Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 122: Novis is known

Some of the reporters watching the game had missed what had just happened. After witnessing what they thought was the sure defeat of Montem, they had already turned their attention to the other quarterfinal matches going on at the same time, hoping to get more information from their games.

But due to Cindy's words, Josh had never stopped watching. He saw Novis's skilful play and suddenly the match had just gotten a lot more interesting.

"Whoah," Bill said. "Is this what you were talking about how Novis improves in every game."

Alex was silenced himself, of course, Novis had done things like face, multiple opponents, at once before but never against opponents as this level.

"Yeah… But I never expected him to improve this much."contemporary romance

Back in the VR game, Novis was going through his weapons. His spear was over the other side of the tower and his duel blades had been knocked away, leaving him only with his chain blades and Long sword.

Looking at the other three on the other side, there was still the shield user, The hammer user, and lastly the archer. Out of the three, the easiest to take out first would be the archer.

"Stay close guys, we can't mess up again," Dillian said, "He only got us by surprise."

"Do you want me to go first." The shield user said.

"No, if you attack him there's a chance you could steel my Penta."

Although the Woo Woo player wanted to contest against Dillan's decision. When Dillan got like this is was impossible for him to listen. The Shield user had a bad feeling and thought if they wanted to win this game, they had to forget about getting the Penta kill.

As Novis looked at the three Woo Woo players he started to think back to what Arthur had said. These three people had killed all his friends. They were on a battlefield and he needed to get revenge.

The anger had gotten to him and Novis could no longer hold himself back and he immediately charged in against the three.

"No, what is he doing the idiot.�� A student from the crowd said.

"Just when it looked like we might have been able to do something, why is he doing such a risky move?"

"Maybe those two kills went to his head?"

The Archer shot out an arrow this time thinking it would hit Novis now he didn't have his chain blade out but Novis waited for the right moment and just struck the arrow knocking it away.

He then moved his body to block the Archers line of sight. Every time the archer moved Novis would move with him, this way the archer was unable to attack, if he did there was a high chance of hitting his teammate.

Dillan then came forward smashing his hammer down, but it was far too slow. Novis jumped back at the right moment and let the hammer hit the ground and at the same time Novis used the hammer as a foothold and jumped up slashing his blade cutting the krang's players face.

The shield User was now directly in front of Novis. The two were in an awkward position as they were too close to each other to swing their weapons. That's when Novis lifted his leg and kicked the shield causing the player to stagger back a few steps, then Novis followed up with a powerful overhead strike with his sword.

"What the heck, how is this person's attack so strong!"

The two strong blows had once again caused the shield user to fall to the ground. But like a turtle, the shield user kept his shield up covering his body. Novis then walked on top of the shield and lept over to the Archer.

Now Novis was in the air there was no way or him to dodge an arrow. The archer aimed carefully and shot an arrow but Novis was prepared to take a blow. Novis switched his long sword back to the chain blades. Then twisted his body so the shoulder took the hit. The arrow dug into his shoulder avoiding a fatal blow.

Novis landed just over where the archer was standing. However, Novis's chains had managed to wrap around the Archer's neck choking him. Novis then pulled harder on the chains.

"You deserve every bit of pain!" Novis shouted.

"What the hell, has he gone mad." The shield player said.

Finally, after another hard pull, the Archer had burst into blue particles.

For some reason, the shield user felt fear after watching how his teammate was dealt with. Even though it was only a game the way his teammate had died felt cruel almost.

As soon as the shield user got up, Novis whacked him hard with the long sword causing his shield to be flung to the side. What the shield user didn't know, was Dillan was also attacking at that same moment and what Novis had done was on purpose.

The shield and the hammer collided at the same time and caused the shield user's shield to be knocked away. Novis then dashed in and stabbed him right in the stomach.

Although rather than disappointment, the shield user felt satisfied that he would now no longer be in the game.

Dillian was now fuming with rage. He couldn't believe one unknown player was able to take out their whole team like this. With his rage blinding him Dillan decided to activate his hammer spin skill. His body started to spin in circles. A skill Dillan thought was unstoppable.

Novis then switched to his chain blade and swung it around Dillan, With Dillian spinning and both chain blades around him. Novis was able to tangle him up and put his spinning to a stop. Novis then threw both ends of the blades into the ground and now Dillan was tangled up.

Without saying any words Novis swung his longsword and lobbed Dillan's head off in one swing.

Everything that Novis had done had been recorded on the big screen. From the beginning to the end. Not only had the Montem students seen everything but the Woo Woo supporters as well.

And even the people who were watching the live broadcast.

For the first time ever, the world had learnt of the player known as Novis.


Special thanks to Isaac_Lopez_1420, DarkShadow_DS, and AsuraNineThoughts for the gift's you guys are what help me to continue writing.

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