Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter The Mystery of Angie Brant

What do you mean she left for her other job? I find it impossible that she is working, for WHAT? Eighteen hours?!” I was questioning a old grey haired lady who was locking up the restaurant. Thankfully Adrian drove me fast enough to catch her before the diner closed for the night.

“I told you Luna, that’s all I know! Now if you please, I’m going home.” She tried walking by me but I stood in her way.

Her wrinkled face was flustered with annoyance, and I was increasingly getting frustrated with her attitude. She obviously didn’t want me to know of Angie’s whereabouts.

“Ok, you know what, you just stand still and I’ll find out for myself.” I smirked. I had a trick up my sleeve, another ‘ability’ no one knew about. I remember using it once, years ago when Adam and I got into a fight. I swore never to use it again, but desperate times comes with desperate measures. I wasn’t even sure it would work, but what did I have to lose?

“What do you mean? I told you the truth, there’s no need!” She crossed her arms and cautiously stepped back, but I managed to reach my hands out fast enough to grab hold of her shoulders.

“Luna!?” She yelled out as we locked eyes.

She was looking at me like she wanted to look away, but she couldn’t, she was trapped in my gaze and there was no escaping. Her body began trembling as she was unable to move, paralyzed like she was frozen in time. The keys in her hand were being clutched so hard that blood starting oozing through her knuckles. I could feel her struggle in my mind, but I refused to let go. She started muttering words, but I couldn’t make out what she was saying.

“Are you ready to tell me what happened?” I asked, still bracing her shoulders.

I could see she was ready to talk by the way she looked at me, her mouth was stuttering and her eyes widened like she was looking at a ghost. As I released my hands from her shoulders she immediately stumbled backwards.

“She-she-she doesn’t have another job. She- left with someone in the middle of her shift.” She stuttered.

“Left with someone? Left with who?” I questioned.

“A woman, she - she - I’m not sure who she was.”

“Can you be more specific?” I asked again. My patience was running thin now, and I slowly stepped towards her, causing her to cower under her arms.

“A red headed woman alright! She threatened me not to tell anyone or she would kill me! I’m sorry Luna, but I have a family! She said it was pack business and that’s all I know I swear! Just please let me go, PLEASE.” She got to her knees begging for mercy. I looked down at her, tears were falling down her face and her pitiful cries could probably be heard through the whole town.

What have I become? This is something Holden would do, was I becoming like him? She was an innocent bystander and now she was begging for her life. I could feel Adrian’s hand pat me on the shoulder, he could sense I was upset.

“Luna let’s go.” He whispered in my ear.

“Go home. No harm will come to you or your family. I give you my word.” I said as I attempted to help her up, but she immediately stumbled back in fear.

“Thank you-but I can help myself up.” She said as she bolted to her feet.

“You did what you had to do Diana. She didn’t listen to you and you are her Luna.” Adrian muttered under his breathe.

We stood by and watched as she scrambled into her car and I was still trying to process what she told me.

Why on earth is Aria escorting the waitress on ‘pack business’? I was so suspicious of Holden, especially now that I know that Aria was involved. Did he take her away because of the incident at our breakfast? Was he that psychotic?

“Diana? What was that? What did you do to her? I’ve never seen so much fear in someone’s face. It was like she saw a ghost.” Adrian scratched his head as he curiously looked at me. Was he scared of me now too?

“Adrian, It’s something I cannot explain... Please don’t tell anyone about this.” I replied.

“Your secret is safe with me Luna.” He gave a small nod as we headed towards the vehicle.

I felt as though Adrian was the only one I could truly trust, given all that has happened today. I could see something in him that a lot of Crimson pack members didn’t have, and that was compassion.

It was already dark out and the street lamps glowed as we approached the car. Considering the town was usually bustling with nightlife, it was relatively quiet. It was an eerie vibe, the desertion and emptiness of the street, like the universe was trying to tell me something. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and I knew I had to confront Holden.

“Adrian, do you know what this means?” I asked.

“I have no clue what is going on Luna, please, enlighten me.”

“Holden killed her.”

Later that evening....

“Why did you do it!?” I yelled out.

I was so done with the games and I wanted answers now. I could practically feel the steam radiating off of my face.

“Did what!?” Holden protested in shock. His eyes went wide as he furrowed his eyebrows.

We continued our walk along the river behind the house, I asked Holden to meet me here after my little investigation. I thought it would be best to talk about this in privacy and without the lurking ears of anyone else in the pack house.

“Angie Brant. Where is she?”

“What are you talking about Diana!?” Was he playing dumb with me?

I needed the truth about Angie, and he had no idea that I knew that she was taken by Aria. I was worried Holden killed her for practically nothing and I was adamant to find out the real story.

“Angie Brant the waitress from this morning, she is missing.” I folded my arms and intensified my gaze. He seemed caught off guard, maybe it was because he was lying to me.

I needed to draw a line, and I now understood why my brother and father warned me about him. He was a murderer. Even if I died finding out the truth, I will get to the bottom of Angie’s whereabouts. It only made sense Holden took her after the little incident in the morning.

“You’re kidding me right now?” He started laughing at me like I was joking around, but I was drop dead serious.

“You think I would kill an innocent girl on her first day of work? Please Diana, I was hoping you would think I was a better Alpha than that.” He shook his head in disproval as we continued our pace further down the river.

The peaceful sounds of crickets and flowing water filled the air, causing me to pause and think for a brief minute about my accusation. Did I make a mistake? I was sure I knew what I was talking about when I left the diner, but for some reason I felt regret. Was I jumping to conclusions?

“Then why did she leave with Aria today?” Deep down I was hoping I was wrong, but I needed to keep my guard up until I figured this out.

“Wait how do you know-? Oh... I see. I’m assuming you went to apologize to her? And for what? For nothing? You are the Luna and she is an Omega!” He started raising his voice, but calmed down to further explain himself, “Diana, do you know why Aria took her?”

I felt like I was supposed to know the answer. I felt like an idiot right now, was I supposed to know why Aria took her?

Holden sighed and continued, “I gave her a BETTER job at the pack house assisting with paperwork for our supply orders Diana. Do you really think I’m a psychopath?” He turned away from me to look out at the river, his hands braced behind his back.

My heart instantly filled with regret and guilt. Was I crazy for accusing my mate of murdering an innocent girl? I wanted to touch him, but I was scared. Was he mad?

“Holden, I’m sorry- I- I- didn’t know what to think. When I thought about Aria taking her away... I thought of the worst. I don’t know what I could do to make this right my love.” I stood behind him while he starred across the flowing river.

“We need to trust each other Diana, how can I love someone who can’t trust me?” His words hit me like a brick wall. It shattered me.

The man in front of me saved me from certain death and has taken me as his Luna. He could have anyone in the world and he chose me. My brother and father were wrong about him and I almost convinced myself it to be true.

“It’s OK Diana. I don’t blame you. You were only trying to do what was right and I should of told you.” He placed his arms around me like a blanket and I embraced him. I felt the tears falling from my face as I held him tight.

“I’m so sorry for judging you Holden, my father and brother filled my head with ideas about you that weren’t true. They probably just wanted to protect me.”

“I just want you to be happy Diana, I come across as a monster, but I’m not.” He held me tightly against him as I sighed with relief.

“Today I thought I wasn’t ready to be a mother I had so many thoughts of what I truly wanted, and honestly I questioned if I even wanted kids, but now I know Holden. Today made me realized that life is too short to hold back, it’s time for me to grow up.”

I felt his hand run through my hair, my eyes shifted upwards to see him looking down at me, smiling.

“So what are you saying?”

I knew that was coming, I was going to have to spell it out for him.

“I want to be a mother.”

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