Unspoken Pleasure (erotica)

Chapter Defiled Young Housewife: EP8

Reggie closed the refrigerator door and turned toward her wearing a big smile and holding a bottle in each of his hands. He triumphantly stared at her as if she was his conquest. "I notice you been staying out during the day when Dave isn't here," he quietly said. "You trying to avoid me?"

She angrily glared at him. How could he ask that after the horrible things he did to her?

"Playing hard to get, huh? You best make sure you remain home for me. I want time alone with you, baby. Things started out on the wrong foot between us and we need to talk."

"We're not ever talking about anything except you moving out of here. Get away from me and get out of our home, Reggie. Leave me and my family alone. I want nothing to do with you."

"Real bad things might start happening to your family and friends if you don't treat me right. I mean it, Christy. I know all your people, where they live and work." He reached up, pulled a piece of paper from his shirt pocket. "Take it," he insisted, handing her the folded sheet. It was apparently a computer generated list of everyone she knew, their phone numbers, addresses, where they worked, and even some of their birthdays.

"Where did you get this?"

"That's not important. My homeboys have a copy of that list with instructions. All I have to do is send a text. And if anything happens to me, like if I'm arrested for any reason, they have orders to torture and kill everyone on that list. I always get what I want, and I want to talk to you alone. I'm getting impatient and I'm not waiting no more. Tomorrow you staying home when Dave goes to work, or he won't come home at all. You understand me?"

What would Reggie's thugs do to Dave? Who else would Reggie hurt? She remembered what Reggie did to her, but Reggie and his goons were capable of far worse things, and they were going to start doing them to people she loved if she didn't at least pretend to go along with him. The prospect of spending another day alone with Reggie was terrifying, but Christy needed to protect her husband and her family and friends.

Christy slowly nodded her head.

"I can't hear you. Is that a yes, baby?"

"Yes," she hissed through clenched teeth.

"Good girl. We'll just talk some, get to know each other better, and maybe become friends, nothing else. I promise I'll be nice, Christy. Everything that happened before is gonna stay our secret. I know how embarrassing it must be, but you don't have to worry about Dave or anyone else ever finding out as long as you cooperate. Okay?"

She would never be his friend after what he had done to her, but she slowly nodded her head again in agreement. What choice did she have? The triumphant smirk on his face grew larger and filled her with even more hatred for him, yet she remained powerless to do anything about it. He could easily have Dave, her family and friends killed. He casually returned to the living room and left her standing there speechless.

The refrigerator began to drone, interrupting the silence Christy found herself alone in, replacing the cool air Reggie had let escape from it. How could Dave have been so careless and allowed this dangerous criminal to move in with them?

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When morning arrived, Christy was lying in bed with her eyes closed, still unable to sleep. The sun had yet to rise and daylight was more than an hour away. She had spent the night tossing and turning, thinking about her earlier conversation with Reggie and what would happen today once Dave left for work.

She reassured herself that all Reggie wanted to do was talk this time. She had pondered how she should act and what she should say to him. She would be strong, but also diplomatic, and try to reason with him. She would agree to keep his identity and what he had done to her secret if he would leave her and her family alone. Surely that would be enough to appease him.

The alarm rang for a moment before Dave silenced it. She felt the bed shake as he got up, and she heard him close the bathroom door. The sound of flowing water from the shower Dave was taking would normally be soothing for Christy, but instead each passing second brought her increasing anxiety.

Dave exited the bathroom and Christy still appeared asleep. She usually woke with him in the morning. "Hey, lazy head. Are you going to get up and go to the gym today?"

Christy opened her eyes, pretending to just awaken. "I'm tired," she answered. "I didn't sleep well last night."

"I'm sorry, honey. Are you sick?"

She shook her head. She wished she could tell Dave the truth.

"Maybe you should skip the gym today and sleep in. I've got to head off to work now." Dave kissed her cheek, turned off the light, and left Christy lying in their bed engulfed by the early morning darkness.

Christy was exhausted after remaining awake the entire night paralyzed with indecision. She had second thoughts again about confronting Reggie. Should she get dressed and get out of the house to avoid him as she had done previous mornings since he raped her?

She had been going to the gym in the mornings with her duffle bag containing a change of clothes. She normally worked out and then went to the library and used the computers there to look for a job until it was almost time for Dave to come home. If she left the house today, Reggie had threatened to start hurting members of her family and her friends.

Reggie had slept soundly but had been awake for over an hour when he heard Dave leave. Reggie's cock had been hard the entire night because of Christy and remained that way now. He wanted to fuck her again. It was still early morning as he made his way down the shadowy hallway to Christy's room. The door was closed, the way Dave had left it before departing for work, and Reggie didn't bother knocking. He slowly turned the knob and with soft, cat-like steps quietly entered. Christy was still in bed and lying on her stomach. She didn't hear Reggie enter and appeared to be sleeping. The pictures of her family and friends that had watched the previous time he had taken her remained on the dresser, silently observing from the shadows in disapproval. Reggie slipped off his boxers and cautiously pulled back the sheets to get in bed beside her, noticing she was wearing only a bra and panties. His cock ached to reunite with her. He carefully unclasped the hook of her bra and began removing it.

Exhaustion caught up with Christy and she had dozed off.

Reggie's muscular arm reaching around her shoulder and his hard cock stabbing her hip as he joined her in bed woke Christy. He began kissing her ear. "I'm glad to see you listened and stayed home for me today. You making the right decision. I'll be gentle with you. We gonna make love, baby, and I'm gonna make you enjoy it. I'm gonna make sure you cum a bunch of times." His hand descended toward her panties.

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