Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 164: Last hurdle

As Novis was the only ranged player in the game, he was to go bottom with the female player who was playing as a tank. Lucas went mid, the other Tank went up top. While the baseball cap boy played an assassin character and was currently roaming about in the forest.

As Novis entered his lane and was making his way towards the centre, he was busy asking the others for tips.

"Do any of you know how to use a bow?" Novis asked.

"We trained in the basics of it, but it's not something you can learn on the spot and accurately hit someone far away. You have more chance of hitting your teammate." Arthur said.

"Maybe it would just be better if you use the skills," George said.

When they had finally reached their lane, the girl moved forward and started to deal with the NPC knights. While the two on the enemy team were being cautious not to go too far ahead.

"Are you going to shoot the arrow or what?" she asked.

When using the arrow with the skill, it was a strange feeling for Novis. A red arrow would appear in his view showing him where his arrow would hit. Once he activated the skill, all he had to do was make sure the Red arrow was towards his target.

Skills without a doubt made it easier, but as Novis continued to fire arrows, he found out there was a quick disadvantage. The system always aimed for the knight's chest. With the skill, there was no way for him to aim at certain parts of the knight.

And it seemed like he wasn't the only that had noticed this problem. The players on the other team did as well. On the other side, they seemed to have a similar setup. One of them was a shield and sword warrior while the other was a short bow user.

The short bow was a mix between a regular bow and a crossbow. It wasn't able to shot as far as a regular bow but could shoot faster. But not as fast as a crossbow but could shoot further.

"Hey, I'm telling you, that person on their team is a complete beginner. Not only is he using skills, but I haven't seen him use any ones other than the first skill." The short bow user said.

"I think you're right?" His friend replied. "Perhaps we should start putting pressure and see what they do."

It was true, Novis still hadn't used any of the other skills, and the simple reason was he was too worried. He was unsure he would hurt his teammates, and they would put all the blame on him. And if he was to test the skills to the side, the others would have caught on straight away that he was a beginner.

Then when the time was right, and the NPC knights were low, that's when they started to move forward. Novis's teammate blocked the first blow and immediately started to back up.

"I need some support here!" She shouted.

Novis tried to measure and aim, but the players kept on moving. Making it hard for Novis to set up the red arrow.

"You know you can move as well!" She shouted again.

"That's it, screw this!" Novis said as he charged forward.

"Is he coming towards us, seriously?"


In the middle lane, Lucas opponent was being cautious. Which was a surprise, since he was an unknown player to the others. He was doing well, staying behind his NPC knights and had yet to make a mistake. The player who was coming up against him was a chain and ball user with medium range. Compared to Lucas's scythe though, his was a little longer.

"This person, who is he? I thought he would be weak." The chain ball user thought. As he watched Lucas play, He noticed that at just the right moment when one of his NPC knights would die. Lucas was able to use a single swing to deal with them.

Lucas never got involved with fighting the NPC knights himself but could always tell when they were about to die. It wasn't like the old games where they had health bars above their heads.

In virtual sword warriors, you needed to pay close attention. Just like in a real war to see when the opponent was tired, or what wounds they had on their body.

But that wasn't the only reason why he was being cautious. Inside the forest down the middle lane. The baseball cap user was waiting patiently to come forward. However, the opponent knew what he was planning to do, and the reason was, the two of them used to be on the same team in secondary school.

The two of them would use the exact same strategy together when they played. And it was for that very same reason he had suggested the same thing to his teammate.

Playing cautiously and moving back was part of his plan, and when Lucas was close enough, an assassin leapt out from the forest and headed straight for Lucas.

"Damn it, they were thinking of the same thing!" The baseball cap player said as he leapt out from the opposite side of the forest to support Lucas.

But he wouldn't be able to reach in time. He was a lot further away compared to the enemy team.

However, that didn't matter. For before he had even reached Lucas. Lucas propped himself up with the scythe lifting him in the air and then swung it at the assassin finishing him off in one blow. Then on the way down, he swung his scythe downward managing to slice the other player in half.

It didn't take long, but both players in mid had already been defeated.

"Who is this guy?"


Back at the bottom lane, Novis continued to charge forward with the bow in his hand.

"What are you doing, run back to the tower you noob." The female said.

"I already told you, I'm not good with a bow!" Novis shouted on his way to the two enemy team members. Novis snatched one of the swords from his own NPC knight while throwing the bow and arrow onto the floor.

"Just go ahead and die then!" The female warrior picked up her pace and was eventually in the safe zone, within range of the tower. But still, she was cursing at the fact that she had been put with such a terrible teammate.

Outside of the game. Everyone was watching the whole thing.

"What does that guy think he's doing. If he throws the bow away, he won't have any skills."

"Yeah because of the warrior he's chosen. Perhaps playing so long as a swordsman made him think he actually was one." They said laughing.

But Josh watching the game had a serious look on his face. "Come on Novis, show us all what you learnt in those two years!"

The short bow user fired an arrow directly at Novis, but as it came towards him, he deflected it with his sword hitting onto the ground.

"Wait, did he just block an arrow, with no skills!"

Another came shooting out, and Novis deflected again and again. "This whole thing has made me so angry!" Novis shouted.

Most players didn't play well when they were upset and angry, but for Novis, it was different. The anger fuelled him and allowed him to rely on his senses and body more. When he was like this, he was at the top of his game.

He continued to deflect arrow after arrow and then when he was close enough, he deflected an arrow while swinging his sword towards the opponent. Giving it extra power as it left his sword. He had made it change course just enough so it managed to hit his teammate in the knee dropping him to the ground.contemporary romance

Novis continued to charge forward and slammed his whole body weight, into the shield, knocking him to the ground.

The short bow user reshot another arrow still having not learned their lesson. Novis redirected it again this time, causing the arrow to fall on his teammates head.

"I told you didn't I, this whole thing would have been a lot easier if you had just let me play with who I wanted."

The whole arena watching from outside were shocked, and even the female warrior started to blush a little. At that moment Novis looked kind of cool. And it was even more impressive, was that he had done the whole thing using a warrior that wasn't even in the correct class.

After Lucas and Novis impressive display, there was only one player at the top. The assassin who was meant to help Lucas had gone up to the top to help and managed to deal with the player easily.

It was a complete wipeout in favour of team A making them the winners.

"It looks like we will both be going to titan university after all."

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