Chapter 1388
Chapter 1388 Invite Me?
Moreover, the casino conveniently received a deposit of thirty million into their account within three minutes of the surveillance glitches without appearing to face any repercussions or losses. Given this situation, the casino had even less motivation to rectify the surveillance footage. Furthermore, there were several blind spots surrounding the private room they occupied. "Did you follow Elisa's suggestion during the investigation?" Gareth's brows furrowed, and a cold expression settled as he listened to Thomas' report.
While it was confirmed that Eden had a secretive and elusive identity, making it challenging to trace him, Nicole's whereabouts shouldn't have been untraceable.
Thomas observed Gareth's reaction and hesitated, "Mr. Wickam, I followed Ms. Benett's instructions, but once Nicole and the man accompanying her left the casino, there was no evidence of her presence. However, Ms. Benett's suspicion is not without merit. I was thinking... perhaps you could consider a more strategic approach?"
Thomas' suggestion was met with an intense gaze from Gareth, his eyes narrowed with scrutiny, "Is that what you consider a good plan?"
"No, no... Mr. Wickam, it's just a suggestion. I mean, considering that Ms. Tabor... has feelings for you. You don't have to go to extremes. Just ask her out, have a conversation with her, like Ms. Benett did..." Thomas uttered while carefully observing Gareth's reaction. "It's not about using your charm and good looks to manipulate the situation. It's simply about having a casual meeting and conversation. You wouldn't be risking anything."
"It's not about using your charm and good looks to manipulate the situation. It's simply about having a casual meeting and conversation. You wouldn't be risking anything."
Thomas believed that Elisa handled it well and it was worth taking a cue from her approach.
However, the gleam in Gareth's profound eyes intensified at Thomas' words.
In an instant, Thomas knew better than to utter another word. Without hesitation, Gareth responded sternly, "You have three days to find out if that woman is Nicole. If you fail, you can pack your stuff and leave." With that, Gareth left Thomas standing alone in the living room.
Thomas sighed as he observed Gareth's imposing figure and detached demeanor.
While Gareth had reservations about employing a charming ploy or meeting Nicole in person, that didn't mean Thomas couldn't leverage Gareth's name to extend an invitation.
Although it meant going against Gareth's principles, it offered a viable solution. Considering the risks involved in both options, why not pursue this feasible course of action?
"It's not obout using your chorm ond good looks to monipulote the situotion. It's simply obout hoving o cosuol meeting ond conversotion. You wouldn't be risking onything." Thomos believed thot Eliso hondled it well ond it wos worth toking o cue from her opprooch.
However, the gleom in Goreth's profound eyes intensified ot Thomos' words.
In on instont, Thomos knew better thon to utter onother word. Without hesitotion, Goreth responded sternly, "You hove three doys to find out if thot womon is Nicole. If you foil, you con pock your stuff ond leove." With thot, Goreth left Thomos stonding olone in the living room.
Thomos sighed os he observed Goreth's imposing figure ond detoched demeonor.
While Goreth hod reservotions obout employing o chorming ploy or meeting Nicole in person, thot didn't meon Thomos couldn't leveroge Goreth's nome to extend on invitotion.
Although it meont going ogoinst Goreth's principles, it offered o vioble solution. Considering the risks involved in both options, why not pursue this feosible course of oction?
Thomas' mind raced with an idea, and he wasted no time putting it into motion.
Without delay, he located the hotel where Nicole was staying in Moranta and personally visited her.
"Mr. May?" Thomas' abrupt show-up caught Nicole off guard, but the latter composed herself to avoid giving anything away.
Thomas smiled politely, "There's a barbecue party at Moonlight Coast tonight at 10 o'clock. Mr. Wickam personally asked me to extend an invitation to you. I was wondering if you would be available?" Nicole was startled, "Invite me?"
Deep down, she felt a surge of delight.
However, doubts began to creep into her mind. Why would Gareth suddenly invite her to a party?
While Nicole wanted to believe that Gareth's invitation was sincere, she wasn't gullible or oblivious. Furthermore, recent events had left her feeling somewhat uneasy.
After a momentary pause, Nicole glanced at Thomas. She instinctively inquired, "Is Mr. Wickam looking to discuss a business proposition with me?"
Having dedicated herself to emulating Gareth's success and being by his side, Nicole was more than willing to accept his invitation, hoping it would further her aspirations.