Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 79 Ice Sculpture Of Most Beautiful Queen

Ye Kai walked to the woman in the ticket booth. He paid the woman five silver coins and then got a ticket for four people after they walked down a corridor.

The air was frigid and echoed with their footsteps, but the fur coat that Ye Kai had taken out from inventory made them feel as if they were dressed for winter.

Ye Ming wondered if she could also store many things in inventory.

Then, turning a corner, she saw it: an enormous hall containing more ice sculptures than she could ever have imagined. There was a huge creature, with its huge open jaws; there was a beautiful bird, rising from the ground; there were fish and birds of all colors; there were warriors and servants and animals, each one carved from ice so translucent that she could see tiny traces of blue light inside them, though this might have been an illusion.

Ye Ming walked around the ice sculptures, admiring their beauty. She stopped in front of the one of women.

The woman was exquisitely detailed and realistic, with a slender figure and long, flowing hair. Her skin glittered in the light like a million tiny diamonds, and her expression was one of intense concentration as if she were listening intently to something. Her single eye stared at Ye Ming, beckoning him to approach closer. Her lips were slightly parted and the slightest hint of a smile played upon them.

"This is queen of this kingdom, truly beautiful," Ye Kai saw and muttered, he didn't expect the queen to be such a beauty, she was even more beautiful than his mother.

Ye Kai and the others continued to walk around the hall in amazement. They had seen many sculptures depicting warriors and animals, but nothing compared to this beautiful queen.

Ye Nuan seemed to notice Ye Kai's astonishment as she spoke softly, "You know, king killed many of his brother and servant, or any man who dared approach the queen."

Ye Kai was taken aback by this revelation. then looking at the queen's expression more closely, he see even more beauty, the longer he stare the more beautiful she appeared.

"It's understandable, she was his woman, and your mine, if any man dare to come closer to you, then I would also kill him," Ye Kai smiled and said.

"Don't be crazy," Ye Nuan lightly patted Ye Kai's shoulder, she blushed a little, and then went on looking at ice sculptures.

Ye Kai again looked at the queen, "I want to see in real once," Ye Kai said, 'And also fuck her, anyway there is mission to make her all seven daughters sex slave, so let's just add her in sex slave'

Ye Kai thought and smiled.

Ye Kai and his group walked away slowly and continued their exploration, The next chamber contained a stunning group of ice sculptures portraying daily life in Ancient China: farmers sowing fields, children playing games in the streets, merchants selling goods in marketplaces…they were astonished by how lifelike these sculptures were.

After Ye Kai and the others gazed up at the enormous lion sculpture with awe. They had seen many statues and sculptures in their exploration, but this one was like none they had ever seen before. Its eyes were alive, its muscles tensed, and its claws extended as if it were ready to roar, yet there was a sense of wisdom emanating from it.

The group stared for what seemed like forever until finally, Ye Nuan spoke. "This is Founder King's Lion," she said reverently, "Created by his own hands." She paused and continued in a whisper, "He made this as a sign of courage and strength in the face of adversity. It stands here forever as a reminder that no matter how difficult the situation, we must never give up."

Ye Kai felt his admiration for the founder king, he created this kingdom from barren land, as he looked upon the sculpture. He slowly made his way closer to it and touched its surface carefully with his fingertips. It was smooth and cold but also full of life.

After Ye Kai and the others went to another chamber where they were mesmerized by the beauty and grandeur of the sculptures before them. They were ice sculptures of the founder king's bravest soldiers, generals, and commanders. Each sculpture was a life-like representation of its subject with intricate details of its armor and weapons.

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Ye Nuan stepped forward to admire one sculpture in particular – it was a beautiful woman wearing full armor with a sword at his side.

"This is General Xu," she said reverently. "She was the first woman to become a soldier in army, she disguise herself as man and lived between them, an incredible female warrior who fought in many battles to protect our kingdom." She paused, then continued in a low voice "7th king loved him like a brother. He always said that without General Xu, our kingdom would have been lost, and only after her death, did people realize that General Xu was a woman."

Ye Ming's eyes opened in shock and admiration, she felt her blood racing as she looked at General Xu's ice sculpture, she read about General Xu, and admired her greatly, because of General Xu, many women were able to enter the army, and many brave women came after General Xu.

Ye Kai looked around at all of the other sculptures in awe. These ice sculptures were truly life-like, and beautiful. He thought the only thing to see here was the Ice Sculpture of the Queen, but he was wrong there were many things to see here.

"You know, there is a tomb of founder king here, though it's off limits, " Ye Nuan spoke.

"This place, with kingdom bravest man and woman, it is best  for founder king resting place," Ye Kai said.

After some time admiring the sculptures, Ye Kai and his group quietly left the chamber and continued their exploration of this place.

Soon enough they came across another chamber containing two large ice sculptures - the white tiger and mammoth were facing each other in a battle stance, their eyes almost seeming to spark with energy. It was as if they were about to break free from the ice at any moment and wage an epic battle!

Ye Nuan stepped forward and examined the sculptures more closely. "These are masterpieces," she said in awe. "Created by the founder King himself, with details so accurate it's almost as if they were alive." She paused for a moment, then added softly, "This is his tribute to courage and power in the face of adversity."

The group stood there for a moment before Ye Kai spoke up. "It's incredible," he said in wonder. "You can see it in every detail – even down to the tiny fur on the mammoth," Ye Kai paused, "This ice sculptures are the most beautiful."

In front of these ice sculptures, that queen seemed like garbage.

Ye Ming looked around the chamber in awe, at the various ice sculptures depicting various figures of courage and strength. But something stood out to her - there was no ice sculpture of the founder King himself. She slowly turned towards Ye Nuan and asked, "Is there no ice sculpture of founder King?".

Ye Nuan shook her head sadly. "No, there isn't," she said softly. "His desire was to remain anonymous, even after death. He didn't want to be remembered as a king, but rather as a humble servant of his people.

The others nodded silently in agreement before heading back out of the chamber. As they walked away from the sculptures, each one of them had a newfound appreciation for the legacy left behind by their Founder King – a legacy that had inspired generations since his death centuries ago.


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