
: Chapter 2

The past…

“Ms. Farech. Is there a problem?” Mr. Melski asked from the front of the room.

“Yes.” I struggled to keep all the emotion from my voice. “Someone just threw gum in my hair.” I stood and picked up my books. “I’ll see if someone in the office can help.”

His eyes flicked to Penny. The faculty knew. So why in the heck did they let her sit behind me? It was a small school. Because we were in the same grade, we had most of our classes together. Not all, though, because I’d managed to squeak into a few of the advanced ones. Hard classes, but I loved them because she wasn’t there.

I kept my pace even, as I walked out the door.

The secretary, an older woman who yelled at most kids, made a sympathetic noise when I walked in and showed her the gum. I hadn’t touched it much and had walked carefully so it wasn’t too embedded.

“Charlene, why on earth does Penny dislike you so much?” she asked as she worked.

“Because when we were kids, I told her not to hit her mom.” The truth, yet not all of it. Penny was the only one who knew my secret. Never once did I give the rumors she had started any credence. But she and I both knew, I could do what she claimed. I could control people with a thought. I just didn’t let her goad me into doing it openly.

The secretary extracted the gum wad within minutes, only taking a few strands with it.

“Make sure you don’t sit near her at the assembly,” she warned just before I left.

As if I would purposely do so.

I went to the bathroom to check my hair before heading back to class. Hopefully Penny wasn’t chewing more gum in anticipation of my return.

The door opened behind me. Penny’s gaze met mine in the mirror. She wasn’t done with me yet.

“Why?” I asked, turning. “What do you get from doing this? You were never mean when we were little.” She continued to eye me hatefully. I tried again. “We were friends once.”

“Ha!” she barked bitterly. “You were never my friend. You never listened to me.”

I knew exactly what she meant. She’d wanted me to use my ability to make her mom look away, so we could sneak candy when we went to her house. She didn’t understand, as I did, that my ability wasn’t meant for that. Somehow, I’d always known I shouldn’t misuse my power.

“You always asked too much,” I said sadly. “Just let this go.”

“No. At some point, you’ll make a mistake, and I want to be there so everyone knows I was right about you.” She reached out and slapped the books from my arms. They tumbled to the floor.

“All you’re going to prove is how mean you can be,” I said, glancing down at the books. She didn’t answer.

When I bent to pick them up, she pushed me over. I snapped and grabbed hold of her will.

“Stop.” She froze, poised in a half-crouch ready to come after me. I held her still with my will, but I forced nothing else on her. I felt bad enough for holding her as I did.

“I’m really sorry, Penny, but this has gone on long enough. Forget your hate. Remember the friendship we once had.” I picked up my books and stood. “Don’t try to hurt me again.”

I walked out the door, intending to get a good head start before I released her. From behind, I heard her yell through the door.

“I still can’t move!”

Before I rounded the corner, I let go. For the rest of the day, I managed to avoid her. When the teachers released their classes for assembly, I followed the flow of students to the gym. The crowd moved slowly, with the upper classmen claiming the top bleachers. Sophomores, like me, spread out in the middle.

Sitting on the bleachers, surrounded by the entire student body, I looked around warily for Penny. She would hate me even more, now, after our confrontation in the bathroom. I should have made her forget. I just couldn’t bring myself to mess with someone’s head like that. It wasn’t like anyone really believed her anyway. Other than the bullying, she wasn’t a threat to me. I had no justification for taking the extreme measure of robbing her of her memories.

“As some of you know, there have been cases of bullying. This is a serious matter that this school will not take lightly. We have a short film to help educate you on what steps should be taken if you are bullied, or witness bullying.”

The overhead lights dimmed, and a beam of light from the AV room near the top of the gym pierced the gloom. The AV room, a recent addition accessed by a set of stairs outside of the gym, was prized by the faculty as a means to broadcast school news.

A shot of the girl’s bathroom burst onto the white gym wall we used for projection. My mouth popped open as I saw myself walk into the bathroom and go to the mirror. Some students near me started laughing quietly. The faculty, standing on the gym floor, started conferring in whispers as on screen, Penny walked in, and we started talking.

One of the teachers left the gym, presumably to reach the AV room and stop the movie. The lights in the gym turned on as Penny knocked the books out of my hand. No one moved. Everyone stayed focused on the projection. My stomach filled with piercing shards of ice.

“The assembly is over. Return to your last hour class. Those with Physical Education should go to the locker rooms and wait there,” the principal shouted, unable to use his microphone as the PA system had been taken over by my voice. “All you’re going to prove is how mean you can be.”

No one moved. All eyes remained riveted on Penny as she stared at me, and I moved to retrieve the books. I could taste my panic, the flavor disgustingly reminiscent of vomit. Penny had finally succeeded. Everyone would believe her about me.

I closed my eyes as the recording of my voice rang out. “Stop.” A murmuring rose in the gym, loud enough that others started shushing their neighbors as I gave Penny my little speech and then left the bathroom.

Opening my eyes, I caught the angle of the video change as the cameraman climbed off the toilet and opened the stall door to zoom in on Penny’s outraged face. Penny’s words, “I still can’t move,” echoed through the eerily quiet gym. The last image on the wall was of Penny suddenly falling to the floor. The projection shut off.

My face heated unnaturally. Someone next to me whispered to their neighbor, “Holy crap! Penny wasn’t lying.”

I sat up in the bleachers, surrounded by my peers. All eyes turned to me. A side door opened, and a teacher escorted a beaming Penny into the gym. As I stood, I grabbed everyone’s will but hers and planted a seed.

“You just witnessed proof of Penny’s dogged determination to expose something extraordinary. Instead, all she did was paint herself as a bully and show she has an amazing ability to act.”

Releasing their wills, I nudged my way through my stunned classmates. As I moved, I heard things like, “I can’t believe she was so mean,” and, “I would have slapped her face instead of walking out.”

Penny’s smug expression faltered as she noticed the change in everyone. Her mouth dropped open as she stared at me. I walked up to Penny while holding the faculty back with simple wait-and-see thoughts. I stopped just in front of her.

“Whoever you had filming did a wonderful job,” I said. “If you’re this good over a no-name nothing like me, I can only imagine how good you’ll be when you’re reporting on something real. Good luck.”

I walked from the gym with my head high. The sound of whispers faded as I went to my locker and emptied it of everything except the textbooks. It was more than I could jam in my backpack. I stared at the loose papers and various work that still needed to be completed. Then, I threw everything into the trash. I wouldn’t be back.

I picked up my bag, closed the locker, and made my way to the main entrance. Any remaining faculty who moved to question me, I turned away with a thought.

Outside, the air smelled of warm blacktop. Spring was making way for summer.

I stopped on the steps and turned to look back. Despite releasing the wills of everyone in the gym, I continued to sense their threads. They still watched Penny. My throat tightened as I pictured her red, angry face. I’d made a serious enemy of her as a child, one I’d underestimated all these years. Her determination to expose me consumed her, and I considered going back to make her forget everything.

Instead, I walked away.

The trek home didn’t take long. Neither Mom nor Dad was there, yet. I went to my room, set my backpack on the bed, and looked around. Memories of a happy childhood decorated my space. Shells collected from a beach sat next to the barrettes Mom had given me for my last birthday. I touched the little clips. I rarely wore them. I was too old. But she didn’t see me that way. My hand dropped to the first dresser drawer, and I pulled it open. Slowly, I started to remove the essentials I’d need and placed them in the backpack.

Thirty minutes later, Mom came home. I waited for her in the kitchen.

“Hi, sweetheart. How was your day?”

“It didn’t go well, Mom,” I said, grabbing her will. An ache grew in my chest for what I knew I needed to do.

“Oh? Tell me what happened.” She set down the groceries she’d been carrying and looked at me.

“What happened doesn’t matter. I need to leave. And I need you to be okay with that. Don’t look for me. Don’t report me missing.”

She nodded and bent to give me a hug.

“Call me when you can, so I know you’re all right,” she said softly and gave me one last squeeze.

“I’ll try. Tell Dad I love him. I love you both.” I stood and shrugged into my backpack. “And if Penny comes around, let her know I left, and I’m not coming back. Ever.”

The thread of her will changed suddenly. It grew soft and slippery. I fought to maintain my hold.

“Ever?” she said.

The thread seemed to melt away further, and I struggled to ignore how badly I knew I was hurting her.

“Mom, listen to me. Penny knows I’m different, and she’ll do everything she can to get someone to believe her. If I stay, I won’t be safe. I have to leave.” My voice broke on the last word. Regardless, I firmed my hold on her will.

The thread stopped softening as she nodded.

“We love you, too,” she said. Then, she left the kitchen. I could hear her crying.

I released her will, and with nothing more than my backpack, I walked out the door.

As the sun set, I realized my mistake. I hadn’t packed a sleeping bag or blanket. To be fair, neither would have fit in my backpack. Miles separated me from home, and I wasn’t about to go back. Instead, I found a quiet tree in a park, leaned against the trunk, and dozed in the dark.

A few hours later, I woke, shivering. Silence surrounded me. I wrapped my arms around myself and stared up at the stars. I’d stopped asking the universe “why?” a long time ago. The only question I ever asked anymore was “what next?”

When I’d left home, I’d planned to hitch rides and see where they took me. Older kids talked about hitching all the time. It seemed the best way to disappear. But I had no money to feed myself.

As if the universe listened, a man walked past my spot. I quickly stood.

“Excuse me, sir. Would you be able to spare any money?”

When he kept walking, I grabbed his will and repeated my question. I didn’t demand that he help me, only that he consider it.

He stopped moving and turned toward me. He frowned slightly and rubbed his jaw.

“I don’t have much, but I could spare a dollar. Will that help?”

“It would. Thank you,” I said, trying to ignore my guilt. Using my ability for personal gain made me sick. Yet, what other choice did I have? The faster I left town, the safer I would be. If I thought of what I did as self-preservation, it made what I was doing tolerable.

He reached into his wallet and pulled out a dollar. I felt better when I saw it wasn’t his only bill. After thanking him again, I left the park.

Walking kept me warm, so I stayed on the move as the sky lightened. The rising sun heated my back. I continued to speak with people I ran into and forced them to consider helping me.

I managed to collect ten dollars before one man offered something other than money; he offered me a ride to the next town. I gratefully accepted, and we drove west, away from Penny and my parents.

Bud was a mellow fellow who didn’t ask many questions. He still liked to talk, though. He’d woken up that morning and decided he wanted to visit his brother in Canada. So he’d quit his job and gotten in his car. He wasn’t sure if he had enough money to get there, but it didn’t seem to concern him.

The prospect of leaving the States intrigued me, and I asked if I could tag along. He smiled, told me I was good company, and agreed to take me with him. Over the next few days, we made our way north.

At our first stop, just on the other side of the Canadian border, I told him I was ready to travel on my own and thanked him for the ride. I couldn’t take any more of the rank smell from his hand-rolled cigarettes.

With a wave, I walked away from Bud. I’d put enough distance between Penny and me. Yet, every time someone glanced my way, nervousness would grip me. A little voice told me I needed to keep moving and find somewhere to hide until Penny forgot.

Recalling her furious expression, I wondered how long that might take.

I roamed for weeks, begging for food or money and sleeping in the open. The full bloom of summer made my nights more comfortable as did the knit poncho someone had given me. Yet, each sunrise brought less light to my life. How could I keep going like this? I wanted a bed, a shower, and a real meal. More than that, I didn’t want to be alone anymore. I wanted a friend. A kind soul to shelter me from the reality of the scary world I lived in.

Distracted by self-pity, I took a drink from my canteen, stood, and started walking again, paying little attention to the road. I didn’t need to. It was the same with every town. I drifted in, stayed a day—any more than that drew attention to my begging—and drifted out after buying some food. Then, I walked until I came to the next town. Sometimes, it was the same day. Sometimes, it took more than a day. I figured it didn’t really matter as long as I kept moving.

Hours later, the pavement ended and turned into a narrow dirt road. I kept walking. It wasn’t until the sun kissed the treetops that I really looked around. There was nothing but trees and the dirt road on which I stood. No, not true.

A sign stood sentinel in the overgrown ditch. I stared at it, not reading the words but focusing on the numbers. Over one hundred miles separated me from the next town. I turned around and looked back the way I’d come. Nothing but the narrow road and trees. How long had I been walking? How many nights had I slept against a tree?

The leaves rustled in the light breeze as I stood there trying to decide what to do. I didn’t have much food left. The container of water I’d refilled yesterday at a creek beside the road was still fine, though.

With a tired sigh, I kept walking.

Just before dark, I spotted a trail that led away from the road. Waist-high grass covered the breadth of the path. No trees obstructed it, however, and I wondered if it was an old logging trail. Nothing about it seemed welcoming. In fact, dusk had already sent most of the track into shadow. Yet, for some reason, I felt compelled to walk the lane as if the universe were again answering my “what next?” question.

I started forward, parting the grass. The trail seemed never ending, and as I walked, night claimed the sky. Only the soft glow of the moon kept me from wandering around lost.

The trees ended abruptly and revealed a large clearing with several buildings. Excitement and relief filled me. Finally, a bed. Then, as I studied the dark and quiet structures, a sense of abandonment touched me. Moonlight glinted off the broken glass in a few of the windows. Weeds crowded against the walls and surrounded the stubby porch.

The buildings were alone and forgotten, but it didn’t matter. The largest of them appeared to have a solid roof, and that was more than I’d had in weeks.

I waded through the grass and stepped up onto the sagging porch. Thankfully, the boards held my weight. I reached out and pulled the latch on the large door. The panel quietly swung open, and the scents of must and dust drifted out. An abyss waited just inside.

I eased the backpack from my shoulders, and from an outside compartment, I withdrew a lighter. It sparked to life on the first strike and created a pocket of light. It was bright enough to see my way as I stepped over the threshold into a large, empty room.

Weathered boards lined the floor and made up the walls. In a straight horizontal line, a few rusty nails poked from the boards near the door. An obvious place to hang coats. I slowly made my way into the interior, swinging the lighter back and forth to see.

On the far side of the room, I found a hallway. I wandered down its length and watched the spiderwebs that clogged the ceiling disappear as my flame neared.

When I came to a partially closed door, I paused to nudge it open with my foot. It was just an empty room with a broken window. I moved on until I found another door. Each room I found equally disappointed me. There was never a bed, just broken glass and leaves that mingled with the dust on the floors. Yet, the number of rooms amazed me.

When I found a set of stairs, I carefully ascended and continued to check doors until I found a room that still had a whole window. The window afforded a view of the moonlit clearing. The weak light through the window was enough to see by, so I extinguished the lighter and closed the door.

Exhausted from a day of walking, I was ready to sleep, even without the bed I’d hoped for. Using my bag as a pillow, I made myself comfortable on the floor. As I lay in the moonlight, I wondered what I’d found here. Based on what I’d seen outside, the buildings were definitely not new. Yet, they weren’t falling apart either. There were so many rooms, all of varying sizes. I wondered if perhaps this was an old commune or something.

I exhaled slowly and shut my eyes, listening to the night sounds. It didn’t take me long to drift off, but I woke often since the hard floor was more uncomfortable than the ground.

By morning light, I stood with a slow stretch. My spine cracked in several spots, and I felt sore.

Shouldering my pack, I began exploring the rest of the building. The empty rooms seemed never ending. Then, I came to a set of heavy double doors.

I pushed them open and stared at the enormous space I’d discovered. Two old stone fireplaces, blackened by soot and age, were the room’s source of heat. I frowned, thinking back to the rooms I’d checked, and couldn’t recall one outlet or heating vent. How had the people who lived here kept warm in winter?

Along the interior wall to the left of the main doors, a rough counter set with a small stone trough and an old hand pump gave me a good indication of the lifestyle of those who’d once lived here. I stepped into the room and pushed the doors closed behind me. There weren’t as many cobwebs in this room, but just as many leaves littered the floor near the room’s broken window.

I walked over to the pump and started pumping. A loud, metallic groan filled the air; and though I cringed at the noise, I didn’t stop. My arm grew tired by the time any water came out. It ran brown at first, then clear. I scooped a handful and sniffed it. It smelled fine and was cold in my palm. I tried a bit and smiled at the fresh, crisp taste.

As I pulled the water container from my backpack, I heard a distant howl. The sound didn’t scare me. I rather liked it. It meant I wasn’t alone.

I set the container in the sunken trough and started pumping again. Water splashed the top of it, almost knocking it over. I kept the handle moving with one hand and held the container steady with the other. It took a few minutes, but I filled it.

After the handle fell for the last time and the water stopped splashing, I thought I heard something. As I quietly capped the container and slid it into my pack, I listened. Slight noises reached me. Nothing definite. It could have been the building settling; or because of the racket of the pump, I might have drawn the curious attention of whatever had howled.

It didn’t overly concern me. Animals were generally cautious around humans. I slipped my arms through the straps of the backpack.

A noise came from the other side of the double doors. I froze. Perhaps it was a wild critter looking for a nice place to stay, just as I had.

I crossed the large area and pulled the latch of another door I had yet to explore. Sunlight poured through the opening. I stepped outside, gladly leaving whatever it was to roam as it might. The latch fell into place; and a moment later, a loud thud echoed in the empty room. My eyes widened, and I started to back away.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, the faint sound of snuffling carried through the broken window. Something bumped against the other side of the door. I jumped. What was in there? It didn’t sound like a little critter. It sounded big.

A howl filled the air.

Dear God. A coyote or wolf.

I turned and ran.

Glass shattered behind me. I didn’t glance back but pushed myself hard. It didn’t matter. I’d only made it halfway to the path when something struck me from behind. It was solid and heavy and brought me to the ground.

Dry grass and dirt abraded my cheek, and my breath left me at the sudden impact. I tried to get to my hands and knees, but something weighted me down. A growl filled my ear, stopping my attempt. I brought my arms up to cover my head.

The weight on me shifted as another growl, not far away, joined the first. Two of them? I’d been so worried about people discovering me that I’d never thought to worry about animals. They weren’t supposed to act like this. I’d been sleeping under the stars undisturbed for weeks.

The sound of their snarls escalated. Taking a risk, I lifted my head for a peek while I remained cowered on the ground. I saw a furred leg. I shifted a little further, and a large furry head came into view.

One of the creatures stood above me, long legs boxing me in, as another one stalked it, just ten feet away. I lifted my head further, catching the attention of the one circling. Its gaze met mine briefly, and I trembled. Of all the ways I imagined my life ending when I left home, I’d never considered death by wolf attack.

I moved slightly, trying to position myself so I could spring to my feet and run if the opportunity presented itself. My backpack bumped against the beast above me and distracted it. The newcomer lunged forward. The two clashed together, forelegs locked and mouths open. One of them stepped on my lower back, its claws digging through my shirt. As soon as the paw moved, I scrambled away.

Neither noticed me as I struggled to my knees and then my feet. I darted toward the trees, thinking to climb one.

A high-pitched yip sounded behind me followed by silence then the sound of paws thrumming against the dirt. Once again, I was brought down from behind. Only this time, the thing dove for my neck. I grunted as its teeth pierced my skin. I thought of my mom and dad as tears stung my eyes.

The teeth released me, and a tongue swiped the bite. It took me a moment to realize I could move. Why had the creature stopped? With a shaking hand, I touched my neck. It felt tender and bruised. There were four small holes. My fingers came away bloody. My hand shook.

Numbly, I lifted my head and found a wolf sitting on its haunches, watching me. Beyond it, the defeated wolf watched me as well. Their focus and complete stillness terrified me.

Slowly, I lifted myself off the ground into a sitting position. Neither moved. Blood tickled my skin as it trailed down my neck. I ignored the sensation and warily got to my feet. They both studied me.

“It’s okay,” I whispered in a soothing voice. I wasn’t sure if I was talking to them or myself. Tears continued to trickle from my eyes. My heart raced.

“Please don’t attack me again.” My voice caught on the last word.

The second wolf tilted its head. The first one stood, and I choked on air as I jumped back in fear. It stalked forward, crowding close to me. Without a thought, I kicked out. My foot connected solidly with its face. Its teeth clacked together, and the second wolf started to make a chuffing noise as the first one shook its head.

I spun, intending to run. However, I landed face first in the dirt as something hit me from behind again. This time, desperation made me angry. Using my elbow, I hit it in the danglies. The wolf yipped, yowled, and struggled to stay on its feet as it backed off. I sprang up, breathing hard.

The second wolf stood and ran toward me. In a flash, I was on the ground again with another set of teeth piercing my skin.

“Damn it, Jack. She’s mine. I already Claimed her,” a male voice said.

The teeth left my skin, and I twisted in time to see the wolf beside me stand on its hind legs. Its fur retracted into its pale skin, and its legs lengthened. Hands replaced paws, and long ears shortened.

“She didn’t smell Claimed.”

I watched the abnormal mouth form the words yet didn’t believe what I witnessed. I wheezed as I struggled to my feet. Both men watched me.

The world tilted. I stumbled and pressed a hand against my neck. Everything seemed fuzzy. I didn’t think it was due to blood loss, though. It was the two very naked men standing in front of me. Moments ago, they’d been wolves. I was sure of it…wasn’t I?

“She still doesn’t smell Claimed,” the first one said.

“Why is she bleeding so much?” Jack asked, tilting his head at me.

I couldn’t believe he actually asked. “Because you bit me,” I said. “Twice.”

“Roy…I don’t think she’s one of us.” Worry clouded Jack’s features.

One of us. The phrase pinged around in my mind.

Roy lifted his head. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply.

“But she smells so—”

“I know,” Jack said.

I blinked slowly. “This isn’t real.”

“Call an Elder,” Jack said, stepping toward me.

“Don’t touch her,” Roy snarled at Jack.

Jack stopped moving, turned toward Roy, and growled. “She is not yours.”

“I Claimed her first.”

Jack snorted. “There’s no first or second. Either you Claim her or you don’t. And you, my friend, didn’t.”

“Neither did you.”

“I know that!”

Their arguing was making my head hurt as badly as my neck. Before I could tell them to stop, a long howl filled the air. On the far side of the clearing, six wolves stepped through the trees.

More? I couldn’t take more.

“If one more of you tries to bite me…” My words came out slurred.

The lead wolf looked back at his followers then at me. He trotted forward, gave the two men a cursory growl, and stopped in front of me.

My vision tunneled, and I caught a glimpse of the sky before nothing obliterated everything.

I woke to the sound of my own breathing and something squeezing my neck. When I opened my eyes, darkness surrounded me. I coughed and reached to pull away whatever was at my throat. My fingers touched cloth, and I remembered everything. I sat up, beginning to panic.

My world, which I’d already thought insane, was crazier than I realized. Wolves were actually men, and they argued over who had a right to bite me.

Nearby, I heard the rasp of the lighter. An instant later, I squinted against the radiance of the tiny flame and looked away for a moment. I was once again in the room with the whole window.

Glancing back, I saw the glow illuminating a girl’s face. She didn’t look scary; yet, despite her open expression, my heart beat harder once I saw her. Within the tangled mass of her brown hair, her large brown eyes reflected green light back at me. She was one of them.

“My name’s Mary. What’s yours?”

I stared at her, waiting for her to make some kind of move toward me. But she didn’t. She just studied me with open curiosity. I studied her in return. She didn’t look dangerous, just dirty. And she wore one of my shirts. I frowned, remembering how the two men had been naked after they’d changed from wolves. How could any of this be real?

I licked my dry lips and answered her question. “Charlene.”

A storm of growling and snarling broke out in the hall just beyond the door. I shrank away from it. How many were out there?

“Don’t worry. My dad will protect us until the Elder gets here. She is on her way.”

I stared at her as what she said penetrated my stunned mind. Her father was out there. Guarding the door? And someone was coming to help. What was an Elder?

Mary’s eyes continued to reflect at me. It wasn’t the bright reflection of an animal. It was rather dull, and I might have easily overlooked it if not for the flame she held so close to her face.

“What are you?” I finally asked.

She smiled, showing perfectly normal looking teeth, to my relief, lifted her thumb from the lighter, and plunged us back into the black.

“A friend, I hope. Sleep, Charlene. The rest can wait for tomorrow.”

The rest? Of what? And how did she think I could sleep with the racket still going on in the hall? Anger laced the already intimidating growls, punctuated by thumps against the wall. It sounded as if a pack of them were trying to fight their way to the door. Were they really still trying to get to me? I trembled in the dark.

“Why did they attack me?” I asked.

The noise quieted.

“They attacked you?”

“Yes. Didn’t you see my throat?” Perhaps she had arrived after they’d bandaged me.

“Oh. That wasn’t an attack. They were just trying to Claim you.”

“I don’t know what Claiming is, but it sure felt like an attack. Why did they do it?”

“Well…” Her tone conveyed her sudden and extreme discomfort. “It would be better if we waited for the Elder to explain.”

In the dark, I heard her shift her position, but she didn’t say anything more. Her silence annoyed me.

“Fine. They’re going to try again, aren’t they.”

“Yeah. Sorry.”

The fighting in the hall started back up.

I closed my eyes and sighed. “I have to go to the bathroom,” I said, mostly to myself.

“I brought a bucket. Dad doesn’t want us to leave the room.”

A very heavy something hit against the door just then, and I agreed with her father. I didn’t want to leave the room, either.

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