Winning Her Heart Back (Emelie and William)

Chapter 529

Chapter 529 The Day We Met

Anurse brought over a wet towel to wipe down Greta, but Emclle politely declined, "I'll do it."

The nurse looked at William to ask for permission. After he nodded, she left the room.

As Erelle unfastened her mother's gown, she said flatly, "Mr. Middleton, would you mind turning away for a moment?"

William paused for a moment before leaving the room. The moment he stepped out, he received a call from Lyle.

"Lyle," William answered.

will, I went to prison to see Landon and asked him some questions," Lyle reported.

William turned back to look at Emelie, who was still focused on wiping her mother, before walking toward the window in the hallway. "What did he say?" The moment William's back was turned, Emelie sprang into action. She darted toward the door and started punching in different combinations on the keypad. She tried her birthday, William's birthday, the day Cloudex was founded, and any other days that might be important to William, but nothing worked. She had no idea how long Lyle could keep William occupied, but she continued trying. Fortunately, the door didn't emit an alarm after a few failed tries. By now, Emelie had tried ten different combinations, but they were all wrong. Her anxiety grew.

She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to recall the subtle movements of William's hand as he entered the code earlier.

It seemed be... 20, 19, and 18. She pressed on these numbers, but the lock remained stubbornly shut.

She was positive about the first two numbers, "20". But what did it mean? Whas it the year 2010? What significant event happened in 2020 for William? Her finger hovered over the keypad for a long time. Four years ago, in 2020 "19" must be wrong. Could it be "os"?

20, 08, 18. It was that rainy day four years ago, where they "first" met

Emelie entered the code with trembling fingers. A satisfying beep echoed as the door unlocked. She had cracked the code.

She finally let out her breath that she had been holding. The real reason she came to visit Greta was to find out the password.

As the door clicked open, she faintly heard William's voice on the phone in the corridor." agree to his conditions. Ask him to spill everything he knows."

Emelie closed the door and hurried back to her mother's side. A short while later, William re-entered the room while hanging up. He found Emelie tucking Greta back into bed.

William had grown up without a mother and was filled with nothing but resentment for his father, so he couldn't comprehend the depth of Emelle's love for her adoptive mother. However, having Greta as leverage ensured Emelie's compliance, which sulted him just fine.

William punched in the code and opened the door. "It's getting late. Let's go."

Emelle kept her emotions hidden beneath a lowered gaze, stealing one last look at her mother before she left.

"Just a few more days, Mom. I'll get you out of here," she thought

William held her hand as they left. She was lost in thought, so she didn't see where she was going

Emelie raised her head instinctively to look, only to realize that one of the nurses was the same nurse who had drawn her blood to do the pregnancy test last time; the one who had slipped her a nole. Emelie immediately knew that

nurse was on her side

Emelie's eyes glinted and she held her breath. As they passed the group, the nurses accidentally bumped into her, sending her stumbling, William caught her before she could fall

The flustered nurse apologized profusely. “I am so sorry! We were just

Emelie seized the opportunity. She pretended to be in a bad mood, and that the nurses had messed with her at the wrong time.

"Is this how nurses behave in a hospital? Have you no professionalism?" Emelie said

The nurse looked down. "I'm really sorry. We're off duty, so we were relaxing."

"Of course, you can act however you like when you're not wearing a uniform, but since you are, you represent this profession. So, a certain decorum is expected. More importantly, noise isn't conducive to the patients' recovery! Emelie scolded the nurse.

The nurse continued to shower apologies on Emelle. "I'm really sorry...

"Did she hurt you?" William looked down and asked.

Emelie yanked her hand free.

"If you hadn't insisted on holding on so tightly, I wouldn't have been bumped into her in the first place!" she said, subtly shining the blame to William as well

William gave a good-natured chuckle. "Alright, alright, I'll take full responsibility and make it up to you when we get back."

Suddenly, William's phone rang again. He took it out and glanced at it, his attention no longer on Emple.

In that brief moment, Emelie quickly typed the password "20, 0, 18" using her phone with her hand lowered

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