Wife my

Chapter Wife my 51-60

Chapter 51

“I’m perfectly sober!” Theodore exclaimed, his expression especially


“I remember every word you said and everything you did! And did you really dislike that bracelet that much? Even if you didn’t like it, was it necessary to break it in front of me? Did I make a mistake giving you a gift?”

Theodore had been holding back his anger all this time. There were many things bothering him, which was why he had been drinking during dinner. But he couldn’t explode then, so he held it in until they got home, and was now finally confronting Rosalie about everything.

When the topic of the gift came up, Rosalie laughed sarcastically.

“Yeah, because you oh–so–carefully chose that gift for me, right? Cynthia told you to give me a crystal bracelet, so you gave me one. Would you have listened to her if she had asked you to give me


Theodore frowned. “What are you talking about?“,

“You know exactly what I’m talking about! Asking another woman for suggestions on what gift to give your wife, really? Theodore, you’re something else, playing both sides and trying to please everyone!”

Just the thought of what he had done made Rosalie feel nauseous.

This was the man she had loved for ten years, but only now did she realize what kind of person he truly was. Even if he hadn’t put much thought into it, randomly buying her a gift would have still been better than asking another woman for advice.

“What do you mean I asked another woman? Explain yourself!”

“Didn’t you ask Cynthia what to buy for me? Didn’t she tell you that giving me a crystal bracelet was a good idea?”

Since he wanted to hear it, she would explain it clearly. Finally

understanding, Theodore’s expression briefly softened but quickly turned cold again.

“So, that’s why you broke it?”

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” Rosalie admitted truthfully. “It accidentally slipped from my hand.”

She had intended to follow Wesley’s suggestion and donate the bracelet. After all, it was still valuable, and it would be a shame to let it go to waste.

“If you hadn’t taken it off, how could it have fallen? You did it on purpose! You ruined something I gave you, and then you threw it into the trash can right in front of me!”

Even if Rosalie had accidentally broken the bracelet, forcefully throwing it into the trash had obviously been a deliberate action on her part.

“What else did you expect me to do? Keep wearing the crystal bracelet you gave me and just watch you cozy up with Cynthia?!

“Theodore, what’s the point of this? We’re getting divorced, and now you’re saying and doing these things. What exactly do you want? Don’t you realize that bracelet represents our relationship? That it’s completely shattered?!”

From the moment he brought up getting a divorce, Theodore had torn apart their relationship with his own hands.

“We’ve known each other for ten years, and in your mind, our

relationship is like a broken bracelet? So, this is what you really think,

adere almost reared


“What else am I supposed to think? It’s the truth!

“Rosalie, I’ve completely misjudged you!” Theodore’s grip on her

On a

shoulder tightened. “You’ve been putting show in front of Grandma, but lying through your teeth behind my back!”

“Lying through my teeth?!” Rosalie’s anger surged. “You’re the liar here!

“Did you ever tell me that you sent Cynthia away to another country? Did you ever mention that your supposed two–month business trip was actually spent traveling with her? And you knew the truth all

along! I thought Cynthia left you to go abroad, and you let me believe that without correcting my naive belief!

“You’re the one full of lies, Theodore Spencer! You’re the one who’s pretending in front of Grandma but doing something else behind her


Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 52


“Grandma even said you’d be a good father! Hah! What a joke! Theodore, you wouldn’t be a good father! It’s a good thing I didn’t get pregnant with your child. That would’ve been a tragedy!”

Completely agitated, Rosalie’s emotions were running high. As tears streamed down her face, she felt Theodore’s hand slowly loosen from her shoulder, and he eventually weakly backed away from her.

Rosalie wiped away the tears from her face, smiling bitterly. “Since you and Cynthia love each other so much, why didn’t you tell me from the start? Oh, I know why. You thought telling me wouldn’t make a difference, so you planned it all from the beginning. From start to finish, I’ve been played for a fool by you.”

Theodore remained unusually silent.

Rosalie didn’t remember if he had ever been this silent before. He couldn’t find any words to refute the woman before him.

A pang of pain shot through Rosalie’s heart as she continued, “Bring me the divorce papers already. I don’t want anything, not the house, nor the property. I don’t want to live in this absurdity anymore!”

Her words seemed to reignite the flames of anger within Theodore. Their marriage had become nothing more than “absurdity” to Rosalie. Nothing could be more ludicrous.

Suppressing his rising anger, he spoke hoarsely, “Grandma talked about wanting us to have a child today. Do you think she won’t find out once we finalize the divorce?”

“What else can we do? Stay married while you’re fooling around with Cynthia? We had an agreement before we got married, so I have to be understanding, right?”

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Why was he treating her like this? She was also a person, who had a heart and feelings. Why was he so cruel?

“What do you mean by fooling around? It’s my responsibility to take

care of her!” Theodore retorted.

“You have a responsibility to her, but not to me? Do you know, I…..”

Realizing she was about to blurt out that she was pregnant, Rosalie quickly stopped herself and trailed off.

“What do you mean?” Theodore pressed, sensing she was hiding something from him.

“Do you even realize I’m your wife?!” Rosalie brought the conversation back around. “Don’t you have a greater responsibility to your wife?”

“Don’t I take enough responsibility for you? I’ve given you everything over this past year, and after the divorce, I’ll still provide you with ample wealth. What more do you want? A child? Sorry, I can’t give you


Theodore’s last few words tore Rosalie’s heart in two.

Yes, he wouldn’t give her a child. But despite taking precautions every time they were intimate, she had still gotten pregnant. After all, there was no hundred percent guarantee when using contraception. That was why she wanted to keep the child. To her, it was a gift from the


She had thought revealing her pregnancy would only bring trouble to Theodore, that he would be conflicted. But now, thinking about it,

even if she did tell him, what then? Theodore surely wouldn’t want the

child, and he’d likely press her to get an abortion.

She had been too naive. Blaming herself for painting too rosy a picture of the man, she found her heart shattered.

Clenching her fists, Rosalie looked up and slowly said, “Fine, I don’t want a child either. Even if you give me one, I wouldn’t want it!”

Since he was being so cruel, why should she endure it?

It was like they had reached some sort of agreement, but there was still some doubt about how sincere that agreement really was.

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 53

Theodore stared at Rosalie silently, unable to speak for a moment.

He was clearly angry, but couldn’t find a way to vent it. Didn’t she just say she didn’t want his child because he himself said he wouldn’t give her one? So, why did he feel so stifled?

Rosalie wiped away her tears and turned to open the door.

Theodore grabbed her wrist. “Where are you going?”

Rosalie forcefully shook his hand off. “You don’t expect me to sleep with you, do you? Obviously, I’m going to sleep in the next room.”

The term ‘husband and wife‘ had lost its meaning between them. There was no point in deluding themselves anymore. Every moment she spent with him was painful.

Rosalie opened the door and left. In the guest room, she lay down on the bed, buried her head in the pillow, and cried bitterly.

Why was she so weak? Why was she crying at a time like this? She hated herself, but she couldn’t control it. Love cut deep. How could it

not hurt?

Rosalie held her chest, feeling as if her heart was being squeezed painfully. As that pain spread to every cell of her body, her lower abdomen also began to ache.

She had a bad feeling. At first, she thought she was just overreacting because she was overly upset. But soon, she realized something was


A warm stream of blood was flowing from between her legs.

Quickly getting off the bed, Rosalie rushed into the bathroom and


hurriedly took out her phone, dialing a number.

“Hello, Steph? I’m bleeding!”

“What?” Stephanie immediately reacted and asked anxiously, “How much blood is there?”

“Not much, but… but it’s been continuous.”

“Then, you need to go to the hospital right away. I’ll head over now.”

“Steph, is there anything I can do to ease the bleeding? I’m afraid I won’t make it to the hospital.”

Stephanie hurriedly said, “Don’t panic. Take deep breaths. The more you panic, the worse it gets. Don’t engage in vigorous activity, and whatever you do, don’t run. Also, don’t call an ambulance and have someone drive you to the hospital instead. It’ll be faster that way.”

After ending the call, Rosalie quickly grabbed a coat and left the house.

Don’t run… Don’t run!

She repeated that thought as she took deep breaths, suppressing her fear as she walked to the garage and drove herself to the hospital without letting anyone accompany her. Throughout the journey, she tightly gripped the steering wheel, tears streaming down her face.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. It’s all Mommy’s fault. Mommy shouldn’t have said she didn’t want you. I didn’t mean it.

“I’m sorry, Mommy shouldn’t have called you a tragedy. You’re not. Mommy was just angry at Daddy. I didn’t mean it. Please hold on, I beg you!”

Just then, her phone rang. Unable to check who it was while cho..-

+375 BONUS

“Ms. Young, it’s me, Sebastian Carter.”

“Mr. Carter? Did you need something?”

Hearing Rosalie’s trembling voice, which sounded like she was crying, Sebastian worriedly asked, “Is something wrong?”

“Mr. Carter, I don’t have time to talk to you right now. I have an emergency, and I need to get to the hospital. We’ll talk another time, okay? I’m sorry.”

Rosalie immediately hung up and threw the phone aside.

When Rosalie arrived at the hospital, Stephanie was already waiting outside. She wasn’t on duty tonight, but when she received her friend’s call, she had immediately gotten out of bed and hurried to the hospital.

“Rose, why did you drive yourself? What happened to you?!”

Stephanie looked down. When she saw the blood on Rosalie’s pants, her expression turned shocked, and she quickly helped her friend walk into the hospital.

Chapter 53

Theodore stared at Rosalie silently, unable to speak for a moment.

He was clearly angry, but couldn’t find a way to vent it. Didn’t she just say she didn’t want his child because he himself said he wouldn’t give her one? So, why did he feel so stifled?

Rosalie wiped away her tears and turned to open the door.

Theodore grabbed her wrist. “Where are you going?”

Rosalie forcefully shook his hand off. “You don’t expect me to sleep with you, do you? Obviously, I’m going to sleep in the next room.”

The term ‘husband and wife‘ had lost its meaning between them. There was no point in deluding themselves anymore. Every moment she spent with him was painful.

Rosalie opened the door and left. In the guest room, she lay down on the bed, buried her head in the pillow, and cried bitterly.

Why was she so weak? Why was she crying at a time like this? She hated herself, but she couldn’t control it. Love cut deep. How could it

not hurt?

Rosalie held her chest, feeling as if her heart was being squeezed painfully. As that pain spread to every cell of her body, her lower abdomen also began to ache.

She had a bad feeling. At first, she thought she was just overreacting because she was overly upset. But soon, she realized something was


A warm stream of blood was flowing from between her legs.

Quickly getting off the bed, Rosalie rushed into the bathroom and


hurriedly took out her phone, dialing a number.

“Hello, Steph? I’m bleeding!”

“What?” Stephanie immediately reacted and asked anxiously, “How much blood is there?”

“Not much, but… but it’s been continuous.”

“Then, you need to go to the hospital right away. I’ll head over now.”

“Steph, is there anything I can do to ease the bleeding? I’m afraid I won’t make it to the hospital.”

Stephanie hurriedly said, “Don’t panic. Take deep breaths. The more you panic, the worse it gets. Don’t engage in vigorous activity, and whatever you do, don’t run. Also, don’t call an ambulance and have someone drive you to the hospital instead. It’ll be faster that way.”

After ending the call, Rosalie quickly grabbed a coat and left the house.

Don’t run… Don’t run!

She repeated that thought as she took deep breaths, suppressing her fear as she walked to the garage and drove herself to the hospital without letting anyone accompany her. Throughout the journey, she tightly gripped the steering wheel, tears streaming down her face.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. It’s all Mommy’s fault. Mommy shouldn’t have said she didn’t want you. I didn’t mean it.

“I’m sorry, Mommy shouldn’t have called you a tragedy. You’re not. Mommy was just angry at Daddy. I didn’t mean it. Please hold on, I beg you!”

Just then, her phone rang. Unable to check who it was while cho..-

+375 BONUS

“Ms. Young, it’s me, Sebastian Carter.”

“Mr. Carter? Did you need something?”

Hearing Rosalie’s trembling voice, which sounded like she was crying, Sebastian worriedly asked, “Is something wrong?”

“Mr. Carter, I don’t have time to talk to you right now. I have an emergency, and I need to get to the hospital. We’ll talk another time, okay? I’m sorry.”

Rosalie immediately hung up and threw the phone aside.

When Rosalie arrived at the hospital, Stephanie was already waiting outside. She wasn’t on duty tonight, but when she received her friend’s call, she had immediately gotten out of bed and hurried to the hospital.

“Rose, why did you drive yourself? What happened to you?!”

Stephanie looked down. When she saw the blood on Rosalie’s pants, her expression turned shocked, and she quickly helped her friend walk into the hospital.

Chapter 54

Rosalie felt disoriented after being wheeled out of the emergency room. She could hear voices, but her eyelids felt heavy.

Two hours later, Rosalie jolted awake from a nightmare. Having dreamt about losing her child, she instinctively touched her belly.

“My baby… my baby!”

“Rose, the baby is fine,” Stephanie said, holding her friend’s hand.

Rosalie turned to see her best friend standing by her bed. Upon hearing that her baby–was okay, she breathed a sigh of relief, feeling her tension finally ease. Yet, tears started running down her face.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I’m so sorry. Thankfully, you’re okay. Mommy won’t say silly things again!”

Stephanie wiped away Rosalie’s tears. “Don’t cry. You’re showing signs of miscarriage, so you mustn’t get too emotional. You have to take good care of yourself for the next few months. Rest in bed, eat balanced meals, and avoid strenuous activities.”

Rosalie nodded vigorously. “I understand. I’ll do all of that!”

Suddenly, a man walked into the ward.

“Mr. Carter, what are you doing here?” asked a surprised Rosalie.

Sebastian placed some fruits on the bedside table. “You sounded very worried on the phone. I got a bit concerned, so I came over.”

“Rose, Mr. Carter came to the emergency room when you were there. He was anxiously waiting at the door. Anyone else would have thought he was your husband” Stephanin anid tacsinal.


He’s… he…”

Rosalie suddenly didn’t know how to introduce Sebastian to Stephanie. They weren’t close enough to be considered friends, but they weren’t strangers either.

“I’m her friend,” Sebastian said as he stepped forward. “Though we’ve only known each other for a short while. Isn’t that right, Ms. Young?”

Rosalie nodded. “Yes.”

Thinking about how she couldn’t properly introduce Sebastian made her feel awkward. It had been quite impolite of her.

Stephanie whispered softly in her friend’s ear, “Why do you always have handsome guys around you? Who do you think is more handsome, him or your husband?”

At the mention of “husband“, Rosalie’s nose tingled, and the tears she had barely stopped started flowing again.

“What’s wrong? Don’t cry. Tell me what happened,” said a panicked Stephanie, feeling guilty for bringing up Rosalie’s husband and upsetting her. Something must have happened between the couple.

Sensing that the two friends needed to talk privately, Sebastian excused himself, “I’ll go out for a walk. I’ll come back later.”

But he didn’t go far, simply standing just outside the door and

listening in on the conversation.

“Steph, Theodore and I are getting divorced. I can’t tell him about this baby, or he’ll insist I get rid of it!”

Stephanie was shocked. “Divorce? Why?”

Rosalie told Stephanie everything, pouring out the whole story from beginning to end. She had bottled it up for so long, and now all her frustrations and grievances were finally coming out. Hearing


everything her friend had gone through left Stephanie feeling angry and upset.

“That jerk is so outrageous! And Cynthia is shameless! Rose, don’t cry. A man like that isn’t worth your tears. You’ll find someone better! Focus on your baby. Those two aren’t worth your emotions!”

“My head knows that, but my heart hurts! I’ve loved him for ten years. I was foolish to fall for the wrong man. If I didn’t love him, none of this would have happened. He… he just doesn’t love me!”

“Shh, it’s okay.” Stephanie hugged Rosalie. “Since you’re divorcing Theodore anyway, take your share of the assets and live freely. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Mr. Carter isn’t bad either, you know?

“I don’t think he’s any worse than Theodore. Look, he rushed over here late at night because he was worried about you. There are still good men out there. Don’t waste your time on a rotten one. It’s not worth it. “Steph, stop that. Mr. Carter and I don’t have that kind of relationship. It’s impossible!” Rosalie asserted firmly.

“Is Mr. Carter married?” Stephanie asked curiously.

“I–I’m not sure.” Rosalie shook her head. “But a man like him probably has a girlfriend at least. I’m sure he has plenty of women around him. Anyway, don’t say anything, especially not in front of him. It’ll be awkward.”

“Okay, I got it.” Stephanie nodded, wiping Rosalie’s tears with a tissue. “But promise me not to cry anymore. Many people care about you. Don’t just focus on that scumbag Theodore.”

Rosalie nodded. “Yeah, I know. Thank you.”

Yes, many people cared about her. Why dwell on a man who didn’t love her?

With Stephanie comforting her

not get too worked up, fearing it might harm her baby.

“Here, eat some fruit.” Stephanie handed Rosalie a peeled banana.

Having not eaten much for dinner, Rosalie was now feeling a bit hungry. Plus, for the sake of her baby, she needed to replenish her nutrients. So, she obediently ate the banana Stephanie handed her.

Chapter 55

Theodore tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep. Thinking about what Rose had said to him before she left made him feel like there was a gaping hole in his chest. The various complex emotions.

running through him left him feeling restless.

He got out of bed and approached Rosalie’s room door. After hesitating for a while, he lightly knocked on the door.

“Rose, are you asleep?

He received only silence as a reply. It was already late, so she should be asleep by now. He turned to leave, but felt uneasy, so he turned back and knocked on the door again!

“Rose, I need to talk to you. Can I come in?”

Still, nothing but silence.

He sighed. “I know you don’t want to see me right now, but I want to apologize. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that today.

“I’ve been doing and saying everything wrong today, and I hurt you. I know I’m not a good man. I’m truly sorry. If I could have another chance, I would have been clear with you from the start. I would never hurt

you. But unfortunately, there are no ‘ifs‘.

“Let me in, okay? I want to talk to you calmly, without fighting. I feel like there are misunderstandings between us. Like about that crystal bracelet. I picked it out myself, I didn’t ask anyone else.”

He knocked on the door again. “Rose, if you don’t say anything, I’ll take it as consent and come in, okay?”

Gripping the doorknob, he pushed the door open to find an empty room, with the light left on and the bed unmade. The door of the


attached bathroom was open too, but no one was inside.

Theodore felt uneasy. Where could Rosalie be at this hour?

He headed downstairs to look for her, but couldn’t find her anywhere. Just then, a servant who was still up happened to pass by and notice


“Master, do you need something?

“Have you seen Rose?Theodore asked, frowning.

“I saw Madam driving out.”

“Did she say where she was going?”

“She didn’t say anything. I just saw her driving away from a distance.”

Theodore suddenly had a bad feeling. He immediately went upstairs, grabbed his phone, and dialed Rosalie’s number. Although it rang, she didn’t answer and simply rejected the call. He called again, but she just rejected it once more, so he immediately sent her a text message.

[Where are you right now? Why did you go out so late? Why aren’t you picking up?]

After sending the text, he called her several more times. Finally, someone answered.

“Why do you keep rejecting my calls? Where did you go so late?” asked Theodore, annoyed.

“Mr. Spencer, Rose doesn’t want to talk to you. Please don’t disturb


Theodore frowned upon hearing a voice that wasn’t Rosalie’s. “Who

are you?”

“I’m her friend, Stephanie Carter.”

Stephanie? Theodore vaguely remembered her from his and Rosalie’s

wedding, but wasn’t very familiar with her.

“Where’s Rose?”

“She’s at my place, resting. Please don’t disturb her.”

Just then, a voice echoed down the corridor, “Quick, we need blood for the patient!”

“What’s that sound?” Theodore asked.

“I’m watching TV,” Stephanie quickly said, covering the phone. “Rose is already asleep. If you need anything, you can talk to her tomorrow. Goodbye.”

Theodore wanted to say something else, but Stephanie ended the call.

The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he became. He had distinctly heard something about a patient needing blood, but why would there be such a sound at Stephanie’s house? If Rose was asleep, why was Stephanie watching TV so loudly, to the point that Theodore could clearly hear what was being said?

If he wasn’t mistaken, Rosalie was at the hospital right now! Theodore’s hands began to tremble. Had something happened to her?!

Chapter 56

At the hospital, Sebastian sat by Rosalie’s bedside, slicing an apple

for her.

“Mr. Carter, I’m really sorry for making you come all this way.”

“No need to apologize. I came of my own accord. Besides, why do you mind when I don’t?”

Rosalie smiled politely, but still felt guilty.

“I was a bit abrupt when I hung up on you. You’re not upset, are you?”

“Come on, if I were upset, would I be here?”

After slicing the apple into small pieces and putting them in a container, Sebastian speared one with a toothpick and handed it to,


“Here, have some.”

Rosalie attempted to sit up. “I can do it myself…”

“Don’t move. Have you forgotten what you just experienced?” said Sebastian, in a tone that was slightly admonishing but still warm.

Rosalie grinned awkwardly. “Mr. Carter, you don’t have to be so nice to me. I’m not used to it.”

“You don’t have to be used to it. You’re a patient. It’s a chance for me to experience taking care of someone. So that when I have a wife in the future, I’ll know what to do.”

Rosalie was puzzled by his words, but she couldn’t pinpoint what exactly was wrong about his statement.

“Open up,” he urged..

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Rosalie complied and opened her mouth, letting Sebastian feed her a small piece of apple.

“Mr. Carter, why did you call me earlier?”

Rosalie hadn’t asked at the time because she was in a rush to hang

  1. up.

“It’s nothing important. You mentioned treating me to a meal last time, so I wanted to ask when you’d be free.”

Rosalie had almost forgotten about that.

“Your injury hasn’t healed, has it?” she asked.

It hadn’t even been three days since they last met.

“It’s nothing serious. It’ll be fine as long as I don’t engage in strenuous activity. But in your current condition, you probably won’t be able to treat me to a meal anytime soon.”

“Sorry about that, Mr. Carter. Once I’ve recovered, I’ll definitely treat you to that meal. I promise I won’t forget.”

Sebastian smiled gently. “Alright, then. I’ll be waiting for you to get


“Mr. Carter, it’s late. Shouldn’t you head home and rest?” said Rosalie, feeling embarrassed by him staying and taking care of her.

“I’ll leave after you finish the apple,” Sebastian replied.

Rosalie nodded and obediently opened her mouth to be fed another

piece of apple.

Sebastian was a considerate man who had come all this way to check on her, and wasn’t even prying into her affairs. Being around him made Rosalie feel at ease. In fact, Theodore was the only one who left her feeling distressed. She felt more relaxed around others.

A dark voice suddenly rang out, “It’s nice having someone feed you, huh?”

Rosalie and Sebastian turned to see Theodore standing in the

doorway of the hospital room, his expression cold and his gaze icy as he stared at the pair. He strode over in long strides, his sharp gaze, full of anger, fixed on Sebastian.

But when he saw his wife lying on the hospital bed, that anger dissipated somewhat.

“Why didn’t you tell me your stomach was hurting? You even drove yourself to the hospital. What if something had happened on the way? Do you know how worried I was?”

Rosalie was taken aback to see Theodore. She hadn’t expected him to come here, and was now feeling flustered.

At first, she was afraid that he knew about her almost having a miscarriage. But when she heard him mention a stomach ache, a hint of confusion flickered in her eyes. Why did he say that her stomach


Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 57

At that moment, Rosalie saw Stephanie poking her head through the door and giving her a signal with her eyes.

She immediately understood. Stephanie must have helped her out, preventing Theodore from finding out about her almost having a miscarriage. Thank goodness for that, or it would have been troublesome for Rosalie.

“Say something! You have the strength to eat the apple pieces he’s feeding you, but no strength to answer my question?” Theodore clenched his fists, his anger raging.

It wasn’t just her coming to the hospital alone that bothered him. It was also because Sebastian was feeding her. It was a scene that was such an eyesore to him!

Sebastian stood up, his expression turning cold as he put down the container of apple pieces.

“Mr. Spencer, she’s your wife, not your enemy. Can’t you speak a little more gently?”

“So, you do know she’s my wife,” Theodore said sternly. “Then, why are you here?”

“I’m friends with Mrs. Spencer. Isn’t it normal for a friend to be here?”


When he heard that word, Theodore’s eyes flashed with hostility as his gaze turned to Rosalie.

“Didn’t you say you met him for the first time at your graduation? Now, you’re friends?

Sebastian frowned slightly. He and Rosalie had first met at the

restaurant, where they had shared a table. But considering what Theodore and Rosalie’s relationship was like, Sebastian quickly understood her dilemma and didn’t say anything about their true first meeting.

“Can’t we be friends? Do I need your permission to make friends? Have you consulted me about anything you’ve done?” Rosalie retorted coldly.

It was a barrage of questions! If this were a battle, Theodore would have been forced to retreat repeatedly.

“Rose, don’t speak to me that way,” said Theodore, trying to keep his composure and stop himself from rushing forward to punch Sebastian.

“How do you expect your wife to speak to you, Mr. Spencer? As a husband who’s slow to react, she’d rather drive herself than let your take her. Shouldn’t you reflect on your actions?

Sebastian’s tone was calm, but he didn’t mince words. He wasn’t afraid of Theodore. Even though Theodore held power and status, treating his wife like this didn’t earn him any favor.

“Sebastian.” Theodore advanced towards him slowly. The two men stood almost chest to chest, an intense atmosphere enveloping them. “Are you asking for trouble?!”

“That’s enough!” Rosalie anxiously sat up in bed. “Theodore, I’m already in this state. Do you want me dead or something?”

Seeing Rosalie’s distressed expression, Theodore felt a pang of panic. He sat by the bed and held her hand.

“Rose, I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that you went out alone at night without telling me, and then I came here and saw you two

☐ 125 BONUS together. It’s natural for me to have questions, isn’t it? You say you’re friends, but I’m your husband!”

Rosalie closed her eyes in pain, trying not to let her emotions flare up.

Finally, she looked up at Sebastian. “Mr. Carter, I’m sorry. You should go home and rest.”

Knowing his presence would only add to Rosalie’s burden, Sebastian nodded. “Alright, take care and remember what the doctor said. Your stomach needs care, so avoid foods that aren’t suitable for you. Just throw them away, okay?”

Sebastian’s words were filled with hidden implications. Theodore furrowed his brows, feeling a hint of discomfort in his heart, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

“I won’t forget. Thank you,” Rosalie murmured.

Sebastian was indeed very clever. Every word he said had been carefully chosen, helping her conceal what was really happening.

As Sebastian was leaving, he noticed Theodore staring at him, so he met the other man’s gaze for a moment before departing.

Chapter 58

Theodore’s eyes were filled with hostility. Sebastian didn’t back down either, staring back with an equally intense gaze that even held a hint of disdain.

Sensing the tension between the two men, Rosalie hastily asked, ” Theo, why are you here?

Theodore turned to look at his wife. “I went to your room to see you, but you weren’t there. The servant said you had gone out, and you kept rejecting my calls. Your friend lied to me and said you were at her place. Why would you do that?”

Theodore had been really frantic at that moment, afraid that something had happened to her.

“How did you know I was here, then?”

“I heard a doctor talking about a blood transfusion on the phone, so I guessed you were in the hospital. You once mentioned that you often visited Delta Hospital, so I figured you might be here.

“Even if you don’t want to see me, you can’t risk your own life. What if something had happened to you on the way here?”

Rosalie could clearly see the concern in her husband’s eyes. Though she had initially been angry with him, she couldn’t help but soften a little now. But as soon as she remembered their broken relationship, that tiny bit of softness quickly vanished.

“My stomach suddenly felt uncomfortable, but I didn’t want to tell you because I was angry with you. So, I just came out on my own and called Steph.”

Even after hearing Rosalie’s explanation, Theodore’s anger didn’t



“What about Sebastian, then? You just said he’s also your friend. Did you call him too?”


Explaining Sebastian’s involvement was complicated. After hesitating. for a moment, Rosalie decided that she might as well be honest with Theodore.

“I owe Sebastian a favor. He saved me once before, so I promised to treat him to a meal. He called while I was on the way to the hospital, wanting to set a date for the meal.

“When he found out I was in trouble, he rushed over to help me. He did everything you should have done. You shouldn’t talk about him like that. He’s not a bad person!”

There was still a hint of blame towards Theodore in Rosalie’s eyes. Every time this man met Sebastian, he was full of hostility, leaving her awkwardly caught in the middle.

“But you didn’t tell me either.” Theodore frowned as he suppressed his anger. “If you had told me, would all of this have happened?!”

Theodore picked up the fruit basket from the bedside table. It was obvious he was jealous.

“He even fed you fruit. Was that really necessary?”

“What about you and Cynthia? You personally accompanied her to the hospital and took care of her. You can proudly demand a divorce to marry her, yet you’re here blaming me. Why can’t I eat fruit fed to me by another man? Theodore, you can’t be so hypocritical!”

This woman was actually accusing him of hypocrisy?! It was

different! Sebastian was not the same as Cynthia.

Theodore didn’t think he was being hypocritical, but couldn’t find a reason to refute her. So, he could only swallow his anger.

“Okay, yes, we’re getting a divorce, but we’ve known each other for ten years. We’ve treated each other like siblings, and there’s still some affection between us. With that said, shouldn’t I be a little cautious that a strange man appeared by your side?” he said.

Rosalie didn’t know what to say. This man always had a bunch of reasons that left her speechless, and if she said too much, they’d just end up arguing again.

“Theo, whether you believe it or not, Sebastian and I are just friends, nothing more. He’s a decent man, so stop thinking such nonsense

about him.”

“So, you’re saying my thoughts are nonsensical?!”

Rosalie clenched the blanket in frustration. “Theodore, why do your always have to argue with me? I clearly didn’t mean that. Are you trying to provoke me?”

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 59

Even though Rosalie knew she couldn’t get worked up, how could she control herself in a situation like this?

Seeing Rosalie’s trembling fists, Theodore suddenly felt like he had been doused in cold water. He had almost forgotten that she was sick!

He quickly held her hand and said, “I’m sorry, I’ll stop. Please don’t be angry.

The sudden apology made Rosalie pause for a moment. But indeed, he seemed to have calmed down. Her tight grip on the blanket slowly relaxed.

Rosalie noticed Stephanie lingering at the door, so she said, “Steph, come over here.”

Truth be told, Stephanie was a bit afraid of Theodore. This man had a natural aura of intimidation, and wherever he went, it felt like the Grim Reaper was passing by.

As a small fry herself, she naturally felt crushed by this influential man. But thinking about her best friend being tormented by him made. Stephanie angry, so she straightened her posture and shot him a dirty look.

Stephanie walked over to Rosalie’s side, leaned in, and whispered in her ear, “Your car’s clean now.

Rosalie gave her a grateful look. “Thank you.”

Having left the driver’s seat covered in blood, Rosalie had asked Stephanie to handle it to avoid being discovered.

Theodore frowned. “What’s with the whispering? Can’t I listen to

what’s going on?”

Fortunately, Stephanie was a woman. If it had been a man leaning in to whisper in his wife’s ear, he definitely wouldn’t have taken it lying down.

“You can’t,” Rosalie said sarcastically. “Why would a grown man like you listen to a conversation between women?”

Theodore was extremely frustrated, but couldn’t argue back. He could only sit and sulk.

“Hey.” Theodore looked at Stephanie coldly. “You can leave now. I’ll stay here.”

Though slightly dissatisfied with Theodore’s attitude, meeting his icy gaze had Stephanie swallowing her words, not daring to retort. But thankfully, Rosalie had her back.

“Theodore, you’re not allowed to talk to my friend like that. It was late at night, and she was sleeping at home, but she came just because I called her. Speaking to her like that is the same as doing it to me!”


Theodore‘ frustration grew. Rosalie was always polite and gentle to everyone, but he wasn’t like that. He was only gentle with those he

cared about.

“Theodore, you owe Steph an apology. If you don’t apologize, you can leave now,” Rosalie said sternly, like a parent scolding a rude child.

Theodore was intimidated by her sternness and dared not retort. The mighty CEO of SK Enterprise, a wealthy and powerful figure, was actually being controlled by a woman.

With someone backing her up, Stephanie felt triumphant.

She sarcastically said, “Oh dear, Rose, forget it. How can Mr. Spencer

apologize to a commoner like me? I couldn’t handle the


“If you can’t handle it, then just leave!” Theodore snapped impatiently.

It was one thing for Rosalie to be sarcastic with him, but Stephanie? Who did she think she was? How dare she do such a thing to him!

“Theodore, you should leave. I don’t want to see you!” Rosalie forcefully pulled her hand out of his grip. “Go!”

Rosalie was infuriated by this man. If things continued like this, she felt like her pregnancy would be at risk again.

Rosalie prayed for her unborn child to bear with the situation, vowing to send Theodore away and not let him return! He was really too much. After knowing him for so many years, she couldn’t believe he was this childish.

How could she have fallen for such a childish man? She prayed that her child would never be as foolish as her.

Chapter 60

Rosalie’s anger made Theodore uneasy, making him feel like a child who had been caught misbehaving.

Worried that Rosalie might make herself sick with anger, Stephanie was about to comfort her friend, when suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

“Ms. Carter, I’m sorry.”

Stephanie thought she had misheard, until she looked up and met the man’s apologetic gaze. Although he didn’t seem remorseful, the fact that he had apologized to her for Rosalie’s sake was already

surprising enough.

Stephanie was so surprised that she momentarily forgot how to respond. After a few seconds, she regained her composure and


“It’s alright.”

As Rosalie’s close friend, she felt obligated to accept his apology, as it would put Rosalie in a difficult position if she didn’t.

“Ms. Carter, I meant to say that you don’t have to worry about Rose

because I’m here. It’s late, so you should head home and rest,” Theodore said, his voice noticeably calmer than before, resembling his usual composed self.

Seeing one apologize and the other accept, Rosalie’s frustration

eased a bit.

“Steph, you have work tomorrow, right? Go home and get some rest, okay? You’ve been a great help tonight. I’ll treat you to dinner next time.”


“No worries. You should also rest,” Stephanie replied.

Rosalie nodded. “Be careful on your way back. Or do you want Theo to drop you off?

“No need, I’ll manage. I drove myself anyway. Bye.”

Stephanie left the hospital room, preferring not to have the man who resembled the Grim Reaper escorting her. However, instead of going home, she went straight to the on–call room to sleep, since she had an early shift the next day anyway and wanted to avoid the trouble of going back and forth.

Theodore tucked Rosalie in and asked, “What’s going on with your stomach? Why did it suddenly start hurting? Who’s your attending physician?”

“The food I’ve been eating lately probably didn’t agree with me and affected my digestion. It’s nothing serious,” Rosalie replied nervously.

She wasn’t sure how long she could keep hiding the truth from her husband. After all, it would only take one small slip–up for it to be exposed.

“You came to the hospital last time, and now again. It seems to be getting worse. Have you been taking your medication properly?” Theodore asked.

Rosalie’s hands were sweating under the blanket. How was she going to explain everything?

“You know, a person’s mood can also affect their body,” Rosalie reluctantly said. “I’ve been feeling down lately, so it’s normal for my health to suffer. Maybe I’ll feel better after we get divorced.”

Her words crushed Theodore’s heart, like someone had taken a hammer to it. He wanted to say something, but considering Rosalie’s current condition, he held back, deciding to wait until she recovered

before discussing anything further.

“Rose, do you really want to get divorced from me as soon as possible?”

Theodore’s words were devoid of anger. Instead, they were calm, as if he was just seeking clarification.

As she gripped the blanket tightly, Rosalie nodded reluctantly. Why prolong her suffering if she could cut it short?

Theodore sighed softly, a fleeting sense of loss crossing his eyes. Finally, he nodded.

“I understand.” He reached out and pulled the blanket over her. “Get some sleep.”

“You should go home. You’re busy every day. Make sure to get enough rest.”

Even if they were heading for divorce, Rosalie didn’t want things between them to be tense. After all, they had ten years of affection

between them.

Theodore softly hummed in agreement. “I’ll leave once you’re asleep.”

Rosalie was indeed very tired. She closed her eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep. In a drowsy daze, a thought momentarily drifted through. her mind that she had forgotten to ask Theodore why he had come to her room that night.

Did he have something to tell her?

Today’s Bonus Offer

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