Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 152: Tug of war

Inside the hotel room, the group were deciding what to do, it had been over thirty minutes and there was still no movement from Lucas or any reaction. Although his body was still breathing and his heart was still bumping loudly.

"If what you say is true, should one of us go in there and try to pull Novis back out, they might be stuck in his mind?" Hastam said.

"Well, there's always the chance that there stuck in there, or his minds gone to sleep, honestly I don't really know," George said.

"Although I would like to volunteer myself to go inside," said Arthur, "I'm afraid if I leave Novis's body, without a spirit to control it the body could go limp, it might even stop working."

"I'll do it." Xin said, "You have the young boy to look after George so you can't do it. If I am to leave Hastam, he can handle himself and besides I have lived for more years then I count, if I do not come back out and perish, then it was worth it to see another boy live."

The others decided to not say anything out of respect. They could see that Xin was doing something honourable and trying to stop him was useless. It made the most sense after all out of everyone there and Bill was still in shock about everything.

"Here goes," Xin said as he detached himself as a spirit from Hastam's body. He then placed his body on top of Lucas's and fell on top of him.

"Did it work?" Goerge said.

Then suddenly, Xin came back up again. He lifted himself up and went back down again, he reached his hand into Lucas's mind but nothing was working.

"It seems whatever I try to do I just go through the boy's body."

"Perhaps it had something to do when Lucas touched Novis's hand, maybe without realising it Lucas allowed Novis to enter his mind." Goerge said, "I'm really not sure, when there's just one spirit it's a lot easier for us to enter into a host, but with two, even before I was stopped by Arthur. It was only because Novis allowed it that I was able to enter his mind as well. Maybe it's the same thing now."

"Well, whatever is happening in there. I'm rooting for you big brother, I know you can do it!" Bill said.


Inside the VSW game, the intense match was still going on. The Montem team had just taken down the first tower and in return, Westgate had taken the top and bottom tower.

"What should we do?" Ashley said, "Should we turn back around and protect out towers."

"No, we stick to the plan." Alex said, "If we start heading back who knows if there at top or bottom, then we would have to split up and were not strong enough for that. We keep moving forward, I know we were a little slow taking down the first tower but we should be able to take down the second tower as a five quicker than they can split up."

The team continued to head forward and eventually reached the tower just in front of the castle. However, the same situation happened again, the spear user was able to continue to hold off the Montem team. He knew how to use his own NPC knights and also the cannon shot from the tower perfectly to delay them as long as possible.

In the end, Frank got frustrated and went in for the attack, after killing an NPC knight, he was just within arm's reach of the spear user, he hopped forward hoping to get a hit.

"No, don't Frank!" Alex shouted.

But it was already too late. The Westgate player had stood just by the NPC as bait, knowing that Frank would try to go for him. Frank was too focused and wasn't paying attention. He didn't realise that none of his teams NPC knights had entered the range of the tower, which meant the tower would target him.

Out came a cannonball shooting out from the tower. Frank raised his shield in time but the cannonball shot was powerful. As it hit him it sent him back through the air and caused him to drop his shield on to the ground.

The damage from the tower was powerful and if it wasn't for Frank's class type being a tank with a large shield, they would have taken a lot more damage than him.

However, now that Frank didn't have his shield, the spear user was ready to attack once again. He threw out his spear at Frank who was still recovering from the blow.

But before the spear could land on him, a leg came swinging out kicking the spear away and into the ground.

"Thank you Dan, I thought I was a goner."

But Dan didn't have time to help Frank up, he was focused more than ever. Before the spear user could pull the chain to collect the spear back, Dan held on to the spear with both hands.

The spear user tried to pull on the chain towards him but Dan refused to let go.

"Damn this guy, just let go!" He said.

"Dan do you need help!" Scarlett asked.

"You guys keep pushing towards the tower, I will deal with this guy," Dan said continuing to hold onto the spear.

Then the NPC knights who were in that area, started to focus on Dan. His hands were tied up meaning he would be at a disadvantage especially since his warrior focused on using gauntlets to attack with.

"Ha, ha, fine, don't let go, let's see how long you can last."

As the first NPC knight got close to him and was just within range, he swung out his lag fast and hard like a whip knocking him across the floor with a single kick. The next one had come forward but Dan managed to avoid the strike, lifting himself off the ground and performing an axe kick.

Before Dan would have never been able to use this as an option, of course, he knew how to kick opponents, but there was a difference when knowing when to kick, which attacks caused the most power, and how to follow up if a kick missed. Right, know Dan was using everything that Tony had taught him.

He only wished tony was here to see it.

"This is amazing," Josh said, commentating from outside. "As you may now the warrior Dan is using, all his skills require him to use his fists."

"So what are you saying?" Cindy asked

"That's right Cindy, everything that Dan is doing know isn't a skill in the game, he's using his real fighting experience from the outside world in the game to fight off the knights."

The side supporting Montem started to cheer as they saw them taking down the second tower.

While the Westgate side had the complete opposite reaction. They continued to watch their team carry on pushing the top and bottom Lanes. As if nothing else was happening. They were busy attacking the two towers and it looked like soon they would fall.

The outside crowd started to boo.

"We were expecting something else from you guys!"

"If Lucas was playing, he would have put on a show."

"Are really scared to face these guys on a five vs five, so boring!"

The crowd shouted and cursed, and it got so loud that it could be heard through the VR Pods.

"Idiots," June said. "They don't even know what we're doing and all they do is continue to cry Lucas's name."

June was the team's leader and the previous captain before Lucas had come along and taken his position. When Lucas had joined the team, they offered him the position of team leader. This offended June greatly after he had built up the team and had done so much for them.

But still, Lucas had turned down the position of team leader and said he would only come to matches when needed.

"Hey, I think you guy's need to turn around and come quick!" The spear user said. "They're a little better than we thought."

"What's the status on the other tower?" June asked.

"It's about 20 percent until it's destroyed June."contemporary romance

"Excellent, alright we can turn back now."

The tug of war match between Dan and the spear user continued until eventually.

< Red team tower destroyed >

Scarlet and the others were Successful in destroying the tower. The spear user now had no choice but to let go of his spear. As he ran back towards his castle, he punched one of the NPC knights on his own team in the face and stole his sword.

Although he was unable to perform any skills with it, it was still better than nothing.

Now down the middle lane, there was only one player in between them and the castle.

"We can do this!" Alex said with a smile on his face.


Special thanks to AsuraNineThoughts, and Shurikyn_13 for the gifts they really help me continue writing the story and hopes of becoming a full-time author.

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