Virtual Sword God!

Chapter 100: A New leader

Novis could see as soon as Frank had stepped through the doors, there was a smile on Scarlett's face like she had a brilliant idea.

Novis pulled Scarlett to one side and whispered in her ear.

"You can't be thinking of inviting him?"

"What choice do we have?" Scarlett replied, "Besides he's the perfect fit right? He was captain of the Hershal team before and he's played the game for a long time. Me, you and everyone else in this room don't even add up to a year's worth of experience."

Scarlett then quickly stood up and brushed her back as if she was fixing her self up before approaching Frank.

"Frank, are you here to join the VSW club?"

Frank looked around the room before he gave Scarlett an answer.

"Actually, I was kinda looking for Alex."

Scarlett then explained the situation with Alex to Frank.

"Are you serious, how could that be?" Frank said.

Frank had originally come to the VSW club in hopes that Alex would be his mentor. Although Frank was the captain of the VSW team, he never felt like one. He was always told to follow a strict plan that was prepared beforehand and he was only allowed to issue simple commands now and then.

Frank having looked at Montems past games had done a bit of research and noticed how amazing Alex was. The way Montem played against Eton was completely different compared to how they played against his team Hershal.

"So we're kinda down a player at the moment and we were thinking…" Scarlett said.

"Me!" Frank pointed at himself. "But I just joined the school, won't the other members have something against that?"

"You're looking at all the members right here," Dan said


Frank didn't know about the situation with the VSW club since he had just joined the school. Usually, schools would be filled with members and only the very best would be able to join the team. Suddenly, Montem's ranking slowly started to make sense.

Frank felt like somebody had suddenly given him a second chance, as if it was his destiny to lead this new team.

"I'll do it!" Frank said while he posed and looked up towards the ceiling.

"What is he doing?" Novis whispered to Dan.

"Maybe we should find someone else."

"Right!" Frank shouted, "Let' get practising right away, we're only a week away until the game."

Frank had naturally taken the role as a leader even though that wasn't the others intention, they only wanted Frank to fill in the missing space and Scarlett even thought she would get a chance to lead the team. But Frank was so overpowering it was hard for them to say no.

Frank stood at the front of the classroom pacing backwards and forwards while the other members were currently sat down in a row.

"Question 1!" Frank said, "First things first, we must look at the games of our next opponent. Does anybody know who that is?"

Novis looked at Dan, who then looked at Ashley, who then looked at Scarlett, who finally looked back at Frank and smiled.

Frank placed the palm of his hand on his forehead and started shaking his head.

"How did you guys even get this far?"

"Well, usually Alex would tell us these sorts of things," Ashley replied

"Okay, why don't we just play a game together and see what we can do."

Once they were all in the game, Frank purposely chose to not give any of the members any commands to see what they would do on their own. The team started well in the first phase on the game, which was called the laning phase.

In this phase of the game, teams would usually spilt up their players and spread them between the three paths to the enemies team tower. This was called the laning phase. Once the first tower had been taken down most teams would then start grouping up more often.contemporary romance

This was where the chaos started. The team had no sense of danger or communication. Once Ashley and Scarlett had taken the tower at bottom. They carried on pushing forward to the next tower. The enemy team immediately grouped up and surrounded them finishing them in an instant.

Even if Frank called for help from the others, Novis and Dan were too busy trying to destroy the tower in their lane instead of helping out the team.

After losing the one game, Frank felt like he had seen enough.

"Look why don't you guy's head home for the day and I'll try come up with something tomorrow," Frank said.

Suddenly, Scarlett caught the time on the wall.

"Oh no, we have to hurry back!"

"What's wrong?" Novis asked.

"Remember the school said we were going to be interviewed by Tick today, well the principal said they would be at our homes at five, it's already 4, we got to go!"

Everyone immediately rushed out of the room to head back home leaving Frank on his own to think about what had just happened.

"How did you do it, Alex?" Frank was now even more impressed with Alex. It was clear his team was full of new players but somehow, he managed to use everyone's strengths. Frank went to sit at a desk that was stationed at the front of the classroom.

As he sat down, he noticed there was a piece of paper sticking out of the draw. Frank's OCD got the better of him and he needed to put it back in the draw properly. When Frank opened the draw he noticed that it was filled with notes.

"What in the..."

There were sheets and sheets of Notes about Eton and not only that but about Hershel as well. Alex had gone into so much detail about each team and what they would do. Frank could also see that Alex had even written out detailed plans and had success rates of each strategy.

Reading each word started to make Frank's heartache. He couldn't imagine the hours Alex must have put into researching.

"There's no way you would quit this game over nothing, I need to find out what's going on."

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