Unraveled (Dark Sovereign Book 3)

Unraveled: Chapter 10


I’m jerked awake with Isaia getting hauled off the bed, Alexius cursing and swearing, yanking Isaia around. I sit up in time to see him launch Isaia across the floor, headfirst into the wall.

“Alexius!” I scramble to my feet, but I can’t get near him as he grabs Isaia by the throat, his knuckles turning white as he squeezes, Isaia gasping for breath. “Alexius, stop!”

Maximo rushes in, and Alexius shoots him a deadly glare. “You, get the fuck out, now. This is between my brother and me.”

A second passes before Maximo does the one thing he does so fucking well. Obey Alexius’ every demand.

He leaves the room and closes the bedroom door behind him, my heart about to break out of my chest.

Alexius snarls in Isaia’s face, shaking him violently. “I’m going to kill you,” he snarls. “You fucking jealous prick.”

“Then what the fuck are you waiting for? Do it. Fucking pussy,” Isaia challenges, and I’m nothing short of terrified, ice penetrating my lungs.

“You’ve always been a little shit stirrer, haven’t you, little brother? Always loving to rock the boat and fuck over the apple cart. What, does it make your dick hard acting like an entitled cocksucker?”

“I’d rather be an entitled cocksucker than a lousy fucking husband.”

“Motherfucker!” There’s a sickening crack of bone as Alexius hits Isaia across the face, blood bursting from Isaia’s mouth. The rage on Alexius’ face is terrifying. His eyes are wild and feral, his lips pulled back from his teeth as he lets out a beastly growl like he’s about to rip out Isaia’s jugular. I’m suddenly frozen. Shocked. I can barely take a breath watching Alexius consumed with a fury so heated, it blurs the air around him.

“You fucking piece of shit!” He rears back, and his fist flies out again, crashing against Isaia’s jaw, blood splattering against the cream-colored walls like fresh red paint.

“Stop this, please! Both of you,” I cry, and Isaia sees an opening, landing a punch into Alexius’ midsection, causing him to hunch over. Horrified, I suck in a breath, but the air doesn’t reach my lungs. It’s stuck in my throat, my heart bashing against my rib cage.

Alexius staggers back, and Isaia lunges at him, grabs him by the collar, and swings him around, slamming his back against the wall, and I swear the earth fucking quakes from the blow.

Isaia leans into his brother, jerking at his collar. “You’re so fucking blind, man. Selfish prick. You can’t see what’s right in front you.”

“What? That my brother fucked my wife?”

“Nothing happened!” Isaia snaps.

“Like fuck it didn’t. You expect me to believe that after I find you in bed with my wife while she’s wearing a motherfucking towel?”

“Yes. That’s exactly what I expect you to believe because it’s the goddamn truth!”

“Go fuck yourself.” Alexius manages to push back, and I watch in horror as they grapple with one another, trying to tear each other apart like rabid animals frothing at the mouth.

Red-hot tears spill down my cheeks. “Alexius, he’s telling the truth, I swear.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“Yes! Nothing happened.”

“He won’t believe you,” Isaia grits out. “He’s been searching for a reason to kick my ass.”

“What do you expect? You’re in love with my wife, you son of a bitch!” Alexius strikes his fist into Isaia’s gut. Spit and blood bursts from Isaia’s mouth as he topples over, and Alexius lands his knee on Isaia’s chest, swings his arm, and a nauseating sound ruptures the air as he hits Isaia again, his knuckles stained with his brother’s blood.

“Would both of you just stop!” I cry, but I’m being ignored like I’m not even there, Alexius’ eyes blazing like he has the wrath of hell burning behind them.

There is so much blood, thick and violent, spurting from Isaia’s mouth and nose, his chin, neck, and chest covered in crimson.

“I’ve fucking had it with you.” Alexius’ voice is hard and guttural, a menacing chant of brutal cruelty. “I tried, Isaia. I fucking tried. But you just couldn’t keep your filthy motherfucking hands off my wife.”

“He didn’t touch me!” I yell, but Alexius doesn’t even look in my direction. It’s like I’m invisible to him, his vision nothing but tainted red with hate and violence, all aimed at his little brother.

Everything is happening so fast, my mind is spinning, and my heart is pounding with panicked speed. But I’m paralyzed. I can’t move. I can’t think. I’m fucking terrified by the scene in front of me. Terrified of him. I’ve never seen Alexius like this before. Enraged and possessed, anger swirling thickly in his eyes, his face contorted in hard lines of rage.

More blood spurts from Isaia’s mouth, and Alexius snarls, pushing his knees harder against Isaia’s chest.

Isaia chokes and coughs, trying to get his brother to move. “Nothing…happened other than you fucking up…again.”

Oh, God, Isaia. Shut the fuck up!

“Me?” Alexius wraps a hand around Isaia’s throat, his large hand encompassing Isaia’s neck. “You have some nerve, you arrogant fuck! But that’s your problem, isn’t it? Thinking you can do whatever the fuck you want because life owes you a goddamn favor.” He tightens his grip. “Or is it the fact that I won’t share her that’s completely fucked with your head?”

“Go fuck yourself!” Isaia grabs at his brother’s hand, trying to get him to let go, but Alexius simply tightens his hold, Isaia’s mouth gaped open and cheeks reddening from the struggle for air.

Oh, my God, Alexius is going to kill him.

“You walk around with your grim fucking face, hating everyone and everything, always trying to find ways to piss everyone off. Well, brother, you fucking pissed me off. You happy now? Is this what you wanted? Me losing my shit and beating the crap out of you?”

“Alexius, please,” I crawl back onto the bed on all fours, afraid to get too close. “Please stop this.”

He’s too angry, a maddened God who can’t see anything other than chaos.

Abruptly, he lets go of Isaia’s throat, and Isaia gasps and coughs, gagging as he gulps down air while Alexius pulls him to his feet.

“I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I tried talking to you, warned you to stay away from her, but you wouldn’t fucking listen. You just couldn’t help yourself, could you? You just had to have what’s mine.”

With my hand in front of my mouth, I watch as he shoves Isaia against the dresser, hitting his back against the edge, a pained shriek tearing past Isaia’s lips.

“Alexius, don’t.” I sniff, leaning back, ice slamming into my chest when he looks at me with a glare that cuts straight through my heart.

“Did you let him fuck you?”

“Is that what you think of me? That I’m some whore who would fuck around while I’m pregnant with your babies?” I yell out the last few words. “Do you really think that low of me?”

“You’ve been hellbent on fighting me, waiting for a chance to fucking leave.”

“Because you lied to me!” I shout. “You tricked me, made a goddamn fool of me, and you expect me to, what? Forgive you? Pretend that everything’s okay, and act like our lives couldn’t be more fucking perfect?”

“I expect you to love me, for better or worse. Remember that?”

“Are you seriously reminding me of our wedding vows? What about ‘to love and to cherish?’ Do you even know what that means? To cherish someone?” I sit up on my knees. “It means to protect and care for, to hold dear and that you recognize that person’s worth. So, tell me how your lies and you manipulating me show that you recognize my worth. That you hold me dear.”

His anger burns red on his cheeks as he leans closer, shoving his finger at his chest. “I did it because I love you. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

I scoff. “Probably a million times more because it’s all bullshit.”

Alexius pulls his lips in a thin line, his blue eyes turbulent with a violent storm as he leans close. “Did He. Fucking. Touch you?”

“No.” My nostrils flare. “Nothing happened. I was in the shower crying over you. Having a fucking mental breakdown because of you. And all your brother did was help me. He comforted me, and I fell asleep. That’s it.”

“She’s telling the truth, man,” Isaia growls, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Panic and fear coat my tongue with a rancid taste, a black cloud wrapping around the three of us with an ominous grip.

Alexius is a wall of menace, his shoulders widened and chest expanding. There’s blood on his shirt, his knuckles covered in red. Right now, he’s an animal—untamed and unpredictable. It scares the shit out of me, but there’s something about the feral look in his eyes. How his authority melts the air around us. How his sheer dominance fills my breath and steals my will. It wakes something in me—something I have no right feeling. Not now. Not like this. It’s insane.

Alexius bites his bottom lip and shifts his death glare between Isaia and me.

God, please let this be over. But the way his eyes darken, his frame growing larger, says it’s far from over.

There’s blood on Isaia’s face, one eye already starting to swell. But he stands his ground, his stance wide and threatening. Challenging.

“I want to kill you, brother. I really do,” Alexius threatens.

“Then fucking do it, you pussy.”

“Isaia, no,” I warn, knowing the last thing he needs to do right now is challenge his brother.

Alexius bares his teeth. “I’m not fucking stupid. Ending your life won’t be worth the shit it’ll pile on my goddamn doorstep. And kicking your ass until you’re blind won’t do a thing other than fuel this sick obsession you have with my wife because that’s who you are. An arrogant, stubborn pussy.” Alexius leans his head to the side. “There’s only one way you’ll realize that she’s not yours, and that’s if I show you who she belongs to.”

My heart stops, and everything goes cold as I watch Alexius rushing toward me. I yelp when he grabs a fist full of my hair, pain searing my scalp.

“Alexius, what are you doing?”

“Talking to him didn’t help. Kicking his ass won’t help, either. The only thing that’ll help is if I show him.”

“Alexius, stop!”

His touch is hard and unforgiving as he pulls me to my feet, yanking the towel from my body, leaving me in my underwear while my breaths come out in short bursts. He doesn’t give me a second to try to figure out what the hell is happening when he jerks me around, forcing me to bend forward, pushing my face into the mattress.

“Alexius, stop.” Isaia’s voice is a low rumble. “This has gone too far.”

“Maybe if you see me fuck her, it’ll sink into that thick skull of yours that she is not yours!”

“Alexius,” I plead breathlessly, a cold shudder spreading up my spine when I hear the sound of his zipper.

“My brother watched me play with your cunt. Now he can watch me fuck you, too.” He drags his cock along my ass, and I swallow when heat spreads between my thighs, my sudden arousal slick and warm.

He’s hard. He likes this.

So do you.

No, I don’t.

An ache spreads from my pussy up to my core.

Fuck. Yes, I do.

“What do you think, brother?” Alexius says behind me. “You think you’ll be able to move the fuck on and leave my goddamn wife alone if you see her body break for me?”

Isaia readies to launch himself toward us when Alexius pulls out his gun, aiming it at Isaia, bringing him to a sudden halt, the metal glinting with murderous intent.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I scream at Alexius.

“What am I doing? I’m two seconds away from putting a bullet in my little brother’s head.”

“God, stop this!” I cry.

“I’m afraid God ain’t here, stray.” He keeps his gun aimed at Isaia, whose glare is shooting holes through Alexius’ face.

I’m paralyzed with fear, but buried beneath it, something stirs. A faint flicker. A warmth slowly heating to burn. Is it…desire? Wicked wantonness corrupting me?

No. No. No.

He lets go of my neck, and I don’t move when he slides a finger through my slit. I don’t attempt to scramble away, and I have no fucking idea why. What I’m feeling is so hard to explain. My logical side says I should want to get away from him. I should want to run. But I don’t. Right now, I don’t want anything more than to stay, to let him use me to prove his fucking point to his brother. I’m his filthy little slut, as he has reminded me so many times before. And I love it. I love whoring my body to him. Surrendering. Letting him do whatever the fuck he wants to do to me because, in the end, I’ll love it. I always do.

My hips buck, and my arousal coats his finger.

“Look at that,” he says, and I can practically hear the smile on his face, “you want this, don’t you, stray? You want me to show my little brother who you belong to.”

“I know!” Isaia spits out. “I know she’s yours. For fuck’s sake, Alexius. Why do you think she was in the shower crying her heart out? Because of you!” There’s nothing but venom dripping from Isaia’s tongue. “She loves you.”

“But that’s not the problem here, is it? It’s you!” Alexius’ voice slams against the ceiling. “You are the fucking problem, the fact that you would fuck my wife if given half the goddamn chance. Your juvenile infatuation with her has gone too far, and it ends today.”

He drags the head of his cock through my pussy before nudging at my entrance. Euphoria explodes and smothers the fear, waking something sinful and wicked in my veins. His thick cock stretches me as he slowly opens my walls by sinking in deeper, and I swallow a moan. It’s punishing and exquisite at the same time. My head is a mess. I’m consumed and fucking horrified. But there’s no denying the thrill and adrenaline rushing through me, my arousal coating my inner thighs, slicking up Alexius’ cock. Every muscle in my body is pulled taut, welcoming the blunt pressure—anticipating, wanting, craving—yet my stomach crawls with how fucked up this is.

“Alexius, you better kill me before I kill you,” Isaia spits out.

“I love how you assume she doesn’t want this,” Alexius taunts, slipping farther inside me while still aiming his gun at Isaia. “As you can see, I’m not holding her down anymore. She’s on her knees, bent in front of me, because she wants to be.”

I’d beg him to stop, but something’s changed. My fight is gone, replaced with a thirst for what would be the most wicked display of ownership, and my body is all for it.

“Her pussy is wet, brother. Her cunt isn’t resisting me. It’s throbbing, sucking me in deeper.” His palm comes down hard on my ass, the searing pain causing me to moan. “Tell him, stray. Tell him I’m not doing anything you don’t want.”

I look at Isaia, and the moment our eyes meet, he sees it. He sees the need, the wicked desire, the fucked-up lust that I’m trying so hard to fight, but it’s just too strong.

“Say it,” Isaia demands, his dark eyes a deadly war. “If you don’t say it, I will kill him. I swear it.”

“I want this.” My voice shakes, and my body trembles because of what I just said, admitting how screwed up I genuinely am.

“Say it again,” Isaia orders, and my gaze drops to his crotch. He’s hard too. Jesus Christ. What the fuck is this? “Say it!”

“Yes!” I blurt. “I want this.”

“What exactly is it that you want?” Alexius says, pulling out and dipping the head of his cock back into me.

With my eyes pinned on Isaia’s, I whisper to Alexius, “I want you to fuck me.” I swallow. “While your brother watches.”

“There you have it.” Alexius drops the gun right next to me, and his fingers sink into my hips, jerking me back as he slams forward, his thick girth stretching me. It’s an onslaught, and I’m moaning and gasping like a whore, all the sensations building to a point where it hurts.

Alexius’ grip on my hip tightens, but his arm trembles. Is it still anger? Rage? Or is it him losing control? All I know is every time he slams into me, burying himself to the hilt, he’s fucking euphoria into me, letting it consume me.

I cry out when he slaps my ass before driving back into me, so hard it hurts with a satisfying ache, sending waves of sensations down to my fucking toes.

“Do you hear that, brother?” Alexius says. “You hear her crying out for me?”

Isaia doesn’t move, and Alexius pushes deeper, thrusting faster, fucking me deeper, pulling me down on his cock. I can’t stop the moans that drip from my lips like toxic honey. I can’t ignore the ecstasy that clings to my skin, penetrating my bones, the silk sheet rubbing against my knees and elbows, static crackling on my skin.

“You watching, brother?” Alexius says with rapid breathing, and my thighs tremble.

“Yeah, I’m watching,” Isaia mutters, but his voice is different. It’s low, gruff, but there’s a tenor of something…sensual that ripples from his words.

“Good. I need you to watch every second. I need you to see how much she loves how I fuck her. It’s because she’s mine, and she knows it. I know it. Now it’s time for you to know it, too.”

Like a piston, Alexius starts to fuck me, skin slapping against skin, our rapid breaths growing louder, and sweat clings to the back of my neck. The friction of his cock and the vulnerability of being watched by his brother add fuel to the fire burning in my core, threatening to turn me into ash—a pile of fucking dirt, nothing but air.

My eyes find Isaia, and he’s adjusting his crotch. Even Isaia can’t deny it. No matter how much he thinks he hates his brother or how much he wants to kill him, he sees what Alexius and I are together.


Our eyes meet for a second before mine roll closed, my body in complete surrender, with Alexius pummeling into me with unforgiving and unrelenting thrusts.

I fist the sheets, feeling the cold steel of the gun against my knuckles. I wrap my hand around it, holding my finger on the trigger. I didn’t think it was possible, but I’m more turned on than I have ever been. Even that night at Mito watching Alexius play with another woman’s pussy doesn’t compare to this. The adrenaline. The danger. Fuck. Is it possible to get off on danger? To get off on the power it gives me while I hold it in my hand, Alexius’ cock wrecking my pussy with delicious ferocity?

Yes. Yes, it is possible.

That’s what Alexius is doing, what he’s been doing all along. Getting off on the power he has over me. Just like the control he holds over me is my addiction, it is also his. That’s how similar we are. That’s how compatible we are. Each thriving on power…one surrendering it while the other holds it.

“Fuck,” Alexius growls. “I love how hot your pussy is around my cock. You ready to come for me, my little slut?”

“Yes,” I whimper. I’m so fucking ready.

“Who do you belong to?”


“Look at my brother when you say that. Who do you belong to?”

I glance up and into Isaia’s eyes. “You.”

“What is your name?” My ass slaps against him as he fucks me.

“Leandra,” I murmur. “Leandra Del Rossa.”

He snakes an arm around my hip, reaching between my legs and finding my clit, applying pressure that makes my entire body tremble. “Whose wife are you?”

“Yours.” I’m still looking at Isaia.

“Who gets to fuck you? Who is the only one who will ever make you come?”

I whimper before sucking in a breath. “You. Only you. Always.”

“Good girl.” He circles my clit harder, faster. “Now, come for me, stray. Let my brother see how fucking beautiful you are when you come around my cock.”

I detonate, and my body shudders as my climax rips me wide open. It’s so intense, so powerful, tears well up in the corners of my eyes, and I scream—loud and desperate, needing relief from the pleasure crippling me with violent waves. My mind is bent, broken, and I’m nothing but coiled pleasure that has my body tied in knots.

“That’s my girl,” Alexius coos as my pussy pulses around his cock. I expect him to follow suit, to come inside me, but instead, he pulls out, and hot liquid spurts on my ass and back, Alexius jerking his dick, marking me with his cum.

I close my eyes, holding my breath, trying to come to terms with what the fuck just happened.

Now that the ecstasy is withering, fear is starting to trickle in again. There’s no saying what will happen now, how we’ll deal with this, because whatever this is, it’s not right. It’s not fucking normal.

But it’s us.

For a moment while my mind is still shattered, I’m forced to be honest with myself by admitting something I’ve been denying for too long. The truth is, I would eventually forgive him for the tricked pregnancy. It’s inevitable. What Alexius and I have can’t be ignored, no matter what the outside factors might be. But after this, what happens now? This just turned into the most morally gray shit Alexius and I have ever done. It’s fucked up, but the thrill still lingers in my veins, and it’s indescribable.

But it’s wrong. I can feel it corrupt me.

I have no idea where my strength comes from. It’s like a burst of adrenaline floods my veins, and I grab the sheets, launching up, twisting around, and slap him across the face.

His palm is on his cheek, the smack slicing through the room, his dark gaze instantly gone, replaced with the blue iridescence I’ve come to love more than life itself.

“You bastard,” I whisper, and his only response is solemn silence. “I’m your fucking wife,” I say, rage rippling off my tongue. “Your wife. I’m not your goddamn toy, a possession you can play with whenever you want to prove a point. I’m not a prop for you to use whenever you feel like having a pissing contest with your brother.”

His top lip curls up like he’s contemplating whether to push a dagger through his own heart or mine.

I grab his hand, tears now streaming down my face, and place his palm flat against my belly. “I’m pregnant. I’m carrying your babies inside me. I’m going to be the mother of your children.”

“I know that.”

“Do you?” I push his hand harder against my stomach. “What you just did, what we just did, is twisted and warped beyond words. And it will never…never happen again.”

“You fucking liked it.”

“You’re right. I did. That doesn’t make it any less fucked up. We’re going to be parents, Alexius. You’re going to be a father. You’ll be responsible for them, have to take care of them…and me.” I place my palms on his cheeks. The cold, hard anger that was on his face moments ago is now gone. “You and me, we’re going to be the people our kids look up to. And is this really who you want to be for your kids? A jealous, over-the-top, possessive fucker who can’t control himself. A man who beats his brother and then fucks his wife in front of him because you somehow convinced yourself that you own me. Not love. Own. There’s a big difference, and you need to realize that because soon you’re going to hold your son or daughter in your arms, and I pray to God that when that day comes, you’re a man worthy of that title.” I let go of his cheeks. “Worthy of being a father.”

I drop my hands at my sides, licking my lips. “I’m done with this shit. Done. Because I know I want to be a mother worthy of the title, too.”

A stillness drops over us. It’s cold as ice—overwhelming, weighted, dragging down around us with an unease that crawls in my blood. It’s a wall blocking out everything other than the words I just spoke—the dose of reality I injected into both our veins.

My tears have stopped, but my heart silently cries, drowning my lungs while I hold my breath.

Alexius rights his pants and straightens his broad shoulders.

He looks over my shoulder at Isaia, and his expression remains stone. But I see the whirlpool of emotions in his eyes, the weight of it as reality sets in. His eyes meet mine for a single second before he turns and stomps out, the slam of the door behind him causing me to flinch.

I bite my tongue to keep myself from gasping, to stop the tears from resurfacing while my heart just…dies. Because deep down I know…nothing will ever be the same.

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