Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 42. Last Goodbyes

A M Y ′ S P O V :

I think what made me most scared about attending my own funeral was that Rachel’s dream would repeat itself. Yeah, maybe we wouldn’t be crushed while being buried alive, but what if Jason rejected us? What if he couldn’t forgive us for the pain we put him through, both him and his wolf?

According to my mom, Aunt Martha was already aware of my decoy. She seemed very impressed at my growing skills, but warned me of the witches. Apparently, if I was discovered by the witches, they would take me to train. They were very unpredictable, though, so I wasn’t sure for how long I would be there.

In that time, if I went with them, would Jason move on? Would he find someone to take the Luna position -

My thoughts were interrupted by Anthony. “You seem deep in thought, Amy. What are you thinking about?”

I sighed, looking up to meet his hard gaze. “How is Jason going to react? What is going to happen to us?”

“I’m afraid I can’t say. Stick with it, kiddo. I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”

By now, we had officially reached the front gates of the service. I must say, whoever set it up did a wonderful job.

All the decor was done in pure white, everything looking like a vision from heaven. Before I could soak in more of my surroundings, we were approached by none other than... Evelyn.

I smirked at the thought of Evelyn having to set up my funeral. An unreadable expression danced across her face as she mentioned something about leading us to our seat. Looking around, I noticed the casket. It was a snow white encasement, topped with white roses. It looked perfect. Too bad the body was fake.

Glancing among the wolves attending the service, I saw one hunched over in the front row. Jason.

I didn’t think it would hurt this much to see him like this, sobbing silently as people walked in, hesitant to approach the devastated Alpha. I knew that revealing myself to him now could contain consequences, but at that moment, all I wanted was to run to him and assure him I was fine. The only thing holding me back was the fear of rejection.

Glancing out of the corner of my eye, I saw Evelyn giving me a glare at my sudden gaze on my mate. What, did she think I was going to steal Jason from her? If that was the case, she had no idea what was coming for her.

Martha came up to greet us, a smile evident on her face. Just the sight of someone happy made a smile sprinkle my face, despite the current situation.

“Amy, sweetie, how have you been?”

“Just fine Martha. I’ve missed you!” I hugged her before she said her hellos to my mother and Anthony.

We sat down a few rows behind Jason, and I couldn’t help but watch him. No matter how much it hurt, I still wanted to watch him, as if it would give him a sense of comfort.

Once almost everyone was seated, Evelyn returned to her seat, which happened to be right behind Jason. I held in my anger, knowing that had it not been my funeral I probably would’ve been placed up there too.

That was until I saw her hug him. Was she trying to make a move on him, or just make me mad? A feral growl escaped my lips as I fought for control with Rachel. She wanted to kill Evelyn for even thinking of pulling a move like that. She turned around and shot me a similar glare, only for me to give her a look that showed I wanted her dead.

She seemed to be fighting between looking taken aback at my sudden anger, or roll her eyes at my mood swings. Jason, all the while was oblivious to the happenings around him.

Too absorbed in his grief.

Too absorbed in me.

The one he thought he lost.

Who was really sitting 4 rows behind him.

J A S O N ′ S P O V :

Sometimes, having people to back you up is important. Especially when you are going through a time of struggle.

I sat with my arms around Evelyn, my silent tears streaming down my face. I may be an Alpha, but that doesn’t make me any less susceptible to having my mate die. The pain has been unbearable the past few hours, especially after seeing the body. Her peaceful face was fake and forced, reminding me of the expression when we found her. The one that will forever scar my dreams. And it was all my fault.

The service commenced, and I held back my tears as the priest began talking. He said Kara was a great person and had many accomplishments in life. I personally wanted to strangle him. He never knew my mate, nor what she did. My father was the one who payed him and hired him to do this, not me.

I appreciated Evelyn’s effort to calm me, but I couldn’t help but think about that growl I had heard. Ethan couldn’t get it out of his mind, complaining about how hot and sexy-

Wait what? I was at funeral for my mate, yet this was what my wolf was thinking? I quickly shook off the thought, returning my attention to the speaker.

“-and she was a very kind and warm person. I’m sure upon getting to know her, you all would’ve loved her.” With that, the priest said he was going to let some people step up to say a few words.

I stood up and approached the podium. I adjusted the microphone nervously before speaking.

“Kara Thomas was a girl that not many of us knew incredibly well, but she was a girl that will forever be important to us all. Kara Thomas was the future Luna of the Silver Crescent Pack, a leader waiting to take position. Her death was something no one had seen in her future, very least me.” I choked up a little at this part, but continued on.

“She was someone this pack will always remember. Kara may have been here for a small period of time, but she sure made an impact, one that can never be reversed.” I then proceeded to tell the story she had told me when confronted about the wanted wolf. I wanted her record to be set straight, it was the least I could do.

When I went to take my seat, I scanned the crowd, who all had solemn expressions. One, however, caught my attention. It was a girl with bright and captivating green eyes, tan skin, and long luscious brown hair.

Her eyes locked with mine, and it was like the whole world stopped. It was the girl from my dreams.

“Mate,” Ethan breathed.

K A R A ′ S P O V :

Once Jason had stepped up to speak, my breath caught in my throat. He looked... broken. His eyes were devoid of any emotion, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in ages. All because of me.

When he got to the part about my side of the wanted wolf story, I couldn’t help but feel grateful. Finally, all the packs that had hunted me down over the years were able to see my side of the story. Finally, I got the secret of my life shared.

Looking around, many of the packs accepted it. They looked somewhat guilty at there actions to take me down.

Maybe, if these packs didn’t want to hunt me down anymore, I could reveal my identity to my devastated mate sooner than expected.

When Jason went to sit down, I caught his eye, something I realized I never should have done.

I wasn’t ready to face him, to face the possibility of rejection. Not yet.

But it was too late. Our eyes connected, and everything stopped. All Rachel could do was purr, “mate.” And all I could do was pull my gaze from his and sink deeper into my seat. What mess had I gotten myself into?

The service dragged on, and thankfully, Jason stayed in his seat. My poor mate was probably confused as heck.

I sat silently, hiding my face from everyone, earning me confused glances from Martha, my mom and Anthony. They hadn’t seen the moment I had had with my Alpha mate.

Just as the casket was being lowered into the ground, Jason broke down again. All I could do was watch as sobs wracked his body. Evelyn caught my eyes on him once again and shot me a glare.

I could care less how she felt at the moment, though. My mate was in pain, and that was all I could feel through the connection. It burned my insides like a never ceasing wildfire.

Once the dirt was replaced and a final prayer was said, the audience began their travels back home, although some stayed for the coronation that would be taking place in a few days time.

I watched as Jason stood up from his position in front of the grave, before turning around to face me, our eyes connecting once again. Anthony, who noticed something was off, put his arm around my shoulders. “Everything alright, Amy?”

A deep growl rumbled from Jason’s chest at the sudden contact between another male and me. Man was this guy possessive.

All I could do was look away and hope that Jason would forgive me for what I was about to do.

I ran.

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