Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 19 - Part 2, Love for his Luna

After a month of being a Luna, I had started to grow more accepting of my new duties and expectations. I had started to speak up in the meetings I attended with Layton, and I had even held a few meetings of my own to discuss new weaponry we would soon train with, and the extension needed for the packhouse. Layton supported me in every meeting and encouraged me to continue having a strong role in the pack. So far, everyone had shown respect toward me and listened to my ideas and opinions without disregard or rejection.

I wasn’t sure if it was out of real respect for me or out of fear of what Layton would do to them, if they dared to upset me in any way. In the month I had been here, he had quickly made it known to any male that entered a room with me in it that I was not to be trifled with or disrespected in any way. Only two weeks ago, a man interrupted me during a meeting as I tried to suggest an idea to help with any newcomers into our pack.

He spoke over me as if my voice didn’t matter. I was about to correct him myself when a loud bang from Layton’s fist on the thick wooden table in front of us, making it crack, catching the attention and shock of everyone in the room. He scolded the man and warned him not to speak over me again. I felt proud and slightly smug on the inside knowing I had such a strong man at my side, and I loved his acts of love and devotion toward me, it kept me reminded that his love for me was as strong as mine for him.

I walked into our office after my day patrol and I barely shut the doors behind me when Layton held me against the wall, his body pressed against mine as his lips crashed into mine with animalistic lust. He ripped off my armour and I pulled off his jacket and his white shirt to reveal his tanned hard shoulders, as his shirt, still half buttoned up, hung from his waist. He undone my trousers and unzipped his as he pushed my black thong to one side picked me up till my back was pressed against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him as he pushed his throbbing cock inside, fucking me hard and lustfully as he kissed and bit my neck, his wolf fangs protruding as he slipped them across my skin and cupped one of my breasts in his hand and sucked on it, erecting my nipples under his tongue whist he licked and nipped them as I groaned and clung tighter onto him.

He got in deeper and suddenly my legs tightened around his waist as both of his hands clasped my ass tightly and we both exploded with pleasure all at the same time as we gasped and moaned loudly at the rapturous release.

After I had showered and changed into a Luna gown, I made my way to the council meeting with Layton. It was to be the final one for Zara’s sentencing. Layton promised the meeting would be no more than a few minutes and it was only to discuss the date of when she’d be brought to court to find out her hearing.

I sat next to Layton’s right as everyone else were just taking their seats. When they went over a few details of Zara’s physical health and her stay in the cells, I felt myself wanting to bite at their basic facts…. Like they really knew about her well-being, and I felt myself becoming irritated.

“Alpha, do we have a date set?” A council man asked, one I didn’t recognise.

“Yes, in one week from now”.

I tensed as he revealed the date being only a mere week away ”I’ll deliver the news to her myself”, I informed the room.

Layton looked at me with doubt but nodded “Ok, Luna, that’s settled then, the 7th of Monday at 9 in the morning.”

Everyone nodded as they took note of the date and time and as soon as the meeting was adjourned, I excused myself from Layton to visit Zara.

I headed down the cobbled stairs with the guard behind me, she was sat on her bed with her legs hanging off the edge as she swung them side to side. Her gaze fixated on their movement, but when she heard us approach, she looked up and gasped ”Wow, you look...so regal” she exclaimed, and I smiled as I nodded for the guard to unlock her cell.

As I walked in, she stood up immediately and bowed “Luna” I walked over to her and motioned for her to sit down, and I sat next to her, on her thin bed.

She studied me looking thoughtful “It suits you. I never thought I’d see you looking so elegant. It’s a big change from your usual armour” she grinned. ”When was your ceremony?”

“Uh about a month and one week ago” I paused. “Sorry I haven’t been to visit. There’s just been a lot I’ve had to do”

"It’s ok… It hasn’t been so bad, Lisa’s come to visit a couple of times although she didn’t mention about you being the Luna and the maids have still been giving me extra food at mealtimes”

I sighed deeply “Zara, I’ve just come from a meeting, they have a date set”.

Her eyes widened in anticipation “when?” she whispered as her voice shook.

“In one week!“.

She flung her head back and clasped her hands in relief “Thank goodness, just one more week, that shouldn’t feel too long… finally!“.

I looked around at the windowless cell, how dreary and dark they were. ”I guess you can go by meal times to know how many days you have left”.

She looked at me with worry ”Do...do you know what they’ve decided?”

I shook my head “Sorry, I don’t… I had no input”.

She looked at the floor dispirited as she sighed. I put my hand on her shoulder in comfort “I’m sorry Zara”.

“No” she interrupted as she put her hand over mine. “You have nothing to be sorry for, this is all my doing and I’m the one that’s sorry...you know” she scoffed “If things had been different back then, I think me, and you could have been friends”

“Well, believe it or not, but I do consider you a friend.”

“Really?” She looked at me with glee in her eyes. ”Do you think you could ever forgive what I did?”

I nodded in thought “Actually, I think I already have… Your parents and family, on the other hand...” I rolled my eyes ”But I can understand why you made the choices you did, and I can’t fathom the grief you must feel to have been treated the way you were by your own family”.

She chortled ”Well they’ll never know it either, not that they’d care even if they did”.

I took my hand from her shoulder and pulled out a large bag of crisps and a chocolate bar I had taken from the Pack house kitchen “here”

Her eyes went wide with delight as I put the food in her hands ”You’ve been too kind to me, Luna” she confessed ”I don’t know why, but thank you”

I smiled at her and nudged her arm with mine. “Well let’s just say I find it hard to hold a grudge”.

“Hmm, well thank you Luna, it does make me feel better that whatever fate I face next week, at least I have your forgiveness and…. Maybe one day your family will forgive me too”

I stayed with her until she fell asleep after devouring the food I gave her. We talked until she laid quiet, her hand squeezing mine, as a tear fell from her closed eyes and let sleep finally overtake her.

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