Werewolf Committee

Chapter 35: Ch 34

It was dark. The moons usual light didn't slip through the curtains and flood my room. Today the moon made a no show and that
left me to gaze up at the ceiling.
Jonathan was coming tomorrow. My father.
It felt beyond strange saying that. The word was unfamiliar with me and I wasn't planning on getting used to it any time soon.
The nervousness I was feeling didn't allow me to get a blink of sleep. I didn't toss or turn but simply laid in bed with my eyes wide
open and every cell in my body still awake.
Everything seemed like it was a mess. Only a few months ago I had a fairly simple life were all I had to worry about was my
homework and getting to class on time. But now days I've had to try and not get killed and re connect with family.
My mind was filled with thoughts and it certainly kept me up.
I immediately snapped out of my day dream as I saw Tate standing by my bed. I eyed him in confusion, considering I hadn't
heard him walk in.
"Yeah?" I asked as I sat up, my back pressed against the headboard as I brought my knees to my chest.
"You can't sleep," Tate all but stated as he stared at me intently making my heart speed up.
He wore simple dark trousers and a V neck and still managed to look good. Just at the thought, I scooted over and patted the
spot next to me on the bed.
Tate was immediately by my side and I sighed as his warm body cuddled with mine. I rested my head onto his shoulder and Tate
gently ran his hand through my hair making my eyes flutter close.
Even though the room was beyond dark, we both could see some what clearly.
"I want this all too stop," I murmured with my eyes still closed and I felt Tate's hand pause against my cheek.
The motion was a silent gesture to explain what I meant.

"The drama. I just want to be with my mate and be happy. Not constantly worrying about who's trying to harm us next," I
grumbled and I heard Tate sigh as he continued to caress my hair.
"I know you do. I'd love for nothing more to be with you and have no interruptions. One day when this is all over you will get the
happiness you want."
Tate's low voice soothed my worries instantly. I automatically believed his words and my body relaxed against his.
"Yeah," I agreed trying to convince myself, "-you're right." I said as a yawn escaped my lips.
Suddenly I was very tired and Tate's warm arms wrapped around my figure.
"Sleep," he softly ordered and kissed the top of my head. I nodded and clung onto Tate as I felt myself slowly drift off too sleep.
* * *
I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. The sheets beside me were cold, probably meaning Tate must have gotten up
really early.
I hadn't forgot about my fathers journey to the Werewolf Committee today, so the mere thought made me groggily leave the bed.
After freshening up I got dressed up in simple clothing and left my room. I would have loved nothing more but to stay in my bed-
however guests were arriving.
I left my room and made my way to the lobby and before I could even step a foot in there, Tom suddenly appeared in front of me
and signalled me too stop.
"What is it?" I asked confused as Tom glanced behind him and back to me.
"They're here. Are you sure you're ready?" He asked in a concerned voice and I gave him a small smile with a nod.
"Wait," I said as I tilted my head, "-they're? Who else is he bringing?" I asked as I slowly walked into the lobby.
I spotted Colin and Tate by the door and made my way too them. They simply stood there silently and I glanced around.
"They're almost here," Tate bellowed as his hazel eyes stared down at me.
Immediately the nerves from last night began to form in the pit of my stomach and I squirmed uncomfortably.

I was pushed into a muscular chest and I sighed at Tate's familiar warm arms.
"They're here."
Everything felt like it was in slow motion. The grand doors to the Werewolf Committee opened gracefully and in walked in four
Two guards entered first with their chests puffed out. A man was behind them along with a woman in a white vest and tight bun.
"Where is she?" the man commanded and Joseph emerged from the corner.
"Jonathan! This is she. Look," Joseph commented as he gave me a wide smile and urged me forward.
Tate didn't allow it and held onto me tightly, but he stepped back slightly so I was on view to the others.
My eyes were glued onto the man who stepped forward from the guards and the nurse looking women followed closely.
My breath hitched in my throat as I looked at the powerful man in awe.
Too say we both looked alike would be an understatement.
We had the same eyes. Same dark hair and same features. If someone were to put us side by side you'd immediately know we
were related.
The man, my father stared at me with the same expression of awe and he took a step towards me.
"Nina the DNA test won't be needed. This is my daughter," Jonathan said with so much confidence as he didn't bother glancing
at the nurse, his eyes solemnly focused on mine.
"But sir, Alpha, we can never be sure," the woman in the white vest persisted in desperation and my eyes narrowed towards the
Who is she and what does she want.
"Nonsense. You may be a nurse but I am a father and an Alpha. I know who my child is," Jonathan said for the first time with an
easy smile. His eyes never left mine and they held so much love and adoration I was surprised instantly.
The whole time the rest of us remained silent. Unsure of what to stay

But of course me being the person I am, I cleared my throat and opened my mouth to speak.
"You all can stay for awhile right? Even for dinner? So we could, you know.." I fiddled with my fingers, "-get to know each other."
Wow. Was I acting awkward? Theres a first.
"Yes. We will," Jonathan said in a demanding voice and I felt Tate breath roughly through his nose.
They both were Alphas after all.
"The rest go. You don't need anymore companies," Tate said in a smooth voice and I saw the smirk tugging onto the corner of
Colin's mouth.
Jonathan nodded and signalled to his guards to leave. They both bowed and obediently made a move to leave. However the
nurse didn't move a muscle and began shaking her head in desperation, making the two guards stop and look at her
"No. This can't be her. She can't be alive. She's dead. I was there!" the nurse suddenly cried out and we looked at her, stunned.
"Nina. I said leave," Jonathan said in a impatient tone as he looked at the nurse in confusion.
"She should be dead! I couldn't kill her but they should've!" She yelled and Tate began growling as he pulled me backwards,
making me slam into his chest.
"What is this woman saying?" He growled and I watched with wide eyes as I tried to sink further into Tate.
"Elementals, their power is inhumane," she bit out in a ragged breath, "-killing the water Elemental kills them all! And she!" The
nurse snapped as her finger flew out to point at me.
"Should be dead!"
Tate yelled and uncontrollable growls emerged from his chest after one another.
"I want her out!" Jonathan barked joining in. His two guards hurried over and grabbed the woman from both sides.
"They are dangerous!" she managed to scream right before she was dragged out of view.

Tate was shaking very badly and I looked up to see his eyes darken.
"Shh," I cooed as I cupped his face in my hands, "-Tate, Tate look at me."
"Tate," I gently said.
Once Tate's eyes found mine his growled slowly died down. He sighed, closing his eyes as he shook his head.
Once he opened his eyes, the beautiful hazel orbs stared back at me.
"I apologise for Nina's actions. Though her words...I will get to the bottom of that," Jonathan looked at me with furrowed
eyebrows. His eyes held so much sadness and his posture wasn't as confident.
"But you're alive. Thats all that matters. Thats all your mother wanted."
I nodded my head and gave him a smile. When he spotted my smile Jonathan let out a relieved sigh and walked over to me.
Tate slowly let me go and allowed me some space. By now the others fled the room, leaving the three of us.
Not even a second later I was crushed into a chest. Warms arms held me close. I breathed in the new scent. Savouring it. A
fathers scent.
Tate remained silent.
"You're alive," Jonathan whispered.
"You really are."

18 years earlier
Colin's POV
Silence. The only noise heard was the constant ticking of the clock.
I stood leaning on the wall, beverage in hand. Michael stood across me staring intently at the wall and Richard bit his nails
"How long does it bloody take to give birth!" Richard growled as he abruptly stood up from his chair and paced the room.
"How do we even know Julia's kid is the water Elemental?" Michael asked in a bored tone as he glanced over at us.
"Simple. We don't," I chimed in, in amusement as I grinned at the pair.
"Though," I added with a smirk, "If Nina says shes got her calculations right then she has."
"You're right," Michaels gruff voice called out.
"She's never wrong."
We stood in the forgotten surgery room waiting for the baby to arrive. The boys were impatient and wanted the job over and
done with. I on the other hand, had all the time in the world.
"If the water Elemental dies they all die," Richard said in a low voice as a small smile spread across his face.
"Exactly," I cooed, "-thats why we must be patient. Remember, Elementals are dangerous. They need to be killed," I repeated
like many times before with a wide smile.
Richard and Michael shared devious glances and became a little more patient.
As if on cue, the door slammed open and in rushed Nina with a small baby cradled in her arms. She quickly closed the door and
shoved the little child wrapped in blankets, out towards us.
"Take it! I can't bare to look at it," Nina snapped as she thrust the baby in Michaels arms.

"Guilt?" I mused and Nina looked at me in disgust.
"No. Not guilt. Disgrace," Nina said sneaking a glance at the baby. I knew she was lying. She felt guilty for what she was doing
but at the same time believed Elementals were inhumane and needed to be killed.
"Sure," I smirked, "-leave it to us."
Nina gave me a short nod and rushed out of the doors. However before she got to fast she turned around to face us.
"Make it quick. Before it bloody wakes up."
Before she wakes up or so she doesn't feel much pain? I couldn't help but think as I rolled my eyes.
"Its tiny," Richard whispered looking surprised as he peered at the sleeping baby over Michaels shoulder.
"And harmless. Yes, for now it is," Michael said coldly as he pushed the baby into Richards arms.
Richard stumbled slightly and glared at Michael as he placed the baby on the bed in the corner of the room.
"Right. Lets get rid of it," Richard spat in disgust as he picked up a knife from the sink near the bed.
I leaned off the wall and slammed my glass cup down onto the desk near me and walked over to the baby.
"We can't leave blood as evidence idiot. Give me the damn thing," I snapped as I snatched the knife from him and tossed it
"Leave it to me."
Richard willingly backed away and so did Michael.
"Are you sure you can do it?" Richard asked me and I snorted.
"Its Colin. Of course he can," Michael said with confidence and I gave him a grin.
I picked up the baby and cradled it in my arms. I walked over to the back of the room were the door was. Behind it was a morgue
were dead bodies were cleaned.
"Where are you going?" Michael asked as he slowly walked into the middle of the room.

"Oh. Did you want to watch?" I asked with a wide smile as I paused to look back at him.
Michael grimaced and shook his head as he went back near Richard.
"Thought so."
Opening the door, I entered the room and closed it behind me. I walked over to the table in the middle and slowly placed the
baby onto it.
I moved the blankets away from her face and only a second later the child's eyes began to open.
Green orbs curiously stared up at me and a small smile spread my lips.
"Hello Elina," I whispered.
Not wasting another second, I re wrapped the baby and picked it up. Walking over to the surgery table I moved it aside and I was
greeted by a brick wall. Slowly pulling apart the bricks with one hand, I stopped when there was enough room for me to squeeze
through with the baby.
Using my werewolf strength and speed, I made it out of the building in just a few seconds.
No. I didn't want the baby dead. If I took her back to her parents she would be killed and in danger. I couldn't risk that.
I was going to leave her on the doorsteps of foster care. Yes. That way no one will ever know.
I couldn't have the water Elemental dead. Having her dead would have all the other Elementals dead.
As the air Elemental I couldn't have that.

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