Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 10. Witchcraft or Plain Brilliance?

“What kind of witchcraft is this?!” Was all he could spit out before chaos erupted around us.

K A R A ′ S P O V :

Okay, so maybe complete madness didn’t ensue, but when the future beta and gamma get up to stand behind their alpha, with growls audible and then the phone rings, it can get pretty crazy. I went to answer it, but that was before Jason shot me a look that could send me six feet under. “Don’t move.” It was barely audible, yet the power radiating from it made me halt in my tracks. The beta and gamma showed their fangs, and I had to force myself not to submit so that I wouldn’t give away that I was a wolf.

All of this was interrupted by my aunt’s laughing. At first, it started out as a slight chuckle, slowly escalating to a giggle until she was crying as she clutched her stomach.

Jason, though, didn’t think this was amusing in the slightest. “What are you laughing at? You crazy witch...”

The last statement seemed to knock Martha out of her haze and once she had finished wiping away her last tear and letting out her last giggle, she turned her attention back to him.

“I don’t think I am the crazy one in here.” She looked as though she was holding in a laugh as she pointed to the bottle of masking spray. “That right there in your hands is a perfume bottle filled with water. I’m not sure I would personally refer to that as witchcraft, but whatever floats your boat.”

Everyone in the room’s face must’ve been priceless. I felt like a fish out of water, honestly. My mouth opened and closed, but I couldn’t seem to form words. After a few minutes of concentration, something squeaked past my lips.

“Wha-how?” Martha only shook her head at me.

“All in time Kara, all in time.”

Jason looked confused. “Why would you spray yourself with water? That just - ugh, that makes no sense!” He was clearly frustrated and upset that the tables had been turned back around to him.

I simply shrugged. “Why do you hang out with that brat named Evelyn? Not all the biggest mysteries of the world have simple answers.”

He gave me a confused look before turning his undivided attention back to my aunt. “But why would you give her a bottle of water to spray herself with... it’s just so...”

“Weird, strange, uncommon. I get that a lot about some of my ideas. Anything else you want to add?” Martha sat up straighter and continued on. “I don’t want her to be exposed to this world any more than you do. Let’s just leave her out of this.”

Jason shot me a stern unconvinced stare before speaking. “I’m sorry, but I have to look at every option. And trust me, her being a part of the wanted wolf situation is still up for debate.”

I could barely concentrate. The masking spray had been water? How was my scent going to be hidden now? Martha turned and shot me a look telling me to be my mouth shut. “If you panic, your true scent will shine through. I am trying to help you, now calm down!” She scolded through mind link, and I took deep slow breaths.

Of course, doing this got me weird looks from the Beta and Gamma of the Silver Crescent Pack. It’s not every day you see a “human” girl start hyperventilating over hearing about the werewolf world.

Jason’s suspicions about me seemed to rise as he stared at me unconvinced. Shaking his head, he continued. “If I find out that in any way, shape, or form you are helping this wanted wolf out, I will make sure you have a painful death.” I gulped, his stare at my aunt sending chills down my back, even though it wasn’t directed at me. Wow, who knew his Alpha stare could be so powerful? And he’s in training!

My aunt burst into a fit of guffaws. I think all of us - me and the boys - thought that she was nuts. What kind of lady laughs like that over a death threat?! A very severe one at that?

She wiped her eyes before speaking. “Sorry for laughing - again - but I don’t think that’s necessary. I’m not involved in any way, shape, or form with something you don’t approve with. I can swear on my life with that.”

“Why don’t I get some lemonade and gingersnap cookies and we talk this over, okay?” And without an answer, she bustled into the kitchen, ready to get to work.

While the three guys lounged out on the couch, I stood awkwardly by the armchair. Seeming bored, the future Alpha decided to introduce himself. “I think I’ve seen you around school before. My name’s Jason, and these are my pa- friends, Caleb and Ryder.” Both of the two on the couch shot me smiles and a small wave in response.

I sat down in the chair my aunt had recently abandoned and introduced myself as well. “Hi, I’m Kara, but you probably already know that. Um...”

Ryder cut off my awkward conversation starter with a statement that made me clamp my mouth shut. “Oh buddy, you’re in for it now. Evelyn is super mad you aren’t answering her mind links and she says there is something urgent she needs to talk to you about.”

Rachel went berserk in my head. “No, she doesn’t dare...” Every time I attempted to ask Rachel who “she” was, she would growl and snarl ferociously. Finally, I heard her mention “Kate”, but other than that it was mostly her pure anger coming out in words.

I forced a confused look onto my face, I was supposed to be a “clueless human” after all. Jason put his head in his hands and massaged his temples. He let out a deep breath before turning to look at his two pack members. “You guys have any idea what this is about?” In response, they shook their heads, causing Jason to suck in another deep breath.

At this, I cocked my head to the side. Alpha’s were known to be even more overprotective of their mate than any other wolf, which meant a lot! I had heard of Alpha’s that barely let their mates out of the house in fear that something could harm them. But Jason, he seemed annoyed of his mate. He seemed aggravated and upset around her, not cheery like you’re supposed to be.

“Don’t you feel the mate pull?” The boy to his left, Ryder I think it was, asked, a similar expression to mine flooding his face. I was glad I was not the only one confused.

Jason shrugged. “I think a lot of people exaggerate how it feels. Honestly, her smile, which seems unnatural of her, is the only thing I love. Her touch sends light sparks, and her kiss, well it’s just like any other. Nothing special. No tingles coursing through you. I was thinking of informing my parents about it so I could get the crowning ceremony over with. I’m sure my feelings will develop in time.”

Caleb spoke up. “Dude, I may not have a mate, and I may not be accustomed to what it feels like, but what you have just sounds, wrong. Fake, forced, whatever you want to call it. What if you don’t develop feelings? What if..”

“Look, I don’t need you explaining how screwed up my life is right now. Don’t get me wrong, it’s the truth, but it’s not helping the situation. And now on top of it, I have to figure out what is wrong with her...”

“Um, I think I may know...” All three pairs of eyes meet mine in an instant, almost as if they had forgotten I was sitting right across from them. I honestly think they did because they wouldn’t have said that in front of a human.

“What?” Jason asked. I know, a human knowing what his “mate’s” problem was. Not the most common thing, but this wasn’t any ordinary situation or circumstances either.

“Well, during lunch I may or may not have gotten into an argument with her and put some ideas in her head...”

“What did you put in your head?” Although annoyance was flooding his tone, analyzing closer, I noticed that... was that amusement, was evident in his voice. Amusement? Was he entertained with the fact that I had pushed his girlfriend’s buttons.

Rachel, on the other hand, was running around, barking with pride. “He isn’t our mate, shut up!” I yelled at her, but it didn’t stop her happy dance as she trotted around my mind.

“Well, that’s up to you to find out.” I smirked at the end. Jason scowled playfully and pretended to pout.

“But she’ll bug me for hours on end if I don’t talk to her.”

“Knowing Evelyn, she will also probably have my head knowing I was the one who told you. Then she would take those statements to be true...”

Caleb laughed, the tension in the air diminishing greatly. Finally, I could breath again. “I want to hear what you did, it had to have been awesome!”

I smiled, and at that moment, my aunt bustled into the living room. “Caleb? Ryder? Do you mind being my official taste testers?” Obviously trusting her because she had earned their parents’ trust, they nodded and followed her. That left me and Jason alone in the living room. Oh gosh, this was going to go down in flames. Or be absolutely perfect.

All I could hope for was an in between.

Jason turned to me, looking intently into my eyes. I gulped, Rachel wanting control suddenly. No, I couldn’t let her take over, I couldn’t let him know. “I saw your friend with you at lunch today. What is her name? Christine was it?”

“Charlotte. Her name is Charlotte.” I corrected.

“Ah yes, whatever. Anyway, I saw her looking at Caleb like he was the last piece of food on her plate. What happened? Did she suddenly find him hot or something?”

“Um.. not exactly. She just, uh, felt attracted to him, I guess.” I was supposed to be human. I couldn’t exactly tell him I knew about how Caleb was likely her mate. I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

Jason slowly began leaning in. “Well if anything else happens, I want you to let me know. It’s in the best interest for Caleb.” Unaware, I had begun to lean in also, captivated by his forest green eyes. Although the atmosphere was serious, his green irises twinkled with laughter.

“What’s happening?” I asked Rachel, slightly panicked in my haze.

“Mate.” Was all Rachel could chant. She must be delusional. Totally and utterly crazy. But as I stared into those eyes, I knew there was no denying it anyone more.

I am Jason’s mate.

And I’m falling for him, fast.

Whether it was the smile that lit up his face or the way he took responsibility for the good of his pack, I felt more attracted to him than ever.

And honestly, that’s what scared me most.

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