interfere in his work. And he was already hell bent on making me suffer.

But he could not have possibly contacted each and every hotel in the city, right? There were countless numbers of hotels.

If not hotels, I could try contacting restaurants, pubs, corporations, schools, colleges etc and pitch in the idea. He cannot buy out the entire city.

That was too much money and too bothersome of a task.

So, I shared that idea with Nick, and we divided our clients into two parts. Nick was going to call all the restaurants, eating joints, cafes etc while I would try to focus on corporations, schools and colleges

For the next four hours, we kept dialing numbers, trying to talk to people and get them to listen to us.

But every single call ended in the same manner.

Nobody had work for us or wanted to work with us. Even dingy and shoddy eating joints gave us the parroted response that I was getting weary of hearing.

“We only want to deal with an event management company that has catered to a high–profile clien

throw it on the Bour. Luckily, there was carpet,

Julian bad given me twenty four hours, but I was beginning to be a greang om me in less than twelve

Nok, too, was hoa

with his hord in

I grabbed a pen and played with it, clinching it on and off to give any handle something to d


Wyll at all of them an going to be alde in allerd a high podivem manager for this weekend And even if they do, we van always plan for using events in the wedding starts, we won’t have a shortage of work”

sedan he

“The welding se sulla Al we have peut of this office, d commissions of the cook, and other vendors that we psibed to pay this mouth. If we don’t do it, they will rant work with us again”


11am hafa lip. We had already delayed their payment for 1 months and I had repeatedly assured them that they

1 telt trapped all of a sudden. And Hitel Julia for what he was doing to me

About ache was creeping up my head, and I rubbed my temples as I spoke to Nick.

This late, Nick. We should go home and sleep over . I am sure we would have some ideas tomorrow morning”


Nick suddenly muttered, “Walt Do you remember, Mr. Holton Je said that he had transferred the ownership to some other person. Plus, the man who came storming into our office his morning, he wanted to hire you, right?”

I gave him a weary look, wondering how to explain how they were not two different clients, but a single one, a werewolf in sheep’s clothing

“We should work for them then, Anastasia. We need work and they are the only ones willing to offer. Why let go of this opportunity

I did not have the heart or patience to tell him.

“I will think about it. Now, we should call it a clay”

I went to the meeting room and noticed Lea had curled herself up in a ball and fallen asleep on the chair itself.

My heart squeezed to see her like this. She was growing so fast and I was not able to spend time with her nor provide her with the best life she deserved.

I scooped her up in my arms and grabbed her stuff before placing her gently in the car. Upon reaching home, I decided to cook for her myself.

I had not cooked in a while since I was too caught up with office work, but guilt and nervousness were starting to get to me.

Spending some time with Lea would lessen it, so I did just that.

After I was done, I set up the table, and Lea lud freshened up as well.

We un together in der dinner table and 1 fed her while she told stories about her school, her friends and her teachers

Shu niva vald we fun facts of how she knew how to exit the school if the main door was closed, what classroom had the best view of the gayden and how much estortes and protem her school lunch provided her.


The more heatst her, the more amazed I was

Nty tale daughter was truly an unpolished gems. Alpha kids were special and had unique traits, but they did not exhibit them warily in the

Most will show up when their wolves found thern at the age of sixteen to eighteen.

So the last that Lea was already viewing the world from a different lens and perspective was both fascinating and

1 prayed to the Moon Goddess to give me strength to protect her at all costs

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