Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 49: Jelly

Pro teams were going wild over the sensation Pendragon. Every team was looking to scout the ID Pendragon but there was a big problem. No one knew who pendragon was. They had even put out a bounty for anyone who had any information about Pendragon.

Currently, in a pro team named Nano, a particular player was getting bugged about this more than anyone else. That player was Hastam. He was the only pro player to have ever played against Pendragon and also played with him. Hastam's phone wouldn't stop ringing all day and even his own management team had come to him.

"You have to play with that guy again and invite him over."

"But I don't even know the guy and he's hardly online."

"I don't care, if we get him on the team then maybe we can finally win the championship."

Hastam was just as interested in the player just as much as everyone else. The next time he would see Pendragon online he would try to ask to meet him in person. Hastam had a strong interest in the one who was able to defeat his spirit, Xin Mao.


The morning sun was starting to rise and it was time for Novis to go out on his routine run. He had been practising in the dream world harder than ever, after seeing how easily Arthur had dealt with the five people. The main thing that allowed Arthur to do that was his strength and with his skill.

Even if Novis was able to replicate the same moves as Arthur that day, he wouldn't have been able to defeat each one in one attack.

Novis wanted to learn how to do this before facing against Lucas in the tournament. But before that, he had an even bigger problem to solve. He needed to find a fifth member, otherwise, they would be no tournament for him to enter in the first place.

At lunch break, Scarlett had come over to Novis.

"Hey so we were thinking of practising together today in the club room, we'll have one random person from online but I still think it's good to practice. Do you want to come?" Scarlett asked.

"Actually, today I was going to try to find our fifth member, so I won't be able to make it today."

"Oh good, do you want me to come along?"

"I'm not even sure if she'll say yes, to be honest, I don't even know her that well."

Scarlett started to feel her blood slightly boil. Did she just hear Novis say "She"? In all this time Scarlett had been with Novis she had never seen Novis with another girl. Even talk to another girl. Scarlett didn't know why but she was suddenly in a bad mood.

"Fine go by yourself!" She said as she strutted off walking.

"What's wrong with her?" Novis asked.

Arthur couldn't help but think how nice it was to be young again.

"Hey what's that smile about!"

As soon as classes ended. Novis decided to leave as soon as possible at the head to the year below. The school was split into three separate floors for each year group. You had the 1st-year group which were 14 years of age, the second-year group which were 15, and lastly the third-year group that was 16.

Mac was in the third-year group so he was a floor above while Novis was in the second year group. Novis was currently heading to the floor below him. There were only 5 classes in each year group and each class was next to each other.

Novis looked through each window to see if he could spot the person he was looking for.

Finally, when he had reached the third classroom, he had spotted her.

The girl had two pigtails tied up and was carrying a meter and a half box on her back. It had been a while since he saw her but her appearance was still the same.

When Novis met Dan, he was reminded of her.

They needed someone who wasn't going to be afraid of Mac and his gang, and his first memory of meeting the girl Ashley was a memorable one. She had just seen Novis surrounded by five men on the floor and without hesitation, she dived right in to attack him.

This girl was clearly fearless. Novis also had another reason for picking her. Dan had been in many sports club including the boxing club, his fighting skills in real life should be able to help him in the game just as it did himself.

If they were to get someone new at the game that hardly played it. It would be best to find someone who already had fighting experience in real life.

Novis waited by the door until the girl was ready to leave. As she just walked out the door Novis greeted her.

"Hi there."

The girl turned around and recognised Novis straight away.

"it's you" Ashley bowed down "I'm so sorry about last time."

"Don't worry about it" Novis smiled back, "Actually I came here to ask you a favour, are you free?"contemporary romance

"I have to head to my father's dojo as soon as possible."

"Well, I could walk back with you if you don't mind?"

Ashley thought about it for a while. She wasn't afraid if Novis was a creep, usually, she would be able to beat them up with her sword.

Ashley wasn't a normal girl; she had been trained in kendo by her father since the age of five. This was why she was surprised when Novis was able to block her attack at that time.

Then a new thought entered her mind. Her father had been hammering on to her about getting new members to join the dojo. To the point where he even gave her leaflets to hand out at school.

Ashley knew that these days there weren't many who bothered learning a martial art and just stuck to Games. But Novis was clearly skilled so if she took him to the dojo maybe her father would be proud that not only had she found him a student but a hopeful one.

"Sure, Let's go together."

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