
Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Naomi was well aware that Fischer Group cast a long shadow over Atopan, a mythical entity that was hard to compete with. Naomi Design, being a newcomer in every sense, didn’t even compare to Elaine Jewelry from Fischer Group, not even its predecessor, Sanders Group. So, as the team discussed, Naomi patiently waited, readying another set of materials for the big screen. Once the chatter died down, she spoke up, “Everyone, please direct your attention to the screen”

The screen displayed the drafts she’d crafted during her studies in Yeonland–half were evening gowns, each with distinct designs and colors, all of them captivating. Alongside the fashion sketches were unique jewelry designs

After giving everyone a moment to take it all in, Naomi continued. “The jewelry designs are Elaine’s. As you know, I worked for Elaine, creating ads for them. But for the apparel, I’ve partnered with Chic Quest. The designs you see have been purchased at a premium. As the head of Naomi Design, every draft and every penny carmed will go to the company. We’re young and may not have the funds or confidence of established firms. but we’re talented and driven. With dreams in our hearts, why fear we can’t create great designs The proceeds from my designs have been handed over to finance, and a portion will be set aside for bonuses. The top three designers each month will receive bonuses accordingly Enzo will share the details with the team later. Thank you all for your hard work in my absence.”

“We’re not tired, Ms. Edwards, You’ve been the one working the hardest,” came the response.

“Feel free to share your thoughts. I’m not Freddy; I won’t be autocratic. But I do expect respect for the position I hold, Naomi said with a slight smile, sipping her coffee. The long flight had exhausted her, but rest would have to wait. She needed to get up to speed on the company’s current state. Enzo was sent by Shawn, but she couldn’t just be a figurehead

The meeting wrapped up after another half hour. Back in her office, Naomi called Derek after finishing her work.

When she leh for Yeonland, she’d left Derek with enough ointment, and she’d been checking in on his progress. The photos he sent showed improvement, but Naomi felt the results weren’t optimal. She planned on visa Derek later.

“Hello, Dr. Edwards, Derek answered promptly.

“Mr. Larson, I’m back and will come to see you later. Wait for me at home, Naomi got straight to the point

“Sure thing. Dr. Edwards, I’ll be here,” Derek agreed

After hanging up. Naumi downed her coffee, grabbed her bag, and left. She took a taxi to Honeycomb Valley, reflecting on the last time Freddy had killed Joanna in the basement. It was too lenient to leave him a vegetable.

The elevator opened on the fourteenth floor, and Naomi saw Derek waiting at the door, dressed casually, clearly expecting her.

Derek was wearing a white T–shirt and black sports shorts and casually wore a pair of slippers. The burns had vanished, and his skin, though not in previous fair tone, was nearly back to normal.

“Dr. Edwards, I’m much better. Derek greeted her with a smile.

Naomi inspected him, then smiled. The recovery looks excellent.

I’m truly grateful, Dr. Edwards. I went back home yesterday, and my grandmother wants to celebrate my recovery by inviting you. She wishes to express her gratitude formally, Derek said, his eyes welling up. “Thanks to you, I can go out and shop without fear

“Mr. Larson, Id like to offer you a position at my company,” Naomi said, getting to the point as Derek was recovering better than she’d expected. “T accept your grandmother’s remuneration, but I’d also like you to join my team”

Derek didn’t hesitate. “Of course, if it helps Dr. Edwards, I’m all in

“Please, call me Naomi. I’m not a real doctor, she insisted.

“To avoid any misunderstanding with Mr. Fischer, I call you Ms. Edwards.” Derek decided. “When do 1 start?”

“Tomorrow” Naomi replied, knowing Derek’s character and talents would be an asset, From the moment Naomi learned about his incident, she decided to bring him into her team. She wanted to strengthen herself and cultivate a group of subordinates loyal to her, which would always be

needed in work or life.

After ensuring Derek would continue his treatment with the new ointment tomorrow. Naomi left

Next, she’d make the new ointment in the laboratory in the Spring Villa or ask for it from Wilson. The scars of Derek, Coco, and Shawn were all very obvious cases. The plan that Naomi had been pondering was almost ready to be implemented. Just as she walked out of Honeycomb Valley, Enzo called, “Ms. Edwards, the thirty design drafts we’re giving Edwards Group are missing”

“When did you find out?” Naomi asked, hailing a taxi. “I’m on my way. Thirty missing drafts were a significant issue, with potential losses both tangible and intangible. The most critical thing was figuring out what happened.

By the time Naomi rushed back to Naomi Design, Enzo was already investigating, having found a gap between 8 pm to 9 pm in the surveillance

11:19 AM

“Chit momenic leave before eight yesterday?” Naomi inquired alter reviewing the footage, her brow furrowed. Witwear the bowlsave, and didn’t

nor was downË”


Druzy spoke up. Taid godbye to the guard. Grady. He had a stomachache and wain

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hunnus albo–chimed in, and Kristina Langley also mised her hand. “Mr. Edwards should we call the predico?!

No,” “Nam donted at a moment’s though. The priority is to redraw the drafts for the Edwards Comp tiven teinud menden ones, they’re compromiset. Der’s ang tasks based on what everyone was working on and submit them by the enebot tie dy. Tonun overimd for

Nuoma pactionť up the plot. Wortier food for everyone. Enzo, you stay as well

“Okay, no problem.

After making the

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Nami returned to her office and bier called Enzo in for a private discussion

sei attitudes und behavions curing Naomi’s absence. Enzo had been observant, but with his own worlboutiqe

“Ms. Edward, do you surpro amené Listo

Naomi shook her heat. T

dufter a long while

would the third unul I returned ing you to notsee?”

Not many knew you, we

were upmang tadi, may be. Enzym

It’s not certain.” Naumi repiledi Boop in thought. Any suspicions?

Enza shook his head. Hemendje ne Ivement morucu pantuln;

“Loyalty can’t be guarament by wetion alone in Dice of benelis, Naomi said, standing up. “Stay late tonight. I have somewhere to go..

Underwood. Enzo and.

Nomi left her office and visued the other room forsiging Loelmal, powderupied by Lila Ludwig, a 27–year–old former Sanders Group employer. When Sanders Group an anu Boubic Lâur was the lint le leave, not lietuse of the company’s situation but because of her feetings for Freddy. Her crush had led her to target Macam det sitim ieeting jil Arsaland’s involvement with Freddy, she apologized to Maoint and eagerly returned when the struggling commonly remet

In Naomi’s past life, Lila was a gined designer and kinni mapang am bilem, offered her Rosalind’s old othe

Naomi knocked, and Liba’s voice came frode

Naomi pushed the door and walked in, Lila bonded on and saw in whated to a moment, and then stood up. “Ms. Edwards.”

“Carry on with your work, Naomi said, askinglo ser laver pembent

“Sure, Ms. Edwards,” Lila handed over a stack of A4 paper. “Some Quiz kesi trebet: 1 kept rapies of the final versions.”

Naomi flipped through them, then stood up. “Te them and arms beer Corp working sight’s unexpected events mean we all have our work

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Lila hesitated; then spoke up. “Ms. Edwards, I have a suspicion ubere OKIE.

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