
Chapter 124

Chapter 124 

Jessur, look up Naomi’s information, the more detailed, the better, Alfred sid 

was quick. In just ten minutes, she handed all of Naomi’s information to Alfred, 

“Yes. Mr. Edward,” said Jesuir, Jessar vefficiency w 

After reading through it, Alfred remained silent for a long time. When he glanced back at Naomi, his eyes held a hint of complexity. “Jessie, in your epanion, what are the chances of me finding my sister?” 

Jessie joined Alfred even before graduating, so the naturally understood him. She glanced at Naomi and thought of Lesley’s features before speaking up aber a brief contemplation, “Mr. Edwards, you will surely get what you desire.” 

Alfred smiled and handed her the documents. Destroy these documents first” 

“Yes, Mr. Edwards,” she replied. 

After waiting for a while, Alfred casually made his way to the resting area, greeting Ivy and Naomi, “Ms. Edwards, Ivy.” 

“Alfred,” Ivy

c responded. 

“Mr. Edwards, said Naomi 

Ivy and Naomi greeted him in unison, and after the exchange of greetings, Naomi fell silent again

Alfred’s gaze fard on Nanma. Her makeup was simple and fresh, with the black evening dress complementing her fair skin. Her hair, untouched by carling or dyeing, reached down to her waist in its original brown color 

“Mc Edwards, is your hair naturally ev 

y curly?” Alfred’s lips held a faint smile. “Your hair quality is excellent. What shampoo do you normally use?” 

“I use Shawn’s shampoo, Naomi n replied after setting down the cake and wiping her mouth. “Yes, my hair is naturally curly!” 

Alfred nodded. His mother also had naturally curly hair, cascading like seaweed down to her waist. From the back. Naomi resembled his mother 

even more 

“Shawn’s products are all customized. After using his shampoo for a few days, he took me for a test and then customized shampoo for me.” said with a light smile. She didn’t daunt Shawn’s affection for her intentionally but brought up Shawn to avoid unnecessary trouble, 

For girls venturing into business, it was more challenging than for men. The likelihood of encountering trouble was also higher With Shawn’s support, she didn’t need to create unnecessary complications for herself 

Alfred was not surprised when she mentioned Shawn. He had heard from Philip that Shawn had negotiated on Naomi’s behalf for her comic. 

Sky Animation is simply not powerful enough. Without Shawn’s involvement in negotiations, Edwards Group wouldn’t have agreed to pay the 10 million dollars for the copyright, post–tax. The tax issue alone was a clause that Edwards Group wouldn’t have budged on in the past. 

“I would like to bring up something off–topic, would that be okay? Alfred asked. 

Naomi nodded, Sure!” 

Alfred smiled faintly and began slowly, I’m curious to know how you new your family.” 

Naomi furrowed her brow, not quite understanding why Alfred suddenly brought up the topic of family. Her relationship with the Edwards family wasn’t good, and it was no secret at Atopan either. 

“My relationship with my family isn’t good, and I don’t really have any thoughts about them. Naomi said as she took a sip of water. Everyone at the party was drinking champagne, but she opted for water. “Mr. Edwards, if you have something to say, feel free to speak directly.” 

Ivy had been silently listening and noticed Natani’s displeasure, so she spoke up, “Alfred, if you want to talk about work, talk about work. Why are you asking Naomi about her family? 

y, adults are speaking, don’t interrupt, Alfred said, 


Tin nineteen, not a child anymore. Naomi is also nineteen. Why do you treat Naomi as an adult and me as a child?” Ivy retorted. 

Alfred gestured dismissively, his tone now tinged with coldness, “Jessie, take Ms. Gibson downstairs” 

“Yes, Mr. Edwards, Jessie stepped forward. When Ivy tried to protest, Jessie simply covered her mouth and pulled her by the arm, dragging her 

Jessie’s style of handling situations was quite different from Lily’s. She was respectful yet assertive, and it was evident that Alfred approved of her approach 

Chapter 124 

“Ms Edwards, I meant no harm, just oinosity,” Alfred resumed to his gentlemanly demeanor. The more he looked now, the more he noticed Naomi’s yes resembled his mother’s, but he knew that eyes alone couldn’t signify mich 

“How about those family reunion shows on TV? Have you watched them” be inquired. Naomi’s expressite vishly darkened this time. She was genuinely puzzled as to why Alfred brosight this up, but he had struck a nerve. 

Setting down her glass, her face stern, she stood up. “Thaven’t watched them and don’t want to. Excuse ine.” With that, the turned on her high heels and left, followed quickly by Jane. 

Alfred remained seated on the sofa, showing no signs of anger. After a while, he spoke sofily. “Jessie, find a way to get a sample of Naomi’s hair” 

“Yes. Mr. Edwards, Jessir responded. 

After exiting the hotel, Naomi saw a familiar Rolls–Royce awaited at the entrance, and the driver stepped out and opened the door for her. 

“Ms. Edwards, Mr. Fischer sent me to pick you up and take you back to Atopan, the driver said. 

“Okay.” Naomi replied without questioning, getting into the car with Jane and leaving 

Tonight she wore high heels, unlike her usual choice. Standing for so long had taken a toll on her feet, and Jane, noticing her discomfort, handed her some snacks from her bag. “Naomi, don’t be angry. Mr. Edwards probably didn’t mean anything by it. 

Naomi closed her eyes. She was an orphan, with no real family. Javier and Victoria had adopted her for the sole purpose of providing blood transfusions to Roulind Externally, the couple claimed Naomi was brought home at ten from an orphanage, but in reality, she was not even ten at 

that time 

When Javier and Victoria went to the orphanage, they had stated they didn’t want very young children. Vera had instructed the kids to fabricate their ages by a year and reminded them never to reveal their true ages. 

So Naomi had tacitly accepted being ten when she joined the Edwards family, and that’s how she had referred to herself ever since. Now, at nineteen, she had given Rosalind blood for a whole decade. Others believed it was nine years, but only she knew the actual ten years. 

In fact, there was someone else who knew this. The person is Rosalind’s attending physician. Richard Lowe 

When she was first brought before Richard, he refused to draw blood, questioning if she was coerced by her parents. He also mentioned the was too young, and blood extraction could have adverse effects on her health 

Naomi, still a child then, desperately longed for parents and a family. She confided in Richard that she wasn’t afraid and discreetly revealed her true age, pleading with him to keep it a secret. 

Time had passed, and Naomi had forgotten what exactly Richard had said back then, but she remembered he had agreed and even instructed Javier and Victoria to prepare supplements for her. 

As Naomi closed her eyes, reflecting on Alfred’s question, she found it all quite ridiculous. 

Having been abandoned by her birth parents and exploited by her adoptive ones, she had no real feelings towards the concept of family. She believed she had none. 

again, they had turned icy cold. To Naomi, being abandoned from a young age left no room for longing for familial ties 

When she opened her eyes ag 

“Naomi, Jane attempted to speak. 

Before Jane could finish her sentence, their car was rear–ended from behind, causing it to lunch forward and crash into another vehicle. 

“Ms. Edwards, are you okay! the driver called our urgently. Despite applying the brakes, the car kept colliding with several others before eventually halting 

I’m fine, just a rear–end collision, Naomi said 

Ready to open the door, she was stopped by Jane’s firm grip. “Nacini, stay in the car. Let the driver go handle this, Jane advised 

“Naomi, you’re still in your evening gown. You’re somewhat of a public figure; if you step our of a RollsRoyce and it gets posted online, it could Cause trouble,” Jane advised 

Having spent time with Joanna and Natalie, Jane was aware that some journalists and paparazzi loved to create sensational stories, involving rumors. about who was being supported by a prominent figure or had used questionable means to rise to power. She didn’t want Naomi exposed to such negative entertainment news. 

Naomi, being receptive eto advice and feeling genuinely low, decided to take Jane’s suggestion and sent a message to Shawn. 

When Shawn was in a good mood, he would respond to her texts. Otherwise, he would just ignore them. Initially, most of her messages went 

10:09 AM c 

Chapter 121 

unanswered, but then, at some point, every messige received a response, even if it was moally brief, such as “Alright,” “Okay,” “Got it, or “Good” 

Fingertips tapping on the phone screen, Naomi quickly typed out a message: [Shawn, I got into a car accident. Fin fine, but I might be back a bit later than usual! 

oon as she send the message, Shawne 

oralled. She l 

She hastily picked up. “Hello, Mr. Fischer? 

Shawn’s drep, magnetic voice came through, “What happened!” 

“Rear–ended, but several cars in a row. The driver went to handle it. Luckily, it wasn’t at high speed, so no one should be injured, Naomi said with a heavy tone. “Shawn. I’m feeling uncasy” 

At that moment, Shawn was out side an operating room. Barbara had suddenly Ellen, hitting her head, and was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. The situation was grim, and she had been in surgery for hours. 

“What’s wrong?” Shawn’s voice remained neutral. “Having a tough day at work? Or feeling uninspired?” 

Sighing, Naomi said. “Can’t be that I miss you because we’re apart? Shawn, at the very least, I’m your woman. Isn’t it normal for me to miss my man!” 

There was silence on the other end of the phone 

Pressing her lips together, Naomi continued. “Although I know saying this is a bit shameless, it’s you who give me the courage to say it.” 

Jane watched on in silence, knowing the rumors about Naomi and Shawn’s relationship were circulating. She found the situation thrilling to 

“Shawn. I’ll do my best. I strive to be worthy of you, Niomi declared as if making a vow. With no response from Shawn after a pause, she reluctantly hung up. feeling gloomy. 

As the car window was knocked on, she lowered it halfway, only to see a face with a mask, smiling eyes appearing before her. 


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