Watch The Dark

Chapter ii: sixteen

“You’ll regret leaving me in here. You’ll regret it!” Mara screamed as the guards shut the door to the cellars. She had been bound in chains as well and was pulling as hard as she could when Tana turned her back. The burns from the silver hadn’t healed and she was still feeling pretty woozy from it being on so long.

“You should lie down, Tana,” Declan fussed, trying to lead her to their room by the arm.

“I can’t lie down. We need to deal with Fang now. He’s too dangerous. He won’t just come after me, he’s going to come after Sincere and Icarus too. I’m not going to sit around and wait for something else to happen,” she hissed.

“We’re working as fast as we can, doll. But you being in this state isn’t going to help at all. We’re sending warriors out in a few minutes to search and figure out where Fang is coming from,” Declan assured her, trying to catch her gaze when she turned away.

“Blake is Mara’s brother,” she said. Declan flinched back, staring at her with pure bewilderment.

“What are you talking about? Blake doesn’t have a sister. His family died in a fire, Tana. He was also an only child,” Declan huffed indignantly.

“She froze when she saw him. Blake has a mate already, so that can’t be it. Then I saw that they have the exact same birthmark behind their shoulders. You can’t tell me you don’t see the resemblance now that I mention it,” she retorted. Declan frowned and crossed his arms like an angry child.

“Even so, there is no point in discussing this now,” he argued.

“There is a point. If we can get her to tell us what Fang is planning, we can be a step ahead of him. We can end this once and for all and get on with our lives. Isn’t that what you want? Your brothers are only 15 and they deserve to live a life without fear. Sincere deserves it too. All of this pack deserves it,” Tana snapped back. Declan narrowed his eyes at her, but he didn’t utter a single argumentative word. He just kept his eyes fixed on hers, his breathing slowing ever so slightly.

“You’re right. I’ll organize a group to go and scout out where Fang’s warriors disappeared and try to follow Mara’s scent back to wherever she came from. I have to meet with Lennox first, though. He has to be on board as well,” Declan told her. She nodded in response, leaning up on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. Instantly, colour flushed his face and he gave her a shy smile.

“Thank you,” she said. He just stuck his tongue out playfully and laughed when she smacked him in the shoulder. It wasn’t often that she saw the authentic joy on her mate’s face, and though that was partially her fault, she still was glad when she got to witness it. When she was around that joyous face, the armour she had built up to protect herself seemed to fall away as though it were as weak as snakeskin. The hurt and trauma that rested deep in her heart curled up and melted away, leaving only a burning longing for her mate and his presence.

“Ew! Mommy and Daddy are gonna kiss again!” A small voice squeaked from the door, followed by the sound of rambunctious laughter from two pups. When Tana turned to look at them, she let out a small, playful growl that effectively chased them off to the nursery.

“Sincere packs one hell of a punch, Deck. Did you teach her to go for the throat? Because that’s what she did,” Lennox grunted, using the shirt in his hand to wipe off his bare chest. Declan rolled his eyes and let out a snort.

“Actually, I taught her that. She knows that fighting dirty isn’t off the table,” Tana stated, earning a laugh from the other alpha. Declan protectively pulled her closer to him, clearly not amused at the current state of undress that Lennox was in. She just huffed and shrugged him off. Lennox had his own mate and his own pups, so Declan had no reason to be jealous.

“Would you go take a shower so that we can discuss some things? I really can’t focus with that stench,” Declan grumbled. Lennox laughed again and stretched his arms above his head, which got Declan to wrinkle his nose in annoyance.

“Aw, you wound me. C’mon, give me a hug,” Lennox teased, wrapping his sweaty arms around Declan, who growled playfully and pushed him away. Tana snickered.

“Fine, fine. I’ll pretend that your rejection won’t haunt me for years to come. Just give me a few minutes and meet me in my office. If you catch Asher and Sincere, tell them to stop harassing the tutor,” Lennox said before he headed up the stairs, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he trekked upstairs.


Tana was surprised to see that Blake was already in Lennox’s office, quietly leaning against the far wall beside the desk, his arms folded over his chest. He looked troubled, but Tana didn’t dare ask what about. She wasn’t exactly close with Blake, after all.

Declan seemed to have the same idea because he only simply guided Tana to one of the chairs and shook his head when she opened her mouth to say something. So, the three of them simply sat in silence until Lennox shoved the door open and dropped into his chair with an exaggerated sigh.

“What a gloomy group you all are now,” Lennox commented, leaning forward on his desk with his elbows resting on its surface.

“We need to send out a group of warriors to seriously search the woods. Extensively. We cannot let this go on, especially when Fang is getting more persistent. I want an end put to this as soon as possible,” Declan said.

Lennox hummed to himself, narrowing his eyes before he leaned back in his chair.

“With all due respect, Declan, I don’t think your mind is clear enough to make these kinds of decisions right now,” the alpha said. Instantly, Declan tensed and let out a low growl.

“What the hell do you mean? I’m trying to keep my pack safe. I’m trying to get my pack members back so that they can return to their families, to their lives! How dare you tell me I’m not thinking clearly,” Declan snarled, his nails digging into the arms of the chair. Tana tried to place a hand on his arm, but he just jerked it away and refused to look at her. He was having a hard time controlling his wolf, that much was clear.

“You have been making careless mistakes. I know you want to put your family first, but you’ve blinded yourself from your responsibilities. Had you not focused so many of your guards on your family, you could have driven the Blood Wolves away. No one would have been taken and you would not be hiding in my territory right now,” Lennox replied calmly. Both of them were tense, but Lennox seemed to have much more control over it. Although Tana wanted to side with Declan, Lennox was right. He had been far too protective over Tana and the pups. She knew he meant well, but he wasn’t focusing on his duties as Alpha as much.

“You agree with him. You both agree with him,” Declan said lowly, looking back and forth between Tana and Blake. Tana just let out a huff and turned her head to her mate, who looked far too angry to have a rational conversation with.

“It isn’t your fault that your pack members were taken, but I do agree with Lennox that certain...resources were not used in a practical way,” Tana said, surprised by how collected she sounded. It almost made her laugh at herself.

“It doesn’t matter now! I want to focus on getting them back! We’ve wasted enough time already, Lennox, and you know it. I don’t want to keep endangering my pack and I don’t want to keep endangering yours either. You know I wouldn’t propose this if I wasn’t sure it was necessary,” Declan said, turning his attention back to Lennox, who nodded slightly in response.

“Very well. But we will arrange this under my supervision. Your heart is too involved to be making every decision. I’ll have my Beta take some of our most capable warriors and scouts. They’ll be split into two groups, one led by my Beta and one led by Blake, if he’s willing,” Lennox explained, turning to Blake for the other wolf’s approval. Blake nodded solemnly.

“I’ve mind-linked by Beta. He’ll get things ready and explain everything to you and the warriors. At the first sign of trouble, call us. While you’re scouting things out we’ll be preparing back here to jump in at any time. Injured wolves will be moved to the safe house with the pups and expectant mothers and the elders. Do you know if your father is fit to fight? Or your apprentices?” Lennox asked. This seemed to stir something in Declan, possibly because his younger brothers were apprentices. However, if he went against Lennox just to protect them, he’d just further prove that he is unfit to lead.

“The older apprentices can fight. My father will probably insist on fighting as well,” Declan replied. “I’ll have my warriors and guards ready. My scouts have already joined yours,” he added. Lennox grinned at his friend.

“Then let’s end this once and for all.”


Sincere and Asher complained the entire time they were escorted to the safe house. Despite Tana’s insistence that their safety was of the utmost importance, the pups were adamant about the fact that they could join in the battle as well. When Tana said no, they changed their minds and wanted to guard the prisoners. Erica, who was helping her corral them, just laughed.

“Don’t worry, Tana. I’ll watch them. Icarus, too. You have nothing to worry about. I may not be able to shift, but I pack one hell of a punch,” Erica assured her, giving Tana a warm smile as she handed Icarus over to her.

“I know. I trust you. Just...make sure they’re kept together. If I don’t make it back,” Tana said. Erica frowned and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but shut it. She knew just as well as Tana that the odds were not in her favour. Especially when Fang was willing to risk everything to get to her.

There were guards and warriors stationed in the woods around the safehouse. With the bounty that still lingered on Icarus, they couldn’t take any chances and Declan was insistent on not making the same mistakes as before.

When she returned to Lennox’s main packhouse, Blake and Lennox’s Beta, King, were organizing groups of warriors into two separate groups. Meanwhile, in the further field, Declan was organizing over 100 warrior wolves from the more distant parts of the territory. Although many lived in the packhouses, the majority of Declan’s pack lived in a nearby town that was shared with both the South Bay pack and the Cedarbrook pack. It was also where all of their pups went to school.

When Declan saw her, he said something that she didn’t care to pick up on to the warriors before making his way over to her.

“How did Sincere take it?” Declan asked, kissing her cheek softly and leading her over to the general area that Blake was in.

“Better than I thought. She and Asher wanted to fight. I’ve never seen her like that. Asher is really having an influence on her,” Tana commented. Declan let out a small growl at that.

“We’re departing now. We’ll see you later, Deck,” Blake called, raising a hand to get Declan’s attention.

“Be safe. Remember to mind link us if anything goes wrong,” Declan replied. Blake nodded and turned around, beckoning his group after him. King’s group was slightly delayed but they were quick to follow Blake’s lead and head in after them, quickly detouring the opposite way.

When Tana turned her head towards the front of the house she saw Jade standing there. Her usual joyous demeanour was stiff and scared. Her eyes were fixed on the woods that Blake had just disappeared into and even from Tana’s spot, she could see tears filling her eyes.

Quietly telling Declan where she was going, she headed over to Jade and placed a hand on her arm awkwardly. She wasn’t the best at comforting other people, but Jade seemed to relax slightly.

“I lost Wynona already. I froze up when she was taken. What if something happens to Blake? What will I do then?” She asked, a few tears now falling down her cheeks. She clenched her jaw and looked at Tana, her lip quivering.

“We’re going to get Wynona back. Declan would feel the pack link break if she was dead. Blake is strong, too. He’ll always come back to you. I don’t see eye to eye with him but I know that he loves to and would do anything to get back to you,” Tana said. Jade smiled lightly and, with impressive speed, pulled Tana into a tight hug while her shoulders shook with her quiet cries.

“I know you don’t like this but we’re technically sisters now so you’ll have to deal with it,” Jade sniffed. Tana laughed a bit and pulled away, giving Jade a small smile.

“I know I’m being dramatic, especially compared to what you’ve been dealing with,” she said with a small sigh.

“You’re allowed to feel what you’re feeling. Pain is pain and it doesn’t matter who is feeling it. It isn’t a competition and I’ll be here for you- whatever you need,” Tana said. The words felt foreign coming out of her mouth. She sounded like her brother. She sounded like Alec.

“Thank you. You’ve grown a lot, you know that?” Jade chuckled. Tana rolled her eyes with a small laugh.

“It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

Tana would realize, in time, that those would be the words she regretted the most.

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