Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 149: A Touch

When the intruder, Bill, had first arrived on the scene, the group immediately wanted to get rid of him. The first one to act was the female whip user going straight after him.

But never did they think in a million years the intruder was a chosen one. A person who was able to harbour the power of a spirit. In order to protect Novis's precious brother. George used all his strength to run as fast as he could. He ran straight past the enemy and immediately took control of Bill's body.

He lifted his hand and grabbed on to the pole thrown by Arthur and struck down the enemy in a single blow.

Bill was now just floating outside of his body. He looked around him and could see his own body being controlled by George, and also could see Novis floating about near his.

"Ahh what's going on, am I dead?" Bill said.

"Don't panic." Said Novis, "Right now a spirit has taken over your body but I promise you, he's a friend of mine and he'll give you control once this is all over."

Before Bill could even agree to anything though. George and Arthur were already on the move. George had dashed forward ready to help Xin.

Now that he was there to fight, they were now each facing an opponent one on one and it was a lot easier. However, he wouldn't be able to knock out another spirit so easy like he did the first one. It was only due to the element of surprise that he was able to deliver such a powerful blow at an unexpected time.

Seeing the situation unfold, Bill was trying to make heads of the whole thing. Lucas's actual spirit was also floating by his body, but it seemed to him like it was on the enemy side. Arthur was currently facing off against Mortem and the baton user.

The situation was so complicated that Bill couldn't even come up with a story inside his head why things were, the wat they were. But there was something he could count on and that was his brother.

He chose to believe in his brother's words and whatever was happening and whatever his brother was doing, it had to be the right thing.

George now inside Bill's body was currently facing off against the second female user who was wielding two daggers in her hands.

"Thank you," George said. "Thanks to you coming here today I have a chance to help out and protect my friends.

Bill still didn't know what was going on but he decided to give words of encouragement.

"Kick her arse!" Bill shouted. It was the least he could do, was support the spirit in his body.

The female came rushing forward with her daggers in her hand. She swiped first with one and quickly with the other but George was able to dodge each strike by stepping backwards at the right time.

It hadn't been long since he had entered Bill's body and Bill was still growing. He was a little bit shorter than the others and being twelve and his muscles didn't even have the time to fully develop yet. So George had to be careful.

George continued to back up avoiding each blow until suddenly, he felt his back hit up against something. The female swung out her blade once more but George managed to duck down and roll off to the side.

As he looked at where he once was, he noticed his back had gone up against a pillar and where the female had attacked, was now a large grove indented into the cement pillar.

"What the hell, those weapons are real!" Bill noticed, "And how sharp are they, they cut through the wall!"

"So she's a speed type warrior huh?" Gorge said. "If you want to fight with speed then speed it is."

George dashed in hoping to go in for an attack of his own, when the female user saw this, she had prepared to dodge or block the next attack but it never came.

"What was that?"

The female user continued her barrage of attacks and George continued to dodge and then once again, she saw a shift in his feet indicating he was going to attack. She prepared herself for an attack again but nothing had happened.

George had swung his blade but purposely missed.

"Are you playing with me?!" The female user said now enraged.

But now George was ready. Before committing to a full attack George had decided to take a couple of practice swings first. He needed to know the limits of the body he was using. This wasn't like the game or Novis where he was given a decent body for him to use.

Here he was given an unfit 12-year old that stayed in his room all day.

As the female came in with her daggers, George timed a swing at just the right time to stop her advance swinging downward. The blow was a success managing to hit her forearm knocking it away. But the female user suddenly stopped her advance and looked at George with a smile.

"It seems the host does not know how to use sword energy." She then concentrated and the aura that had surrounded her daggers was now spread thin around her body.

George only chance of winning the fight had gone out the window. She was right, Bill's body was not suited to perform Sword energy, it was simply too weak and now that the enemy had found out. No matter how many strikes he got in, her defence now would be too strong.

"Don't worry just stall her!" Xin said, "Once I've dealt with this crazy grandpa, I'll be over there to help you too!"

Meanwhile, Arthur was busy dealing with Mortem and the Baton user and he didn't even have a weapon in his hand. He had already given it to George earlier.

"Are you going to be okay Arthur?" Novis asked

Arthur lifted his hands and a white aura covered both of them up to his forearms.

"I will be able to protect myself, although my reach will be at a disadvantage, I will no longer need to deal with three of them.

As Arthur charged in once again, this time he had decided to go for the Baton user. The weaker of the two. If he got rid of him, Arthur was confident he was stronger than Mortem in a one on one fight.

The baton user and Arthur were engaged in combat. Although Arthur was powerful and more skilful, with no weapon he needed to be sure and act carefully.

He avoided each swing of the weapon and swung down his own arms at the opponent. Mortem who was around the side was waiting for her opportunity to strike but something strange was happening.

Every time she felt like there was an opening and was about to move in, the Baton user would block her view and stop her from advancing forward.

"It can't be, is he doing this on purpose and while fighting as well?" Mortem thought.

That was exactly what Arthur was doing. While carefully planning where he was going to attack, he was able to move the baton user to where he wanted around the car park. Without even realising it, the baton user had become his own puppet with strings.

Mortem was getting frustrated. Unlike in the game where she didn't care for her comrades these people were her true comrades and she couldn't get them hurt. But as this continued on for a while, she was even more amazed.

If it was to happen a few times during a fight, she would call the man skilful. It was impressive, but Arthur didn't let in a single mistake and never gave the opportunity for Mortem to enter into the fight. This was the level of a true master.

Then finally the Baton user out of rage made a wild swing, this was his chance. Moving to the side he avoided the blow. He then grabbed the user's wrist with one hand and slammed down against it with the other. The strike was so powerful that the sound of cracking could be heard.

The bones of the baton user were definitely broken and he had no choice but to let go of the Baton. Using his foot, Arthur kicked the baton back up before it could reach the floor and grabbed it with his hand.

"Tag out with me," Morten said as she pulled the baton user back and out of the way.

But she remained cautious and didn't move in just yet. She started to look around and could see that Xin had nearly dealt with the old man who was the weakest out of the group. One of the members was still passed out on the floor and the other was being held up by a little child.

"Mimy grab Sue and get out of here!" Mortem said," We're retreating let's go."

As soon as she said those words, they did as she commanded and stopped engaging in combat. While she herself also turned and was starting to run.

That's when Novis saw the look in Lucas's eyes. The sadness that once again he was going to be taken away. That one look told Novis that he wasn't involved in any of this.

"No Lucas!" Novis said as he reached out his hand in his spirit form. He broke away from his body and Arthur and reached out to Lucas.contemporary romance

At the same time, Lucas saw this and reached out back to Novis holding his hand out.

Then when the two of them had touched hands, something had occurred. A Powerful shockwave went our vibrating across the room. Novis and Lucas's spirits had suddenly disappeared and Lucas's real body had collapsed to the ground.

When Lucas and Novis both opened their eyes once again they were greeted with a dark purple sky. the two of them were in Mortem's dream world.


Special thanks to yogoboi, edboy49, and AsuraNineThoughts for the gifts you help me on my journey to becoming a full time author.

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