Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen

Chapter 153

Country J.

Wearing a prosthetic and a disguise, Pyotr was waiting for a car that would fetch him to his temporary hiding base.

He lost contact from all of his hidden forces in Country P that's why he wasn't able to get direct information of the situation in the country.

One thing Pyotr is sure of though, is that the Cang family was captured.

Thankfully, Katarina Cang managed to escape and he is waiting for her because she arrived a day before him in the said country.

Seeing a car that stopped in front of him and after confirming the color, Pyotr relaxed; however, he didn't get in. He is always a careful man.

The passenger seat's window lowered and he had a glimpse of a woman in a hood. "Get in."

Familiar with Katarina's voice, Pyotr no longer doubts and gets inside. After settling himself, he was about to pull the woman in his embrace after sensing that something was wrong!

Too late, he felt something was injected in his neck and soon, his consciousness faded.

"Good job Chynna." Secretary Ryan who just discarded the used syringe praised Chynna who was removing the hood from her head.

"Well," Chynna replied emotionlessly before starting the car's engine. Dmitri on the other hand remained silent observing the woman in front.

'You could be jealous Chynna, it's your right because you truly like him. But stay the same. Don't do any stupid thing. It's for your own good.' Dmitri thought.

Morning came and Veronica personally changed the twin's outfit. She will bring them in visiting Uncle Bien and the twins who were in a dangerous situation yesterday and weren't able to see their Grandpa Bien since that day were smart enough to understand that something bad might have happened to him.

And so another reason for Veronica to bring them with her and Rawlf.

Maybe if it's another kind of parenting, others will just assure and tell their children that everything is alright with their Grandpa Bien.

However, Veronica knew that the twins were geniuses so she revealed the truth but also assured them that their grandpa Bien is fine now.

After entering Rawlf's base, they were welcomed by Vlad who after seeing the twins offered, more on like enumerated all kinds of food to the twins. Veronica's mouth twitched but didn't stop the man from doing the thing he seemed to enjoy.

"How about chocolate parfait, young miss, young master? The cocoa that I will used in making it was specially imported from,"

"Vlad, they just had their breakfast and it's still very early for cold food. Your service will be of need later."

Rawlf cut Vlad off whose eyes held a strange soft glint in them while eyeing the two bunnies in front of him.

"Very well then master. Young master, young miss, please let this servant know if there's something you want to eat."

"I want banana chips." Baelfair who was looking at Vlad with a "What the hell is this man doing" expression finally answered. Vlad, who was rejected by Rawlf earlier, smiled brightly.

"Then, I will make the best, crunchy and delicious banana chips. The banana that I will be using came straightly from," "Vlad." Rawlf once again cut him off.

"Oh very well, master," Vlad's attention then turned to Baelfire who's expression is as stoic as his father as of now.

Baelfire seeing the gaze of the weird butler just nodded at him but seeing that the butler was about to speak, Baelfire quickly said,

"I'm okay. I'm full."

"Oh, then I'll be off." Vlad replied before turning his back to make Fair's banana chips from the banana that straightly came from somewhere unknown because of Rawlf's interruption. Veronica chuckled. Rawlf on the other hand held the twins hand and ushered Veronica to an elevator.

After getting off the elevator, Rawlf

led them to another room, opened it

and the people inside looked at

them. Verónica saw a bed with, Uncle Bien's familiar lying figure. He was currently sleeping and seeing his situation, Veronica shed a tear.

"Uncle." She uttered while approaching the bed.

Celerina Wang who was sitting beside the bed stood up to embrace Veronica. "He's alright now. Don't worry."


Veronica responded as she sat on another empty chair beside the bed. Her gaze landed softly on Uncle Bien's pale face.

Veronica turned to Rawlf, she was

about to say something but seeing

him having the twins sit on his lap

explaining something to their children, probably their grandpa

Bien's situation, Veronica stopped. 'It

can wait.'

Seeing her gaze, Rawlf softly smiled at her in understanding. Veronica softly smiled back, softly rubbed her mother's back before she stood up to approach them on a corner.

She sat beside Rawlf.

"Daddeh said that gwampa Bien is awight (alright) now mammeh. Figh (Fire) no longer wowy (worry)."

Veronica picked Baelfire and put her in her lap. She kissed her chubby cheeks on both sides before replying,

"Hmm, grandpa Bien is alright now. Since grandpa Bien needs rest, would you mind playing with Vlad for the meantime?"

Both twins looked shocked after hearing the man's name. "That uncoh (uncle) from ehlyer (earlier) mammeh?" "Hmm."

"Where's Alex?" Baelfire butt in, obviously does not want to play with Vlad. Veronica giggled.

"Alex is off somewhere." Rawlf replied,

"Your uncle Vlad isn't that bad. He's just extra soft inside. Your uncle Vlad has twenty cats and fifteen dogs. They're super fat. Would you like to meet them?" Understanding his parent's intention, Baelfire could only nod his head. Baelfair on the other hand hopped happily.

"I would wav (love) to!"

Veronica once again chuckled. Rawlf picked up his phone to call Vlad. Few minutes later, Vlad with obvious restrained excitement was already inside the room.

"Young master, young miss, please

follow me. You will surely like my pets. I'm going to tell you the origin of each and their distinct characteristics. For example, my Chowchow named Simon who I bought from,"

"Vlad. Take care of them." Rawlf interrupted him once again.

"Of course master. I am going to take care of them. I am planning to make delicious chocolate cake for the young master and young miss. The ingredients are fresh and were straightly from," "Vlad," This time it was Veronica who interrupted Vlad.

"After this, I will bring you back to Country P. Since we lack a butler in our home."

Hearing this, Vlad remained rooted to the ground and slowly, his face held a very bright overjoyed smile.

He calmed down and said, "I am glad madam."

Without talking anymore, Vlad ushered Baelfire and Baelfair out of the room.

Rawlf on the other hand was looking at her.

"The man was talkative and seemed reliable on this. We'll be needing him at home." "Alright." Rawlf sighs.

Vlad is supposed to work for him back in Country P but after knowing his talkative side, Rawlf sends him back in Country R to his base.

Despite his disagreement inside, he could not argue against Veronica's decision because true to her words, Vlad is indeed a very reliable staff, albeit his surprisingly unceasing chattering.

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