
Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Naomi was now wide awake, giving Elaine the once–over. “So, Ms. Mabry, a little for cream and barbecue can mess up your stomach? I thought you were made of tougher stuff, immune to every little bug. She let out a dramatic sigh. “Guess you’re human after all, with a stomach that can get upset, too.” Naomi then challenged, “Ms. Mabry, you say I did this to you, but where’s your proof?”

Elaine was empty–handed. Jessie had always been slick, leaving no fingerprints behind. She had come to play the bluff game with Naomi.

With a tilt of her head, Naomi looked at Elaine with a face of pure innocence. “When you made me cat like that before. I thought you were just clueless. Now I see, you did it on purpose” Turning to Shawn, she pleaded. “Mr. Fischer, I’ve been with you the whole time. I don’t have a clue what’s going on with Ms. Mabry. You’ve got to back me up here!”

Naomi’s eyes welled up with tears as she reached for Shawn’s hand, her voice cracking. “Mr. Fischer, maybe Ms. Mabry made me eat too much i cream and then all those spicy foods before, and now she’s got an upset stomach and is trying to pin it on me, like I’m out t

to get her. But you know me. I’m not that kind of person!”

Elaine kept silent.

i’s gaze turned dark. He i

Shawn’s gaze

e fixed his eyes on Elaine, “Chandler.

“Yes, sir,” Chandler responded.

Shawn ordered.

  1. ed. “Bring Elaine in”

“Yes, sir” Chandler nodded.

Shawn guided Naomi into the villa, with Elaine trailing behind, escorted by Chandler, who insisted on keeping a respectful distance.

Once inside, Shawn set Naomi down and looked at her sternly. “Elaine was bullying you, and you didn’t think to tell me?”

Naomi pouted. “I thought it was something I could handle, and it was a long way off, so I didn’t want to bother Mr. Fischer.

Shawn let out a bitter laugh “Naomi, have I ever told you that you’re mine, and if anyone messes with you, it’s only me? Who else has the right?”

But Flaine wasn‘) just anyone. She was the fiancee handpicked by Sham’s mother, and Elaine jewelry named after her, and now Naomi was a designer working for Elaine. She did not dare to offend the future boss’s wife. She had deliberately provoked Elaine and then played the victim in front of Shawn, trying to test Elaine’s standing in his heart. She hadn’t really expected Shawn to take action against Elaine. If he was truly angry and on her side, she didn’t believe Shawn didn’t know the kind of life she’d been living in Yeanland for over a month.

Shawn stared at her, his eyes as dark as the night and as deep as the ocean, seeming to see right through her, forcing her to how her head.

Im sorry. I was wrong” Naomi finally whispered, unsble to withstand the invisible presence any longer. I shouldn’t have been so careless. I should have kept Mr. Fischer informed about what’s happening here”

Shawn showed no sign of being appeased. “Naomi, you indeed shouldn’t have been” He tossed her onto the couch and turned to head towards his study. “Chandler, bring Elaine in.”

Yes, sir.”

Elaine, clutching an IV bottle in one hand while her other arm dangled, shot Naomi a fierce glare before she reluctantly dragged herself in


into the

Naomi sat up straight, fished out her phone, and texted Coco. With her schedule up in the air, she wasn’t sure if she’d make it back in time, so she broke down the directions to Coco on WhatsApp, including the order and dosage of the pharmacy’s sintments.

Coco: (Don’t sweat it. Nsomit Got this handled, just focus on what’s going on with you. |

Then, Coco sent a transfer of 6,500 dollars. Hey, don’t skimp out there. Take it. If you don’t, it means you’re not feeling the sisterhood.]

Naomi left the money untouched, but it warmed her heart just the same. Naomi: Coco, I’m sorted. Remember that party at John’s! A bunch of ladies hit me up for those freckle–fading and brightening creams, and I moved a few hores. Plus, my designs are getting some big company attention, and I landed a sweet reward from my mentor. Keep the cash, but thanks a ton]

Tucking her phone away, Naumi tuned into the debate–well, more like Elaine’s tirade–coming from the study. “Shawn, you can’t just side again me. Why should I say sorry to Naomi? No way. I’ve been in Yennland for years, and what haven’t I done for you? Letting a young thing push ane Around” Last month, all she did was run my errands and eat something that messed with her stomach, right? I gave her a car, and an internship at my firm, got her into school, and even smoothed things over with the teachers. Think her designs would have caught the big leagues‘ eye without met Worth that kind of cash? I’d rather kick the bucket than say sorry to Naomi. Even if you put a lilade to my throat and strip me of my position. I won’t apologize to Naomi, not in this life. Shawn, I despise you. You’re playing favorites, really going ton far with it. How long have I known you, compared to Naomi? Don’t go against your mom’s wishes just because you’ve got a blanket dislike for women and now you’ve got one you don’t mind so much” She was crying.

11:18 AM cc

Chapter 137

Outside the door, Chandler lingered, casting glances at Naomi from time to time. She was as cool as a cucumber, not a ripple in sight

Shawn’s voter was a low murmur, but Elaine’s sobs and shouts were loud and clear, echoing through the halls.

“Shawn=“A sudden scream pierced the air, and Elaine stormed out of the study, shooting a glare at Naomi before bolting outside.

Naomi glanced towards the study as Shawn emerged, beckoning her over with a wave. “Come here.”

She approached, and he wrapped an arm around her waist, guiding her upstairs. For what Elaine put you through, she’ll get a taste of her own medicine

“Mr. Fischer, water under the bridge. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me much now,” she said.

Naomi harbored no graders against Elaine. The trials she faced were balanced by the benefits she received. In her past life, she gave without thought to her own feelings. Reborn, she aimed to give and take equally, leaving no debts behind. Elaine wasn’t family or a close friend. She couldn’t expect unconditional care and kindness from her. After the study, they wouldn’t become besties either.

“Naomi, I brought you here to be safe from her, Shawn said, his hand squeezing her waist. “You’re getting thin again”

Naomi touched her face. “Is that a bad thing! I mean, being thin is better for clothes, right”

Shawn’s expression darkened instantly. “Are you trying to imply I can’t take care of my own woman?!”

Naomi thought. Not exactly what I meant.

Come on, keep me company in bed. He pulled her into the bedroom, and they lay down on the spacious bed. “Naomi, I’m beat. He hadn’t slept well in over a month. Without his iron will, he’d have collapsed by now. Naomi on the other hand, dozed off the moment she hit the bed, her carefree expression a mix of annoyance and amusement for him.

After Elaine len the villa, she didn’t dare to fill out with Shawn, but she didn’t expect him to stand up for Naomi so staunchly.

Weak and weary Elaine bought a hundred ice creams and ordered a barbecue for delivery. She trekked to the farthest shops in all directions, where she often sent Naomi in the past month, buying one of each item. Naturally, she couldn’t drive, so she walked. By the time she returned, it was midnight. Pale and drenched in sweat, she dumped everything on the living room coffee table and collapsed onto the carpet..

Chandler moved to help her up, but the family doctor was already on the scene, ready to revive her, but she was told to stay put

Shawn, sitting with Naomi on the sofa, gestured to the coffee table. “These are the things she made you fetch?

Naomi didn’t need to look closely, the familiar packaging said it all. She nodded. “Yeah, but why did you let her go through this?”

“It’s poetic justice. She made you do it for over a month, and now we’ll just sit back and enjoy the show for the next month,” Shawn said, as nonchalant as if commenting on the pleasant weather.

Shawn, you’re outrageous Elaine spar out, grinding her teeth. “You’re using me to make Naomi happy”

“Eat.” Shawn didn’t even bother to look up.

Elaine sat on the carpet, crying and scooping up ice cream,

Chandler had the servants serve the barbecue. Naomi eyed the barbecue, feeling a pang in her stomach as she watched Elaine’s suffering.

Elaine had been through this at the Blue Bar before, blaming Naomi, convinced it was her doing, which emboldened her to return. But whether it was Naomi’s doing or not didn’t matter, because Shawn’s approach was harsher. Her stomach, not yet fully recovered, was about to take another beating.

But Shawn didn’t care. Just as he had disregarded Naomi’s well–being when he forced her to eat like this before.

Shawn, how can you be so one–sided I’m the fiancée your mother handpicked for you, Elaine cried between bites, hurling accusations,



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