Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 84: Early

Back at Montem, Alex was waiting outside the school gate nervously. He was continuously looking down both sides of the streets hoping that he would see his teammates any second now.

"I hope they're okay."

Alex then lifted his hand to look at his watch, the time was currently 11:00Am, the match was due to begin in around 2 hours. Just then, Alex started to hear the sound of a large vehicle coming down the road.

It was a school area so normal cars drove quite slowly and didn't make a lot of sound.

"It couldn't be, they shouldn't be here for at least another hour." Alex thought.

As he looked to his right where the sound was coming from, he could see a large bus off in the distance. The bus eventually stopped just outside the school and on the side of the bus read. Hershal grammar school.

Hershal had arrived a good two hours before the match was scheduled to start. The montem students wanted to get a good look at the Hershal team so they had gathered around the front entrance of the school. The bus door opened and out came the coach followed by the 5 players on the Hershal team.contemporary romance

The coach was currently wearing a suit and looked like a lawyer who was representing the team. As the kids got off the bus they got off in a single file. Instead of laughing or cracking jokes with each other, they stood still in front of the bus in hight order.

The coach approached the school gate first and started to speak to the students in front of him.

"I would like to speak to the coach of Montem's VSW club and ask if we can perhaps start the match a little earlier."

The girl that was stood directly in front of the coach answered back.

"We don't have a VSW coach but the captain of the team is standing right there if you want to speak to him." The girl said as she pointed at Alex.

Alex gulped at the situation in front of him.


Back at the abandoned warehouse, Rob was still holding the students at gunpoint. Rob was beginning to sweat and look increasingly nervous.

"I can see the look on your faces," Rob shouted, "Your all looking down on me aren't you!"

Novis could tell it was a bad situation. Rob was clearly becoming more agitated and didn't seem like a person that was all there. If they stayed here longer that was a good chance that Rob would end up shooting one of them.

"So do you think you can beat a gun?" Noivs asked.

George and Arthur had asked Novis to give as much detail about what a gun was as possible. They needed to have a good understanding of what a gun was to be able to know if they could beat it or not. Novis had explained that a solid metal object would come shooting out of the gun when he pressed the trigger.

A speed that was so fast the human eye wouldn't be able to keep up with it. Not only that but if he pressed the trigger again, immediately another solid object would come out of it. Novis didn't know a lot about guns so he had no idea how many bullets the type of gun Rob was holding had.

"There were many magical beasts in our world that could shoot out objects at an incredible speed, of course, we knights went through intensive training to be able to block and defend against these objects," George answered.

"So that means you can?" Novis said sounding hopeful at George's words.

"I'll be honest Novis, I don't know, I have never seen or gone up against a gun so I can't say a 100 percent for sure. What I can tell you if that thing is truly as fast as you say it is. Then the only chance we have at blocking it, is if the gun is shot at us. If it is shot at anyone else in the room the chances of blocking the shot are reduced."

Novis head was starting to hurt, he needed to make a decision and fast. If he let Rob shoot at one of his friends then that meant there was a lower chance that George or Arthur could stop the bullet, on the other hand, if Rob shot at him there was a higher chance of stopping the bullet but Novis could die.

He always thought if a situation like this happened, he could be a hero and would easily sacrifice himself for others but in reality, the chance of dying was a fearful thing.

While Novis was busy making up his mind on what to do, Rob was getting more and more agitated, he looked at his men who were badly beaten on the floor.

"That's it!" Rob shouted, "I've decided one of you isn't leaving here alive."

Rob then took the gun and placed it against Scarlett's temple. Scarlett's eyes widened and tears were flowing out as she stared at Novis.

"George, Arthur, I've decided, take over me now."

As soon as Novis said the words, Arthur had taken over Novis's body. George had decided that Arthur would give them the best chance to block the bullet.

Arthur started to walk over towards Scarlett and Rob.

"What a pathetic person, putting children in a situation like this, people like you should burn in hell," Arthur said.

Rob now went to point his gun at Arthur who was walking at him.

"You think I'm joking, don't you? take another step and I'll pull the trigger."

Ashley, Dan, Scarlett and Tony watching Novis walk forward thought he had gone mad. Just seconds ago, Novis was like them, frightened and scared of what could happen at any second but it was as if Novis suddenly changed. His body had this aura of confidence and even the tone in his voice has changed.

"Try it," Arthur replied.

Arthur then stepped forward with his pipe in hand and...


The sound of the gun going off could be heard. Shortly after the sound of the gun, screams could be heard coming from the girls.

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