Unhinged Desires : A Dark Romance (Sick Love Duet Book 1)

Unhinged Desires: Chapter 25

I’ve been pacing the floor of the room. The monitors are all showing Lucy’s apartment. She’s been getting ready for the last two hours. I watched her shower, wash and dry her hair, and then she spent an hour applying shit to her face she doesn’t fucking need.

She’s just walked out of her closet in a black leather pencil skirt and a matching black piece of fabric disguised as a shirt, her tits practically spilling out of the top. She’s holding a pair of black Louboutin pumps in her hand as she spins in a circle with a fucking smile plastered on her face. She knows I’m watching.

I pick up the phone sitting on my desk and send her a message.


Do NOT leave the house in that fucking outfit, Little Bee.

I watch as she reaches across the bed, grabs her phone, and reads my message. Her fingers tap furiously on the screen right before my own phone pings with an incoming text.


Watch me, asshole. I will wear whatever the fuck I want.

She walks out of the room holding her middle finger in the air.

Fuck! I slam my fist down on the desk. The computer monitors shake from the force. Then I snatch my keys off the side table, walk out, and head for the garage. I don’t bother locking the door to that room anymore. My parents went back to Sydney and no one else comes in here.

I log in to the tracker on her phone and watch as it moves through the streets of Melbourne. It doesn’t take long before she stops, and I ping her at my cousin’s fucking club. Unhinged is not the place I want her anywhere near when she’s dressed like that. She’ll be swarmed by hungry fucking vultures by the time I arrive.

I think I break every speed limit as I pull my car right up to the entrance of the club. I throw my keys at one of the valets and keep walking. I couldn’t give a shit if the car got stolen right now. I have one thing on my mind, the only thing that seems to be on my mind these days.


It doesn’t take me long to find her. She stands out in any fucking crowd. She’s on the dance floor with her friend Shar and another woman. I position myself off to the side and glare at every motherfucker who dares to even look in her direction. It doesn’t take long before some cocksucker ignores my not-so-subtle threat and slides up behind Shar. He then wraps an arm around Lucy’s waist, attempting to sandwich himself between them.

Stepping out of the shadows, I pull the asshole back by his shirt before landing a right hook to his face. He falls like the sack of shit he is before I lean over, dig into his pocket, and pull out his ID. I snap a picture and pocket my phone.

“I know where you live and I will be coming to collect on the debt you now owe me,” I tell him.

“What the fuck? What fucking debt?” he spits out.

“Those fingers you just used to touch my girl, yeah, they belong to me now. And when I say something’s mine, you better believe I keep it fucking close.” I shove him to the side and watch as he stumbles to his feet and practically runs away.

“What’d you say to him?” Lucy’s brother asks me.

“I told him that she’s a mafia princess, and if he touched her again, I’d cut his fucking hands off. Bit by bit. Make him watch as I fed them to my uncle’s pigs,” I lie because I’m hardly going to tell him the truth.

“Ah, thanks.” He shakes his head before turning to Shar. “Can we leave yet?” he asks her. Apparently they’re dating now. Xavier and Shar. I learnt about that whole relationship from reading Lucy’s message exchanges.

I don’t hear her response over the music but I do hear her ask Lucy if she wants to go home with them. My Little Bee looks directly at me and smirks. “No, I’m good. I’m going to find some unsuspecting frat boy in here to take me home and fuck me senseless,” she says. And I fist my hands at my sides.

“Please, for the love of God, just let me drive you home. How the fuck am I meant to sleep tonight knowing that’s your plan?” Xavier yells loud enough to be heard over the music.

“Don’t worry, I was joking,” she says. “Kind of.”

She’s not leaving this fucking club with anyone who isn’t me. I will blow the whole place up if I have to, with her and me inside it. I really don’t give a damn at this point.

I don’t catch the rest of Lucy’s conversation with her brother. But when he turns to leave, he stops in front of me. “Can you make sure she gets home?”

I’m shocked silent. I have no idea why he’d want his sister anywhere near me. Fuck, if I had a sister, I’d need more fucking pigs. I nod my head. It’s all I can manage at the moment. It’s the truth after all. I will be taking her home. With me. I watch as Lucy continues to dance with that other woman from earlier. My eyes never wander.

“Dom, you good?” Ash’s voice comes from beside me.

“Peachy. You?” I ask him.

“I’d be better if I didn’t have to worry about my cousin causing a bloodbath on my dance floor.”

“I’m not an idiot. I’m not going to kill anyone, Ash.” Not here anyway. As soon as I get Lucy home, I will be finding that fucker and following through on my threats. I don’t make ʼem just for shits and giggles.

“Great. So this is the chick who’s had your knickers in a twist, huh?” His choice of words has me turning my head to look at him. He’s staring at Lucy with interest, but not the kind that has every other fucker in this room leering in her direction. No, Ash’s is more… curiosity.

“I’m not even answering that. Where’s Bree and why the fuck has she let you off the leash?” I ask him.

“She’s upstairs, with Faith,” he says.

“You bought Faith here? To a fucking nightclub?” I scowl at him. Faith is Ash and Bree’s daughter. A toddler sure as shit doesn’t belong in a place like this with creeps like these hanging around.

“We’re flying out tonight. We just stopped by to grab a couple of things. You should come up and see the girls before we leave.”

I look back to Lucy. No fucking way am I leaving her on the dance floor. “Sure, I’ll be right there,” I say before crossing the room. I step up behind Lucy, lean in, and whisper in her ear, “I need you to come with me.” I nibble on her lobe, and her body shudders at the contact. I fucking love how responsive this girl is to my touch.

“Mmm, I don’t know. There are a lot of offers on the table right here. You’ve got some hefty competition,” she’s quick to reply.

My fingers curl into her waist. I hear her breath hitch. “The thought of anyone touching you does things to my head, Little Bee. And you really don’t want to watch the fallout.”

“Sorry. I was joking.”

“I’m going to buy you a joke book. You need some help with your sense of humour,” I deadpan. Then I take her hand in mine and lead her off the dance floor and upstairs to where the offices are located.

The music dies out the higher up we get. “Where are you taking me?” she asks.

“You let me tie you to a fucking pole and fuck you without question. And now you’re worried about where I’m taking you?”

Her face goes beet red. It’s cute how she never seems to have any shame in the heat of the moment but is so easily embarrassed by the memory of those same actions.

“Relax. My cousins are leaving town tonight. I need to say goodbye to Bree, then I’m taking you home.”

“You don’t have to take me home. I’m not ready to leave yet anyway. I’m not nearly drunk enough.”

I don’t respond. It’s pointless. Because, in the end, I know I’m going to get my way. I always fucking do, no matter how much I have to get my hands dirty in order to make sure it happens. I open the door to Ash’s office and pull Lucy inside before closing it behind us.

“Dom-Dom.” Faith’s little legs run to me, her arms high in the air. I release my grip on Lucy’s hand, bend down, and scoop up the toddler.

“Hey, little Faith. How you doing?” I pepper kisses all over her tiny face. She’s fucking adorable, this kid. So much so it’s questionable if she’s actually Ash’s. I don’t know how his ugly mug created something so fucking beautiful. I would love to say that it has something to do with Bree’s influence, but there’s no blood relation there. Faith was dropped on Ash’s doorstep when she was just a month old. It’s a long story and not mine to tell. Those two fuckers love to talk about themselves more than anyone I know, so they are more than happy to explain how it all went down.

“Dom, I didn’t know you were here,” Bree says.

“Ash said you guys were leaving tonight. Where is he?” I ask, looking around the otherwise empty office.

“Your guess is as good as mine. He’s probably putting the fear of god into the staff before he has to be away from this place for a few weeks.” She laughs.


“Hi, I’m Bree. I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting properly. I’m this one’s favourite cousin.” Bree holds out her hand to Lucy.

Was my favourite cousin until she came along,” I say, tossing Faith in the air and catching her. Her little squeals of delight melt my cold fucking heart.

“If you drop my daughter, I’ll skin you alive,” Bree tells me. And I believe her. She’s more than skilled with a knife.

“I’m Lucy. It’s nice to meet you.” Lucy’s voice is quiet, unsure.

I look over at her. She seems nervous. I pass Faith over to Bree and take Lucy’s hand. I don’t know what she’s nervous about but I don’t fucking like it. “Let me know when you’re back in town and we’ll catch up.”

“Sure,” Bree says, her beady little eyes bouncing from Lucy to me.

I say a quick goodbye to Faith before pulling Lucy out of the office. I don’t walk through the club this time. Instead, I head for the back door that leads out to the alley, then guide us around the front of the building, where I look for the valet kid I threw my keys at when I arrived. He starts jogging to the lot when he sees me and quickly disappears. A couple of minutes later, my car is idling at the kerb in front of us. I open the passenger door and tuck Lucy inside before manoeuvring around the front and climbing behind the wheel. As soon as I’ve pulled away and onto the street, I pick up her hand and entwine our fingers together.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her.

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