Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 103: Interview 3

Alex started to climb down from his bedroom window carefully. His room was placed on the top left-hand corner on the second floor. So luckily for him, as soon as he climbed out of the window he was already on the roof of the house.

Walking slowly making sure not to fall over, Alex eventually made it to a ledge where he could drop down to the next part of the roof just above his garage. And finally, he was then close enough to the ground to hang from the roof of the garage and drop down onto the floor.

He then immediately dashed forward and headed to the gate.

"You're Alex I assume?" Josh asked.

"Sorry about this but I wanted to get my own words in."

"Won't your mother be upset if she finds out you snuck out?" Cindy asked.

"What the worst she could do," Alex replied, "She's already taken everything I care about away from me." He mumbled.

Josh could see the sorrow in Alex's eyes. He had heard of this in the past before when gaming was only popular with a certain generation but that was years ago. Now it was quite normal for people to have a career related to games and parents were more understanding.

But Josh also knew it wasn't his place to interfere with other family matters.

"I won't keep you here for long then, my main question is why is the current VSW team is full of players who haven't been playing the game for long. Surely they can't have a lack of members?"

Alex then went on to explain the situation with Mac and also talked about how Novis was the one to beat him and in a way saved the club but because of that Mac had threatened students from entering the club.

"It sounds like to me Novis wasn't really too interested in the game, do you know what made him join the club?" Josh asked.

"Hmm.. I don't too much of the details, the most likely person to know the answer to that is Scarlett. She's closest to Novis and was the one who brought him to the club."

Just before Josh and Cindy were about to walk off Josh had one last question.contemporary romance

"Now that you are no longer on the team, are you worried about them losing the next game?"

Alex lifted his head and smiled.

"You know every time I think Novis makes a crazy suggestion I try to stop him, he doesn't listen and does his own thing anyway but somehow we end up winning. I guess all I can say is I believe in my team."

Josh smiled back at Alex before heading back to his car.

"It's a shame the boy has quit the game, he seemed to be really passionate," Cindy said

"I wouldn't worry too much, did you hear what he said at the end?"


"He said, I believe in my team. He still considers it his team, meaning he hasn't given up yet. I don't think this is the last we will see of him."

Josh and Cindy then entered their car and drove off to the next destination. Novis and Scarlett actually lived on the same street so they didn't have to go anywhere else after this. Josh had asked Cindy to stop by Scarlett's house first.

Josh felt like he was slowly unlocking the success of Montem's team. They were all a special group of kids but the most interesting one now was Novis. Before going to Novis's place he wanted to gather all the pieces.

Finally, they had arrived just outside Scarlett's house. Josh rang the doorbell and could hear a women's voice from behind the door.

"Oh they're here!" A woman said excitedly.

The door opened and Scarlett's mother was standing there in the most formal attire she had from her closet. It was the clothes that she would wear whenever she was going for a job interview.

"Please come in, we have been waiting for you." Scarlett's mother said.

Scarlett's mother led the two to the living room where snacks had been prepared and left out on the table and Scarlett was sitting in a seat patiently. Scarlett was in her best outfit as well that her mother had chosen for her. A dress that she had last worn on a wedding night.

"Do you mind if I take a photo of you three and post it on my social media?" Scarlett's mother asked.

"Err sure," Josh said.

Scarlett was sat in the middle while the two from Tick media stood by her side. Scarlett's face was bright Red and all she wanted to do was crawl in a hole.

"Say Cheeze!"

"Mum, you can go now," Scarlett said.

Scarlett's mother then quickly left the room with the biggest grin on her face.

"Wow, almost the complete opposite to where we've just been," Cindy said.

"Are you talking about Alex?" Scarlett asked.

Josh and Cindy then looked at each other before giving Scarlett an answer. In the end, they decided that Scarlett deserved to know what was going on with her teammate and told her everything that Alex had said and what had happened before.

"So that's why he decided to quit the club, it now is starting to make sense."

Once they had gotten introductions out of the way, they started to ask Scarlett the same questions as they had asked the others, and once again Scarlett had said she started playing the game because of Novis. Everything seemed to link to the boy in some way or another.

"Scarlett, do you know why Novis suddenly wanted to join the tournament?"

"Now that you mention it, he never really said but there was this one time." Scarlett said. "one time when Novis mentioned the name of another player."

Josh was starting to get excited at the idea of a possible rival, it would only make his broadcast and shows more interesting.

"Do you remember the name?"

"I think it was Lucas something."

Josh's heart had skipped a beat.

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