Twisted Secrets- I Give Birth To A Billionaire’s Babies ( Isabella Halls )

Chapter 24

Chapter Twenty Four: The Difference Love Makes 

Alexander, while keeping Isabella’s previous marriage a secret, shared how the children became a part of their lives and their relationship. Declan nodded in realization. “Ah, I see. You’re really fortunate. But lately, my mom won’t stop urging me to find a girlfriend. I thought she was joking when she said your kids call her ‘Grandma‘, but it turns out it’s true.” 

Alexander affectionately put his arm around Isabella. “It’s quite a twist of fate.” Declan, slightly taken aback by their intimacy, teased him, “Cut out the lovey–dovey act, or I’m out of here.” Isabella warmly invited him. He’s just joking. Come, join us for dinner if you haven’t eaten.” 

“You’re always so kind.” Declan accepted and sat down. Embracing his children, Alexander reflected, You know, my mom does have a point. This feeling is wonderful.Declan, a bit exasperated, thought about his mother’s relentless calls to find a girlfriend. It wasn’t as easy as just deciding to find one. 

Declan watched Alexander, again displaying his family life and cuddling his kid, and couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Sure, he admired that life, but he really loved being on his own. “Why rush things? I’ll just go with the flow.” 

Their conversation flowed smoothly, even as Declan kept up his pace with his meal. He was a champ at multitasking, eating and chatting without missing a beat. “If you don’t look, you won’t find the right one. Maybe it’s time to rethink things.” “Are you trying to sound like my mom now?” Declan laughed. 

Alexander understood Declan’s love for his carefree life. He was always surrounded by women but never seriously involved with anyone. Alexander hoped he could influence Declan to find something more stable, to change his playboy ways. 

You know, there might be some truth to what they say, Trying a new way of living wouldn’t hurt.‘ But Declan wasn’t easily swayed. He knew himself too well – his freedom was what he treasured the most. Alexander finally gave up. “Alright, I won’t nag. You’re too headstrong anyway.” He thought about his own path; he would have been just like Declan had he not met Isabella, in no hurry for a serious relationship. Declan shrugged nonchalantly. “Never thought we’d catch up like this. I’ll make it up to you with a dinner invite once things settle down for me.” “Deal.” Alexander smiled. 

Declan had thoroughly enjoyed his meal at their place, complimenting Isabella’s cooking non–stop. As he was leaving, Declan delighted Miles and Amelia with a surprise he handed each of them a new toy. Their eyes shone with excitement as they eagerly unwrapped them. Meanwhile, Sofia and Isabella were busy tidying up after dinner. Alexander was outside, engaging in playful antics with the 


Sofia glanced at Isabella and teased, “There’s something about being in love, isn’t there? It even makes chores seem enjoyable.” Isabella tried to suppress her grin. “Not at all.” Sofia, with a knowing look, teased further, Oh, I definitely saw that smile.” “You saw nothing.” She hastily exited the kitchen, eager to avoid any more of Sofia’s playful jabs. Isabella walked out to find Alexander and Miles deep in a Rubik’s Cube showdown. Miles had effortlessly solved the mixed–up cube and passed it to Alexander with a playful challenge in his eyes. 

Chapter Twenty Four: The Difference Love Makes 


“Want me to try?” Alexander took the cube from Miles’s expectant hands. He felt a bit rusty, his skills not as sharp as they once were. Amella joined in. “Miles is awesome with the Rubik’s Cube, Can Dad keep up, I wonder?” Alexander felt a spark of competition. He used to be a whiz with the cube as a kid, but it had been ages. 

Spotting his father’s hesitation, Miles asked, Dad, can you solve it?” Alexander was still studying the cube. “I’m just working out the strategy.” Miles nodded. “Yeah, It takes some figuring out. At first, I found it really hard, but now I love it.” “It’s about that feeling of achievement, right?” ” Exactly.” 

Alexander’s fingers finally found their rhythm with the Rubik’s Cube, albeit with a bit of struggle due to its small size. Miles, quick to observe, sprinted upstairs and soon returned with a bigger cube, perfect for his father’s hands. 

“Here, Dad, try this one.” Grateful for the thoughtful gesture, Alexander smiled. “Thanks, buddy. No problem.” After about five minutes, Alexander managed to solve the puzzle, earning some light- hearted teasing from Miles. “Guess Dad isn’t as smart as we thought, huh?” Alexander playfully tousled Miles’s hair. “I guess I’m not as quick as you youngsters. Age does slow down the brain.” 

Miles nodded. “It’s cool you’re honest, Dad.” Isabella sat nearby, silently observing their joyful interaction. Amelia, engrossed in her world of dolls, paid them no mind. Then, Alexander shifted the conversation. “Aren’t they supposed to start preschool this fall?” 

Isabella’s expression changed slightly, revealing a hint of concern. “Yeah, they are. But I’m not sure if we’ll be able to send them just yet.” Alexander’s understanding shone through as he addressed Isabella’s worries. “Getting married might seem soon, but if you’re ready, I am too.” 

Isabella’s heart fluttered with surprise. She had been trying to find a way to discuss this very topic, and here was Alexander, bravely stepping forward. “Is this because you love me? I don’t want the kids to be our only bond.” “Absolutely, I love you.” Alexander held her close. “Your past doesn’t matter to me. It’s about us now. The kids have taken to me, too. We can build a happy life together, if you’re up 

for it. I want to be with you.” 

A playful tone entered Isabella’s voice. “So, is this a proposal?” “Well, not quite.” A grin emerged on Alexander’s face. “I’m planning something more formal, a real surprise. I wasn’t going to say anything yet, but I wanted your thoughts first.” “This is surprising enough. You could have remained the carefree Alexander. But if your feelings are real, I’m ready to say yes. 

With the kids momentarily preoccupied, Alexander leaned in for a tender kiss, whispering just for her ears, “And do you love me?” “I do, Alexander. I really do.” Sofia, catching Alexander and Isabella in a tender moment, feigned distress. “Really, you two? Your lovey–dovey act is a bit too much. I walked in on the whole scene.” 

Alexander responded with a light laugh. “Well, you can always pretend it never happened.” Sofia, playing along, rolled her eyes. “Forget it? I don’t have amnesia, and I certainly can see.” 

Alexander then turned to Isabella with a proposal. “Now that we’re clear about our feelings, why don’t I take you back to my place?” Sofia, half–teasing, half–serious, seemed somewhat relieved. ” 


Chapter Twenty four The Mfference Love Makes 

Please do. The daily dose of romance here is a bit overwhelming for me. 

Isabella mockingly acted wounded. “Are you trying to get rid of me again? What happened to the plan 

of me buying the house next door?” Sofia, ever practical, suggested a different approach. “Why bother buying a house now? Wouldn’t it be wiser to save or invest that money?” “That’s actually a 

good point to consider.” 

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