Wolf Pack

Chapter Horror

My wolf was ready, she came carrying all the resentment I had of him, I transformed and felt the light fabric of my dress falling and tearing, when I got on all fours I saw the gray figure arrive and its jaw digging into my shoulder I was hit by a sharp stab of pain and I felt teeth sinking into my skin, I was smaller than he was but I was more agile and he was older. I dodged and managed to get him to let go of my shoulder, my front paw went to his face in a scratch as my jaw dug into his back thigh, I heard a cry of pain. I felt Jack approach and saw his caramel-coloured bulk push Otto away, but he spun around biting my forepaw, so hard I felt skin and muscle tearing sending pain signals throughout my body. Everything happened very fast, and a black figure stood between us, I felt him push me back, my wolf fell backwards on the grass below the pergola, I closed my eyes and felt my body dragging and my back colliding with some arrangements.

When I opened my eyes again I saw Jack’s wolf beside me, and Marcus’s wolf standing in front of Otto, he was trying to separate us, Otto was his alpha, he was the only forsaken there, he was accompanying Mina. Marcus was trying to stop him, because everyone there knew that what he was doing was suicide. At that moment no one else intervened, but I could feel all the guards around us, all poised and ready. They were surrounded.

So Otto in one movement bit Marcus’s neck, twisted and turned to the side, in two movements it was possible to hear a loud crack of bones breaking, and then he threw Marcus’s wolf’s body to the side, already lifeless.

I heard a sharp scream of horror.

It was exactly how he killed my mother in my memory, my emotions were transported to the same feeling I had when I saw her die, complete horror. I felt my heart racing and my breathing almost out of control and rhythm.

Marcus’s wolf returned to lifeless human form, the scream was Mina’s, she tried to run towards him, but her body fell before, they were SoulMeets, and at that moment I imagined that she wouldn’t be able to live without him, the scene was full of pain, it was hard to watch, she tried to drag herself, but I could see her choking and running out of air. Seeing her body fall was just as horrible as seeing his death.

My wolf howled, it was from fear and pain of seeing everything here.

“Otto, you are under arrest on behalf of the Council.” Christopher said, but it was as if Otto didn’t even hear.

He was back in human form, his leg had a huge bite from me, and his face a scratch, he was covered in blood, but with eyes of fury, he had just killed a member of his pack, and it was like he didn’t felt absolutely nothing about it, the sight of him human with all that blood put the monster image back together in my head. He was still staring at me, full of rage.

He transmuted back into a wolf, and his eyes remained on me, Jack left my side and stood in front of me, as if there was a barrier between Otto and me.

“Otto, one more step and the council guards can stop you…” Christopher warned again, and he acted as if he didn’t hear, Otto jumped towards Jack and even scratched him, but the council guards were faster, one One of them had already transmuted and grabbed Otto by the neck.

He threw Otto away and a guard still in human form raised a silver dagger, a chill ran down my spine, I knew what was going to happen and I didn’t want to watch, but the blow was faster than my thought of closing my eyes. The dagger slashed across his neck, nearly cutting his head off, and Otto’s body changed to human form again, and fell to its knees first and then the rest of its body fell forward, already lifeless.

I closed my eyes trying to process all the horror I had witnessed, and then I felt with all my strength the pain of my injuries, little by little I felt the adrenaline decreasing, and the pain points increasing, my shoulder throbbed and I felt the blood dripping, as well as my thigh, in an involuntary sigh I returned to human form and in the background I heard a familiar voice.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jack lying beside me, in human form. But everything in my vision was like a blur, it was like I saw only flashes.

“Luna, hey…” He pulled me into his embrace, trying to protect me even after all this, cupped my face in his hand, and lifted me up to face him. “It’s going to be okay, okay? Stay with me, it’s going to be okay.”

I heard footsteps approaching, I saw Hughes and Alina, and I saw some wolves from our North Pack hospital, I saw a few more wolves I didn’t know from the East, they crouched around us both. They were also doctors of the East Pack, and there for the first time they worked together. “We need to stabilize her to take her to the hospital.”

I felt Alina’s hands on me and they were like balms, I felt a little relief with her touching me. She wanted to put a hand on Jack.

“No. Her first, everything for her first. I’ll be fine.” Jack’s voice was almost a whisper, and then I looked at him and just then I saw the claw marks from his chest going up to his arm, it was a Huge wound, Otto must have done it while biting me or when he last attacked and I didn’t realize it until then.

I felt the bleeding slow down, it was as if my wounds were stabilized with Alina’s hands and the doctors there, many doctors were also healing wolves.

“We can take her now.” One of the doctors said.

Jack immediately got up and picked me up, even though his chest was half open.

“Jack, you can’t… You need to take care of this.” I said through sighs and moans, I gathered all my strength to formulate the sentence.

“Shhh honey, it’s okay, you’re going to be fine.” He said ignoring me and walking towards the hospital.

It was all black.

Could it be the end of Luna? Or finally her relief now that Otto is gone?

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