Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter The Night of Chaos: Part 2


. . . Later that night

“Al-ph-a!!” Her screams were getting louder as the night went on, but little did she know, I was far from finished. Her pale naked body glimmered in sweat as I held her tightly against my hips, pulling her in with my arm, feeling every inch of her soft skin. I could tell she inexperienced, her movements were unrhythmic, but lets me honest, I was keeping up this pace.

Her hands clutched the cotton sheets as she tried holding her tiny body up, but the force of my weight kept pushing her closer to the bed. My other hand clasped tightly around her brown hair, like pulling reins of a horse.

The sounds of her moans electrified the air, and all I wanted was to be inside her. She was so WARM; so TIGHT; so WET.

“Too...Much!” She yelled as she struggled to keep her arms balanced on the bed.

The thrill of hearing her screams made my loins tighten. I wanted her to struggle, the thrill was a mere drug, and I was addicted.

I jerked her head all the way to mine; her body only being held by my hand grasping tightly onto her hair. Our bodies were parallel, increasing the pressure of my throbbing erection inside her.

I brought my lips to her ear, “Too much, little Kitten?” I tasted her fear with my tongue, grazing the outer-part of her ear as she let out a gasp.

“No-Alpha-“ I could tell she wanted to say yes, but she was probably too scared to disappoint me.

Bad little Kitten.

“Are you sure?” I gave her one hard thrust in my slowed pace, causing her to moan loudly.

“Do you like your new job Kitten?” I kept my mouth near her ear; deep down I wanted her to tell me the truth. I wanted her to rebel against me.

“Yes Alpha.” She whimpered.

Another lie.

She was beginning to sound like my dead mother, and her voice was a constant reminder of what I would never have. I felt my heart starting to race and my eyes starting to blur; I needed to control myself, but it was too easy to let go.

“You want to keep lying to me whore!? Or do you want to keep going!?” I scowled, tightening my grasp around her body. She continued whimpering as she tried pulling away with her arms, but it was impossible for her to escape my tight grip.

“No, please, no. I’m not lying!”

The more she spoke, the more I heard my mother’s voice echoing in my head, spewing lies. Not just to me, but my father, like he was a piece of garbage; like we were nothing to her.

The stupid whore got what she deserved.

I placed my hand around her neck and started to squeeze. I could hear my mother’s cries and pleas in my head get louder the more I tightened my grip. She was a small mouse, trapped under my claw, squirming to get free, but deep down she knew, it was impossible to escape.

The girl was mumbling; her mouth was moving but there was no voice, my grip was too tight to let her words escape. I was so close to climaxing, any second I was ready to burst.

“That’s enough.” Suddenly another voice erupted from the corner of the room.

I could see her silhouette through the shadows, sitting in the corner chair, observing my every move. Her long slender legs poking out of the darkness, just enough to see her glowing skin.

“Are you kidding me Aria? Are going soft?” I immediately stopped what I was doing and glanced over, with a scowl on my face.

“Well she’s almost completely unconscious Alpha.” She was looking over at Angie’s face. Her eyes were shut, and she was puttering non-sense like she was dreaming in a deep sleep. Her body felt limp in my arms, and I was so high on adrenaline I couldn't help to notice.

“I know you’re Alpha and all, but I can’t keep cleaning up you’re messes. Diana will be curious as to why her little friend is permanently missing from the pack. Don’t you agree?”

“Well, I wouldn’t call them ‘friends,’ but your probably right.” I sighed and released myself from her limp body, allowing her to fall like a rock into the bed.

I took a moment and glanced down at the poor girl, lying face down in the sheets, naked, and covered in sweat; a used toy that I was done with. I sighed in relief when I heard her breathing, because that was the last thing I needed now, was Diana to continue her snooping around. I was caught off guard by her perseverance to make amends with her, but she was too delicious to pass up.

I turned towards Aria, who was still sitting in the corner. Her legs were crossed, and her body casually leaning back in the large, tufted armchair. As I took a couple steps forward, I could see her fiery red hair that waved almost down to her hips, like a sea of fire. My gaze was fixated on her, analyzing each inch of her body like she was a piece of art.

She was still in the same black blouse that caged her large breasts; almost to the point where the buttons were about to burst. Her short black mini skirt was another different look that I was not used to, but they showed off her sexy athletic legs. I felt my eyes tracing her up and down like another delicious meal.

“You will always NEED ME, ALPHA.” She swirled around the ice in the drink that she held in one hand and met my gaze.

“What makes you think I won’t do the same to you little Vixen?” My dominating voice would scare most wolves, but she was something else, she was fearless.

She took another sip of her drink and peered over to Angie, lying on the bed unconscious.

“I will do what I am told, especially for my Alpha.” She smirked.

“How was she?” She pursed her plump lips around the glass, slowly sipping the dark liquid as we maintained our eye contact. She knew exactly how to turn my gears.

“She’s nothing compared to you,” I hovered myself over her, slowly lowering myself to her eye level. Her legs promptly uncrossed, allowing me to wedge myself between them as my arms braced onto the chair. I didn’t want to touch her just yet, I wanted to taste her first.

We were still locked onto each other’s gazes, both focused on bringing our lips closer and closer together. I could feel her warm breath against my face, her soft lips only an inch away from mine. I was bracing for impact, the aromatic smell of her skin sent chills down my spine, and all I desired was a taste before I completely devoured her.

As I brought my lips to hers, I felt a euphoric fire being lit inside me, like jolts of electricity hitting water. Her soft plump lips tasted like cinnamon hearts, and I was a kid in the candy store begging for more.

She pursed her lips open, allowing my tongue to enter and to intertwine with hers; both dancing back and forth in her mouth that tasted sweeter than her lips.

“None of these working Omega girls are good enough to please me like you do, my Vixen.” I began attacking her neck, trailing kisses all the way down towards her chest. Her whole body smelled of roses and cinnamon hearts, and I was at an all you can eat buffet.

“Alpha, keep going.” I felt her hand reach around my head, scrunching into my hair, like she was gripping on a ledge. The sensation on my scalp tingled as her hand pushed me closer to her body. Feeling her controlling my head was actually making my blood boil; I loved her dominance. She was like no one other.

Suddenly I felt a tight grip around my shaft.

“Fuck.” I let out a large sigh.

Her warm hand began stroking back and forth, not too fast, but slow enough. I let out another loud moan as I gripped the collar of her blouse, ripping the buttons completely off, exposing her large plump breasts.

“Dammit, you destroyed my shirt,” She pulled the blouse of her arms and flung it to the ground.

“I’ll buy you as many as you want.” I reach with one hand as I continued gripping the chair, squeezing her breasts.

“Ouch.” I paused momentarily, was she kidding?

She gave a devilish smile as I gave her a serious look. How could I be so foolish? Of course, she was joking.

“You think I would hold back? Even for you?” I squeezed them even harder this time causing her to hiss from the pain, but I could tell she enjoyed it.

“I’m at your mercy.” She sighed.

I felt a sharp pain in my back, and I knew I had to switch spots with her, I was much too tall for this position. I forcefully wrapped my arms around her body, lifting her up effortlessly as I took a seat into the chair. She was caught off guard by the sudden change, but she adapted quickly as her legs straddled me.

I could already smell the arousal coming from between her legs.

“Naughty Alpha, you want to teach me a lesson.” I continued grasping onto her breasts aggressively, squeezing and playing with her protruding nipples, her moans getting louder the harder I squeezed.

I was pleased to see that she was wearing a skirt with no underwear, she knew exactly what was going on tonight. Naughty little vixen.

She grinded on top of me, rubbing my hard cock against her throbbing clit. Her wetness lathering my shaft as I began grazing her entrance, allowing only my tip to enter slightly. She was teasing me, and she knew she could get away with it.

“This time, you teach me a lesson.” I playfully smiled as I released my hands from her breasts and let them dangle off the chair. I was motionless, and at her mercy. Most of the time I was dominating, but this time I wanted to experience something different.

“As you wish Alpha.” As soon as my hands were free from her body, she slowly guided my cock, pulling in and out of her entrance, once again, teasing the shit out of me.

“God damn, you know how to tease.” My hands were shaking, I wanted to grab onto her and force myself in, but I refrained, allowing her to control the tempo.

She bent over, allowing her lips to slightly graze my ear, “You are at my Mercy, Alpha.” She whispered.

Suddenly all my refrain seemed to pay off; she began guiding herself onto my cock. I felt an immediate rush of adrenaline as she thrusted hard against my shaft; her once slow pace was long gone, and now, her more aggressive tendencies were at full force.

I felt like I was in a movie, watching her hips sway as I kept my hands dangling off the chair. I was a spectator, and she was controlling the ride. Her large breasts bouncing only inches from my face, was the cherry on top of the spectacle, and I was so close to finishing.

“Fuck Aria-“My eyes began to roll back as my vision blurred; my head was spinning, and my heart was racing. My legs started to move with her rhythm, to increase the intensity. I never wanted this to end.

I was getting so CLOSE.

Suddenly, her movements completely halted, leaving me bracing on the side of a cliff.

“What do you want?” Aria spoke, I knew she wasn't talking to me, but who?

“What the hell?!” I flickered my eyes open, like waking up from a dream. I glanced up at Aria who was looking the door that was slightly ajar, but there was only blackness on the other side.

“Alpha, a word?” A voice came from the doorway, it sounded like Iris.

I grabbed Aria’s legs and whipped them off of me, almost causing her to fall to the ground, but at least she managed to catch herself.

I cautiously walked to the door that was only a jar open, I knew if it was Iris it must be important.

“What the fuck Iris? What now?!” I said angrily as I clasped open the door.

I was surprised to see Iris in the state he was in, he looked half asleep almost, dark bags were under his eyes and a look of concern covered his face. My senses went into overdrive; I intuitively knew something was wrong.

“The pack house has been breached, possibly by humans.”

My eyes lit up and my heart started to race.

“What do you mean?!” I ran over to the other side of the bedroom, scrambling to find my cell phone by the nightstand. As I gripped the phone, my hands shook in anger; how could this happen? How could I let this happen? We have never been attacked since my father was alive, no one would dare mess with the Crimson pack. How could I be so naïve to leave her there?

I immediately dialed Diana’s number; it rung a few times but no answer.

“SHIT!” I redialed once again, and there was no answer.

“Aria, Iris, gather our top warriors and shift. Get your asses back to our pack and protect Diana at all costs.” I roared. “I’m going to gather the rest of the troops and meet you there, we will deal with this problem.”

“Yes, Alpha” They said in unison.

In a matter of a few seconds Aria left the room with Iris, topless, but it would only be a matter of time until she was in her wolf form. I was confident we would get rid of the intruders; whoever it was had no idea who the hell they were dealing with, but at the same time I was curious as to who it was. The pack house hasn’t been penetrated in decades.

I once again scrambled to dial the phone, but this time to call Adrian’s phone; he was the only one I could trust to protect her. As the phone rang, thoughts of what was happening entered my head. Diana was defenseless, and vulnerable, she was too valuable to me to leave alone. How could I be so stupid?

The urge to get back to Diana grew as I imagined humans killing her, or something much worse, a werewolf taking her from me.

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