Vampire Greek: The Burning King

Chapter 44: Cabaret Hotel

It took Roman about three hours to make it home. The midday sun roasted his skin like chestnuts on an open fire. He almost passed out from exhaustion but Cliff kept him going, barking, pushing and even biting at his ankles to keep him going. He expected his friends to already be at his house but he didn’t expect them to be inside wearing gloves and carrying spray bottles.

“What are y’all doing? And why does it smell like paint, bleach, and blood?”

Claire and Barry nervously looked at each other.

“After you left the gods sent this big mystical dog to hunt you down.” said Barry.

“It kicked your ass, didn’t it?”

“No, it was about even.” Barry said defensively. Claire shook her head no and Roman laughed.

“This dog needs water.” he walked past them to enter the living room and saw the wreckage.

“That is not a dog.” said Claire, wary of Cliff. “You don’t look okay Roman. Did you walk here?”

“What the hell happened to the couch?! And the tv?!” He yelled.

“That creature did this. I’m telling you man, it tore this place up.” Barry explained.

“Your room is okay though. It’s the only part of the house without bleach or paint fumes.”

Roman made his way down the hall and Willa sprang out of his room to hug him.

Shocked and caught off guard, Roman finally realized how tired he was and collapsed in her arms, forcing her to try to lift him up.

“Hey guys, he’s way too hot, can you guys bring us some water?” Willa asked as she laid him down in the bed. Caitlyn watched Roman quietly with Tyran in her arms. Cliff came in and looked at Willa curiously, wondering if she was a threat. Barry brought Roman a water bottle and Claire filled a bowl of water for Cliff. Roman drank the water as Willa fanned him.

“Is that the Oracle’s son?” Roman asked.

“Mhm.” Caitlyn replied. “She entrusted us to look after him.”

“Actually,” Willa chimed in. “That’s the Oracle.”

Roman sat up. “Are you serious?”

They both nodded.

“But he can’t even talk!”

“When the Oracle possesses him, he does.” Caitlyn told him. “She had to do it because the Oracle needs a living host, and she had to return to the Underworld.”

“I was down there. I should’ve found a way to her and apologized.”

“She’s happy where she is. And she’s okay with this. It’s part of her plan.” said Willa.


“Yeah. She wanted us to take care of Tyran until we found someone who could.. Which is why we wanted to ask you, Claire.”

“Me?! How would I get papers for him, or get him into school?”

“It won’t be for that long. Just a little while after Roman fights Zeus.” Willa told her.

“Antearia told us to give her son to someone we trust, and we trust you. Will you do it?”

Claire looked at everyone for a moment before finally making her decision.

“I’ll do it.” Willa squealed and hugged her while Caitlyn shushed for them to be quiet.

“Isn’t Zeus the god that killed him easily the last time?” Barry said bluntly.

“Yeah.” said Roman, looking at his arm. “But I have help now, I just need to become a vampire again.” He looked at Claire. “Where’s your sister?”

“She runs a hotel downtown, called The Cabaret but are you sure you want to go through this again?”

“What? Vampirism, or the gods?”


“I have to. Zeus is a terrible person who hasn’t faced any consequences. I’m going to beat him like he beat me, right in Olympus. But first, I need to put on regular clothes. Everybody out. Claire, tell your sister I’m coming.”

Everyone left except Cliff as Roman began to get dressed. He put on a thin black and red jacket with dark blue jeans. Pausing a moment to put his hand on his chest, Roman knew in a moment his heart would stop beating. this warmth will be gone. He had gotten used to it over time but he could still remember feeling hollow and empty, like a huge part of him had been stripped away from the world. It was time to experience that all over again. At least this time he had more friends. More than just Claire.

He entered the living room and tossed Barry some keys. “I’m tired as hell, we’re going in the truck.” he told him. “Willa, when I get back, I’ll need you to send me to Olympus.”

Willa nodded. Claire grabbed her own keys and Caitlyn followed her out.

“We’re going to get baby stuff.” She explained as she walked out the door. Willa followed them as Barry and Roman got into the truck. They pulled out and Barry looked up the hotel’s address on his phone.

“This place will probably be crawling with vampires so it’s best if you stay in the car.” Roman told him.

“Will they even speak to you if you’re human?” Barry asked.

“There’s a secret word they have to let other vampires in. Most have control of their scent, so it’s harder to determine who is who. They’ll either take me to her or act like they don’t know what I’m talking about.”

They pulled into the hotel and Roman parked on the side. Barry watched as a bunch of people headed to the pool in their swimsuits.

“You want me to wait?” Barry asked as Roman got out.

“No. If this goes like it’s supposed to, I won’t need transportation anymore. You can go find the girls and stay with them until I come home. Cliff, you go with him.”

Cliff stood up in the backseat and growled, objecting to this idea.

“Fine. But hide in the bushes so you don’t scare anyone. I’ll be back in a moment.” Roman let him out the back as Barry got in the driver seat.

“Good luck. Don’t try to kill me like you did in highschool.”

“I tried to help you, You’re the one that went on a rampage.” Roman replied, closing the door for him.

“That ain’t how I remember it.” Barry backed up and pulled out of the parking lot while Cliff ran to hide in the bushes.

It’s time. He thought as he walked through the doors and approached the counter. There was one man standing while a woman sat down doing paperwork. The man’s arm was in a cast and he had bruises all over his face and hands.

“It’s excuse me… wait, you look familiar.”

“I’m not sure I’ve seen you before.”

“Yes you have, at Pixies. Your name is Chris… something. II’m surprised you aren’t dead.”

“Wait, you were that psychopath that made my eyes bleed!”

The lady stood up and nudged the guy aside.

“I’ll take care of him Chris. You can go on break.”

“Screw a break, I’m calling the police!”

The lady turned around and sank her nails deep into his shoulder.

“No you won’t. You are going to go on break and forget this happened.”

His started to redden and his face went slack.

“I… am going to go on break and forget this happened.”

“Good boy.” she released him and he slowly walked away.

“I’d like to speak to Nia Highland.” Roman told her.

“I’m pretty sure we don’t have anyone employed by that name, sir.”

Well there goes that tactic. Roman tried to the code.

“Can I come in?”

She stared at him.

“You’re human. How do you know the code?”

“I was a vampire once. Now I’m not. I need to speak to Nia.”

“That’s impossible.”

“You heard what he said, and I know the code. How much more evidence do you need?” Roman was getting impatient.

“How did you become human again?”

“I died. It’s a long story which I’m sure you’ll find out when the info trickles down Nia’s little army. I don’t have much time. What floor is she on?”

The lady looked him up and down with disdain before picking up a phone.

“Top floor. Room 608. I’ll let her know you arrived. Name?”

“Roman. Roman Bennett.”

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