
Chapter 138

Chapter 138 

On the apple tree outside, Naomi counted silently in her heart. When she reached fifty, Coco showed up with a basket in her hand and wearing a hat and mask. 

Bridget followed her with red eyes. When she looked at Naomi, her eyes were full of gratitude 

“Thank you, Ms. Edwards, Bridget mouthed silently thanks to Naomi. No matter what Naomi did to make Coco’s face look better than before, ut was a good start. 

Naomi curled her lips. “Coco, are you coming up

“You must have never climbed a tree before, so you don’t know the fun of picking apples 

Seeing that she didn’t move. Naomi said again, “In fact, it is more fun to steal others than pick your own. 

“Next time I take you to steal someone else’s apples. I promise it will be nervous and exciting” 

Coco looked up at her in disbelief. 

“Mommy, she taught me to be a thief,” said Coco. 

Bridget patted her hand and said, “Stealing apples isn’t stealing. 

Coco was stunned. She thought her mother must have been brainwashed by Naomi 

What wasn’t it stealing! 

Naomi gave Bridget a look, and Bridget left with relief. Of course, she left the servants to watch in the dark 

She was not on guard against Naomi, but if Coco went mad, the servants could pull them apart immediately. 

She be 

knew her own daughter very well. 

“Are you coming up? I’ll pull you up, Naomi said to Coco again. 

Coco hesitated for a moment and finally went forward. She had never climbed trees before, so the process was not smooth. Fortunately, she climbed up without any danger. 

The apple tree was so big that Naomi sat on a branch, eating the apple while looking at Coco. “You shouldn’t cover your face. 

“It will affect the efficacy of the medicine 

“Besides, should we take photos to record how the scars are healed?” 

Coco stared at her with wide cyes “Do you have a death wish! 

Naomi lonked serious, not joking “You need visible changes to believe that you will really become beautiful.” 

She washed Coco’s face, applied the ointment, and helped Coco put on makeup. 

If Shawn’s face was fine, she wasn’t sure when the medicine would take effect, so she did something un Cood’s face quietly, 

She had to show Coco and Bridget hape 

Otherwise, she would probably be kicked out for only one day at most, just like the tutors in the past 

Coco and Bridget had been despairing for too long. As long as there was a little hope, they would definitely seize it. 

Naomi also wanted to overcome the scars caused by feral diseases. Surgery was not necessary. Traditional medicine could cure it. 

However, Wilson refused to cure Coco. If he did, Coco would definitely recover sooner. 

But Naomi planned to take photos and show them to Wilson, asking him if he had any good herbs. 

Naomi looked at Coco sincerely. “Coco, please trust me for once. If I can’t care you or make you worse, I will ruin my face to compensate you, okay! 

Coco was startled and looked at Naomi in disbelief. At that moment, she looked at Naomi seriously. Naomi seemed to be young. Although her chin was pointed, her face was smooth and flawless. 

Her long hair was tied up, but it could be seen that her hair had a good texture. It was bright and smooth, completely different from those 

fashionable women with dyed hair who had com 

had come to be her tutor before. 

Most importantly, Naomi looked very simple with no makeup. But she had delicate features and sun–kissed skin, which was what Coco dreamed of. 

She wanted to be jealous of Naomi, but when she saw Naomi’s round, big, and innocent eyes, she felt that she shouldn’t. 

Coco’s face was scarred at birth, but Naomi’s face was so beautiful. It would be painful if it were ruined. 

Coco was still hesitating. Naomi reached out tentatively and took off her mask and hat. Don’t be afraid. You are not sick. When I cure you, you will be the most beautiful girl” 

Naomi smiled confidently. 

Coco was impressed by her confidence, 

“Then 1… I trust you for once, Coco said hesitantly. “If you fail.. 

“I won’t fail” Naomi interrupted her and said firmly, “I can cure Shawn and Derek. I will also cure you” 

Coco opened her mouth but didn’t say anything else. 

Naomi was on the apple tree. She took a photo of Coco and sent it to Wilson, saying that she should ask for help when she was in need. 

After sending the photo, she took Coco to pick apples 

After picking a full basket, she go down from the tree first and then helped Coco get down 

Naomi said. “Let’s make apple jam. 

“Coco, can I borrow your kitchen!” 

Coco nodded. “Okay” 

Coco followed her, looking at her with curiosity. Naomi accepted her look calmly and smiled at her from time to time. 

Coco wanted to shout at her, but she couldn’t stand her clear eyes and sweet smile. 

Moreover, Naomi was more beautiful than her former tutors. This kind of beauty had no aggression because Naomi didn’t wear makeup and felt pale and broken. 

Coco remembered those private tutors in the past. At first sight of her, they all stepped back in a hurry and dared not look at her when giving lessons to her. 

Some even sent messages to friends or made phone calls when they went to the bathroom and complained that Coco was as ugly as a ghost 

But Naomi didn’t 

Naomi didn’t dislike her at all, nor was Naomi scared by her appearance. 

Naomi was the first one who didn’t dislike her. 

Coco had mixed feelings 

But at that moment, she really couldn’t curse and wanted to drive Naomi away

She was also dying for friends. 

But she was scared by the shock and fear in the other party’s eyes too many times, so she didn’t dare to try again. 

Naomi stayed with Coco for the whole afternoon until Zoey called her. 

“Naomi, when are you coming out! Natalie and Joanna are looking for you,” said Zory. 

When Natalie and Joanna woke up, they knocked on the door of Naomi’s guest room. After finding that there was no one inside, they went to find Zoey, who was not in the room either. 

Natalie immediately panicked. It was the first time for Naomi and Zory to go abroad. If anything happened, she couldn’t explain it to Shawn. 

She called Naomsi quickly, but the phone could not be reached, so she had to call Zory. 

Zoey told Naomi what had happened. Naomi frowned and thought. It’s going well here. If I leave now, my efforts will be in vain, 

‘But if I don’t go back, Natalie and Joanna will be anxious. If Natalie is anxious, she may report it to ShawnL 

Although Shawn doesn’t care about what I do o most of the time, there are always exceptions. 

When Naomi came back from the call, she continued to make apple jam with Coco 

Coco pursed her lips and said, “If you are busy, you can just go back!” 

Naomi looked at her in surprise. 

“… I’m tired today.” Coco tilted her head and said, “I’m going back to 

to my room.” 

“Hang in there. Let’s go to rest when we are done, okay? It is dry here in autumn. Apple jam is good for your throat. You and your mother can eat it after making it,” said Naomi. 

Naomi held Coco’s hand and said, “I do have another job. Im a jewelry designer. If you want to learn it, I can teach you while treating your face. 

“I don’t like painting,” said Coco 

Coco reached out and peeled the apple. “I don’t like anything” 

Naomi was not in a hurry. All in all, today’s visit was a good start. 

Naomi said calmly. “Do you like herbs 11l teach you to recognize herbs and plant herbst 

“The ointment I applied to your face is all made of herbs. It may not work so fast, but it will gradually get better. And I have tested it on Shawn’s face and there are no side effects. 

In her previous life, she had tried the ointment countless times with Wilson, and it was absolutely no problem. 

She happened to have treated Shawn’s face, so he would definitely cooperate with her words. 

Moreover, Shawn’s identity was com 

was convincing enough. 

Coco didn’t answer, and Naomi chatted with her casually, “Coco, where do you want to go after your face is cured!” 

Coco shook her head. “No.” 

She had an unstable mind. One moment, she felt hopeful, and the next second, she would be very disappointed. 

She had been ugly for 18 years. She couldn’t imagine she could actually be cured. 

Hope and self–doubt were a 

always pulling back and forth in her mind. 

her see 

Naomi had studied her information and didn’t intend to make her believe it with words. Instead, Naomi wanted to use the ointment to let her the real hope. 

Naomi said, “I’ll apply the ointment to you again when I leave 

The treatment is a long process. Derek can hold on, and I hope you can do the same” 

Coco lowered her head and lost in thought, 

After making the apple jam, Naomi took Coco’s hand and went to the third floor. “I will wash your face and apply the ointment. 

Okay, thanks” Coco said. 

When Naomi came down from the third floor, Bridget was waiting for her. “Ms. Edwards, I am so grateful to you. It’s the first time in so many years that Coco has not excluded outsiders.” 

Bridget automatically ignored Coco’s words that she wanted to chase Naomi away. 

This is a little token of gratitude. I hope Ms. Edwards won’t mind it.” Bridget put a golden card into Naomi’s hand and said, “This is the pass card of the Hopper family. Our property here is not large but not small. Ms. Edwards, as long as you enter the shopping mall that belongs to the Hopper family, you can buy anything with this card.” 



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