Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 154: Mini spirit

Inside the hotel room on the bed, Lucas's body started rapidly shaking uncontrollably. He was bouncing up and down of the bed as if he was having some type of fit.

"What's wrong with him?" Bill asked.

"I have no idea!" Hastam shouted a bit panicked at what was going on.

Then the shaking started to increase, his hands banging up and down on the bed.

"Maybe we should call an ambulance?" Bill suggested, but just then, a faint spirit started to appear from Lucas's body, slowly lifting itself and detaching from the body, finally out came Novis floating in the air.

"Bro! You're alive!"

"Bill, Arthur, everyone I'm glad to see your safe."

"I'm a bit upset, I'm part of everyone," said George.

Novis immediately floated to Arthur's side and closed his eyes. He didn't have to do much other than try to go into his body and then a few seconds later, Novis was back in control and Arthur returned to his side.

He started to pat himself down all over and breathed a sigh of relief. He could now feel again, his senses had returned.

"What happened in there? What about Lucas?" Hastam asked.

As Novis looked at Lucas on the bed, he noticed that he was lying there still.

He then decided to tell the others about what events had taken place. How they were brought into the spirits dream world, and how it looked entirely different from Arthurs, and finally how the two of them managed to defeat the spirit.

"Interesting," George said, "You see the dream world you see in Arthur's mind is actually a little bit like what his home town looked like. Perhaps the dream world you went to was the world of the spirit."

"But it looked so dead." Novis said, "There was nothing alive and off in the distance there were torn buildings and such. I couldn't imagine what happened to such a place."

Just then, as Novis had finished explaining a sound could be heard coming from the bed. Small groans started and then eventually, Lucas had opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" Lucas said as he looked around the unfamiliar room.

The last place he remembered being before going to the dream world was inside the car park.

"You're in my hotel room, Novis told us all about what happened?" Hastam said.

"What happened to the spirit?" Novis asked, "is it still inside?"

Lucas then closed his eyes and started to feel inside himself. When closing his eyes, he could feel two energies inside his mind; each of them looked like a flame. One of them was white in colour with a slight tint of purple.

It used to be small but now had slightly grown, while the other, last time he had felt this energy, it used to be large. As if it engulfed his whole mind, but the power now was even smaller than his own flame.

"I think the spirit is still inside me, I can feel it's energy, it's still there." Lucas said. But when he spoke those words, he noticed that everyone in the room was staring at him oddly.

"What's wrong, is there something on my face?"

Bill then pointed to just above Lucas's shoulder. As he turned his head, he could see a tiny miniature version of Mortem.

"Don't think you have won just yet!" She said, waving her tiny scythe around. "You might have suppressed me for now, but soon my power will grow, and I will fight you once again for your body. Just you wait and see."

As the tiny Mortem waved her scythe and fist about, they couldn't believe it was the same spirit that seemed so threatening before. Right now, she seemed kinda cute. Although they needed to remember that just moments ago, she did try to kill them all with her allies.

Lucas looked down at her, and all she could see was a giant head, she never realised how intimidating something bigger could be. "Go ahead and try it," Lucas said. "I'll be waiting for you."

Mist started to appear from the top of Mortem's head and then suddenly, she vanished back into her own spot in Lucas's mind.

"Well I guess we won't be able to ask her what's going on then?" Hastam said.

"I don't think she would answer us anyway." George replied.

Novis then pulled out his phone from his pocket and noticed the time, it had been around an hour and a half since he had left the stadium, but the game had only started about half an hour ago.

"Hastam, I have to go! I need to support my friends." Novis said.

"Wait, we'll go together, I am meant to be commentating after all."

"And I'm guessing I should go support my teammates too," said Lucas.

The three boys along with Hastam and their spirits started to head back towards the stadium, lucky for them the stadium wasn't too far away from the hotel. As the four of them were rushing over, George had a thought on his mind.

"Novis would you like me to go back into your mind, I remember before you said you didn't want your brother involved in this." George asked.

"Huh, did he really say that? I don't mind you hanging out with me, it must be cramped in Novis's mind after all." Bill replied.

Novis thought about it for a while, Bill was only 12 years old at the moment, next year he would be entering the same school as Novis, and he would be able to look out for him.

But in the meantime, while Bill was at a different school, there was nothing he could do. "After today I think it's best if you come with me." Novis said.

"Huh what but why?" Bill complained.

"Look at the end of the day, it's my decision," Novis said.

Novis felt like he had two decision. He could either allow George to look after Bill. If a group of mysterious men or other spirits were to come again, then they might go for Bill, and at least bill would have George for protection.

But Novis said no for another reason. Having a floating spirit on your side was like having a target on your back. It would soon be the summer and Bill wouldn't be in school anyway so he would stay home most of the time.

If someone was to spot George with him, they might think he was involved in whatever was going on with the spirits and attack him.

But looking at his brothers saddened face he had to give in slightly.

"Alright, George can stay with you until summer comes, but after that, he comes back with me. Deal?" Novis said.contemporary romance

Although Bill wanted to complain at the same time, he knew his brother must have his reason and would only be looking out for him.


They had finally arrived just outside the stadium and standing outside were several security guards dressed in black. They were all members of Gold corp.

"I didn't realise an event like this needed so much security, isn't it just some small county tournament?"

As the three of them arrived the men in black blocked the path to the entrance.

"Just wait a moment, you three." The man said.

He then placed his hand up to his receiver to talk to someone on the other end.

"Sir the ones you told us to look out for have arrived, and also some other kid."

"And they there together?" Tom asked.

"Yes, sir."

"let the boys go, escort Hastam to me."

The man then placed his hand down from the receiver.

"You two can go in, Hastam I'm afraid my boss wants to see you."

The boys then turned around to look at Hastam who looked just as confused as they did.

"Don't worry about it you guys, I'm sure it's nothing," Hastam said, with a smile. "They probably just want to tell me off for missing the commentating I was meant to do. You guys go in there and support your teams."

Although Novis was still curious what Goldware corp had to do with all these spirits, right now, his teammates needed his support.

The three of them went past the guards and went straight into the arena.

"This way, please." The man dressed in black said.

The Goldware employees continued to lead Hastam until they eventually arrived at a large limo. Whoever wanted to see him was clearly quite high up in the chain of command at Goldware.

"Please get in," The man said.

"At the moment I've kinda got a problem with strangers trying to take my life and all, do you mind telling me where we're going?" Hastam said nervously ready to dash away from the man any second now.

"We know," the man said. "That's why our boss wants to speak to you, we'll be going to the Goldware headquarters for this one."


Special thanks to edboy49, yogoboi, Shurikyn_13, and Seshata, for the gifts they really help me on my journey to becoming a full-time author.

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