Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 16 - Part 4, Destined and chosen.

Two days later, Layton had messaged me as soon as he was back at the Palace. While he was away, he had messaged me over and over telling me how much he missed me. So, to surprise him, I got dressed in a short black ruffle skirt and white silk blouse that clung to my skin, rushed down to the kitchen to make us some fresh sandwiches and coffee.

I tapped on his office doors as I opened them and this time, to my relief, I wasn’t greeted by that woman on his desk.

“heyyy” I called as I walked in and when his eyes landed on me, his mouth fell open and his eyes popped

“wow” he whistled as I put our food down on his coffee table and waltz over to his desk. I sat and perched on the edge of it with him now standing in front of me “Damn I missed you” he growled as he grabbed my legs, pulling them to his sides and pressed his body against mine with his lips crashing down on mine. I automatically parted my lips for his tongue as he invaded my mouth in a deep and hungry kiss.

Our bodies were moulded together like glue as the heat and sexual tension took over. His hands ran up my thighs then to my back as mine were wandering over the back of his neck and his muscular arms. His arms tightened around me as his body was on mine, my back was almost touching the desk as we ravishly kissed and touched each other in a frenzy. The yearning love and chemistry we felt washed over us as our kisses turned into a heated craze… His smell made my senses burst on a high and the feel of his hot toned body against mine with the taste of his delicious tongue made me wet in my panties and, just then, as he was in between my legs pressed up against my pelvis I felt how rock hard he was, poking through his trousers which caused me to become even wetter soaking my black silk thong and I knew he could sense my arousal by the way his hand caught a fistful of my hair and his chest rumbled with desire.

Images of him naked and his cock so close to me flashed through my head and I knew, soon this wouldn’t be enough for me and I’d want him completely in every way. We were both groaning as his cock strained against his clothes to escape and my pussy became wetter with every touch and kiss. If we weren’t both virgins there’s no doubt our clothes wouldn’t already be ripped off by now as we clamoured to kiss each other, wanting more and more.

We were so wrapped up in each other when a sudden knock at the door startled us. We quickly pulled away puffing and panting as we readjusted our clothes, and I made my way to sit on the sofa in front of the coffee table. I looked at Layton as he tried hiding his hardon when he sat down at his desk, “Come in” he called, as he cleared his throat.

Imagine my surprise as my heat plummeted into my gut when that woman opened the door dressed in a red strapless top with no bra so you couldn’t miss her hard nipples poking through and her short black hot pants that hugged her ass cheeks, and accented her long legs. Adrenaline of anger rose like fire as I had the urge to rip her hair out and push her back out from where she came.

She didn’t even notice me as she waltzed in giving him a seductive smile “Alpha Layton, I heard you were back. I just thought I’d come by to see if you needed me” she grinned as she played with her hair.

“Lexi, what the fuck are you doing here?”

“Well, I know you must have had a stressful trip, let me remind you I’m verrrry good at relieving any stress”

Eugh! she’s making my stomach churn and now I want to throttle her even more.


“But… but Alpha” she stuttered


Her posture tensed and she looked unsure of what to do next as she shifted on her feet, and she suddenly turned her head in my direction and clocked me her face turned sour, and she gave me a cold look.


She cleared her throat “Yes” she replied as she looked down at the floor .


“Yes, Alpha Layton”

“Good!” his voice calmed “now remove yourself and seeing as you have no mate or family that reside in the pack house, I don’t want to find you around here again. Now leave!”

She turned on her heels and as she left, she gave me a quick bitter look and I just shook my head at the nerve she had.

Layton came over and sat next to me as I handed him his coffee, and I couldn’t help but ask. “Soo, I heard something about messages…. Had she been texting you?”

He scoffed as raised his brow, looking at me “Yes, I have no idea how she got my number but she messaged while I was away, saying that she’d head to the Palace and make sure everything was running in order and that she’d keep the maids and cooks in line” he laughed

“As if my maids and cooks don’t know how to maintain the Palace without me… stupid cow, they’d be mortified if they had some random person barking orders at them, especially seeing as they work so hard… So, I told her if I find out she had stepped foot in the Palace I’d have her removed and thrown out by the guards”.

“Ok… was that all?”

“Well, no..”

“No? so, then what else Layton?” I started feeling angry again as my heart started to race with jealousy.

“Look, she messaged me a few times telling me she’d be a generous lover and she could satisfy my needs if I chose to make her my Luna”.

“WHAT!” I screeched “the fucking nerve… did you say anything to her?”

“No! I just ignored it" he said sarcastically “course I did, I told her not to message me again and that I had no interest in her at all. I didn’t have any other messages after that, so I assumed she got the gist and decided to back off, but clearly I was wrong”.

I huffed in annoyance as I sipped my coffee and he grabbed hold of my hand “My love, trust me, If she does or says anything again, I will make good on my threat and have her removed from the pack. The only reason I haven’t yet is because I don’t want to cause her parents any grief. They are pretty old now and they’re good and kind people, they don’t deserve any drama”.

“Who are her parents?”

“You know the bakers… Mr and Mrs Miller?”

"Oh, they’re her parents?” I asked astounded “they’re so sweet and quiet, she doesn’t even look anything like them”

“Well, they’re not her real parents. She and her brother were adopted when they were babies. Her brother was a good man, but he met his mate and they moved to the city, so he doesn’t come back very often”. He smiled as he started to eat the sandwiches I made.

“Mmm, these are amazing” he muffled with a full mouth and once he swallowed his food, he gave me a little peck on the lips ”Thank you for such an awesome welcome home”.

I grinned and felt bashful ”Your welcome” and we both ate the food before we had to get on with duties.

I didn’t have another patrol now until tomorrow morning, so I offered my help to Layton for the day and he had asked me to help Gabel with the first day of warrior training. I quickly kissed him goodbye, being sure not to linger, I didn’t have time for things to get all hot and heavy again even though the mere thought of it was making me crave more.

Gabel was stood proudly as he spoke to the new set of future warriors, and I smiled at how quickly that phase of my life passed and how excited I had been on my first day. He asked me to set up the mats and supervise the youngsters as they partnered up, I helped some with their stance and defence and others to be quicker with their attacks.

I loved assisting the whole session. When it had finished and as I was packing the mats away,Gabel came over to help me ”Thank you for your help today, Lelanna, it’s much appreciated”

“Oh, I was happy to help. I really enjoyed it actually”

“Yea I could tell” he smiled ”by any chance would you be interested in helping once a week just when we do hand to hand combat and we go on to learn the swords? It would be good to have someone skilled to help with the classes… but don’t feel you have to, I’m sure you’ve been very busy since you’ve returned with all that’s been happening”.

Oh, how wrong he was! If anything, I had been spending too much time wandering around aimlessly and I was starting to feel a bit useless. There’s only so much pack duties I can do when Layton, Sam and Florence take care of most of it. This was just what I needed, something of my own away from Layton and the pack house. Something that I know I’d enjoy, so I didn’t hesitate with my answer “Of course I’ll help Gabel, I’d love to”.

“Wow, really? That’s great Lelanna, thankyou… honestly since Drake has moved on to being a Palace guard, I haven’t been able to find anyone to replace him and it’s always good to have an extra pair of hands around, the trainees will be thrilled when they find out they’re going to be training with Blue Moon’s new legend!“.

“Gabel! You’re a true legend, they’re incredibly lucky to have you, and so was I! I grinned “But, anyway Dakota mentioned she works with him now, but I promise I’ll be reliable and if you ever need me for extra days, I’ll do my best to be flexible”.

“Wonderful” he grinned as we finished tidying away and we walked out of the training area “You know Lelanna I’m so proud at how well you’ve done since being back, you’ve taken on such drastic changes in your life, but you always seem to just face them head on”.

I blushed at the praise ” Well, to be honest, I do have my moments of doubt. Or sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming”

“Oh that’s natural Lelanna, everybody has days like that even with less things on their minds than what you’ve had… but as long as you keep standing and always make the best choice in that given time… well, then I’d say your coping rather well and the way I see it. Those doubts are always good to listen to, it means we’ll take the time to think something through until we feel what the right thing to do is.”

“Hmm, that’s really good advice Gabel! See you’re so wise!” I smiled at him as he chuckled.

We neared the pack house where Gabel was to change for his duty as the Palace guard when we said goodbye and parted ways and I headed home ready to shower off my sweat. I felt elated knowing I had something new to look forward to something that would quench my passion.


The last few days had gone in a flash, me and Layton tried to steal as many moments alone as we could. Some of those we behaved and had lunch or dinner while we talked and stole a few kisses, but there were too many occasions where our food would go untouched while we kissed and fondled, leaving each other breathless and horny. I knew I wanted to wait for our ceremony when we would be bonded properly, but every time we got a bit carried away it got harder and harder to resist tearing his clothes off and letting him have his naughty way with me. I would fantasise about what he would look like naked and how his bare skin would feel against mine.

He had asked me if today I could escort a nurse to the cells to sedate Tina and oversee it for the next three days until they reviewed and monitor her behaviour, where they would decide if the daily dose of sedation was still necessary. I could see the poor nurse was trembling as we walked through the metal doors and down the steep narrow steps. She had to of been only 5ft, she was young, perhaps 19-20 and pretty with her hair pinned back into a neat bun with her nurse’s overcoat hanging off her shoulders. I could hear her shaky breaths and see her fingers trembling as she clutched her medical case close to her.

I frowned slightly at her nervousness, I could smell she was half wolf like us, so it’s not like she was full human, and this was all new territory for her.

"Are you ok?” I decided to ask, the poor thing sounded like she was about to pass out.

"Yes” She whispered quietly, like a little timid mouse

“If you like, we could get someone else to do this.”

“Mmm no it’s ok, this… it’s my first time sedating Mrs Maven, the other nurse’s that have dealt with her said she’s a nightmare and I know she’s the one that was behind all those awful attacks”.

“Didn’t succeed though, did she?”

“Umm no"

“Well then she can’t be THAT scary”

“Mmm that’s true”

“And besides, I’m here, you have nothing to worry about, I’m quicker with my sword than she is at running her mouth” I joked, which earned a mousy giggle from the nurse.

The guard that led us down the steps started to approach Tina’s cell door and as soon as she heard us coming, she ran to the bars and started screaming and hitting them with her bare hands and I saw the nurse suddenly recoil. I suppose I couldn’t blame her, she wasn’t used to this side of things, she’d only ever dealt with patients that were in the Blue Moon. I put my hand on her shoulder and moved her behind me and motioned for her to stay there as I walked over to the cell bars and helped the guard to take hold of Tina’s arms.

She screamed and spat as we pulled her arms through the bars and held them tightly so she could barely move them.

“Come on” I encouraged the nurse “it’s fine, she can’t hurt you” I reassured her as I tried to keep Tina’s arm still. The nurse quickly took out her syringe and reluctantly came over to us as she stuck the needle in, and as soon as the liquid disappeared into Tina’s arm, the nurse hurriedly backed away as me and the guard waited for Tina to stop struggling.

When she was finally asleep, the guard opened her cell door and carried her to her bed as I stood close with my hand on sword for any sudden fits of struggle.

As soon as we were done and the guard locked her door, he made his way back up the steps as the nurse hastily grabbed her case and ran up behind him, getting out of here as quickly as she could.

I was about to follow when I stopped in my tracks as I reached Zara’s cell. She was just sat on her bed, her head back as she stared at the ceiling.

“Something interesting up there?” I joked

She turned to me, but her face remained emotionless “Mmm, was just trying to guess what time it was”

I pulled my phone from my jacket pocket “Its 11.15am It’s still morning”.

“Wow, is it sunny today?”

I nodded “it is”

"Hmm, that’s nice” she spoke in a soft calm voice ”you should be on the beach, not here”.

I grinned ” That’s probably true. Perhaps I’ll go there later”

“You should and when you do, can you just…. Just breathe in the salty sea air for me and listen to the waves”.

“Sure thing” I responded calmly.

I left her then and headed out to get the rest of my jobs done for the day. Next on the list, Florence wanted me to help her send out invitations for her and Kye’s ceremony, which just made it all more real that she was soon to be leaving.


After I had helped Florence with her invitations and done the rest of my jobs, it was around 6pm and the sun was still beaming in the sky. I thought back to what Zara had said and I had decided to go home, change into my shorts and top and head to the beach and now was the best time of day as it would be practically empty.

I met Layton at the beach’s wooden gate as he had rung me beforehand asking to see me. I chuckled at the wicker picnic basket he held in his hand as he held mine with his free one and we walked down the beach. We sat just right in front of the sea, just before the waves could touch our bare feet. I sat looking out to the water as I took in a deep breath and inhaled the salty air, I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the calm waves wash upon the shore as the sea rolled in and out. I felt.... peaceful, just for a moment as my thoughts kept flashing back to Zara, down in that dark, dungy cell, never seeing day light, never again to see what I get to see right now. To feel this peace and see this beauty as the sun shone above the sparkling sea.

“Are you ok?” Layton asked as he put his arm around me and kissed my temple.

I nodded “I’m ok” I said unconvincingly.

“Hey” he put his fingers to my chin and turned me to face him. “Is there something on your mind my love?”

I shook my head “no, I’m ok” I repeated as I looked back out to the sea.

“Really? because you look as though you have a million thoughts running around in your head”. he noted softly

I shrugged “I suppose I have”

“Care to share?”

“No, it’s ok… honestly I don’t even really know myself what they are, so I just need to work through them”.

“Ok” he nodded “But if you change your mind, I’m here”

I smiled as I rested my head on his shoulder and leaned into him. We watched the waves together as we spoke about our day… however, I missed out my conversation with Zara...I don’t think he would understand why I suddenly have started to feel sorry for her, I couldn’t understand it myself!

We sat for hours and watched the sun set while we ate the food Layton had bought. The whole scene was so pretty and romantic as the whole sky glowed pink and yellow, I couldn’t help but turn to Layton and start kissing him.

Our kiss started light, just small pecks on the lips until we both craved more and It turned intense as the fire inside of us ignited once again and I found myself suddenly riding his lap, my legs clutched against his thighs, his hands wandering underneath my top as he grasped my breasts that were tingling under my bra. My hands went from his arms and shoulders to his hair and back again. It was as if our hands had a mind of their own and we couldn’t stop them from touching and groping each other’s warm soft skin.

His hard cock was poking up from beneath his shorts as it rubbed against my thin beach ones pressing against my clit and the opening of my vagina. He growled and I moaned as his lips moved from mine and made their way roughly over my neck, down to my collarbone. My back arched as my groans echoed in the air as pools of wetness soaked through my pants and shorts. I could feel him getting harder and his breaths getting heavier as his heartbeat quickened against my breasts, I could feel him tense up every time I got wetter and with every pleasured sound I made. My vagina tingled and ached for him as we ravished each other with kisses, our hands barely being able to contain themselves. He ran his hand through my hair as I arched my back even further and his lips travelled down leaving a kissing trail all the way down to my cleavage.

We must have been in our craze for some time as it was now dark, and my vagina was throbbing with wet desire, and he was just as thirsty for it as I was. We knew we couldn’t go any further and we started to make our kisses lighter and slower, and our hands slowed down as one of his rested on my cheek and the other on my back holding me close to him and mine were interlacing through his hair.

Later that night, when we headed back to the quiet sleeping village as we kissed goodbye, Layton held me tightly “Lelanna?”

“Mmmm” I moaned as I kissed his stubbly jawline and sniffed in his cologne and natural scent… his smell alone was orgasmic!

“Will you stay with me tonight?”

I blinked a few times as I looked up to him “But… you know I don’t want to us to have sex for the first time before we’re bonded in ceremony”

He chuckled as he lightly pecked the tip of my nose. ”Oh my love, I didn’t mean for that” he sighed ”I just want to sleep with you in my arms and wake up the same way”.

I smiled and stood on tip toes as I kissed his lips ”Ok, that sounds wonderful”.

He beamed and took my hand in his as we headed back to the Palace…

He leant me one of his gym shirts to wear that fell just below my thighs and I saw his eyes as they fixated on my legs when I walked over to join him on the bed. His golden muscly body was showing just above the covers as he was sat up in the bed. I guess the only thing he’s wearing tonight is boxers and the whole thought of him wearing practically nothing with so much of his sexy rippling body on show made me nervous... I’ll have to be able to sleep tonight and not let any naughty thoughts run wild in my head!

I climbed into bed, and he pulled me into his arms as we led down. My head rested on his arm and against his broad hard chest. I ran the tips of my nails lightly over his skin as his fingers ran up and down my arm.

He kissed me on the top of my head and breathed in my scent “I’ve imagined us being like this for so long” He whispered into my hair “sometimes I can’t believe it’s real and I get scared that I’ll wake up to find it was all just a dream”

“I know” I responded thoughtfully “I never thought we would ever get here, like this together... I spent so many years believing it wouldn’t be anything more than a fantasy. Then when I had to leave, I honestly thought I’d never see you again. Or one day I’d return to see you happy, mated to your Luna and you would have forgotten all about me”.

"Lelanna, not a day went by that I didn’t think of you, you were with me every day and in my dreams”

“Your dreams?”

“Yes” he breathed me in again ”You were in them more times than I could count… some of them were...horrendous which I think was down to my guilt… but the good ones, I think those were because I missed you. I missed you like crazy”.

“I can’t believe you dreamt about me”

I could feel his nod “I don’t mean it lightly when I say you’re everything to me”.

“I thought about you a lot too, you know… but I got to a point where I had to push you out, I had to push everyone out… but It didn’t stop my heart from aching”

“I’m so sorry I caused you so much pain”

“I forgive you and I love you, with all of my heart”.

“You have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that...all of it. I love you too more than I could ever convey!“.

We fell asleep as we held onto each other. I drifted off to the sound of his heart beat as his chest rose and fell, feeling warm and calm in the safety of his arms.

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