Warning My Mommy is A Savage

Chapter 35

Chapter 35
The comment section was filled with awe
and praise.
[CMG! So gorgeous! so enchanting! lier
fare, her legs, her aura._ So bewitchWg1n
tu. supermodell
[Every model has one stunning Wture,
but en charmine, every part of her is a
feature! [ter face, her legs, her
temperament, everything about her
screams bold a. powerfl, I love her’)
[ I see now why she made that ‘it back
and watch’ comment. zio wonder she
took away the final appearance from
Tif fany Jordan. Thh, 1 personally think
that Tiffany would’ve tripped on stage if
she made the f inal appearancM1
[el of what the above said dpude W more
confident and take the personally think

[Mg.! nasn’t Mffanylordan tripped
Ud pitiful?chrmine’s more of my type.]
Every netlzen hailed Charmine as though
she was a hero. Even those who attacked
her oMine came forth and apologized to
On Julian Cahell’s feed, on the other
hand, comments kke these appeared:
(Mn! National Hushand is actually livestreaming
himself eating sh”t?That’d he
toe horrible to watch.)
Bohan Cabell actually has a chance to
perWrm too, right? Man up and own up
your punishment Stream MI
[No way!. absolute way’ Charmine was
average in my hOokI
[The person above, please be civilized, we
gotta own up to our mistakes and be
honest. Charmine was indeed stunning.
Try thinkof ways to negotiate with her on

the deal I guess.]
[Exactly. eat-Most-1M is impomilde. Don’t
anything else? She won’t really insist on i
t, I gueSsd
In an upscale restaurant with a nice
mbient Julian was scrolling through his
feed with a gloomy mpremion. fie Mem
thought Charmine would looks°
gorgeous, stunning everyone.. Meg’
He was the one to declare the challenge
publicly. What next? As the chairman of
his Mile-End company, he could not deny
the challenge as it would break his trust
with other collaborators. Stin...Would he
have to eat actual crap if he conceded?
How was that sensible?
Tiffany sat by his side, dying from
jealousy as read the discussion Wrum. 11
would have been her walking on that Tstage,

captivating all eyes, had Charmine
not harmed her reputation publicly. Now,
she had to lay-Ww everywhere she went
due to her viral nude.Worse still, she saw
the entranced eyes& J Lilian as he studied
Charmlne’s photo. Tit fany could not let
Charmlne steal away her spotlight and
the heart of her man!
Pa a thought occurred to her, she lowered
her hmd and started sobbing. “Julian
darling, Im sorry... It’s all my fault. The
thee-dimenional projection was my
Idea. I thought of It firm and she must’ve
overheard it when was discussing It with
Alice. overhearing is fine, hut to use it
against you...”
“What’re you talking about?” kilian
looked at her in shrek “The tWeedimensional
projection was your idea?”
It was.1 was brainstorming for

something creative to mein my finale, so
I spent lots of time and effort corning up
with this.Ask Alice If you don’t believe m
e.”Tiffany then made a look at Alice, who
stood by the corner, and signal. for her t
o come.
Alice hastily came forward. “Yeah, Owes
Tiffany’s idea!” she gushed. “She made a
lot of research on this, spending nights
staYing un-”
“Alice, don’t say that It’s all my Wok_ If
I didn’t do the research, I wouldn’t have
discussed it with you, and Charmine
wouldn’t have overheard us. Her Wctory
today was because of that technique, and
it’s all my fault.” Tiffany sobbed silently a
s though it Ill really her ideo
Julian noir kly enveloped her M an
embrace. “Don’t cry,” he coaxed her, “I
don’t blame you. it’s all charmine’s fault!

1 was wonderinghow she can be so smart,
when she actually stole Me idm from
you! What a shameless woman!”
“Julian darling, 1 don’t think there’s
anything we can CAAAIIUIbIgAIIIIU
charmine. She’s my sister, and shell
surely]. it pass if 1 beg her.” Tiffany
acted as though she was about lo leave.
Julian quickly stopped her from leaving.”
you don’t have toga. You’re heiress of the
Jordan fimibri a prestigious tat, and my
future Mfe. Howcould yoo beg a
shameless woman? Mink of
something. There must he another way!”
MO course there is. t’ve some
inWrmation here that’ll ruin Charmine,”
came a voice, confident and irate.
Tiffany and julian looked up to see
Amelia walWng over.
“Amelia, what’re you talking about?”

Tiffany asked dubiously.
“I’ve sent someone to search for what
Charmlne was up to in the past five ymrs,
and ItWtO something Mteresting. Look”
Amelia sat dem opposite them and
showed them her phone.

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