Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 80: Danger Stranger

When Scarlett woke up this morning, she was more nervous then she had ever been before. She often got nervous before exam days or assessments and public performances but nothing like this.

The reason for this was that Scarlett knew that today's game relied on her more than anything. She was fine when the outcome would only affect her but not when it was affecting her teammates and good friends.

Because of this, when Scarlett was walking to school, she was walking slower than usual, plodding along step by step with her head down to the ground. She kept going through the games they had played and was just imagining the game between them and Hershal.contemporary romance

As she was walking, she suddenly felt her body hit a solid object. As she looked up from the ground, she noticed that it wasn't an object or wall but a large human being.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going," Scarlett said as she backed away from the large unfriendly looking man.

But when she backed up, suddenly she felt her back hit another object. When she turned around there was another man of a similar size to the man in front of her.

Scarlett gulped now realising that these men were probably after her. She looked around to see if there was anyone she could call out to for help. But it was early in the morning and a weekend so most people were still sleeping inside.

Then she noticed two teenage boys around the same age as her start to walk over.

Scarlett then waved to get the two boys attention hoping they would be able to see her and call for help. She didn't want to make any noise, in fear that they would do something the second she did.

The wave seemed to have worked, as the two boys started to come over in her direction. When they had finally reached where she was one of the large men turned around and looked at the boy.

"Is this the right girl?" The man said.

"Yeah, she's the one." The boy replied back.

Scarlett was shocked by what just had happened. The two boys and two men were working together. When she took a closer look at the boy, she seemed to recognise him from somewhere. Then it hit her. The boy was there that day Novis fought against Mac. In fact, it was one fo the boys that ended up getting beaten by Novis himself.

With no choice left Scarlett decided to let out a scream in hoping someone would hear her.

But before she could, the man had put his hand around her mouth, a few seconds later a black car with tinted windows arrived and he threw Scarlett inside. The others followed inside and the car quickly went screeching away.

Scarlett was now currently in an unknown building. They had placed a bag over her head on the whole ride here so she didn't know where she was. Scarlett was absolutely petrified and couldn't help to think of the old gangster movies she used to watch. She surely thought she was going to die.

When they lifted the black bag off her head she noticed she was in a rundown room. All of the decorations had been torn down and there was no sign of furniture, just bricks and dirt. Scarlett tried moving but quickly realised she was unable to. She had been tied down to a chair with her hand behind her back.

"Please, I don't know what I did but just let me go home to my parents." Scarlett cried. "I promise I won't tell anyone what happened."

Currently in the room was the two large men that had kidnapped Scarlett. Two of Mac's friends that also went to the same school as Scarlett and at the back of the room was a tanned Asian man with long hair up to his collar bone.

The Asian man's name was Tony and he was a fighter that had been hired by the Ruman family. He had worked for them for years. Helping them out now and again, these included things such as, disputes between gangs and illegal fighting arenas but never on something like this.

Looking at the situation Tony couldn't help but feel sick about the whole thing.

"She's just a young girl, do we really need to do this," Tony said as he looked at Scarlett crying and begging.

One of the big men then went up to Scarlett and pulled out a small 4-inch kitchen knife and placed it on Scarlett's neck.

"You, not another word otherwise this goes into you, you understand."

Scarlett was paralysed with fear and too scared to say anything.

"Nod if you understand." The man said.

Scarlett quickly nodded her head up and down.

Tony watching the whole situation was furious. He was fine with beating up other gangsters. Most of the time they deserved it but what could a kid like her do that was so bad.

The man looked up and could see Tony staring at him.

"Relax would you," the man said. "the orders are to make sure she stays here until evening, then we will send her on her way back home."

Tony didn't like it and he especially didn't like the man's attitude.

Just then a man came running into the room. He looked panicked.

"Boss, there is someone here! He's beating up our men one by one, we need help."

"Who the hell has come to attack us at a time like this, do they have a death wish going up against our family."

"It's just a single person sir, he has blonde hair and is wearing the same school uniform, I don't think he's from any of the local gangs."

"You're having so much trouble from a school kid!" the man shouted.

Scarlett hearing the description of the person could only think of one person who would come out and help her. It had to be Dan but Scarlett could never imagine Dan taking on this many people on his own. Why didn't he call the police she thought?

"The boy must be one of your friends." The man said as he turned and looked at Scarlett. "Tell all the remaining men to come to gather in this room. Will give him a big surprise once he's here."

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