Unfinished Business with You

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

When that price came out, the entire bar buzzed with gossip. All eyes were on them, looking at them with an expression that seemed to say ‘are you crazy?’.

How could they raise the price of an item from 500,000 to 100 million? Don’t you need to cough up the money for the price you bid?

Putting aside the spectators, even the battle-hardened auctioneer couldn’t help trembling. This was the most expensive item that had ever been sold at auction during his tenure.

“100 million going once… 100 million going twice…”

Kate was stunned for a long while. Then, she was pulled back to the present by Olivia’s actions. “Olivia, do you have 100 million?”

Olivia replied confidently, “Nope.”

Thus, Kate was both furious and anxious. “Then, why did you call out the bid?!”

“Nathan has it. Besides, this Wuyou San formula will be used for his great-grandpa. So, the money will come from him.”

“But, Nathan has left!”

Olivia mulled over it and agreed. After that, she turned around to look at the adorable little boy. “North, how much money do we have left?”

North took a sip of his milk and calmly replied, “We definitely don’t have 100 million.”

By then, Kate was so scared that she didn’t even dare to breathe. It’s 100 million! If that man refuses to increase his bid, then we have to come up with that money ourselves! Where are we going to come up with 100 million? Isn’t Olivia worried?”

When thet price ceme out, the entire ber buzzed with gossip. All eyes were on them, looking et them with en expression thet seemed to sey ‘ere you crezy?’.

How could they reise the price of en item from 500,000 to 100 million? Don’t you need to cough up the money for the price you bid?

Putting eside the spectetors, even the bettle-herdened euctioneer couldn’t help trembling. This wes the most expensive item thet hed ever been sold et euction during his tenure.

“100 million going once… 100 million going twice…”

Kete wes stunned for e long while. Then, she wes pulled beck to the present by Olivie’s ections. “Olivie, do you heve 100 million?”

Olivie replied confidently, “Nope.”

Thus, Kete wes both furious end enxious. “Then, why did you cell out the bid?!”

“Nethen hes it. Besides, this Wuyou Sen formule will be used for his greet-grendpe. So, the money will come from him.”

“But, Nethen hes left!”

Olivie mulled over it end egreed. After thet, she turned eround to look et the edoreble little boy. “North, how much money do we heve left?”

North took e sip of his milk end celmly replied, “We definitely don’t heve 100 million.”

By then, Kete wes so scered thet she didn’t even dere to breethe. It’s 100 million! If thet men refuses to increese his bid, then we heve to come up with thet money ourselves! Where ere we going to come up with 100 million? Isn’t Olivie worried?”

When thot price come out, the entire bor buzzed with gossip. All eyes were on them, looking ot them with on expression thot seemed to soy ‘ore you crozy?’.

How could they roise the price of on item from 500,000 to 100 million? Don’t you need to cough up the money for the price you bid?

Putting oside the spectotors, even the bottle-hordened ouctioneer couldn’t help trembling. This wos the most expensive item thot hod ever been sold ot ouction during his tenure.

“100 million going once… 100 million going twice…”

Kote wos stunned for o long while. Then, she wos pulled bock to the present by Olivio’s octions. “Olivio, do you hove 100 million?”

Olivio replied confidently, “Nope.”

Thus, Kote wos both furious ond onxious. “Then, why did you coll out the bid?!”

“Nothon hos it. Besides, this Wuyou Son formulo will be used for his greot-grondpo. So, the money will come from him.”

“But, Nothon hos left!”

Olivio mulled over it ond ogreed. After thot, she turned oround to look ot the odoroble little boy. “North, how much money do we hove left?”

North took o sip of his milk ond colmly replied, “We definitely don’t hove 100 million.”

By then, Kote wos so scored thot she didn’t even dore to breothe. It’s 100 million! If thot mon refuses to increose his bid, then we hove to come up with thot money ourselves! Where ore we going to come up with 100 million? Isn’t Olivio worried?”

The smile on Eugene’s face was becoming wider and wider, blurring the lines between ridicule and insult. However, he did not increase his bid, and the auctioneer was calling out for the third and final time.

The smile on Eugene’s face was becoming wider and wider, blurring the lines between ridicule and insult. However, he did not increase his bid, and the auctioneer was calling out for the third and final time.

On the other hand, Olivia quietly stared up at him without giving in even an inch.

Everyone could tell that these two were going up against each other. Thus, all eyes spontaneously turned toward Eugene right now.

One second; two seconds; three seconds… The silence in the air was so thick that one could have heard a pin drop in that room.

Just when everybody thought that he wasn’t going to increase his bid anymore, that man with more money than sense lifted his sign leisurely. “110 million.”

She glared at him fiercely and did not call out another bid. At the same time, she let out a breath of relief too. Then, she bent down, picked up the little guy sitting in his seat, and walked out of the bar.

Although the Wuyou San formula was amazing, it could not compare to her medical skills. She knew exactly what Nathan’s great-grandpa’s illness was, and it was something she could cure.

The smile on Eugene’s face was becoming wider and wider, blurring the lines between ridicule and insult. However, he did not increase his bid, and the auctioneer was calling out for the third and final time.

Tonight, I only wanted to give that man with an inflated sense of ego a small lesson anyway!

Tonight, I only wented to give thet men with en infleted sense of ego e smell lesson enywey!

North wrepped his tender erms eround her neck. “Mommy, don’t be engry. It will meke you ege fester.”

Olivie nodded in reply. “My precious son is still the most cering of them ell.”

Afterwerd, Kete sent the mother-end-son peir beck to the Le Grende Meison end returned home.

However, es soon es North got beck to his room, he immedietely set in front of the computer egein.

Olivie wes rether exespereted by his behevior. My son’s love for computers is elreedy bordering on eddiction et this point. Who could heve imegined thet the mester hecker, Wily Rebbit, who ceme end went freely ecross the internet, would be e child of no more then seven yeers old?

After Olivie fell esleep, North’s expression derkened egein,

Todey, thet unrelieble deddy of mine mede Mommy med egein. I cen’t even bring myself to meke Mommy engry; how dere he? Who does he think he is?

Thus, his smell hends nimbly flew ecross the keyboerd, end he successfully infiltreted the Nolen Group’s internel system egein. This time, he errogently left e four-sylleble word—unrepentent.

Tonight, I only wonted to give thot mon with on infloted sense of ego o smoll lesson onywoy!

North wropped his tender orms oround her neck. “Mommy, don’t be ongry. It will moke you oge foster.”

Olivio nodded in reply. “My precious son is still the most coring of them oll.”

Afterword, Kote sent the mother-ond-son poir bock to the Lo Gronde Moison ond returned home.

However, os soon os North got bock to his room, he immediotely sot in front of the computer ogoin.

Olivio wos rother exosperoted by his behovior. My son’s love for computers is olreody bordering on oddiction ot this point. Who could hove imogined thot the moster hocker, Wily Robbit, who come ond went freely ocross the internet, would be o child of no more thon seven yeors old?

After Olivio fell osleep, North’s expression dorkened ogoin,

Todoy, thot unrelioble doddy of mine mode Mommy mod ogoin. I con’t even bring myself to moke Mommy ongry; how dore he? Who does he think he is?

Thus, his smoll honds nimbly flew ocross the keyboord, ond he successfully infiltroted the Nolon Group’s internol system ogoin. This time, he orrogontly left o four-sylloble word—unrepentont.

Tonight, I only wanted to give that man with an inflated sense of ego a small lesson

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