Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 12 - Part 2, Search for the enemy.

I woke up as the sun was bracing the sky, the light flickering onto my eyes as it peeped from behind the clouds, I opened my eyes and as I lifted my head to look at Heath, I just watched him for a few moments, mulling over my feelings for him when all of a sudden his eyes shot wide open.

He sniffed the air and suddenly sat upright. I sat up next to him worriedly and held his arm “What? what is it, Heath?” I smelt the air, is there rogues? is that what he’s sensing? But I couldn’t smell any threat around us.

He sniffed again but inhaled even deeper and quickly stood up ”MATE” he called out and without so much as glancing at me he took off in full speed down the hill and ran toward the gates at the entrance of the pack land. I watched him run further away as a cold shiver went down my spine and a lump formed in my throat, I just sat there frozen in my spot.

When I finally managed to snap myself out from my shock, the only thing I felt I could do right now was to leave and go back home… my home… my cave which I now wish I had slept in.

I got up, ran down the hill and made my way back to the forest heading straight back to my cave. I closed the boulder door and ate what food I had, feeling rather solemn and once again alone and I cursed myself! I did it… I got too comfortable and now I’m the idiot who admitted I had feelings for him and he has a mate!

I know it’s not his fault and he wouldn’t have been able to anticipate finding his mate so suddenly and I can’t say I’m heartbroken… no definitely not heartbroken… just humiliated and a little…. scared, that’s it… I feel scared. I felt as though Heath was my ticket into the pack and for us to maybe one day be in love and to not be alone again, but now he has his mate, I felt as if I’d be shut out. I didn’t want to hang around somewhere I wasn’t really wanted anymore, now I’m not considered as Heaths possible future partner.

Maybe now they wouldn’t be as welcoming, especially now they’ll probably be more considerate and friendly to his mate and their future Luna. I decided to go and bathe in the warm pools to relax, calm my anxiety and be alone with nature. Once I was done, I headed back home and slept… to sleep off the dull ache in my stomach.

I woke up a while after and set my mind up to go tracking again. I sharpened my weapons and headed off in the forest. I went back to the spot me, and Heath went to, to see if we had missed anything as when I went with him, it did slightly distract me.

Just as I was nearing to it, I spotted a snapped branch that was low to the ground. I could see straight away it didn’t look like it had broken off naturally as the pieces of wood had looked as though it had been stamped on and trapsed into the mud. Soo, they came from my direction. The direction from my cave. It had only taken me a few minutes to run here so their trail couldn’t be far.

I slowly headed back the way I came and noticed nettle bushes around me looked muddy and again some of the leaves were stomped into the ground. Some of the bushes looked dishevelled compared to the others around it. I kept following the trail, till as strong scent of blood hit me… I crouched down slightly as I quietly made my way in the direction it was coming from. Then in my view I saw it and immediately knew it was the place Benson had spoken of.

The place he was bought to first. The boulders stood around the mud which held loads of footprints, marks and blood splattered on the surrounding trees. It was clear this place had been used. Once again, they failed to cover up after themselves. Imbiciles! I looked around and headed south when I came up to the stream Benson had said they must have been collecting water from… I took a few steps back, ran and jumped over it, landing firmly on my feet. I kept heading south following the faint smell of rogues that was lingering by, they have definitely been through this way.

I took out a dagger in preparation, in case I suddenly bump into any of them. I kept walking, noticing the tread marks in the mud, I kept to the side as much as possible on the grassier area as to hide my footprints. I don’t know if they were clever enough to notice a fresh set of prints.

The sun was growing dimmer as it was setting in the sky… a part of me thought to head home but i had come too far to head back now, I know it’s dangerous, but I had to know... I had to find out if this led to anything.

After some time of tracking, I started to hear Faint shouts and growling ahead, it caused me to quickly stop and crouch behind a tree, I couldn’t see anything but cliffs and a nearby swamp as the stench was revolting. I curled my nose up at it as I moved closer, trying to avoid stepping in it. The noises got louder. I could hear crashing and clanging as if there was a fight happening and I could smell rogues and blood. I looked up at the cliffs in front of me and darted over to one part of it that had easier access to climb, I pulled myself up as fast as I could until I reached the top.

The noise was unmistakable now as I could clearly hear the sound of skin being slashed, the roars, growls and shouting of men and women and low howls of wolves with the sounds of metal clanging together.

I led down and shimmied my way forward to the edge of the cliff in front of me and peered over. I looked down into what appeared to be a large open cove of stone ground surrounded by large cliffs, I looked around me to make sure I was alone, but there was nothing but neighbouring cliffs on either side, all with trees standing tall upon them. I looked back down to see the rogues fighting, but they weren’t fighting to kill... it looked like they were training. I shook my head and I felt astounded at the sight before me. There were so many of them, at least in the hundreds mark and they were all battling each other with such eagerness to win, to hurt their opponent. I couldn’t make out their faces from here but from their sounds I could hear they were trying to cause pain as I could occasionally hear arrogant laughs coming from the victors once they fought down their opponent.

I gulped at what was happening, knowing this was all the priming for the attack. This is what they were all here for. I can’t believe I found them. But where are the leaders? I looked at every part of the ground but as the sky grew darker it was getting harder to see, but there didn’t seem to be any dominating aura around them. The fighting soon subsided, and they all eventually set down to rest, literally lying where they could find room.

I moved back and hid under a large Maidenhair tree, I led down and curled my knees up to my chest. I quietly took out a dagger and held it firmly in my hands as I closed my eyes to get some sleep with the hopes that none of them would track me here.

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