Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen

Chapter 78

(WARNING: Explicit words and 'scene') "Aaahhhhhhh!!!!"

The sound of expensive perfume bottles falling and breaking on the floor messed up the whole atmosphere inside Julie Tan's bedroom.

The content of the perfume mixed in the air and their musks is just too strong that the already raging Julie felt suffocated.

"Damn you! Damn you Veronica Wang!!!"

Continued her wild, angry cries as she turned to her bed and expressed her raging by pounding on her soft foam and as if unsatisfied, moved to scratch and pull the beddings!

This is the real Julie Tan.

A volatile, wild, and ruthless young woman hiding from a sweet, gentle and gracious facade.

After an hour, all her hatred filled emotions were finally released and she moved to sit on her bed and gently pulled the pillow she was pounding on earlier and caressed it gently. With the softest of voice, the very opposite of her witch screaming earlier, started,

"Oh Rawlf".

Then she heaved a deep breath.

"What should I do? Tell me, please tell me. I'm yourrrss just as you are miiine! You are mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!!" Julie Tan then moved to straddle herself on the pillow and started to remove her clothing down to her underwear and started to grind herself on it while whispering Rawlf's name in full delusions.

"What happened?!" The head maid of the Tan family urgently asked a younger maid after seeing her rushing her way.

"I've heard something like glasses breaking inside the young miss Julie's bedroom, Mrs. Norma! I'm afraid that something happened that's why I rushed in you!""

Mrs. Norma's eyes were laced with worry yet reprimanded the maid after realizing something while hurriedly walking inside the mansion.

"Why didn't you knock to check the young miss!? What if something bad happened to her?!" The younger maid bowed her head.

"I already did, Mrs. But the young miss wasn't responding. But maybe I just heard it wrong because the sound was only faint. But I just want to make sure." After arriving in Julie's bedroom, the head maid knocked on her. No answer.

The head maid knocked once again.

"Young miss? Young Miss Julie? This is Mrs Norma. I would like to check if you're fine? Young Miss Julie?"

After a long silence and with Mrs. Norma's persistent call, Julie's bedroom door opened and there came their young miss who looked like she just woke up. "Yes? What is it?"Julie kindly smiled.

After seeing expression from their young miss, Mrs. Norma and the young maid heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hara heard something inside and she thought something was wrong. We came to check just in case", Mrs. Norma answered politely.

"So kind of you",'Julie once again offered them her sweetest smile.

"It's probably the perfume I accidentally touched and unfortunately, it fell", She continued looking regretful.

Mrs. Norma gasped. "Are you okay? I'll have Hera clean the broken glass!"

"No, no. It's okay. Mrs. Norma. I already cleaned it. There's no need to disturb Hera."

Both maids were reluctant at first but eventually gave in as they've known their young miss to be kind and gracious even to them, the house helpers.

The two women then went off after Julie assured them that everything was fine. She then closed her bedroom's door and locked it.

'What a mess.' She thought and her soft expression once again changed bitterly. 'Those busy-body bitches!!'

Julie Tan was in the middle of grinding and masturbating on her pillow thinking it was Rawlf Sy and she's almost at her peak when the knocking on the door disturbed her.

She eventually thought it was urgent because the knocking kept going about and unwillingly and unsatisfied, decided to fix herself only to realize it was only the two lowly maids. She had the urge to slap them both but had to control herself.

After all, her facade is of great importance.

Due to her anger over Veronica after her 'friends' on their group chat informed them that Rawlf was seen with her, and also with two children along with them at HaoHua mall, Julie Tan right away logged out and expressed her wild rage. She once again opened the group chat with her friends and back read.

After a while, the information and the theories her friends formulated didn't help her unstable emotion that she threw her phone on the wall. An evil glint passed on her eyes.

"I'm going to kill you, you bitchhh!" Julie Tan murmured as she imagined herself stabbing Veronica Wang with a sharp knife on her heart. "This can't stay like this! I need to do something!"

With an urgency in her voice, Julie moved to take her laptop. She needs help! And she knew perfectly well who could help her!

A malicious smile clothed her face.

"If not the Yans, then who?" Edward was in deep thought after reading the report which Zero gave to him earlier.

With his nephew and niece in Country P, Edward also is aware of the danger that might have caught up with them. What actually assured him somehow is the full knowledge that his sister's man, Rawlf Sy, the top most influential and powerful in the country is certainly capable of protecting them. But then, until when? Until when will his nephew and niece, his sister, their family live in insecurity for the safety of the twins?!

It's so much better if they, as early as possible, could root out the threat and to finally give a peaceful and safe from harm kind of life to the twins. And Edward in secret is following this up. His older brother Edcel warned him not to be reckless but unlike his older brother who was organized and also who took extra caution with his every action, he on the other hand had always been spontaneous at that.

Edward took his phone out of his pant's left pocket and dialed Edcel's number. "Hey, any update?" Was the right away greeting of Edcel.

Edward rolled his eyes. "I'm doing fine, brother. Sister's man has accommodated me so far."

"Did you receive any beating from her though?" Edward could hear the amusement on Edcel's voice.

"A lethal punch that almost killed me." Edward honestly answered. After all, this information would still reach Edcel's ears anyways.

"You deserved that. I have always warned you about our precious niece's yet you turned a blind eye and even flew them there."

"How can I not if Fair's looking at me with her round, dewy eyes like she's the most pitiful thing ever! You should see it yourself! I doubt you can even bear it for just a minute and finally give in", Edward defended himself in an aggrieved tone.

"Well brother, at last I used my brain before anything else. Unlike you", Edcel chuckled. "Whatever."

Edward decided not to waste his energy anymore as, ironically enough, his spontaneity is being surprisingly matched with his unbelievably, anti-social tendency.

"The finding is accurate. The Yan's weren't the one responsible for what happened to our family. Someone is pulling the strings behind."

"Not surprising."

Edcel turned silent for a moment, "How about the still unknown force that destroyed the Yans? Any update about it yet? And if so, why?" "No update. Everything is black out."

This time, Edward paused as if contemplating whether to tell Edcel his assumption.

Edcel, realizing the perks of his younger brother, asked, "Tell me."

"I think I have an idea who is behind that force."

Edcel turned silent, contemplating the situation from every angle yet it always led him to the impossible variable. But then how? And why? No that should be, was their sister really that

formidable that she even caught the attention of the man ever since then? Yet if so, then why is it after all those years, their sister was hesitant over him?

"I hope you're right though. It will lessen our burden of another problem. Because who knows, that unknown force was the one responsible for our family's destruction. That force might be the real culprit who wisely destroyed the Yans to ruffle the situation."

"I already have that factor in mind. By the way, I decided to stay here a little longer."

"Won't you return with older sister when she and her man deliver the twins back here?" Edcel asked.

"No, I guess. You're there anyway. Explain it to our parents. You know how to." Edcel this time, rolled his eyes over Edward's playful tone but agreed anyway.

"Fine. Just don't do something reckless there. It might catch the attention of those people that would put you in danger."

Edward smirked and with confidence in his voice replied, "Just trust me brother."

"Now tell me!"

Dmitri was in an urgent plea to extract all the information from his comrade, Ryan.

The shock he experienced earlier was comparable to being electrocuted after seeing their King walking out of his mansion carrying two toddlers in his arms and what made him rooted on the ground was the similarity of those kids, he realized to be twins, to their King's features!

If it wasn't for Ryan's hard thump on his back, Dmitri couldn't have recovered.

"The kids were the President and Lady Boss's children", Secretary Ryan answered simply. But that same 'simple' answer shook Dmitri's whole being.

"The King and the Lady Boss's chi children?!" Dmitri confirms what he just heard.

"Yes. Young master Baelfire and young miss Baelfair are the President and Lady Boss's offsprings."

Dmitri took a moment to absorb the information he had just received.

"The King I think was still punishing me", he uttered, ``If not, then why did he choose not to inform me beforehand that I will meet the young master and young miss for the first time! It's acceptable if I am to meet the kind lady boss because I'm aware of her existence but with his children I'm shocked beyond words could be expressed!"

Secretary Ryan as if to sympathize tapped his shoulder. "I feel you."

"This is actually a huge news for everyone back in the Spartan Headquarter. It's still unbelievable to find out that the King has a successor!! For sure, the young

master Baelfire will inherit the Spartan Force!" Dmitri proclaimed ahead with much anticipation. However, Secretary Ryan turned to fix his eyelass over the tip of his nose bridge. "You're wrong."

"Wrong? Why??" Dmitri asked.

"You mean the King doesn't want young master Baelfire to be in any way related to the underworld force?!"

"You seemed to forget that the President has twins." Dmitri stared at Secretary Ryan like he's stupid.

"Of course I am very much aware that they're twins!" Dmitri argued.

Secretary Ryan with a mysterious look in his eyes smirked towards his comrade. "I don't want to spoil you, good friend. You'll eventually realize it."

"What are you talking about? Come on, spill it out. I'm dying with curiosity!"

Secretary Ryan moved to walk away from Dmitri but with amusement in his tone said, "Discover it on your own".

Secretary Ryan's statement left Dmitri in befuddlement.

"What do you mean by children?!" Chyna asked Dmitri, shocked and urgency apparent in her voice.

Dmitri looked at his comrade who he knew very much had unrequited feelings for their King yet as a loyal subordinate, Dmitri knew his priority.

"You heard it right. The King and the lady boss already have children. They're twins. Both undeniably looked like the King. Young master's name is Baelfire while the young miss is Baelfair", Dmitri informed.

"Oh, a boy and a girl! The King is fortunate!" Adam, one of the squadron leaders commented.

"Spartan force finally has a successor! I'm pretty sure that the young master, if trained by the King, will also be another exceptional leader someday!" Another squadron leader, Bart added. Meanwhile, Bart's comment made Dmitri remember what Secretary Ryan had said earlier but just kept it to himself for the time being.

The seven, except Chyna, squadron leaders of Spartan force were discussing animatedly over this significant and huge information about their King, the Lady Boss, their children and also, the bright future of Spartan Force.

"Everything is a mystery to me though. Was the King then already aware that he has children with the lady boss that's why he almost punished us for not being able to track her after many years?" Added by another bulky squadron leader.

"As far as I could understand, based on Secretary Ryan, no, the King wasn't even yet aware of the existence of his children", Dmitri replied.

After a while, Chyna excused herself while the rest didn't really pay close attention and continued with their discussion.

Dmitri after seeing this also excused himself and turned to follow the woman. He was able to catch up with her when the woman paused on the stairs as if taking a breath.

"It's better if you stop it", Dmitri said in a solemn tone. Chyna calmly stared at him. "What are you talking about?" Dmitri sighed.

"Just do not forget who you are, no,... who we are, and what we ought to do." Dmitri turned his back and left.

Chyna on the other hand had to close her fist in order to pacify herself from lashing out on the man.

She knew who she was!

And she knew what she ought to do. That's the promise she made to herself a long time ago. Chyna took a deep breath once more and turned her foot back at the conference room where her fellow squadron leaders were discussing their King, his..... his woman..... and and their


Chyna could feel something gripped hard on her chest. The emotion is just too strong!

She halted her footsteps and turned to the wall to find support on her weak and trembling knee. She closed her eyes for a while yet the face of the King, of Rawlf Sy, from a memory of a long time ago flashed before her eyes.

"I'm not expecting anything in return, you're free from now on", those are the words that liberated her from her hell and also those are the same words that made her determined to be strong just to call herself worthy to follow him around.

The admiration grew on its own and had turned beyond her control.

When she realized that she won't be able to handle it anymore, Chyna stood up all of a sudden and made her way back to her resting quarter as she chanted the words, "Remember who you are and remember what you ought to do Remember who you are and remember what you

ought to do. Remember who you are and remember what you ought to do."

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