Werewolf Compilations

Chapter 93

"So you're going to take me back to your pack?" I ask.

"If it's what you want, I'll bring you back."

I nod, drifting off to my bed, sitting down. If he does one bad thing to me, I'll give up. I'm going to promise myself that. I'll go back to his pack to see if everything has been genuine as he says. Her, I'll talk with the hallway ghost as well, I think. Theresa and Gail also. And his Beta, Will. I have a right to investigate.

"Okay, then I want to go back," I tell him, feeling secure with my sudden plan.

He nears me, sitting down beside me. "You're sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

My eyes get knotted with his and I find myself in a trance. Internally, I'm yelling at myself to not give in, so when he draws close, I look away. If I give in now, I won't be able to make a fair judgment.

"We'll go in the morning," I say confidently. "I'm going to need time to get some things packed and say goodbye to my Mother."

James nods.

Satisfied, I also nod. "I'm going to get some things together now. You can lay down. How will we be getting back?"

"I brought a car this time. People know I'm here," James says.

"No sneaking away?"

"Well, now that my father's gone, I'm not worried about causing suspicion. He's a smart man. He's not afraid to question."

"Okay," I take a deep breath, "get some sleep. I'll wake you in the morning."

I grab my bag-the same one I used the first time-and I start to fill it with clothes. Once that is full, I grab a smaller one to hold toiletries and other odds and ends. The diary fits in there nicely, and I top it off with different books and my iPod. I lose track of time and find it to be two in the morning when the bags are stuffed full.

My eyes wander to my bed to see James in a deep sleep. He looks relaxed, less intimidating. I close the windows and cover him, but I don't gain the courage to get in with him. This isn't like last time. This is different. Instead, I close the bathroom door behind me and lock it. Once naked, I turn on the shower and let the heat warm up my toes. The small space fogs up quickly to the point where it is hard to breathe, but I don't get out for another twenty minutes. As my head starts to hurt and the room spins, I shut off the water and towel myself before opening the door.

James is still there, asleep.

The chilled air of my bedroom clears my head, and I slip on clean pajamas. For a minute or two, I contemplate sleeping next to him but eventually end up in the guest room.

I don't sleep much. I wake up many times throughout the remainder of the night and find it difficult to fall back asleep. Once the sun begins to rise in the window, I get up as if I had slept through it all seamlessly. There is some odd energy fueling me. Possibly excitement. Possibly excitement due to the fact that my mother is going to not only come in contact with James but hear that things between us are not in ruins. It is my strike back to her plethora of hits on my role as a Luna. Well, I'm not actually a Luna, but it will still feel good.

When I hear my mother downstairs, I tiptoe to my bedroom and slip inside, finding James to be still sleeping. He must never get to sleep in, I suppose.

I softly place my hand on his shoulder. "James? It's time to get up."

When he doesn't react, I tap. "James?"

When he shifts a little, but his eyes don't open, I squeeze his arm, feeling his muscles then swiftly letting go. He breathes in air and sounds as if he's coming back to life. He groans a bit then shifts some more then is eyes wave open and closed before staying open. It looks as if he's remembering where he is. "It's morning," I murmur.

"Right," he mutters, not awake at all, not like I am. "How much time do you need?"

My mind has to work a little harder when also watching him. It takes me a few seconds to think of an answer as he sits up. "Uh, everything's done. I'm ready to go." James peers to the ugly alarm clock on my bedside table. "I thought we could leave through the front door."

He glances back at me, subtly amused.

I leave for a moment to bring my bags downstairs, giving him a few extra minutes to wake up. I slip past the kitchen where my mother is standing, waiting for her coffee, wrapped in her purple robe. She doesn't notice me, so I hurry up to fetch James. On the way down, he trails behind me and I poke my head into the kitchen, ready to go. "Mom?" I pipe up, expecting her to turn around and greet me, but she doesn't. She fumbles with the coffee maker.

I move into the doorway and so does James, placing us in prime viewing range. Of course she can't smell him, but even if it was just me, some eye contact is expected. "Mom?"

"Good morning, Rae, sorry. The coffee makers acting up again. I just can't...seem to fix it," she says while pulling it apart. "I can make breakfast if you're hungry. I didn't expect you to be up so early. You're feeling better since the incident with Noah?" Before I can ask her how she knows anything about that, or even tell her to stop, she rambles on. "His Mother told me what happened. I'm sure it was all a misunderstanding. You know boys, they don't always say the right things."

Practically laughing is different than saying, but before I lose her again, I cut in. "Mom, please. Not now."

She finally turns around and her face falls blank. "Uh, what's- Rae."

"I came to tell you that I'm going back to James' pack."

She places down the stray piece of plastic from the coffee maker, not taking her eyes off of the Alpha in her house. It's clear that she doesn't know what to say. "You are? Oh, well, and I'm assuming you are—" He reaches his hand out to her properly. "James Grant, Alpha of "

"Of course, of course," she breathes out. "I finally get to meet the man behind all of this."

She shakes his hand, but James looks rather confused by the second part. Not wanting her to elaborate, I make my way around the counter and give her a hug, something I almost never do. "I'll call you when we get there?"

"Uh, sure. Yes. You're leaving right now?"

"Right now," I smile. "And tell Noah that it was nice meeting him. I wish him luck, but I'm sure he'll find someone soon. And I'm sorry for the way I was acting, it wasn't right. But don't worry, I won't forget what you said. I promise."

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