Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 75: Spying

Novis almost got a message instantly after accepting the user's friend request. He didn't know why but he could feel butterflies in his stomach before even opening the message.

"Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?"

In the end, Novis managed to shake off his nerves and open the message from the unknown user.

The message contained only one sentence.

"What faction do you belong to?"

This was unexpected for Novis. Novis thought the message would go along the lines of, do you have a spirit or do you believe in ghosts or even just a simple greeting. Novis thought about what faction could possibly mean. George and Arthur were both reading the messages along with Novis.

"Do you know what they mean?" Novis asked.

Arthur had no clue at this point since he still hadn't regained much of his memory.

"Perhaps they are talking about our knight team" George replied

"Do you think they are a member of the dragon knights?"

"I honestly have no clue, we could just be talking to a person rather than a spirit or could even be a normal user just asking for your team name," George said. "Why don't we ask them if they're a member of the dragon knights?"

Novis sent the message and almost instantly got a reply back.

"I am not part of the dragon knights but do know of them. Spirits are real and I have one, if you do too then you will know I'm not crazy. I wish to meet you in person so we can talk about this together."

Georges interest slightly diminished once he found out that they were not a member of the dragon knights but Novis's rose. He had been looking for someone else who could also communicate with spirits this whole time that wasn't apart of his family and the current answer was right in front of him.

The only thing that was stopping Novis form agreeing to meet up with this person was that they were a total stranger.contemporary romance


Meanwhile somewhere in Goldware corp headquarters. Tom was currently in one of the development rooms. There were rows and rows of computers and workers at each computer. Each worker was wearing a headset and looked like they were monitoring something. Tom was walking around the room when one of his employees took off their headset and shouted.

"Tom I have something!"

Tom quickly rushed over and was looking over the employee's shoulder at the screen.

"That tracker that you placed in that boy's capsule, well it looks like we finally got what we were looking for."

The screen was currently displaying all the chat history between Novis and this unknown user. Not only that they had info on every time Novis had used the capsule, even the fact that he was the user Pendragon.

"Do we know where these messages are coming from?" Tom asked.

"Not yet, the user is masking his IP making it hard to pinpoint an accurate location, based on that though we can probably say it's most likely them."

Tom didn't have a happy look on his face once he heard this information. Tom had put a tracking device in Novis's capsule as a safety precaution, he had hoped that something like this wouldn't have happened. Tom never wanted to drag a 15-year-old kid into the company's affairs like this.

"Can we confirm what spirit currently resides in the boy," Tom asked.

The employee then started to shuffle through a pile of papers until he eventually picked one out. On the top left-hand corner was a picture of the weapon that Novis's grandfather owned, as well as a picture of Dragonslayer from the VSW game.

"Judging by the description you gave us and the match history of the player, the most likely spirit is Arthur Pendragon."

Although the employee also had information on the game George had played, it wasn't enough information for them to guess that there was also another spirit inside of Novis. The spirit could have just been skilful with both weapons. Unlike Xin Mao, the employee wasn't a weapons expert who could tell the difference between two fighting styles.

Tom then took the piece of paper out of the employee's hand and started to read the info sheet that they had on Arthur. There was one thing that stuck out to him as he read the sheet of paper.

"It says here power level unknown?" Tom pointed out.

"That's because we currently have no information on that spirit. It seems like all the information about him was lost at some point. We only have the basic facts."

This was a problem for Tom, without knowing how strong the spirit was. Tom didn't know how much help Novis would need or how well he would fare against when fighting the enemy.

"Update me on every bit of their conversation. I want to know when and where these two will meet."

"Yes, boss."

Tom couldn't help but have a worried look on his face.

"What an unlucky boy." Tom thought.

Back in the room, Novis was still deciding on whether or not he should meet this person. Novis kept pacing up and down his room trying to make a decision.

"What's the big deal," George said, "If it's a bad person let me or Arthur take over and deal with it."

"What if they have a spirit stronger then you two?"

"Have you met anyone stronger than us yet?"

Although what George said was true, it didn't mean there wasn't someone out there who was stronger than them.

"What if they bring a gun?"

"I don't know what this gun is, but is it stronger than a dragon?"

That question made Novis think for a bit. Arthur and George weren't from this world. They were from a world that sounded like a fantasy to him. He hadn't even seen the extent of Arthur's and George's full strength.

If the spirits were able to roam free in this world, would modern technology be able to make a stand against them?

After going back on forth in his head Novis finally made a decision. He would meet up with this spirit user in a safe public place, that way the person was unlikely to do him any harm.

Novis sent a message agreeing to meet the user but only once he had finished participating in the tournament.

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