Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 25

My pillow felt so comfortable, I turned to get more comfortable wrapping my hands around the pillow. Now I was cuddling with the pillow, seriously what's wrong with you Shayan? Maybe I'd need to buy a teddy bear or something. The pillow had a scent that filled my nostrils and then the pillow wrapped its hands around me. But my pillow doesn't even have hands, I stood up realising who the pillow was. Kel Adrios was on my bed! "Adrios, get out of my bed," I shouted pushing him.

"For God's sake West, is there anything on the bed?" he said tiredly opening his eyes

"Yes, you. Now get up. "I ordered and he just rolled his eyes before closing them.

I was so hungry, I tried opening the door but it wasn't opened and just took a bath instead. I did all the necessaries and went back to the room to see Kel still sleeping.

"When he'd be texting instead of sleeping. Who knows who he's always texting." I scoffed saying.

I sat on the bed waiting for Evie to come to open the door and when she did I was so grateful.

"Good morning. How was your night?" she greeted smiling.

"It was okay. Yours?" I asked carrying her on the bed.

"Good. It wasn't bad sleeping with him was it?" she asked and I shook my head. It wasn't that bad.

"He's still sleeping, let's wake him up. " she excitedly said jumping on the bed.

"Great. Do your thing and make sure to jump very well." I said and she gladly obeyed.

Kel woke up a few minutes later raking his hands to improve his messy bed hair that was sexy by the way.

"What are you doing here princess?" he asked carrying her.

"Waking you up," she replied.

"Right. I have to get ready for work," he said and I sneezed.

"Good morning West, how was your night?" he asked and I rolled my eyes

"Let's go make breakfast Evie. "I took her hand and went downstairs. I was still very angry at him.

I kept on sneezing while trying to make coffee but just stopped.

"See what happens when you decide to take a nap in the bathtub." Kel mocked walking into the kitchen. He was dressed in a charcoal grey suit ready to go to work, looking good as always.

"Go away... "Sneeze. "Adrios. "I completed

"I'm not going anywhere babe," he smirked saying and I just rolled my eyes.

"Thank God cause I'm hungry." Evie chirped in.

"So let's make breakfast then," Kel said.

They started making breakfast keeping it simple while I just watched.

"Do you want peanut butter on your bread?" Kel asked and Evie made a disgusted face.

"I don't like peanut butter and I'm allergic to it," Evie answered

"Oh. "Kel said. "I'm allergic to it too, we have something in common."

Believe me, you have more than one thing in common. I started a sneezing fit trying to mumble excuse me as I did. Kel came with a blanket and wrapped it around me. "You know you're prone to cold yet you enjoy sleeping in the shower." What's with him and mentioning sleeping in the bathtub. "I'm not going to hear the last of this, am I?" I asked irritated and he shook his head chuckling.

We ate as soon as breakfast was over, I concluded I was going down with something.

"I'm going to the movie room. " Evie announced taking popcorn with her.

"I'm going upstairs. "I said standing up and he pulled me to sit.

"I apologized to you yesterday but I'm not sure you heard it," he said staring at me.

"Okay. Can I go now?" I asked dryly

"Not yet," he answered. "I didn't mean anything I said yesterday."

"Really now Adrios?" I angrily asked.

"I know I wanted to annoy you but not like that."

"Really? So you were expecting me to smile, clap for you or give you an award?" I questioned angrily

"You're so hot-tempered West. I'm trying to apologize here."

"And what will you call yourself? I don't give a damn about your apology Adrios," saying that I went back to my room.

I wasn't feeling too well and just tucked myself to sleep, all the shouting was giving me a headache. There was a knock on the door, slowly I went to open it to see Kel. I was too tired to be angry at him except if he opens his mouth. Why hasn't he even gone to work? "You left your phone downstairs." he handed it to me and I collected it. "Gosh West, your hand."

I looked down at my hands, it was perfectly fine so what's the fuss? His hands went up to my head and he let out a sigh. "You're running temperature."

"Wow, since when did you become a doctor Adrios?" I sarcastically asked.

"Just go rest," he said softly pointing at the bed.

"Well, that's what I was doing before you knocked." I retorted.

I went back to the bed and laid down, Kel still hadn't left the room. What's his deal now?

"You've given me my phone Adrios, what are you still doing here? "I angrily asked after sneezing.

"To look after you, now keep quiet," he said. Keep quiet?

"You can't tell me what to do and I'm not a baby you should take care of. "I said angrily my throat getting dry. He's just making me talk too much. "Well you are my baby," he said softly and I rolled my eyes. Baby indeed.

I sneezed continuously and he gave me a handkerchief that I used. It had the scent of his cologne which was driving my nose crazy in every way possible. "Just rest okay. I don't want you getting worse than you are," he said calmly

"Wow, if I didn't know better I'd say you sound like you care. "I said looking at him in all seriousness. "Just get going to work already, your business needs you."

"I care West and you are my business, I'm not going anywhere." he softly said. Nice try, if he's trying to fool me that he cares, look who's grown now.

"I don't want to see you Adrios, you're making me sicker than I am and I don't need you to take care of me, I can perfectly take care of myself and if you feel like you can't leave me you can call up Linda or someone else, just leave. "I angrily said

"I'm not going anywhere West, you'd have to deal with that, I'm trying to help you here stop being so angry about it."

"You don't get it. I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP. "I spelt out angrily. Now my head was hurting from all the shouting and I desperately needed water.

"I'm not going anywhere no matter how many times you tell me to. " he walked up towards me pulling the blanket around me since I was visibly shaking.

Why was he so persistent? I guess I'd just have to deal with him then.

"Do you have a hoodie somewhere?" he asked and I nodded too tired to speak.

He walked into the closet and came out with a red hoodie, he sat down on the bed and was about wearing it for me when I snatched it from him but he took it back from me. I opened my mouth to argue but he placed his finger on my lips and I don't know if it was because I was catching a cold but his touch had an impact on my lips, it was so warm.

"Shh, just let me take care of you." he softly said moving closer to me to wear the hoodie and I let him too tired to do anything or maybe because I liked his touch. I guess I'd just have to relax and let him take care of me.

"Do you need anything? Water?" he asked and I nodded too tired to speak and he got one for me.

"Do you need anything else?" he asked and I shook my head.

He left and I sighed in relief. I was finally free from him. I laid on the bed pulling the blanket around me. Now, what was I thinking staying in the shower for two hours? I relaxed and found myself sleeping a few minutes later.

I woke up to find Kel next to me. Gosh, I thought he was gone, what was he still doing here? Has he been watching me sleep? This was weird.

"You're awake," he stated, well duh

"I made soup for you," he said and I sneezed.

"I'm not interested in eating." I stubbornly said.

"I didn't ask if you were," he said smirking

He sat close to me, the soup on a tray beside him. "Open up babe."

"Not happening," I answered facing another direction

"I wouldn't mind forcing you," he said gently yet threateningly

"What's your deal? "I asked frustrated.

It was just like when I was trying to get Evie to eat. "Come on, open your mouth. "aaaaaaaaaahhhhh

He ended up feeding me, he didn't even let me eat on my own. It was super awkward when he was feeding me. I ended up finishing the soup even though I acted like I didn't like it. The chicken soup tasted great and it was no surprise since Kel knew how to cook. I fell asleep again and I woke up to Kel having a conversation with someone.

"So what do you prescribe?" he asked

"She has a cold and she's running temperature."

"Okay. I'd get that. Thanks."

He ended the call and turned to look at me. "You're awake now, how do you feel? "

"Better." surprisingly I was and it was because of his help.

He called someone to get the medicine and sat beside me. "You'd be better than this by the end of tomorrow."

"Hopefully," I said and he smiled.

"What do you want to do?" he asked

"Anything aside from sleeping," I answered and he smirked

"Anything?" he asked smirking again. Oh

"Not that," I said laughing hitting his head.

"What was I supposed to think," he asked laughing.

Wait, I was laughing with Adrios and even hit his head. What's happening? But damn it felt like old times.

"Something reasonable," I responded.

"I do reasonable things West," he said smirking

"Do you want to watch Riverdale?" I asked to stop him from speaking further.

"You like it too? I love the show."

"Yeah, it's so nice. I love it." I excitedly said

So we sat down to watch Riverdale till we got to the last episode. I was addicted to the show. It was past midnight I didn't even realise it.

"Did Evie have dinner?" I asked

"Yeah, she's sleeping now. Do you want anything?"

"A sandwich will do," I replied and he nodded before going downstairs.

A few minutes later he came back with plates of sandwiches and we ate while watching another series which I got bored of. I was dozing off before I knew it, my head kept falling to Kel's shoulder and then I'd sit upright, it kept on going on like that and I was like I'm just going to sleep it's not like I'm enjoying the movie.

Kel rested my head on his shoulder and turned to look at me, we were close now and it was kind of uncomfortable. "You don't like the movie?"

"Not really. You can watch whatever you want to, I just want to sleep."

"OK. Goodnight West," he said kissing me on the forehead. I closed my eyes contentedly.

I woke up in the morning to Kel and I cuddling, it was kind of awkward yet nice. He had his hands around my waist as I struggled to break free. He must have taken off his shirt sometime last night cause he was shirtless and it was a beautiful sight with his messy bed hair. This was the perfect time for payback, I'd just push him off the bed. I mean who asked him to lay on the bed anyway. I started pushing him but all to no avail and I sighed in frustration.

"Just stay still," he spoke up with his eyes closed.

"Easy for you to say, let me go Adrios we have work to go to.

"Okay," he said letting go of me. "Go get ready for work then if you're sure you want to."

"I'm sure now get going." I sent him off.

"That's what you're going to say? I took care of you when you were sick."

"So? Do you want a trophy? I don't remember begging you to. Oh wait, that's because I didn't." I'm not going to tell him I'm grateful.

"Still ungrateful af," he said leaving

I sighed as soon as he left. I don't want to start being comfortable with him. I still hate him for what he did. I was surprised yet pleased that he took care of me leaving his job, not everyone does that and the fact that he did was melting my heart and I didn't like that. I can't fall for him again. I started preparing for work although I wasn't feeling too well, I got dressed for work and was taking my medicine when Evie came in.

"Good morning mommy." she greeted running to hug me.

"Evie. How have you been?" I asked excitedly

"Fine. Kel said I couldn't see you because you're sick," she said sadly.

"Yes but I'm better now," I said smiling

"You don't look better. Is he making you work when you're sick?" she questioned unbelievably

"Of course not. Kel is not that bad, he was taking care of me yesterday, I'm the one who insisted on working."

"Why?" she asked as if I was insane

"Because Kel needs to go work."

"Or you don't just want to stay with me." she sounded hurt?

"Evie, how would you think that?" I asked pulling her close to me and sneezing so I had to move back a little.

"It's true. You don't want me, you didn't even tell me you were getting married to Kel. You don't love me, it's just him." she was crying now. How on earth would she think I loved Kel, even more than her?

It broke my heart to see her like this, it just made me feel bad and guilty. "Evie, I love you not Kel or anyone else, just you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Then why don't you want to stay with me. Even my father doesn't want me. If you people knew you didn't want me then why did you give birth to me?" she didn't just ask that.

Her question wounded my heart. She rarely brought up the issue of her father and the time she did I always brushed it off then going to say why did we give birth to her, that was more painful than my break up with Kel and I couldn't stop the tears. I know I didn't exactly want her when I did but I never considered abortion or adoption, I had wanted to keep her. I didn't exactly like getting pregnant at 18 but it gave me Evie and she was the reason why I wanted to live. She is my motivation, the reason why I wanted to make it in life, to take care of her.

"How can you say that?" I asked crying

"Nobody wants me." she was sobbing now and I hugged her stroking her hair.

"I want you, Evie. You're my daughter and I love you. I'm sorry if I've made you think that I don't, I'd make it up to you."

"Then tell me who my father is," she asked looking at me.

"Evie... I... I.."

"Do you even know who he is?" Oh. My. Goodness

"Of course I do. It's just..."

"He doesn't want me." she completed crying.

"Don't say that." I patted her. What was I supposed to tell her? I don't want her to know who her father is yet. It's not like I could tell her your father would fight for you if he knew about you and then she'd hate me for not telling her about her father and not telling her father about her.

"I just want you to stay with me." she cried.

"I'm always going to be here Evie, always. "I said hugging her as we cried.

"You wouldn't leave me as daddy did?"

It was times like this I felt guilty, I felt bad for not telling her father about her. It wasn't that he left, he never knew but I couldn't tell her that.

"I wouldn't. I promise." I said and the tears flowed quicker. I'm such a bad mom.

"Thank you," she said wiping her tears.

Kel walked in and my heart nearly came out from my ribcage. Did he hear that?0000000

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