Winning Her Heart Back (Emelie and William)

Chapter 491

Chapter 491 I Don't Believe It

Ashion was stunned and exclaimed, "Emelie? Is that you, Emelic?"

She was so surprised that she forgot to address her as "Mrs. Middleton".

"why do you have Ms. Allen's phone? Where are you? Mr. Middleton has been looking everywhere for you these few days!" Ashton said.

Emelie asked quietly. "Are you with Williamn right now?

Ashton replied, "No, he didn't come to the office today. He didn't notify us about it. Tell me where you are, and I'll contact Mr. Middleton to come get you right away."

Emelie abruptly said, "Ashton, we were colleagues for three years. Even though we didn't interact much, I thought we were friends. So why did you manipulate public opinion against me when Elena framed me?"

Elena's smile widened. That was a sharp question.

There was silence on Asliton's end before she finally said, "Emelie, what are you talking about? I didn't-"

However, Emeke refused to listen and hung up, her expression growing stiffer by the second.

Elena watched Emelie clutch her phone tightly and burst into laughter. She laughed so hard that she couldn't stand up straight

"I can't believe she tried to say that she didn't do it. If she really hadn't done it, she would've denied it immediately. Why was there such a long silence? She must have been scared Elana continued laughing.

An innocent person would instinctively defend themselves right away, saying something like, immediately denying the claim while questioning the source of the claim. That was the typical response, not silence.

Ashton's hesitation clearly showed that Emelie's interrogation had rattled her, making her wonder whether to admit it or not.

Elena admired Emelie's questioning strategy. It was exactly what she expected from her.

When she was done laughing, Elena clapped her hands." "Do you believe me now? I said my scheme wasn't a complete ture. It failed for me, but it was very successful for William "The photos the thugs took became his chance to play the hero. My fake suicide attempt created public opinion he could use. In the end, I did everything while he kept his hands clean Despite that, be achieved everything he wanted." She took back her phone and grabbed Emelie's hand, looking at the 300 million dollar ring.

She used to think William loved Emelie deeply. However, she finally realized that he manipulated her too, and she couldn't understand why. If he truly loved her, he wouldn't want to see her hurt. Nonetheless, William repeatedly pushed Emelie to the brink, only to show up like a hero when she was in her most vulnerable moments. How much genuine affection could there be in that? What was there for Elena to be jealous of?

They both shared the same affliction. William was cold and heartless to both of them. Neither of them received his love.

Emelie didn't react to Elena's mockery. She remembered the first time she had run to William was when the public opinion was strongly against her.

Because of that, her colleagues had gossiped about her at work. She received bloodstained threats in the mail and was even suspended by Bryan

At a loss, she had fledhis company in a panic. When the elevator doors opened, William was there. That was the first time since their breakup that she had run to him.

From that moment, she began to lower her guard against him. On that night with the fireworks, she had practically forgiven him completely.

They had shared a rare moment of intimacy that night. She called him "Liam" as he whispered "Happy New Year" in her ears.

That incident was indeed the turning point in their relationship. It was the main reason that William was a kind person in her eyes, different from his cruel father. All because William helped her when she was most helpless.

I even that was take, why did she agree to marry William?

She backed away unconsciously until she bumped into someone. She turned around in contusion and saw Wesley looking at her calmly.

Euclieclenched her fingers around the ring on her hand.

After a moment, she said, "I don't believe it."

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