
Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Naomi holed up at the Hopper residence for three days. Once she’d cleaned Coco’s face and snapped a new photo for comparison, she said, “Coco, take a look at this”

Naomi laid the original shot next to the new one, and Coco’s eyes bugged out. The scar on her face had lightened around the edges. It was a change more noticeable than before.

was just a

a tiny improvement, but it was enough to make her squeal with delight.

“It’s working! This is awesome. I can get better. I really can,” Coco blubbered, hugging Naomi and planting kisses on her check.

“Mom, there’s hope for my face.” Coco dashed out of the pharmacy and threw herself into Bridget’s arms. “Mom, Naomi’s remedy works. She’s a true student of Wilson,”

Bridget was also in tears, crying harder than Coco. She was too choked up to speak

Naomi, coming out of the room, saw Bridget and Coco in an embrace, laughing and crying at the same time. She got this feeling all too well

If someone had given her a hand in the darkest hour in her p

previous life, she would have been just like Coco, crying and laughing, unable to control her emotions.

“Mom, Naomi’s my hero, Coco said after calming down from her emotional outburst. “In just three days. I’ve improved so much, Mom, in a month. John will definitely have to apologize to us

“Okay, okay.” Bridget kept wiping away te

ears. “My dear, as long as you can get better, I’m willing to do anything

“Naomi, thank you,” Coco said. Then she apologized sincerely this time. “I didn’t quite believe in you before. I just thought I’d give it a shot since there weren’t any better options. Naomi, from now on, you’re my bestie”

Naomi stepped forward and hugged Coco. “Coco, I need to head back now. I’ve been here for three days and need to catch up on work, but I’ll be back soon. Trust me one more time, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you, Coco replied.

Naomi, I’ll have the chauffeur drive you back.” Bridget quickly dried her tears. I’ve added another 300 thousand dollars to the card I gave you. Buy whatever you want here without worrying about the money, alright!”

Naomi nodded, saying, “Okay, thanks, Bridget.”

In these three days, the relationship between Naomi, Bridget, and Coco had gone beyond a mere employment arrangement

If Naomi was going to take on Rosalind, she had to topple Nicolas, the one pulling Rosalind’s strings.

The closer Naomi got to Bridget and Coco, the more they would resent Rosalind.

Nicolas was wrong for his infidelity, and Rosalind, who messed with Nicolas’s family, was wrong, too. Neither of them were good people. If Naomi was going to get even, she wasn’t letting anyone off the hook.

Naomi returned to Elaine’s office. Without much talk, Elaine had her get in the car and took her to a private school. Tve sorted out your enrollment. You’ll study here for three months. Then it’s back to Atopan! Also, the ML fashion show is next week. You’re going with Joanna.”

Elaine’s tone was indifferent. “I don’t care what you do. Just don’t cause trouble.”

Naomi nodded, saying, “Thanks, I get it”

“Naomi, are you always this easygoing?” Elaine lit a cigarette, took a drag, and blew smoke in her face. “I wonder how long you can put up with it

Naomi wafted away the smoke, still calm. “If that’s all, I’ll head out now. Thanks for the lift. Drive safe. See you.”

Elaine snorted, “See you!“.

Naomi got out of the car and walked in

into the school alone, reclaiming the opportunity that Rosalind had stolen from her in her previous life.

After entering the university, she ran into Alfred after a short wall

walk. He was standing by a flower bed, offering her a warm and friendly smile.

“Naomi, over here.” Alfred waved at her, clearly having waited for a while.

Naomi scanned the area warily, puzzled by Alfred’s presence and his overly familiar tone. It set off alarm bells, especially considering Shawn’s warning that Alfred was pursuing her. It made her skin crawl.


Chapter 144

Naomi holed up at the Hopper residence for three days, Once she’d cleaned Coco’s face and snapped a new photo for comparison, she said, “Coro, take a look at this”

Naomi laid the original shot next to the new one, and Coco’s eyes bugged out. The scar on her face had lightened around the edges. It was a change more noticeable than before.

It was just a tiny improvement, but was enough to make her squeal with delight.

“It’s working! This is awesome. I can get better. I really can, Coro blubbered, hugging Naomi and planting kisses on her cheek.

“Mom, there’s hope for my face: Coro dashed out of the pharmacy and threw herself into Bridget’s arms. “Mom, Naomi’s remedy works. She’s a true student of Wilson:

Bridget was also in tears, crying harder than Coco, She was t

was too choked up to speak.

Naomi, coming out of the room, saw Bridget and Coco in an embrace, Laughing and crying at the same time. She got this feeling all too well.

she would have been just like Coco, crying and laughing, unable to

If someone had given her a hand in the darkest hour in her previous life, control her emotions.

“Mom, Naomi’s my hero, Coco said after calming down from her emotional outburst. “In just three days, Eve improved so much. Mom, in a month, John will definitely have to apologize to us”

Okay, okay” Bridger kept wiping away tears. “My dear, as long as

as you can get better. I’

I’m willing to da


“Naomi, thank you,” Coco said. Then she apologized sincerely this time. “I didn’t quite believe in you before. I just thought I’d give it a shot since there weren’t any better options. Naomi, from now on, you’re my bestie.”

Naomi stepped forward and hugged Coco. “Coco, I need to head back now. I’ve been here for three days and need to catch up on work, but I’ll be back soon. Trust me one more time, okay?”

“Okay, 111 want for you, Coco replied.

“Naomi, Il have the chauffeur drive you back.” Bridget quickly dried her tears. Tve ailed another 300 thousand dollars to the card I gave you. Hay whatever you want here without worrying about the money, alright?”

Naomi nodded, saying, “Okay, thanks, Bridget”

In these three days, the relationship between Naomi, Bridget, and Coco had gone beyond a mere employment arrangement,

If Naomi was going to take on Rosalind, she had to topple Nicolas, the one pulling Roulind’s strings.

The closer Naomi got to Bridget and Coco, the more they would resent Roslind


Nicolas was wrong for his infidelity, and Rosalind, who messed with Nicolas’s family, was wrong, too. Neither of them were good people. If Naomi was going to get even, she wasn’t letting anyone off the hook.

Naomi returned to Elaine’s office. Without much talk, Elaine had her get in the car and took her to a private school. I’ve sorted out your enrollment. You’ll study here for three months. Then it’s back to Atopan! Also, the ML fashion show is next week. You’re going with Joanna.

Elaine’s tone was indifferent. “I don’t care what you do. Just don’t cause trouble”

Naomi nodded, saying, “Thanks, I get it.

“Naomi, are you always this easygoing? Ebine Int a cigarette, took a drag, and blew smoke in her face. “I wonder how long you can put up with it.”

Naomi wafted away the smoke, still calm. “If that’s all, I’ll head out now. Thanks for the lift. Drive safe. See you.”

Elaine snorted, “See you!”

Naomi got out of the car and walked into the school alone, reclaiming the opportunity that Rosalind had stolen from her in her previous life.

After entering the university, she ran into Alfred after a short walk. He was standing by a flower bed, offering her a warm and friendly smile.

“Naomi, over here” Alfred waved at her, clearly having waited for a while

Naomi scanned the area warily, puzzled by Alfred’s presence and his overly familiar tone. It set toff alarm bells, especially considering Shawn’s warning that Alfred was pursuing her. It made her skin crawl.

10:08 AM

Chapter 144

She turned on her heel and walked away without a second thought. When Alfred caught up after a few steps, she broke into a mun.

Breathing heavily as she ran, she called Joanna. “Hey, Joanna, Alfred’s in Yeonland. He’s at my school and chusing me“

Naomi was huffing and puffing. Her fitness level wasn’t great, and her legs tamed sore and weak quickly. She thought to herself, I really need to step up my workout game. If I don’t improve my stamina, I won’t even be able to run away when I need to

Naomi was sprinting when someone sagged her arm at the corner and hauled her into a classmom. The mystery woman put a finger to her lips. Naomi recognized her, and Naomi’s heart rate dialed down.

“Hey, it’s you again,” Bell smiled. She worked at Elaine’s gym. Remember when Naomi face–planted on her first day with Elaine Bell was the who rushed her to the infirmary.


Naomi said, smiling back. “You go to school here, too?

“Yep!” Bell nodded. “You got a tail! You should learn some self–defense. It’ll help you handle trouble and make a quick getaway?”

“Count me in Naomi didn’t even blink. “Will you teach me? I’ll pay you, but I need it to stay under the radar. Can you keep a secret?”

“Easy peasy.” Bell whipped out a pen and a notebook. “For keeping your secret, I just want your autograph. Sign it, Elf in the Evening”

Tm a fan

an of yours

“yours,” Bell admitted, grinning.

Naomi, caught off guard but smiling, signed the autograph. “How’d you know I’m Elf in the Evening?”

Bell pocketed the autograph with a smirk. “Elaine spilled the beans”

“Let’s hit the books Naomi gestured toward the door,

They stepped out of hiding to find Alfred had split. Naomi kept her guard up. Working with him was okay, but she wasn’t looking for a buddy- especially not from the Edward’s family.

In the classroom, a professor strolled in, scanned the room, tossed a book at each student, handed out homework, and plopped down at the podium for a nap.

Naomi raised an eyebrow.

Bell huddled closer, whispering, He’s always like this. Study the book and ace the homework. If you’re up to snuff, you can switch rooms and get down to the real learning in the next class

Naomi got the picture. She dove into the booklet, packed with design patterns. The assignment was to read up and whip up three designs to hand


The professor graded on the fly, cutting the class from sixty to thirty–standard practice here.


private school might be pricey and a bit weird, but it paid off, Grads stepped out with mad skills.

Getting in was no joke. Naomi’s top prize at the International Jewelry Design Competition was her ticket, but once in, slse was riding solo.

The school had perks, though. Top students could score fat scholarships and job offers from big names.

Naomi was all about getting in and claiming the prize.

The job offers! Not her thing. She had her eyes on Atopan. This was just a pit stop.

Naomi pored over the book, her mind quickly flipping through the designs she’d just read about. She recognized some of the concepts from the books Elaine had shown her

With no clock ticking, Naomi took her time to really understand everything before she began to sketch.

The booklet in front of her covered a little of everything jewelry, fashion, car, and even food design.

Naomi hadn’t given much thought to food design before. It was all about creating intricate patterns with ingredients, making sure the dishes were as pleasing to the eye as they were to the taste buds, but most importantly, making them high–end. The goal was to turn the ingredients worth a few dollars into a pricey, fancy dish.

Back at the Edwards manor, Naomi had been treated like a servant, sometimes worse. If the meals weren’t perfect, she’d get punished. To dodge the blame, shed studied cooking hard.

By the time she

ume she grew up, her dishes were tasty and presentable, but they lacked the elegance she saw in the booklet.

She grabbed her pencil and worked on her first sketch on the paper.

Chapter 144

Bell, who Elaine had set to watch over Naomi, started drawing too, just going through the motions. No matter what she drew, she was Naomi’s shadow, following her wherever she went. That was the plan from the start.

Bell would occasionally glance over at Naomi’s work, trying to get a look.

But Naomi was unfazed, keeping her focus, her hand gliding smoothly over the paper. Before long, a long dress in layers emerged on the page with a delicate belt at the waist. The belt was adorned with gemstones, each one shaped like a blossoming flower.

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