Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 70: Monster

With the long weekend over, it was now the start of a new week and with the start of a new week, meant it was time for everyone to head back to school.

Novis woke up early to start his regular run. For the last week, he had gotten used to meeting Dan on his morning runs and the two of them would often run together before heading to school. Only this time, there was no site of Dan.

"Maybe he decided to take a break for once."

When Novis finally finished his run and arrived back at his house, he was surprised to see someone waiting there for him.

"Oh, I didn't realise you got up so early," Scarlett said as she smiled. "I was thinking we could head off to school together, it's been a while after all."

"Sure," Novis said happily. "Let me just wipe myself and get changed quickly."

As Novis was getting changed, he realised that it really had been a while since it was just him and Scarlett. Before Novis started playing VSW they used to hang around each other pretty much every day. That included going to school and coming back. But these day's Scarlett would hang out with Alex at the VSW club while Novis would go to his grandfather's dojo to train.

While the two of them started walking to school there was an awkward silence between the two of them. Until Scarlett finally said,

"Ashley and the others are so amazing don't you think?"contemporary romance

"What do you mean?"

"Well without them, I don't think we would have been able to beat Eton."

Judging by what Scarlett had said, Novis didn't seem to be included in the others part which annoyed him a little. But just as Novis was about to say something when he looked over at Scarlett, he noticed she looked a little sad.

"You know Novis, the feeling of winning was so great and I want to feel it again but next time I want to feel like I actually helped the team."

"Now's your chance." A voice whispered in Novis head.

When Novis looked at Scarlett again, he noticed George in spirit form right next to Scarlett. His lips where purled back making a kissing gesture.

Novis was so embarrassed and annoyed his face went bright red. George's kissing faces and noises were just annoying him more and more until eventually, Novis snapped and tried wafting George away.

For a brief second, Novis had forgotten George was a ghost and his hand went right through George and accidentally hit Scarlett in the face.

"Did you tell him to do that?" Arthur asked

"Of course not," George replied back.

Scarlett looked towards Novis while her hand was on her face where she had been slapped. The slap wasn't painful but it had clearly annoyed Scarlett.

"What is wrong with you?" She said.

"I'm sorry, there was this really annoying fly," Novis said as he stared at George. "And it landed right on you, I forgot your face was there."

The two of them continued to walk to school but for the whole trip, they remained in silence.

When the two of them reached the school gates, a group of people started to come over as soon as they saw Novis and Scarlett. It was a group of five made up of two boys and three girls that belonged to the same year.

"Scarlett" One of the girls shouted as she walked over. "I can't believe you guy's beat Eton."

"What you already know about that?"

"What do you mean, the whole school already knows, we've always had a weak team and Eton was quite a strong one. Even the teachers have hopes that maybe the VSW club can get somewhere this time."

As VSW was currently the number one Esport in the world, schools had always aimed to do well in the local tournaments but Montem would often get past the first round or so and then get knocked out immediately after.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" One of the boys said with his eyes lit up. "Can we meet the monster?"

"The monster, who's that?"

"Oh, I thought you would be close to her since you're on the same team, I think her real name was Ashley something."

Novis and Scarlett then both looked at each other.

It turns out that nearly the whole school did indeed know about their victory over Eton that happened yesterday. Not only that but the video had been passed around between students of their victory and with the video being passed around there was one thing in particular that stuck out to them. That was Ashley.

VSW was a popular game and most kids in school played. When they saw Ashley take on three opponents like that in a flash there was only one word they could think of. Monster. The nickname spread throughout the school and multiple people approached Novis and Scarlett throughout the day asking if they could meet her.

Novis thought it was crazy. Ashley was currently getting more attention than he did, when he took down the school leader Mac. It seemed like everyone had long forgotten his heroic deeds in school. Not only that everyone was afraid of him while everyone was currently praising Ashley.

When the school bell rang Scarlett and Novis decided to head down to the VSW club together. When they got there though there was a huge crowd stood just outside the VSW club.

"You don't think that's for Ashley, do you?" Scarlett asked.

The two of them got closer and as soon as the students recognised that it was the other VSW members, they let them through into the club room.

As they had expected the room was currently packed with people inside asking Ashley all sorts of questions.

"How did you get so good at the game?"

"Is it because you practise kendo."

"How far do you think you can take the team this year?"

In the end, Alex got fed up, that he had to kick everyone out of the room. Finally, silence was heard. The only people left in the club room was, Alex, Ashley, Scarlett and Novis.

"Huh, where's Dan?" Scarlett asked.

"I'm not sure," Alex replied. "I'll send him a text now."


"Oh, he says he's sorry but he won't be able to make it today."

Novis couldn't help but shake this bad feeling he had. After not seeing Dan in the morning and not seeing him now. He just hoped that nothing bad had happened to him.

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