Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 19. Back to School

K A R A ′ S P O V :

“So Kara, what happened yesterday, you weren’t at school?” My attention was turned to Char, who I just realized was sitting next to me. I didn’t get a lot of sleep the other night, could you really blame me? I was locked up all day until Jason’s mother, the Luna of the Silver Crescent Pack, convinced him to let me go. She had claimed I was a harmless human, and that it was doing neither of us any good keeping me locked up.

“Oh, uh, I got sidetracked.” I mumbled, barely coherent as I sat up a little straighter in my seat so it wouldn’t be obvious to the teacher that I was going to fall asleep any moment.

“Well, did you happen to get sidetracked with Jason, because he was out yesterday with a big gaggle of his friends as well.”

Jason was paranoid all yesterday, and according to the guards in the dungeon, he was getting a little crazy about it. They were all waiting for their next Luna to come to calm him down and return peace to the pack. Too bad for them, their true Luna was really locked up in the cell they were guarding. He really needed to find someone he could place blame on otherwise his pack would weaken. Too bad (again) that the wolf that attacked a human, the rogue, and the wanted wolf were all the same person and did not want to come out.

“Yeah, I guess they were doing something. I just overheard a small amount of it.”

“Well, it looks like next time you guys plan on scheduling something like that again, you need to take Evelyn with you. She wouldn’t stop yelling she was the rightful Luna and how the “culprit will be caught if it’s the last thing she does”. Honestly, it was getting annoying, and not having you there to endure it with me was a definite downside.”

I nodded and shrugged my shoulders. It had seemed that the teacher had given up attempting to teach a class of rambunctious teenagers and decided to spend their time shopping online. The only remains of any learning whatsoever were on the board, which read “Pop quiz next class”. Just what I needed.

Jason walked into the room, even though this wasn’t his class, along with Caleb and Ryder. Char immediately perked up at the sight of them, which only strengthened my belief that she was the Beta’s mate, and Caleb had a similar reaction. He appeared to faintly sniff the air before his eyes turned charcoal black as his wolf took control. Ryder, the future Gamma of the pack nudged him, resulting in his eyes dilating back and confusion crossing his features.

“Mr. Monroe, could I please have a word with Kara Thomas for a moment?” Mr. Monroe, obviously a werewolf, immediately nodded his head, eager to please his future Alpha. Char looked at me suspiciously like she was trying to figure something out.

“Tell me what happened when you get back. I need all the details,” she whispered in my ear, adding one more thing. “And tell me how Caleb’s doing.”

I nodded, and stood up from my desk. Mr. Monroe was immersed back in his online shopping and the class kept on texting and talking like they weren’t at school at the moment. Jason, Caleb and Ryder waited for me to make my way to the front of the class.

“Kara, we need to have a chat in the hall,” was all Jason said before spinning around on his heel and leaving the room. The other two waited to make sure I was following before continuing.

“Who was that girl sitting next to you?” Caleb asked, trying to keep it on the down low.

“Oh, no one.” I said, playing dumb as I watched him squirm, trying to figure out how to get more information without seeming desperate. Luckily, Ryder jumped in for him.

“What my buddy here was trying to ask was who that girl was and how he could find himself on a date with her.” Smooth Ryder, real smooth. I held back a giggle as I spoke.

“Well, her name is Charlotte. She’s actually a really nice person that is easy to get to know. It seems like you’re interested in her, huh?”

A small blush crept up Caleb’s neck, and I almost awed. Their reactions to each other were so cute! “Y-yeah. You wouldn’t mind keeping it on the down low with her, would you? I just want to stay cool about it.”

“Oh, of course. Just to let you know though, she wants me to give you an update on you too.” I know I probably shouldn’t have said it, but it calmed Caleb down a lot.

“O-oh, really?” His demeanor changed. “Tell her I’m doing good, and that I would like her to get back to me on the date.” Caleb’s voice was laced with confidence, the last comment adding to his ego boost.

“Okay guys, can we stop on relationship advice and at least get to what we came out here for?” Jason was standing a ways away from us, looking like a little kid prior to the part where they start to stomp during a temper tantrum.

Caleb and Ryder immediately snapped to attention, and expressions on their faces turned into serious, grim looks.

“I wanted to let you know, that the way you acted the other day was appreciated by no one, and it did nothing to help your aunt’s case. Your punishment should’ve been more severe, but I was held back. Next time, I won’t hesitate to give you what you deserve. Stand down and listen to me, okay?!”

I couldn’t believe he had pulled me out of class to yell at me again and scold me like a small child. “I can’t believe you! You think you can just punish me like a child whenever you please, yet you are the same age as me! What makes you so much better, huh?” Jason was practically shaking with rage, but I could see him and his friends struggling to calm his wolf. If he didn’t get control now, he would surely shift and attack who know’s what.

Only a mate’s touch can calm a raging alpha wolf. I reached out, begging Rachel to reveal a small portion of our mate spark, and touched his hand. He visibly calmed down and looked up at me strangely, like he was trying to figure out how I did that.

“Oh, if only he knew,” Rachel sighed, unhappy with the way our mate has been treating us. If he were to know who we really were, she assured me, he would treat us very different. But as we are on his prime suspect list, we aren’t really treated like royalty.

Without another word, knowing I needed to avoid any incoming questions, I left the hallway and reentered the classroom. Mr. Monroe looked up and nodded at my reappearance before turning his attention back to his online purchases. Honestly, that’s what I wished I was doing at the moment.

Char looked up from a book she was reading as I sat back down in my seat. “So, what was it about?”

“Oh, just about what happened yesterday. Nothing much. Oh, and Caleb wants to know if you want to go on a date with him.” Char seemed excited at first, before he expression looked upset.

“I can’t. I’m sorry, but my dad, he would hate him. I don’t know what would happen...”

“At least give him a chance,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

“I want to, but I don’t think he could exactly...”

The bell rang, and Char made a beeline for the door before heading out into the hall. I rolled my eyes before doing the same. Suddenly, as I was at my locker exchanging books, I saw Jason from across the hall. He pointed his two fingers at his eyes and then at me, signaling he was watching me. I rolled my eyes.

Seriously, this Alpha needed to figure out his priorities and stop focusing on me when he had business elsewhere.

“Hey Jason, I’m watching you too!” I yelled across the hall before heading to my next class.

This is going to be one stressful stay here in this pack.

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