Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 108: Small world

When Novis eventually arrived at his house, he was preparing his VR capsule for Arthur to play a few games. The three of them discussed what would be the best way for Novis to learn how to use his Berserker mode.

They decided the best way they could train him was in the dream world while he was sleeping. Novis didn't like forcing himself to sleep as it felt like a waste of his day and he didn't want to wake up randomly at three in the morning and ruin his sleep pattern.

So instead, what they decided to do was watch Arthur play a few games. It was important for them to not only show Novis how to enter his berserker mode but when was the right time to use it as well. It wasn't always good to rely on your instincts, so you needed to find a balance between thinking and instinct battling.

<Pendragon is online>

"The virtual sword god is back online!"

"Quick everyone log in."

"I wonder which warrior he will play as today?"

As usual, whenever Arthur logged in, it caused a stir everywhere. The big media companies such as Tick even kept a close eye on him and this time Josh and Cindy were also watching him.

"It amazing how they still haven't found out who this person is?" Cindy asked.

"It's strange because he doesn't even play many games and there isn't a pro out there who plays in the same style," Josh replied. "Why go to all this trouble to keep your identity secret. Doesn't he want fame and fortune?"

"It could be a girl you know?" Cindy said.

Novis and Arthur switched control of their bodies and logged into the game. Now that Arthur was ranked diamond, the games took a little longer to match-make as their where fewer people in that tier. The higher ranked you were meant the fewer people there would be.

This meant that often the very top tier players played with each other on a regular basis. Especially at the god tier. Only two tiers away from Diamond.

Finally, a match had been found and Arthur logged into the game but then suddenly, Novis had noticed something. One of the names of the other players he recognized almost instantly.

"Billybill" It was his brother's ID. Bill was also in diamond and also a fan of the Virtual sword god. As soon as he got the notification that Virtual sword god was online, Bill did his best to time when to try to find a game.

He had hoped that they would eventually be put in the same game together and to his luck, the very first game he played they were put together.

When everyone's warrior had loaded into the game, there was a minute timer before the game started. This allowed players to test out their warrior's skills or to even talk to their teams about strategy before the game started.

Bill then immediately went towards Arthur and started to speak.

"Hi.. me.. you…friend.." Bill said nervously, "I'm sorry I'm so nervous."

This was a first for Novis. Novis had never seen his brother act like this. Usually, his brother was the cocky type and always bragged about being in diamond.

Novis then thought about why on earth had his brother decided to approach Arthur. It couldn't have been a coincidence. Then Novis thought about how Bill always complained he was stuck in Diamond and couldn't move up to master.

Perhaps Bill was looking for a partner to play games with and help him rank up.

The other players were carefully watching Arthur's reaction. They too knew they were playing with the infamous Virtual sword god but were too shy to go up and ask. It was well known that Pendragon didn't accept friend invites as well.

"What do you want me to do?" Arthur asked.

"Just add him, my little bro helped me out this time so we can help him out as well," Novis replied.

"Sure, let's be friends," Arthur said out loud.

Bill's heart felt like it was going to escape from his chest it was beating so hard. The others behind him also couldn't believe what they had heard.

The only known person on Pendragons friend list was Hastam but Hastam was at least a pro player so it made sense. This Billybill was just an unknown diamond player so why say yes to him?

The others then immediately rushed forward and started shouting at Arthur.

"Please accept my friend request?"

"Me too, Me too!"

"I'm your biggest fan."

Novis and Arthur didn't know what to make of the whole thing, why was suddenly everyone wanting to add him? This was indeed strange. Novis had decided that he would have to ask his brother outside of the capsule once the game had finished.contemporary romance

The countdown timer for the game had started and the NPC knights had spawned into the game. Arthur quickly left the others and went to head down his lane. Their purpose for today was not to make friends but to show Novis how to fight.

The others were saddened by this but quickly got into their positions well Bill.

Of course, the news of the Virtual sword god accepting a friend request instantly spread. Not only was his name being spread but now also the name of Billybill. People immediately started to look into Billybill but soon found out that he was nothing special.

But back at Tick media, Josh couldn't help but think he had heard the name somewhere. It was at the tip of his tongue but he just couldn't think of it.

When he looked over to Cindy, he noticed that she had her thinking face on as well. Why was it that both of them felt like they had heard that name somewhere before, Josh thought.

Then it suddenly hit him. It was very recently when they had gone to Novis's house. When they knocked at Novis's door a young boy had answered who was his brother. Before leaving to go upstairs Bill had shouted.

"You will regret turning down the interview of the great Billybill remember that ID name."

"What a small world we live in." Josh thought.


Special thank to RABBITICOL for the gift. Gifts are an extra way you can reward me for my hard work. They really encourage me to continue writing my story thank you.

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