Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 15 - Enemies of Blue moon.

I approached the huge brown bricked building that held all the cells, wearing my armour, with my sword tucked at my side, this is the first time I’ve worn it since I’ve come back and I can’t lie… I’ve missed it… it gave me a sense of strength and confidence.

I could see Layton stood outside the big black metal doors with two guards as he caught sight of me, I didn’t miss the slight corner of his lips that tucked up into an almost smile.

“You ready?” he asked concerned as I was now outside the doors standing in front of him and I could smell his delicious scent.

Focus… focus!

"Yes” I ended with just a simple answer, the less we speak the better.

“Ok, then” he nodded at the guards to unlock the main doors. “One of them will be with us the whole time just in case anything happens”.

I scoffed at him ”I’m sure I can handle her” … Jeez like I can’t defend myself against that stupid little wrench!

The guard lead us down the steep stone steps, the whole stairway was dimly lit with fire torches hooked to the wall, it made the whole place seem sinister and depressing... I felt a surge of anger as I remembered that I had been bought down these very steps once before and left in a dingy dark cell.

We walked into a large square shaped room, with stone walls and floors, there was a rather large stone fireplace in one corner that was lit and managed to make the whole floor feel warmer keeping the people locked away from dying with freezing to death. Apart from the fire and other torches on the walls there was no other light. No windows, no main light on the ceiling, I thought back to how much I hated not having one window just to see the light of day or the moon, and that was only for two nights, I think I’d go insane if I was stuck down here any longer.

We approached Zara’s cell and I could see her sat on her dingy bed with chains hanging off her wrists that hooked to the wall.

The guard unlocked her door and it creaked as he opened it wide enough for me to enter, I stepped in and looked at her as she had her gaze focused on her bed, her lanky blonde hair hanging over her face. Layton stood in the doorway and the guard stood behind the bars, keeping watch, ready for any aggressive movements.

“Well… this looks cosy” I remarked sarcastically with humour in my voice.

She scoffed ”hmm you should be able to remember!”

I let her comment go over my shoulder, not wanting to bite back ”yea I do remember, ever so slightly, luckily for me it was only two nights”

“Yea, before you were banished into the forest like a dirty criminal” she chuckled… still not looking at me.

My lips curled into a faint smile… ahh here we go, the conversation I’ve been needing… ”but unlike you, I wasn’t a criminal… was I Zara?”

I saw her shoulders rise then drop again as she laughed under her breath ”Aww still sour about that...what can I say... it was just too tempting to pass up annd I had sooo much fun watching your face when you got dragged off by the guards in front of everyone… their precious warrior Lelanna… not as precious as they thought”

I gave a light chuckle as she actually made me feel better “Ohh Zara, that didn’t happen!… .no one believed you, apart from your snobby family, no one turned against me, and here I am…. I’m back!”

She slowly raised her head then and looked at me with an angry expression on her face, her eyes looked like they wished they could shoot lasers to kill me. I stepped closer to assert my dominance “In case you didn’t know, that night when I had to leave, outside of my house was crowds of people, everyone from the village and even from the city came to say goodbye… everyone still respected me Zara, even then… not one person fucking gave a damn about you cause your no better than your family which is full of traitors” I scorned.

I could see her eyes twitch in anger, she was probably imagining all the ways she wanted to kill me. “Hmm, well actually one person did care!” She looked past me with a grin to Layton who was still stood in the doorway. He stood tall and walked past me to join me in the cell room.

He stuck his chin out and let the authority radiate off him, he actually looked rather intimidating right now. “Zara” his voice came out deep and stern ”I didn’t give a shit about you. I was just young and let your piece of shit family manipulate me! I was a fucking fool, but make no mistake, I’m no fool now… I fucking despised you, every time you tried to come to the palace or my office, I literally couldn’t stand the sight of you… it would never have mattered if Lelanna was here or not, I never would have picked you as my Luna”.

He stepped closer to her and couped down in front of her “I never and would never want you and you have no one but yourself and your family to blame for being here now. I made it clear many times I had no interest, but you just had to push it didn’t you?... your ruthless, disgraceful and the most untrustworthy, despicable person I’ve ever had to deal with”. He grabbed her chin hard, as she tried to pull away from his grip, he held on tighter, most likely to leave a bruise as his voice got deeper and threatening “So never call my name in your defence ever again... or I will slit you from head to toe then throw you out for the fucking rogues you call your subjects to feast on you and rip you apart… you fucking understand?”

She just sat there with her face scrunched up defiantly.

"YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?” he yelled in her face, she blanched and quickly nodded her head. He ripped his hand away from her chin which caused her to fall slightly onto her side. She tried to regain her stubborn posture by sitting up straight with a poker face on.... but I knew he’d broke her… shit… his voice even shocked me! Who knew Layton could sound so terrifying.

“Anyway…” I cut the silence ”now that were done with that topic... where’s your fucking mother?”

She didn’t answer and just sat with her hands in her lap, but I did notice her breathing getting harder and louder. Unfortunately, during the battle, her father was killed by one of the warriors from another pack, but her coward of a mother ran off while we were too busy fighting their rogues.

I pulled my sword from my sheath and let it glimmer in front of her face then pressed the tip lightly across her neck, only to scare her not wound her “I’ll ask again Zara, where is your mother?”…. again, met with silence…

“You know, I find it pretty shocking how your mother watched your father get torn from limb to limb then ran, she didn’t even try to save him or fight for him, she just... let them kill him! I mean If it was me, I’d be so consumed in anger I’d have to maim whoever killed my mate. But you know, you remind me of her… you’re both sickingly selfish and so twisted”

Her breathing got heavier at my words

“I’ll bet your mother doesn’t give a shit that your father is dead as long as she still has her life. She’s even leaving you to rot in here”

just as I spoke those words, I noticed as she quickly tried to hide the smirk that flickered across her face, and I knew she had thought I wouldn’t have caught it! An immediate cold shiver ran down my spine. I put my sword away and decided to give her what she thinks she’s gotten… us not knowing a goddam thing, so I played dumb.

“Ok Zara, that just leaves you down here longer and with less food“. I glanced to Layton then I walked out of the cell with him following behind as the guard locked the cell door.

As soon as we were out of the main doors and back into the fresh open air, I turned to face Layton feeling rather anxious, ”Layton, they have a plan”

“What do you mean?”

“I think her mother is going to come back for her, Zara’s face said it all, it’s so obvious, they’re not going to give up that easily”

"Shit!... come on” he motioned for me to follow him.

Layton took us to his office, and I saw his eyes glazed over as he was mind linking people in the pack. I sat down on one of the leather armchairs as he sat down as his desk. he looked at me thoughtfully… after a few moments he opened his mouth as if he was about to say something when his office doors opened, with Sam and Dakota entering.

“What’s the urgency Alpha Layton?” Sam asked as they rushed in

Layton waved his hand out for them to take a seat ” We’ll discuss it when everyone is here”.

Galeb was next to come in, then came Florence then Snr Alpha Nicholas and Snr Luna Mila. Layton remained quiet, his jaw clenched and unclenched until they were all sat in chairs that were spaced out around the large room. Everyone was silent as they all were wondering what they were all called so suddenly for.

Layton looked straight to me as he nodded his head “Lelanna tell them what you just told me”

Everyone’s eyes shot to me anxiously “Ok so, me and Layton have just been to see Zara.. when I broached the subject of her mother fleeing and leaving Zara to rot in the cells, well there was something in the way her facial expression changed that gave me an alarming feeling. I believe that her mother plans to come back and free Zara, but of course we know she won’t do it alone, or do it without a full proof plan. She won’t come here outnumbered or act brash”

“So, what your saying is that you think she’s going to lead another attack?” Luna Mila asked.

"Yes. As much as I hate that woman, I know that she’d do anything to get Zara back and exact her revenge for her husband’s death”

“But we’ve just let everyone go back to their packs” Dakota spoke as she looked alarmed.

"I know… and we can’t exactly ask them all to come back… I think we need to try and fight this one ourselves”

“But how?” Florence asked “We have excellent fighters indeed, but it won’t mean anything if she comes with too many rogues to fight off… Our warriors are good going against two rogues at a time but if were hugely outnumbered we’ll fall”

“We won’t let it come to that… of course, we’re not going to just let them attack us” Layton stated as he sat calmly behind his desk, his hands resting in front of him with his fingers locked together. ”She’s gone somewhere to hide and to plan her attack, we need to figure out where and fast, we need to take her by surprise before she has too much time to come here with more people to fight her fight”.

“I agree” I nodded ”I think a group of twenty warriors should be enough to go out in search for her”

“Ok… So, who goes?” Sam questioned us all “I’m happy to lead them”

“And me” Dakota quickly answered as she grasped Sam’s hand, clearly not wanting him to go out there without her.

“Actually, I want to lead them” I said sternly.

They all gasped quietly as their eyes widened.

“You can’t go back out there again Lil’s” Sam said rather defiantly, as if anything could actually stop me.

“We can’t expect you to go back into that forest, when your parents have only just got you back” Snr Nicholas looked rather worried at my request.

“Well, I’m going”. I gave them all a firm look to let them know I wasn’t to be trifled with. “I know where they all kept themselves hidden before and I can find them again… no doubt she’s gone back there or perhaps not far from it… she doesn’t know I had found them so as far as she’s concerned that place was safe for their hideout. The woman might be sly and a traitor but I’m betting she’s predictable”

“Layton, say something… you can’t let her go” Snr Mila looked to her son for support.

He looked at me and to the rest of them as I could see he was weighing up what to decide and I could see his jaw clicking once again and his eyes suddenly looking heavy. So, I decided to make the decision for him.

“Nothing you decide will stop me, not from any of you… I know where to look, meaning we might find them faster and hopefully before she has too many fighters behind her, we take the fight to her!... I’m going and I leave at first light”

Layton let out a deep sigh ”I think it’s clear that none of us can stop Lelanna from doing this… I remember Heath telling me that she has great skills at tracking and keeping herself hidden, and if it wasn’t for her, we never would have known what we were up against in the first place. As much as I don’t want her to go… she is a warrior and if she’s choosing to protect our pack from further anguish then… I’m with her on this one. I can see she’s sure she knows what she’s doing and to be honest I’d feel a lot better about my warriors being out there in that hopeless forest with her in lead. She knows it well and at least we won’t be running round in circles wasting valuable time... Lelanna are you sure you want to do this? I will let you decide on what you want to do!”

“A hundred percent I want this, I know I can find her”

“Then it’s done… me and Sam will assemble twenty warriors to go with you, you’ll all meet outside the pack house at 5am sharp… is that alright with you?”

“perfect” I nodded with a small smile on my face. A part of me couldn’t wait to get out into the open forest, to be with it all again.

Everyone else looked crestfallen as they watched the agreement between me and Layton, I had to admit I was rather surprised at him taking me so seriously and not trying to hold me back from something I felt determined to do.

“Alpha Layton” Galeb’s strong voice pulled our gazes to him “May I request that my son shall be part of the twenty? he’s an excellent fighter and I know this is a mission he’ll want to be part of, and I know with my whole heart he’ll watch Lelanna’s back”

Layton nodded with a grateful smile “of course, Galeb, thank you for putting him forward and I didn’t miss how quick and excellently he fought in battle, it would also mean a great deal to me if he went with them.”

When all was agreed, I got up to leave, I had to go home and break the news to my parents’, I just hoped they could trust I’d be ok and that this was something I had to do. I’d have to explain to them that by doing this it may mean that the Blue Moon wouldn’t have to face another bloodbath so soon.

The moon still lit up the damp night sky as me and my fellow twenty warriors readied ourselves to leave quietly as the rest of the village slept apart from Layton, Sam and Dakota who were here to see us off. I looked at the men and women before me as they prepared their weapons in their sheaths. I had prepared mine at 4am this morning I wanted them to feel sure they’re leader was organised and punctual and that I wasn’t afraid… and I wasn’t!

Galeb’s son, Drake approached me and I recognised him straight away ”well, if it isn’t our brave warrior… damn, it’s as if your back from the dead” He held out his hand for me to shake and when I did he grasped it tightly ”I’m honoured to be doing this mission with you, and well… me and my dad are over the moon that you came back”.

“Thank you” I whispered ”I remember you to be as good as your father, I’m glad I’ll have you with us”.

He smiled and let go of my hand as we both turned to face the rest of the warriors. “We need get to get going ”I informed them in a quiet voice so as not to let anyone hear us… We had planned to do this without panicking the pack. Only the mates of the warriors that were coming were allowed to know of what we were doing but had to swear on their loyalty to the Alpha that they wouldn’t speak of it to anyone else until we returned.

I gave Sam and Dakota a hug when Layton motioned for me to follow him a few yards away from everyone else.

“Lanna… I… I fucking hate that you’re going. Once you’re all past our boarders no one can mind link me. How will I know you’re ok?”

“Well, we have phones for one thing”

“But what if something happens and no one can contact me?”

“Layton… I thought you trusted me to keep your warriors safe”

“I do Lanna, I trust you more than anyone else… I just can’t bare the thought of you going back out there and something happening to you”

I tried to gulp down the rush of feelings he gave me and tried to remain serious and calm ”Layton, I managed three years, facing rogues all the time, I’ll be ok, they’ll be ok… you just have to trust me”

He nodded “I do… I do… I just fucking regret going along with this… once again I’m that foolish prick sending you out into the unknown”

I placed my hand gently on his arm, not missing the tingles it sent through my fingers

“But it’s not unknown to me… I know what I’m doing… and this is the best way to keep everyone else safe, if we can make that happen then we need to try… ok?”

He gulped as he looked right into my eyes “Ok… ok” I could see his hand move closer to my face as if his fingers were aiming to stoke my cheek, but I quickly moved away

“We’ll inform you when we have something, ok?” I reassured him as I kept stepping back then turned and approached the group… “Come on, it’s time to go!“.

I started jogging toward the edge of the pack village as they all followed closely behind me, we reached the trees and kept going till we got past the territory boarder.

I could hear slight groans from them as their connections through mind link to the rest of the pack started to severe… the further we would go the less they would be able to hear until they’d hear nothing but only a faint whisper from their Alpha, only he had the power to still mind link them even with such distance between them, but it wouldn’t be enough for them to hear his words or for him to hear theirs.

I slowed down to give them a moment to gather themselves, I remember it being hard when my ties to the pack were severed, although mine were forced as a protocol to banishment.

After a few minutes we regained our speed as I picked up the pace, we were quite far from where I needed us to be. But if memory serves me right and I still know this forest like I had designed it myself then I’d be able to get us straight there without going far out of our way past my cave.

I couldn’t take us all the way there to then head to their hiding place, although I knew the route completely going from the direction of my cave, but time was of the essence and we didn’t have it on our side, we couldn’t afford any routes that were longer than necessary.

We had been running for some time now as the sun was high up in the sky indicating that it was now noon, I could smell the sweat from the warriors around me and could hear their hungry stomachs and breaths panting in need for a rest. I slowed down and came to a stop as we neared a big patch of sticky wet mud.

“Cover yourselves in this” I told them as I started to cover myself in the mud “Were at a point now where we’ll need to mask our scents... we’ll all reek of fresh pack wolves… they’ll sniff us from a mile away”.

They all walked over to the mud and started to brush it over themselves, I walked over to a pine tree and grabbed branches with pine leaves on them and chucked them on the floor next to them, keeping one branch back for myself and rubbing the leaves over my armour and in my hair. ”Use these leaves when your done with the mud"

I waited until they had all done what I asked, “ok you all rest, have some water, there’s a river nearby so we can refill all our cannisters there when we pass it. Drake, you come with me you’re going to help me carry our food back”

“Food?” he asked looking surprised and confused.

“Yes, I’ll catch, and you can carry”. I turned and started walking ahead as Drake came up next to me, we walked till I found the perfect quiet spot. I couped behind a tree with Drake hiding behind it next to me, we only had to wait ten minutes or so when a deer came into view. I grabbed two arrows and my bow and shot them into its neck. ”Ok, go and get the deer”.

Drake just stared at me with his mouth agape. “Holy shit Lelanna” he exclaimed as he got up and ran over to the deer chucking it over his shoulder.

We were in luck today cause as we quietly made our way back to the group and I kept an arrow ready in my bow as I peered into the trees around us, I spotted a large wild rabbit. I shot him and took him back with us.

A couple of warriors gathered stuff for a fire and lit it, we roasted our food as they all thanked me for the kill.

I gave them 30 minutes more after we had all eaten before we continued running through the bright and beautiful forest. I was smiling most of the time as I took in all the smells and sounds, and inwardly thanked the forest for being so wonderful and clear today, I knew that the rest of them wouldn’t have chance to see what I see but I did hope that they’d recognise at least some of the heavenly things this place possessed. If only rogues didn’t darken its glorious beauty.

We made good distance today, they all stayed strong and kept going as we only took small breaks every few hours for water and to let our bodies cool down. The sun was close to setting, so I ordered for everyone to climb up to the top of the trees that were clustered together, two warriors to a tree just in case any rogues came nearby. I sat in the tree eating some of the dried fruit from our ration packs we had all been given as I marvelled at the pink and yellow glow in the sky, as the sun slowly bid us a goodnight, followed by the bright moon and its twinkling friends that blanketed the dark night.

I breathed in the fresh night air allowing it to soak deep into my lungs, closing my eyes and allowing myself to once again fall asleep under the moon’s light.


It took us three days to get to their little hideout, and as we sat at the top of the cliffs, keeping out of sight, we watched Tina try to gain control of the only rogues she had left…

“Doesn’t look many” Drake whispered next to me as we sized up the group below us.

I let out a breathy chuckle ”no, she’s desperate now, look at her, seems as though Ericsson was the one keeping them all in line”.

“Well, I’m not surprised, I remember just how creepy he used to be… I knew he had something dark about him… and the fact that he started a revolt against his own pack, proves it all”.

“Mmm, I know, he always used to give me the creeps too, although considering Tina has always had such a big loudmouth, she’s not as...”

“Authoritarian?” Drake picked the exact word I was trying to think of

"Yes! she looks like she’s struggling down there to wrang them together”

“Well, maybe they’re sick of taking orders… I mean what reason do they have now? To try and attack again, I think they know it’s a lost cause”

“Well, so long as Zara’s in the cells, Tina won’t give up, now she doesn’t have Ericsson with her, can you hear Layton yet?”

"Naa, not yet, but I reckon by the morning he’ll be close enough”.

When we had gotten to the cliffs last night to see Tina had in fact come back here with the last of the remaining rogues, I had sent Drake with two other warriors across the hills to find signal and contact Layton for him and enough warriors to come here.

We knew straight away, the warriors I had with me plus a few extra would be more than enough to bring the fight to Tina. Luckily Drake managed to get through, and Layton informed him they would leave straight away with fifty other warriors. On our travels through the forest, we had left markings on trees every time we stopped for a break, just in case we had a chance like this, to fight far from the Blue moon and any other pack. We left S for South and E for when they had to turn East just before the cliffs and tomorrow morning ten of our warriors will wait near the river just after Layton turns East and lead them all back here without getting caught.

I looked at the shambles below me, some of the rogues were fighting but not for training, just out of sheer anger and frustration, we could hear them arguing over why they’re still here, what’s the fucking point and how they got suckered into it in the first place!

The other rogues that weren’t fighting were just sat dotted around on the floor, most of them with their chins resting in their hands as if they had given up or lost the will to argue. Tina was trying so hard to assert her authority but without Ericsson and most of his family to back her up, she was now going it alone and they all knew it was only for the sake of her daughter and revenge for her mate.

I overheard one of the rogues shouting right at Tina’s face last night ”your fucking daughter is a fucking coward… I saw her try to run like a little bitch and you want us to go after her when she chose to desert us!” he was practically shoving his finger in her face, she tried to shout louder back, tried to lord a status over him but it’s now obvious that these last serving rogues have come to realise she nor did her mate have any status at all. Apart from wealth they had no power, at least not when it concerned any wolf pack.

All day so far, there’s been no order, no training or plans put in place, perhaps they were now all really considering if they wanted to stay and help her get Zara back or if they were done and wanted to split. I mean why would they bother risking their lives for Zara it’s not like she’s a nice person or compassionate… With Zara it was always about the power and status she could get without caring who she stomped on to get it, she was just the younger version of her gutless, callous parents.

It was starting to get dark when another row erupted, when five rogues had a shouting match with Tina. One of them was a woman and she screamed at Tina about how they had been tricked into the fight, with her losing her rogue brother to the warriors and how she was finished with taking orders. The woman left and the four other rogues went with her.

The way Tina squealed at the others that were left, you could hear it in her voice that she was seething with how quickly things were falling apart right in front of her. I couldn’t help but hope that this would turn out a lot easier than we had first expected.


I sat high in the tree as I overlooked the grounds below the cliffs, I had a clear view this way with no chance of Tina or the rogues spotting me. I heard shuffling in the tree as the branches and leaves shook, goosebumps prickled my skin instantly and I knew why. I didn’t have to smell his scent or see him to know who it was approaching. My body was somehow just prone to Layton and everything about him… even after three years, disappointment and heartache.

He sat down on a neighbouring branch only inches from mine ”Anything new to report?” he whispered with his husky kind voice.

I shook my head ”no... it’s been quiet”

“Ok, I’ll go ready the warriors, I think it’s time we attack, get this over and done with, they’re well outnumbered so this should be easy”.

I followed Layton as we lowered ourselves quietly down the tree. He ushered for everyone to huddle closer as he mind linked them the next steps we were taking.

We climbed down the back of the cliffs and took the grass beaten track through the narrow opening at the bottom of the cliffs that led to Tina and the rogues. We stepped through quietly trying to keep ourselves unseen, so we could have the element of surprise. We followed the tight path round till they were finally in sight with Layton standing tall and us at his back, he led us to the open ground when they finally noticed they were no longer alone.

Tina’s eyes flashed with shock and vexation as she spotted us, but the rogues looked more afraid than anything else as they slowly started to step back, distancing themselves away from Tina, leaving her standing alone.

“I’LL GIVE YOU ALL ONE WARNING...ONE CHANCE TO FUCK OFF AND NEVER COME NEAR MY PACK AGAIN… REFUSE, WE’LL KILL YOU AND ANY THAT SURVIVE WILL BE DRAGGED TO OUR CELLS AND THEIR LIMBS CUT OFF ONE BY ONE TILL YOU BLEED TO DEATH…. IS THAT FUCKING CLEAR?” His voice rumbles through his chest and echoed all around to the very cliff tops. Layton alone looked as if he could kill several rogues at once without barely breaking a sweat, a quick snap of their necks as if it was nothing.

Tina scoffed then laughed as if she was unafraid when she then looked straight to me “Ohh, am I supposed to be scared of you and your stupid little woman?”

Layton growled in anger as he took a threatening step forward ”watch your fucking mouth or I’ll slit your daughter’s throat right in front of you.” he stepped forward again his posture standing even taller “you should be down on your dirty knees begging Lelanna for forgiveness”

But she just looked even more vexed as she spat at his feet “fuck you and fuck your whore, we’ll kill you both and your entire PACK”

she screamed out with left over saliva flying out of her mouth as she seethed through her teeth. You could see she wanted to rip us apart with the hatred she held for us was evident all over her face. “KILL THEM ALL, BUT LEAVE THAT BITCH ALIVE... I WANT HER!” she commanded her troops… but her eyes blanched in surprise as no one moved, not a single one shifted their feet. she turned to look at them and screamed again “I SAID KILL THEM....NOW!!!”

One man stepped forward, toward her, he looked rather calm with his hands in his pockets and his back slightly slumped back. “Who are you to tell us what to do? Fuck you and fuck your daughter... me and my guys are done” and with that he walked past us toward the narrow path with seven other men following. When they made it past us safely, one by one more rogues started to move out. Tina was panting with fury as they were all now walking away, through the beaten path and back into the forest, abandoning her to face her fate.

Layton chuckled deeply with the easy victory he could hold over her… he walked toward her with a big devilish grin on his face as he grabbed her by her neck tightly, lifting her off the ground. ”I will make sure you and your daughter are on your knees in front of Lelanna, mark my fucking words, never call her a fucking whore ever again!“. He let go of her neck as she dropped to the floor, lying on her side.

Layton turned to me, tusked at his teeth and motioned for me to come over, as I walked closer, he leaned into me “knock her out, and we’ll take her back” he whispered as he carried on walking until he was behind me.

I smiled as I neared Tina, her looking at me with such distaste and venom. I grabbed her by the scruff of her top and punched her hard enough for her to fall limp. One of the warriors stormed over and blanketed her head with a black cover, tied her hand with rope behind her back, then threw her over his shoulder and we left, making our way back toward the forest and in two to three days’ time we’ll be home, and I found myself actually looking forward to being back home with my family.

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